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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1967, p. 18

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Se i rs ders) sets, hall- lel 6688. > COUNCIL, BOARD URGED TO WORK TOGETHER (EDITOR'S NOTE: City fewer aldermen would be a cided asset to the city, in last article of his five-part reporter Alec Green suggests did review of Oshawa's munici- hall od, exercising . some de- would be to reduce the the can- fective control of th Another more enticing meth- sentation to one per ward, al- ways bearing in mind that ef- city would various boards sions functioning under its aegis. Prune utilities commission; minds, repre- in haps it could take a look at the and the dear old public surprised that Frank Markson commis- the city cut down nicipal financing. doing their homework and I was city had ' through his schoolmaster's rou- tine and explain all about mu- treasurer to go nip in the bud a tendency to government by exhaustion. Con. Frank McCallum intro- duced his drop-in centre report late at night so that it went through with scarcely a mur- REDUCTION IN SIZE OF COUNCIL ADVOCATES the heading of 'any other mat- thing in the public works' gar- New Year May Be Transition From Old Oshawa To New mendations are reached they each section, but I i i n , \ § i get the im- the size of "e not Linke sufficient thought, pression he is so busy doing a bodies renee ae ae rocedural arrangements public relations job maybe he The New Ye n r ybe ar, I think, cause some of the difficulty, be- should pause each and every be a transition period me = cause such items come under day and ask himself if every- old Oshawa to the new pal government.) still be at more or less the same the rambling, leisurely planning "You are the _ decision ; rs? reac j By ALEC GREEN tovel as before board days, but board; find out if the Central © makers," he told them, and it sess oReties pe ger thy tle wks poten den is lovely. FASTER PACE City Hall Reporter 4 pas uced to 11, including the Ontario Joint Planning Board is a good phrase to remember. smouldering Maconteat "Tt waa ed. So perhaps a little re- The work of departmental Faster and faster grows the Vor The Oshawa Times 'our controllers and mayor, in- really needs so many represen- City council's most important Gleave toa. nevaral aides did arrangement of the program heads should speak for itself pace and events of today thumb : ' stead of 13 (the mayor and 12 __tatives round its great big table, -- and essential task in 1968 is to ouliys dap getccti Naas could be obtained wit within reasonable limits and be their noses at. the predictions It is a great pity, without aldermen). (The numbers have been re- build up a really close co-opera- Hoh SoBe een 8 Beniecl was tage . ee ee examined critically and object- of yesterday. The growth fac- something of an upheaval such There have also been sugges- = duced by one recently.) tive linison 'with board of con- 1, even >. A leeaGy: trom ge ively tor was pin-pointed in at least as an Ontario Municipal Board tions of introducing a party sys- It wouldn't do any eee ant trol, not go oh sabotaging them the previous council. Pico: long wrangles are no- Again Con. Margaret Shaw two of the most important capl- enquiry -- or a plebiscite -- and tem, and this might well have it might speed up the. ma- apparently with the aim of ase A reasonable time for discus- oat y cara at the joint so outspoken on other hirings, tal budget presentations just bee all the rest of it, that city coun- = merits, too, with aldermen -- chinery of local government. serting their ultimate authority. sion would have given the pro- aaa gp vats me alii Laide is noticeably quiet when her fore Christmas. cil cannot trim its size -- if it | ranked behind organized fronts. A pattern could be taken from Aldermen must stop sniping posal a better ventilation. much s the yeaa san S0 firefighters want more staff, It is no time for dilly-dally- were willing to. Imagine the advantage of six the police commission headed and realize they are all mem- : Ne ar dh ae ith ne put in for a new eight cylinder ~ Ing; let it not be said that Osh Twelve aldermen, four