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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1967, p. 2

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BE 'oo By FRANK 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Desomber 30, 1967 ome 7 wr ar i Oe et en he ne See al GOOD By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Staff Writer War in Vietnam and the Middle East, and the threat of Cyprus, dominated the Soviet landing of a scientif- ic package on Venus and the successful U.S. test of Saturn V, the rocket which will carry astronauts to the moon and they reached no substantive agreement on the Middle East or Vietnam, the fact they met at all was welcomed by politi- cal observers. NEWS IN 1967 VASTLY came increasingly divided over the Vietnam war, the fighting escalated despite the call of more than one-third of the 122 members of the UN, any Israel retreat from the vast Arab lands captured, The Arabs, continuing their 20-year state of belligerency, reject such talks on the ty there after 25 were killed by Greek-Cypriots. BOWED TO REALITY In Britain, the Labor gov- ernment finally had to bow to OVERSHADOWED jured and saw more than 16,- 000 arrested. In all, more than 40 cities were affected--com- pared with 30 in 1966--and De- troit had the most costly riot in U.S. history. BY BAD ing of two old political veter- ans--Konrad Adenauer, §&1, former West German chancel- lor, and Lord Attlee, 84, former British Labor prime minister. City Tr If the growth and capital buds of Oshawa' for 1 An indication of then civic fina ada's first year century may agi ever-increasing | War over : the world news picture in back In Geneva, four years of ne- including Canada, for the U.S, grounds they would imply rec- ; t Ir} : 1967 But on the happier side of gotiations came to an end in to stop unconditionally the ognition of Israel as a state the realities of the country's The political convulsions The world also was rocked tain: and exter May when representatives of bombing of North Vietnam. and instead look to the UN to financial situation and cut the within Communist China con- by natural and other disas- Sree Bar cocins tinued as there were reports térs, including an estimated j the 1966 fours In fact, on balance, bad news overshadowed good by a vast margin Britain's shaky economic situation deteriorated notably, the United States had the the coin there was the appar- ently successful heart trans- plant operation in South Af- rica, The diseased heart of Louis- Washkansky, 55, was replaced with that of a 25- many nations agreed to a vast array of tariff cuts and re- moval of some trade restric- tions, Although Canada did not get all it wanted from the FURTHER ESCALATION? The impending departure of Defence Secretary Robert S. McNamara and UN Ambassa- brand Israel the aggressor and call for unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces. The Cyprus crisis in late November again brought Greece and Turkey to the value of the pound to $2.40 from $2.80 U.S.--$2.57 from $3 Canadian. The announcement was linked with an outline of drastic new domestic auster- ity measures, of outright revolt against Chairman Mao Tse-tung's cul- tural revolution in various parts of the country. Peking's relations with 462 persons killed in floods in central Portugal, some 160 killed by a wall of water re- leased by a broken dam in central Java and 51 persons shown in bracket ASSESSMENT fiercest, most extensive sum- year-old woman fatally in- talks, Trade Minister Winters dor Arthur J. Goldberg would i mer of Negro slum violence in jured in a car crash termed the agreement "the remove, in the eyes of many brink of war, until all three It was one of a number of other governments deterio- were killed in the derailment history. and Greece was torn : i teh most important trade pact in observers, the two most parties, mainly through the blows Britain took during rated. Red Guards burned the of an express train in London by the takeover of an extreme SAILED AROUND WORLD this century for Canadians." dove-like members of the cab- efforts of British, U.S. and Ca- 1967, not the least of which Peking office of Britain's in November. In Colombia, a ° right-wing military group and One of the stories that most In royal circles, the Shah of inet and