con- people dealing with an issue by brisk, decisive Judge Alex bers of the same team in city Con. Margaret Shaw ushered cant escape to get on with its car.or want expensive recording --_anete is'. growing, up in spite of trollers and a mayor are too rather than 12, bearing in mind _Hall, who is not afraid to speak _hall for the same purpose -- for in her much debated question- vista Hiaiyag ool pone ne apparatus. Nor did she oppose its leaders rather than 'eeaues many people to have jigging that most of the same issues his mind or stand by his de- better and more progressive BIE On BOSE IN INE RUOUG Nae Vout "ining the proposal to meet their fines of 'them.* : around with the city's affairs. have already been thoroughly cisions government in Oshawa. works department after council =") : and court costs Both g } "a ian the 12 aldermen act chewed over by committees or There are only four of them, Often it has seemed they have rai eee ric wea cx ope Bone yg oe pie I don't doubt this highly effi- city Net uitiee cue cane w ' a" ss y \ r al ° ; ; g ° ping Pe aga rather than a board of control. ee ae quietly accumulated their am- on the clock. Possibly that is and come back the next end'ale cient department needs the ly cbove the panelling as a AC Whe tice the board 6f cone ecg pone wee i ae ce a at diastee Gt munition and fired it off at the why it was ill-advisedly rushed though this may be a laudable equipment, but it all seems a symbol, Gl) wie fomiied: a sinilar " "4 -- ~ , but might Seis walehte Tiutlare at: \bast strategic moment. : off to the public works depart- attitude in some respects it does bit one-sided. Let us hope it will house a idea was put forward and city e enhanced, they get on with it and might Board of control is at fault ment for judgment. not make for good government, Board of control, we hope, be- board of control and council clerk Roy Barrand pointed out There are already indications well be a model for other gov- here, too, let it be admitted -- Maybe that is why the recom- There's nothing like a fresh fore long. will get ite Sohne iar have stopped sparring the difficulties involved. of trends in this direction. erning bodies -- if we must and possibly some of it stems mendation: against payment of mind to tackle important prob- charter, either through bylaw or together present a united The number of aldermen is Education is going regional really have so many. ; back to the lack of definite firefighters' legal costs and -- lems. working agreement with coun 0" geared to the ward system, and the planning director has It's good for giggles but not guidelines. court. costs was overturned I hate to go back to the pub cil. It will then have quite a If A message is sought In this two to a ward in each of six before him a draft of provin- for the city when one or two However, I can't recall one without a voice of protest Ne works squabble but I think backlog to catch up with and friendly. municipal review dedi- wards. One way of reducing the cial proposals to streamline aldermen are not quite clear member of council proposing Frequently so much time has Ald. Bruce Mackey, chairman, perhaps make a re-appraisal of cated with sincerity, it could be number would be to have the planning procedure. what is going on and proceed- that they sit down with board been wasted on relatively minor is just a bit too zealous in act- the way it should go this streamline, tigt up city boundaries redrawn to pro- Meantime, if-council is unwill- ings have to be held up while | ™embers and draw up a com- preliminary matters with pos- ing as defence counsel for the When this is achieved it could and work together as a team vide five wards, giving us 10 ing or unable to do much about it is explained to them mon sense working agreement. sibly 16 people giving voice and department do worse than courageous y And a happy new year to you aldermen. cutting down its own size, per- It might be a question of not Council might also try and by the time important recom- He is conducting reviews of tackle the idea of cutting down , all, ladies and gentlemen 2 sion CULTURAL ACTIVITIE blossomed successfully dur- {ng 1967 and art was in the