perhaps open the nadian diplomats, finally ac- was the announcement of charge d'affaires and mo- mass poisoning from contami- : Iran, in a burst of Oriental way for further escalation. cepted a peace plan proposed French President de Gaulle lested Russian embassy em- nated bread killed 77 persons. ve . the: ill-fated attempted counter-coup by young King Constantine, who fled into captured the world's imagina- tion was that of Sir Francis Chichester, 65, knighted by the Queen after he had sailed splendor crowned himself in a ceremony delaved for 26 years after he took the throne. An uneasy truce hung over the Middle East in the after- math of Israel's whirlwind by UN Secretary-General U Thant It called for the withdrawal that Britain still does not qualify for the much-desired membership in the European ployees. At the UN, the world organ- ization voted for the 18th time not to seat Communist China. Disaster of a different kind came when the tanker Torrey Canyon, loaded with more Call we eR Per Adet sd oas > exile Renewed fighting broke out more than 28,000 miles around And in London, the 31-year military success against Arab of all Greek and Turkish sol- Common Market. in The Congo with a rebellion the world alone on his yawl boycott of the Duchess of forces in the six-day war in diers in Cyprus above the lim- Added to Britain's woes was In India the Congress party, than 35,000,000 gallons of 'by Katangan and mercenary Gypsy Mo Windsor was ended by the June, its set by the 1960 Cyprus in- the outbreak of foot-and- which has ruled since inde- crude oil, piled onto a reef off troops which lasted eight days _ And President Johnson and Royal Family when the Queen he UN after whining & dependence agreements and a mouth disease, which soon led pendence in 1947, was re- Southwest Rnsland in March. before the mercenaries: were Soviet Premier Kosygin, who invited th2 former Wallis greater role for the UN emer- to the slaughter of well over turned to power although 8 B drives oat was in New York to attend Warfield Simpson, 69, and the ceasefire, finally agreed to gency force on the Mediterra- 300,000 cattle, sheep and pigs Prime Minister Indira Gandhi She broke apart and the oil H pee The violent accidental death the United Nations, met on an Duke of Windsor to attend a send a special envoy to the nean island, which now in- --with the figure climbing saw the party's strength cut leaked into the sea and drifted H Th of U.S. and Soviet astronauts apple tree-lined college cam- ceremony June 7 in memory area to communicate with the cludes almost 900 Canadians. steadily. sharply. to beaches in Britain and 1 , - _Saimoted tax t hed somewhat the glit- pus near Philadelphia in June of Windsor's mother, Queen two sides. Israel, however, Turkey had threatened to In the U.S., at least 84 per- is France, causing widespread i $12,107,315. and will tering new accomplishments n the first U.S.-Soviet summit Mary continued to demand direct invade Cyprus to ensure pro- sons died in summer riots VETERANS DIE damage and killing thousands i tional tax 'revenue fo. in the space field--including session in six years. Although As the American people be- Arab-Israeli talks to negotiate tection for the Turkish minori- that also left some 3,500 in- The year also saw the pass- of seabirds, i lowest assessment incre ' strong indication of the er men 0000128101040 PON NBEO AREAS TEN A engage PE ADELA caer n naan syns RTARTA tee AOP APRA NEE eT LLL | j very little commercial H during 1967 ond the a | noon or evening. Sunday mainly; North Bay ......... -- 10 Kapuskasing eoocce "15 45 to residential constructic A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Feast Da | WEATHER FORECAST cloudy with chance of some|Sudbury . - 10 | White River -20 5 ; However, the physicc a light snow in the Spain a bseinae . 5 7 Lege seeeenees | 5 196] in terms of taxal Sunny periods in the afternoon|Sault Ste. } -- IMMINS +++6 ew for greater than most o and turning colder. Winds light. BiSRY me ° demonstrated in the fol Toronto Mayor Suggests Masses Set Cloudy. Snowélurries gesitin ee Forecast Temperatures ved Low tonight, High Sunday Roman Catholics in Oshawa Cl Late S d - , TAXABLE ASSE e o,e : Sic will not be obliged to celebrate e€aring un ay Windsor ..... oe Your PERCENTAGE 1] I 11 lI lg 1Ze ] 1es mass on the feast day of the St. Thomas . 15 22 | INCREASE Epiphany, Jan. 6 as customary, TORONTO (CP) -- Official|Georgian Bay, Timagami, Coch- London ... 12 20 ARCH F SINCE 1961 YEAR ves Hugi but many will probably go to forecasts issued at 5:30.a.m.: rane, White River: Light snow, | Kitchener 12 20 MON M N 1961 FP > gg te on the et f : bie | Drums Welcome church anyway. Synopsis: A new thrust of cold|Cclearing this afternoon. Varia- Mount Forest .. 10 18 S OW ou te ee Fn WATTS ' a I. Ivory AP Father John Markle of St. weather 4 outhward be-| ble cloudiness and a few snow-| Wingham ... 10 18 can h P oronto, Mayor William Den ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) |. : : weather moving southwa ou taf s g 15 49, bo said Friday in an interview -- U.S. Vice-President Hubert Gregory the Great Romanihind a_ storm. centred over| flurries Sunday. Turning colder Hamilton ... 15 22 26 2% oe Ga a Batealo" NcY. television '|H. Humphrey landed today to| Catholic Church said the dis-/northern Ontario early today|this afternoon. Winds southerly |St. Catharines . 150 ae we 34.7% 1966 broadcast ithe sound of drums at the start) pensation was granted because now appears to be slowing down! 15 becoming light tonight. Toronto ..... . 15 22 HOW to save money and protect R.A. Slaney C.LU, 40.17% 1967 "We can't continue to let cit- of a 12-day tour of Africa ' hristmas and New Year S/and is not likely to reach south-| Ottawa: Variable cloudiness| Peterborough ....... 5 18 your family at the same time. nt es ; jes grow to 7,000,000 or 8,000,000 He is to represent President Days fall this year on days im-'ern Ontario until late today or!today with a few flurries later Kingsto 10 18 : ie oy ripen ald ulation and expect them to Johnson at the inauguration of! mediately following Sunday. early Sunday. This development| : , pepe 4008 HOW to provide a fund to ensure largest city in the provin plea : ; | ; "As Christmas and Newiics expected t lightly |(04@Y and tonight. Sunny pe-|Trenton .. 15 22 Persons or 3.76 per cent be well ized President William Tubman of ,,. 11 - ; 48 expected to result in slightly] ; : j bas that--no matter what happens-- crease since 1962. Th Metropolitan Toronto's pl |Liberia next Monday and Tues-| ears fall on Mondays this) milder temperatures in south-|Tiods and turning colder on Sun- Killaloe ... 15 ; ; e 1962. The wee > Se Lai oe By va et a next Monday a u year, members of the parish are/orn Ontario today 'and colder day Winds light Muskoka . eat 15 | your children will have the er cent and is averagir i sed 850, ay zoing t -hurch as often as «, i AR vs < . st ics as pla: . 2 he current trend contin from 224,000 since 1900. By 1980 Bong tO ie eek.' 'said. Father! Weather again Sunday. Montreal: Variable cloudiness | Bape tunity to 1eni)se the by 1972. The following M 0 il aye pgp Peace March Markle I Terai, Hamitton, Windsor, with a few flurries this after-| ambitions you have for them. ennual populatién increc Mr. Dennison said open spac BUFFALO. N.Y. (AP) -- A\_ St. Gregory's Church will hold|ondon, Lake St. Clair, Lake|------------------ - \ between Toronto and_ satellite sain Ah Heat monstrators|fewer masses Jan. 6 than. on|=rie, Lake Huron, Niagara, HOW to make sure that your POPULA Hae whould: be maintained for group of peace demon ors/ fe r Take "Ontavi yee y TK hia ait ag cee ' lmarched across the Peace other feast days but will hold) Lake Ontario, southern Geor- Ow WORLD TRADITION family will always have a home to PERCENTAGE farm la: eae : : \Bridge connecting Buffalo with more than on regular days gian Bay, Haliburton: Mostly C. C. Parker call their own INCREASE Log mayor seid egg cies Canada Friday carryir 50 Catholics can hear mass at Cloudy with occasional snowflur- District Mgr. and g SINCE 1961 YEAR setts e " si ae "Tore 'a packages destined for North and St. Gregory's at four different|Ti@s today and early Sunday, 1961 oe ed nics Orillia "e eae South Vietnam. But Canadian|times on the holy day of the clearing Sunday afternoon. A 2.76% 1962 name 4B saphafe 5 cane anit officials refused to allow them|/Epiphany and twice on any little milder today, colder again 6.72% 1963 eter Brampton. ito take the packages through other day Sunday. tea southwesterly 2 aby see eplying to questions from