forefront. The major devel- opment was the establish- ment of the Art Gallery of Oshawa and the donation of an art gallery by Ewart Mc- Laughlin which will be con- structed next year. The art gallery-sponsored paint-in at city hall was also a major success. The Oshawa Sym- phony Orchestra was given a new lease on life with the appointment of conductor ie em Se ists Soe oe Jacob Groob. And the Osh- awa Little Theatre member- ship increased as did public response to its productions. Centennial programs added to the overall cultural activ- ity in the city (Oshawa Times Photo) | 'Amalgamation, Centennial | | Major Whitby Happenings WHITBY (Staff) -- Amalga- mation and centennial are the two action-packed words which best describe 1967 activities in q Whitby. township was without doubt the most historic event affecting the | area but residents had time to Z participate in and enjoy another historical event -- Canada's cen- tennial, and a wide-ranging pro- gram of local celebrations. Highlights of the year, gleaned from news reports in The Times, follow: JANUARY Jan. 3-- Kenneth MacDonald tops separate school board bal- lot. Alfred Wootton named Queen's Counsel. Jan. 7 Carl Mantz an- nounces Whitby Weekly News ' ceases publication. ; Jan. 9 -- Brooklin Township Council appoints committee chairmen. E Jan. 10 -- Mayor Newman -* foresees tax increase of six to eight mills; warns Oshawa not to interfere in amalgamation plans with Whitby Township. Jan. 18 -- Reeve Charles | Healy becomes new Warden for ' Ontario County. Reeve Ross ' Murison loses by one vote. 1g FEBRUARY | 1 Feb. 8 -- Preliminary draw- | ings for new Whitby hospital ap- ' proved. : Feb. 9 -- Mayor Desmond Newman predicts regional gov- ernment within 10 years. Feb. 18 -- Hon. Robert Win- ters opens $500,000 extension to Whitby antenna company. Three mill tax increase approved for . 93 -- Whitby District High School Board reaches q The merger of the town and| agreement with teachers salary talks. MARCH March 7 -- Five hundred workers walk out in wildcat \strike at LASCO steel works, | Whitby. March 14 -- Whitby tax rate jumps eight mills. March 28 -- Two Whitby youngsters, John Porter, 16, and Scott Smith, 13, win Ontario Public Speaking Contest. APRIL April 10 -- One million gallons of gasoline arrives in tanker Willowbranch -- first ship to dock at Whitby in 1967. April 20 -- Dr. C, M. Hoffman appointed MOH for Ontario County. April 24 -- Kathy Kenney crowned Miss Whitby Centen- nial. MAY May 6--Whitby students cele- brate centennial year by plant- ing over 600 tras. May 8--East 'Whitby "dying"' says Whitby Mayor Desmond Newman. ra May 9--East Whitby "very much alive' replies Reeve John Howden. May 16 -- Whitby resident Raymond Hottot rescues couple on fishing trip. May 29--Dedication of new Whitby Baptist church at Rey- nolds and Gilbert Streets. JUNE June 8 -- Dr. Matthew Dy- mond attends graduation din- ner of Ontario Hospital stu- dents. June 19 -- Whitby youth, 17, run over by boat, dies. Louis (Martin Pritchard was compet- injing in international power boat, ministrator racing at Dunville. | get world's largest corrugated steel plate arch bridge. July 7 -- Sod turned 'or new) Presbyterian Church, Whitby July 10 Party of Fifth) Whitby Venturers leave canoe trip to Exp® 67; Oshawa| feels amalgamation "not Jong-| term solution to regional prob-| lem' Ontario Municipal Board's first amalgamation hearing is) told. | July 24 -- OMB approves Whitby amalgamation. July 26 -- Picture of visiting) ship HMCS Nipigon presented to} Mayor Newman. | AUGUST | Aug. 8 -- Tenders invited for} new hospital for Whitby; George) Brooks, Gordon Hanna an-| nounces intention to run in Dec. 9 elections. Aug. 8 -- Mayor Newman de-| scribes three-day County Town| Carnival as '"'tremendous week- end." Frederick Peckover dies as! tractor turns over. | donald-Cartier Freeway crash. SEPTEMBER High School holds first gradua-| tion ceremony. | Aug. 17 -- Whitby farmer,|killed at the site of new Whithy Aug. 23 -- Man dies in Mac-|Smith, 42, Oshawa, Lois Hope, Sept. 11 -- Denis O'Connor | Highway 7, 20 miles north of She Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1967 Politic Major Highlights