customs Despite the exemption, Roman near 15 today light tonight and tne ms watching er ; "atholi . re S J : 26.02% 1966 rr ek tee cee ae sue They were permitted, how- Catholics are being urged to Sunday. : | 30.76% 1967 r. seg Je n ar MAYOR DENNISON ever. to take approximately, hear mass. Archbishop Philip) Sault Ste: Marie, Algoma re- } An analysis of the por slums in Toronto : ...No slums in Toronto $3,000 in cash, also earmarked Pocock, of the archdiocese of gion: Variable cloudiness with } | 1966 for the 15 largest I never refer to Toronto': for the Asian country, into Can- Toronto, said to "attend ie pgs snowflurries today | City of Oshowa has exp poor housing areas as slums."' iva' ' adn tarily is more meritorious than and -Sunday, turning colder. | 1 lowers John population growth. The po Forged Millionaire to go when decreed by the Winds northwesterly near 15. aud Norm P Telford palities whose population Stolen Securities RICHMOND, B.C. (CP) Right To Strike Chureh North Bay, Sudbury, northern By LONDON we er (aiTED RADIO DISPATCHED THE MONARCH LIFE "5 -- -- a dotinecnsnernte eneeriirmipaiantsit 2 MaRS z ONDOm * ONTARIO £ NEW YORK (AP) -- A realty William Greene, 41, of Seattle. aoponto (cp) Toronto: DX == DM DM = DX canada ; MAJOR CITIES POP somneny mplares was goa ee scaee 1 school teachers at the On { ' MOTOR CITY ASSURANCE COMPANY CITY * y a federa] grand jury Friday : e een o Secondary School Teach BE WISE: ' ' | se ea cheques worth more than $5 OF Scones . | Toronte (Metro) Sh a ie a a ssl catia ply Pec $ ECONOMIZE! $ DIXON'S CAB i. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE-- PHONE 725-6588 + Ottawa : in securiti ! withdrew a request for the rig | ( i a aks gies asin alee Was sentenced is wi i - a request for the right i HEAT WITH OIL 9 PRINCE STREET Conor "were allegedly stolen" by two jail terms of two years concur Robert Be sley resident ¢ ¢ .OIL arr nm ow AT NETS AENEAN SNE TTT Windsor young women later found slain ee DANE lacs St. Cath rent for possession of an offen- pf 9 900- ~atnarines in Hollywood, Fla. gigiaks of the 2,000-member Toronto 313 ALBERT ST. Kitchener A twocount indictment sive weapon and one-year con district, said it had been put oY peal . Sudbury charged that Spiro Williams|current for having an unregis- ¢ ory 'li his week x Oshowa Helikas, 69, of Manhattan, sold/tered firearm. adden eee a tbe FUEL AGU SERIES Soult Ste. Marle more than $54,000 worth of Police arrested Greene Dec. yh wang OIL 723-4663 Brantford stocks stolen Nov. 16 from a Los|17 after they seized forged Yate discussions The request $ Niagara Falls Angeles brokerage house. He|cheques made out in a Seattle| was withdrawn after it had been Phone 668-3341 SERVING OSHAWA OVER hla sah é was arrested Wednesday by the firm's name, The largest was referred to committee for consi- -- 50 YEARS Sarsia i FBI. : |for $860,000. \deration. IDX -- DK = DA == DX | ; ates t ss zi Die Steere eae nist fap SERRE ar seh eon ye ON aemeen _ The following Is @ bre estimoted to the end of EXEMP' ASSESSM LAND 6,949,3 Beige 27,229,3 ESTIMATE TO END OF ° TOTALS 34,178,6' COMING AND GOINE¢ OKLAHOMA CITY (AI Highway Patrolman G. FE gan halted a car he saic travelling 85 miles an ho the Turner Turnpike. The day, Duggan reporte stopped the same motorist in the opposite direction- at a speed of 85. "Do you all the time?" the chag driver asked Duggan. VIOLATIONS INCREAS Arrests for draft law tions increased more thai per cent in eastern Penns nia year. ViC TANNY'S The World' s Largest and Finest Chain of:Health Clubs Ain% SAVINGS ACCOUNTS (6) verte 4% cuequine PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 Farewell to all the joys and disappointments of this past year. May this New Year bring to you health, happiness and pros- perity. We hope to see you soon ! VIC TANNY'S Gry and, Health, S pais Don't be Disappointed...Call Today! 23 King St. W., Bowmenyille 623-2527 OSHAWA PHONE 723-8171 ,cameuser moron iy CrAKEKLNXERTKV ea LTD. OF suavice TORONTO, OSHAWA, LONDON, HAMILTON, ST. CATHARINES, OAKVILLE, KITCHENER, WINDSOR, OTTAWA, MONTREAL. AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA CLUBS OPENING SOON IN BURLINGTON, SUDBURY, KINGSTON, QUEBEC, ST. JOHN'S. 600 KING EAST. PHONE 723-5278

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