By DAVID WATTS Of The Times Staff This was the year that Can- ada came of age And this was the year that) ™ation. Oshawa continued to grow and| in the province. It was a year marked by ajhicle stocks complete reversal in the city's|line with current I political leadership and repre-|the automotive market." sentation at Queen's Park and) | gins president of Oshawa and Dis- |trict Labor Council--by accla- Laughlin retires as director of General Motors. é 19--General Motors re- mature as the ninth largest city|tors workers laid off for six call 125 laid-off workers. April 21--Art Gallery backers IN decide to go "public."" April 24 11--Clifford Pilkey be 10th successive year Jan. Jan. 12--10,400 General Mo- |working days--"to bring ve- more. closely demand in Jan. 13--Magistrate Donald April 14--Col a time of waiting to see what|/Dodds sworn in. Twenty-min-|Gy workers in 1967 the new contract people. A year that saw the excit ments of centennial projects and celebrations as well as the thrill/Charies Lynch dies after auto/70 of many new. city projects. accidents. It was a good year. Following is a brief review Of|calls for immediate investiga-| some of the major highlights: |tion of the effects of the auto] .|free trade agreement on car|Prieved -- purchase goes ahead despite lack of $24,000. May 4 -- Albert Walker nom- inated as PC candidate for up- JANUARY Jan. $2,000 blaze at Shop- workers' jobs ping Centre store is blamed on) $2,000. Jan. 9--Mayor Ernest Marks | Separate school opened by the calls on city to give "foremost | Most Rey to the downtown/Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto consideration" area development to prevent a} large-scale problem developing proposes amalga mation of Oshawa and Whitby June 21--Whitby Township to| VON branches. Sept. 15 Wildcat by 400 workers at Sklar furni-/Company $3,574,166 hospital | Oct. 17 -- Conservative Wil-| liam Newman wins Ontario} on| South seat in provincial election¢, with 1,200 vote lead. An amaz-| ing 72 per cent of voters turned out. | Oct. 30 -- It was announced the three school boards of Whit-| by and Whitby Township will merge Jan. 1 to form one school board for the new Town of Whitby. NOVEMBER Nov. 2 Mayor Desmond Newman announces candidacy for mayor's race in new Town of Whitby. Sandra Ann Island, 25, of Whitby, found murdered by jealous friend by coroner's jury. Nov. 9 -- A Downsview father of two saved two Oshawa men from falling piping but gets hit by it himself. Jack McLeod, 37, General Hospital. Nov. 14 -- Richard Thompson 19, of Reach Township and Bon- nie Bonnell, 17, of Prince Albert, killed in a two-car collision on Whitby. | | Nov. 16 -- Industrial land injcreased to 60 miles per hour on| Sept. 12 -- Social services ad-|Whitby to receive peripheral|several county roads. negotiations|ute power black-out hits hospi- with General Motors would bring|tal as generator burns out. for the majority of its work) General Motors is delayed. cash threatens museum Feb. 25--City woman dies in {Macdonald - Cartier Freeway ; Smash Feb. 27 Police, strike pick eters clash at Oshawa Eng neering and Welding Company plant--charges follow ceives new chain of office on north of city. mill tax hike; new civic square big welcome at Jan. 23 City goldsmith S accident. His kidneys are trans-| ber It was a year comparatively | ferred to two other men free of natural disasters or big) FEBRUARY Feb. $--MPP Albert Walker Feb. 6--100-worker lay-off by Francis Marrocco, Feb. 24--$100,000 shortage of |city continue despite March 25--City approves 4.85 Civie Audi- services in seven-phase, $210,000 program. of Claremont is killed north of Whitby when she is-struck by a named to Order of Canada. car. | jelected reeve of new town. April May civic square project; Jan. 19 -- Miss Jean Fetterly,|Potticary nominated former chief city librarian for) candidate 20 years, dies; tion from her MAY airport show; 16 -- "Sam" s, Centennial torium; $4,000 fire hits the Pea- as cock Ltd. lumber yard. April Mc- UAW Local 222 president Albert Taylor prom- jises wage parity for Canadian 25--Tenders called for James Liberal for upcoming elec- April 29 -- Mrs. Helen Young, , drives would-be armed rob- Simcoe Street |south candy store; closure of |137-year-old Centre Church announced, United May 1 ~ Auto Museum fs re- faulty neon light. 4 Jan. 4--General Motors lays| Feb. 13--Three city men and/coming provincial elections. off 50 hourly-rated workers. a man from Ajax die in an|_ May 5 -- $410,000 addition te Jan. 5---Mayor gets 'salary Arlington, Vermont, air crash, | General Motors near comple- | boost to $10,000 a year; con-|$400,000 therapeutic and educa-| ton trollers get $4.500 and alder- nag centre for crippled chit aed tins ~~ pene school 5 k ren opens at 760 Bloor St. E.|board students celebrate cen- men get a $500 pay hike to weap -- Sir Albert Loveltennial year at Civic Auditor- ium with salute to provinces May 11 -- 10,000 watch Golden Centennaires aerobatic team at 100 to close auto teachers threaten to resign from separate schools over salaries. May 14 -- Sod turned for new ; Kingsview. Church. ; May 15 -- Four persons fined, %..... in court on charges in connec- tion with the picketing at Osh awa Engineering and Welding. | Albert Taylor re city Feb. 28--250 General Motors elected president of UAW Local |white collar workers laid off/222; fire brigade tackles fourth lbecause of recession in new- major blaze in three days; first car demand. sports celebrity dinner held. May 17 -- Fireworks blamed) _ MARCH for $10,000 King Street school|* March 1 -- Clashes at Osh- blaze walk-out}2wa Engineering and Welding) May 19 -- Four city youths face arson charges in connection) June} 28--Conference at On-' ture factory strong police turn-out with recent fires in the city. tario"adies' College for Ecu- 5 | March 3---Oshawa Engineer May 30 -- Initial search for menical Institute of Canada OCTOBER ing and Welding Company|two missing men jcloses. Oct.'2 -- Variety nightjagrees to meet union at bar- bodies of Cecil Pearn, 37, and | June 27--Merger talks be- launches Whitby United Appeal.|gaining table for first time Hugh Gorin, 40, were found tween town and township enter' Q¢t, 5 -- Nearly 1,000 school | Since Sept 23 : home stretch. children help Whithy United Ap-|_ March 5 -- Clifford Pilkey ing trip to Lake Simcoe. JULY peal by painting posters. |nominated as NDP candidate JUNE , ea te as .,_,|/for upcoming provincial -- elec- JUNE July 5 -- Whitby councils) Oct, 12 -- Whitby Hospital tigns. June 1 -- Eighty-four city sep- agree on amalgamation board signs contract for a neW| March 9 -- Mayor Marks re- arate ,school teachers submit Ottawa talks on auto pact. June 14 -- Oshawa and Dis- hospital. trict Labor Council slams park-| Sept centennial with gun salute, fire-| CLIFFORD PILKEY was a happy man Oct. 17. It was the day the New Democratic Party candidate. and city trade unionist was elected to the provincial legislature as Oshawa Riding's repre- isit of centennial caravan Aug. 5 -- Youths save Mich- ael Labaj, Donevan Collegiate \student, from drowning in city harbor, Aug. 9 -- Ontario Regiment abandoned, |tanks in road accident. Aug. 11 -- Eighty Jehocah's Witnesses baptised at Carousel later. They had been on a fish- Inn during convention. Aug. 14 -- Radio station an- nouncer Doug Crysdale dies af- ter water skiing accident Aug. 16 -- Nineteen Oshawa high school students win $400 resignations in dispute over sal-/ Ontario scholarships [centennial bushiest beard con- says regional government tennial Parkway plan; separate t study "urgently needed." school board and teachers reach|test during labor's centennial March 21 -- Severe storm wage agreement. ball. causes large power failure in| June 7 -- Mayor Marks leads. Sept. 12 -- Plans revealed for new $12,000,000 wing for city 18 Second annual home show successful. lcomplex gets green light. way shelving. n 9 March 27 -- City separate) Juhe 16 -- Centennial torch Sept 23 -- Proud moment as school board seeks '$350-a-pupil lighted city's centennial project swim fe grants. June 28 -- Pedlar People Ltd.|ming pool and recreation cen- 6° jwins achievement award. tre, opens. : : APRIL | JULY Sept. 25 -- ¢€ aptiinies me : i} 3--Mili y | 4 major campaigns for provincial » April 3--Military tattoo gets aj Tuly 1 Omnawa: celehtates elnctinge, P. P Sept. 26 -- Soil tests start for works and folk festival parade. new city bus terminal. DECEMBER July Dec. 9 -- Ellen Detering, 16,\as bargaining agent. July 7 ---- Col. 5 -- Col. R. S. McLaugh- lin saves auto museum -- do-| nates $25,000; Oshawa Engineer-} ing and Welding reject UAW)™ounts as party leaders an-|and final McLaughlin | July 18 -- City welcomes plan Dec. 11 -- Gordon Hanna Isifor new $2,000,000 Simpson- Dec. 21: -- Speed limits in AUGUST Sears store in shopping centre. Aug. 3 -- Poor crowd sees' sentative. 1967 also saw Ontario riding MP Michael Starr fail in his bid to be come leader of the Conser- vative Party but he gained added stature s interim leader of the Conservative {sees candidat&s thrash out elec-} jtion issues : Oct. 13 -- Liberal leader Rob ert Nixon flies in to back Lib- jeral James Potticary's cam- paign | Two students ar Oct. 16 rested on marijuana charges; |UAW Local. 222 votes for strike action -- if necessary. Oct. 16 -- Two students ai lresied on marijuana charges; UAW Local 222 votes for strick action - if necessary. Oct, 17 -- 'Election day and NDP candidate Clifford Pilkey wins Oshawa Riding city's third anniversary aries; eight charges of fraud.) Aug. 25 -- Fire Chief Ray March 13 -- Roval Bank of totalling $112,000, laid against)mond Hobbs dies. Oct, 19 Population of city anada files $155,000 suit John E. Harris of Oshawa Ac- ' : passes 80,000 mark, it is an- Jagainst city man John &. ceptance Corporation in his ab-| EPTEMBER jnounced | Harris sence. Sept. 2. -- Gordon Davis de Oct. 23 Radio _enthus asi March 14--MPP Albert Walk-| June 6 -- Council rejects Cen- clares winner of Labor Council/speeds rescuers to U.S. sailors in trouble NOVEMBER Nov. 6 -- 540 Oshawa high school students graduate Nov. 7 -- Oshawa board of} education trustees award them selves an honorarium in a 7-5 recorded vote after saying no to it last May; Community Chest over target. Nov. 8 -- Dead man kept in| Riison Road South house for a year by his son. The body of James Bryce, 87, weighed 25 pounds when found Nov. 10 -- Board of Control views plans for proposed art Opposition. There was ne Oshawa municipal election In 1967 but it was the year the f board of control took office became a part of the city's municipal life (Oshawa Times Photo) Nov. 15 Optimist Club of Oshawa honored top high school athletes Nov. 17 Slovak community dedicates renovated hall. Nov. 22 -- George McDonald, four, found critically injured in a rail car at the CNR. tracks after being beaten Nov. 27 --- Terence V. Kelly named "Most Outstanding Young Man' by Ostawa Jay- cees and enters Ontario compe- tition A Nov. 29 Ontario schaol boards to be abolished and or- ganized under county board. Nov. 30-- Four - year - old George McDonald 'dies after brutal beating, Police charge 15-year-old youth in connection with the death. ECEMBER Dec. 4 Terrence Smith, 26, Admiral Road was kliled when a ski-doo he was riding hit a car at Scugog Island Dec. 6 -- Oshawa manufactur- er tells The Times he spoke with John E, Harris, former president of the defunct Oshawa Acceptance Corp. Harris is want- ed for eight charges of fraud and one of theft by conversion involving more than $112,000. Dec. 13 -- General Motors of Canada offers UAW wage parity with "strings attached" in ree turn for parity in work prat- OCTOBER gallery: Oshawa's centennial co- Oct. 5 -- Election fever,ordinating Committee holds 21st/tices. meeting. Dec. 19 -- City. council ap: mounce visits. Nov. 11 -- Police Chief Wal-|proved a $1,500,000 grant to new Oct. 7 -- Premier- John Ro-|ter Johnston protests against|addition of Oshawa General \barts makes whirlwind visit at . station| Hospital | Oct. 10 -- NDP's Donald Mac- jcramped quarters stati land says he needs more civilian Dec. 20 -- General Motors em- Donald makes election-boosting|assistance; Remembrance Day ploys 500 additional men since visit. Oct. 11 -- North Oshawa com- munity centre work starts. Oct. 12 -- Two - hour forum |services held at Memorial Park.) Nov. 13 -- Margaret Brown 82, killed in accident on her iway to church. October Dec, 26.-- Gaylord Powless is chosen "Times Athlete of the Year" by readers.

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