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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Dec 1967, p. 6

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1 not 4 to de-| blessing, that there sha & B OSHAWA TIMES, Soturde fetember 30, 1967 be parently it was not, for the Lord] Malachi told them no! Bod SS hat eee eee : | eee ee wie lattes va 7 prenigroagaite of| it, Malachi 3:10. : i i saic law, for, ne hi ' oe - threefold promise. When the | Mosaic ay, et pa cd Ss a Man Has Dual Obligation iis ieiree i Belek en's poh mage (oy New Bo g |to them, pouring blessings from Him. They sah we Fo cae ae published jheaven upon them, He would) peculiar treasure, y destroy 59 insects or diseases tected by His great mercy. He their own supplement to the of- Area RC. Churches Mark To God And His Fell ; the insects or diseasesjtected by His great mers, OT heir own Supplement one cape: | nN that were ruining their crops) W! : ;|ficia hig ) ' y er | > would come whenjand pardon their misdeeds, and) cially for women, Advice in- Oo Oo 1s e owmen»n op a no Mba! the, world|when they return to Him they Cludes warnings to drivers who them blessed andjwill be given spiritual discern-| jj multaneously drive and win- TORONTO -- Fy V f Pray er For Peace By R. H, RAMSEY they made imperfect and un-jselves through a return to Would call ; ¢ 'i } ) . as his tal |; she ig : ment enabling them, in thel\ygw-shop; wear high-heele: and guidance for The concluding lesson of this) worthy sacrifices. obedience. He ordered a tenth) happy. white light of judgment, to see|.joos or tight skirts; pay more the subject of nurs ; uarter concerns 'the steward-/ And th .(of their wheat, of their flocks, of| Still there were those who ' oe : : 4 At the request of Pope Paul,Isaiah, will be: "Rejoice yet,Church, Harmony Unite dlohip of life and man's dual obli- mache yorent Wels thie ssopennaas it eae to} , lained that God did not| {he sinfylness of sin and the attention to the children han svallabie in a new the Roman Catholic churches in|with Jerusalem, and be glad| Church and the Salvation Army|cation, to God and his fellow-|they could not mend their Dele Aa ibaa imme bar ne rele complained | 3 ' |worth of true righteousness. |the road, or chatter too much. ¥, entitled 'The Oshawa, in common with those|with her, all ye that love her.|Citadel. imen, It is especially apropos|They were impoverished by His|that they recognized His love|"'° for His servants, that | GOLDEN TEXT Komen ee eet Waar Children ' throughout the world, will ob-| . . . For thus saith the Lord,| lcoming at the end of the yearjcurse and so could not afford to for them. was futile to serve the Lor "Bri : fe all the 'tithes into | INDIAN LETTERS Mi a * just publis serve New Year's Day as_a/Behold, I will extend peace to) Baptismal Service when, traditionally, men begin|pay the tithes God demanded God's rebuke to the PRETTY ioangotr aed ie ite Bnet the ae that there Sequoia trees are named after ican ie" jot P Day of Prayer for Peace. Thejher like a river, and the glory! q -ing their New Year's re- Sophie 2 i . out of it, whi se W . . eh é ' lag Jeg ' in leey in their' dermibns. WIUIOE the Gonliles ike & newine|: A feature of the 11 a.m. Che rere ga it rove a cad |i Bring in their tithes and offer-|failure to present tithes and of-|nored His law and failed to} may be meat in mine house ithe Cherokee chief, Sequo-Yah, tian education dire: make special reference to the/stream." jice this Sunday at Centennial) ortunity to evaluate our re-|qoq' Malachi thundered, and) ferings should have been enough|serve Him seemed to get along) and prove le nit here witi {who completed the first alpha- and women's grou dae and its ais. The day. has |United Church will be the bap-|0FP" God's gitt of salvation | 2° would send the abundance|to convict them of their short-|just as well and, in many cases,| said the Lord of hosts, if I wi ised for an Indian to Olive D. Sparii bens Gecignated as a "Day of| S ial S k jtismal service conducted bye nie A seni Jove in| Mey lacked and longed for, God|comings and bring forth a re-|became wealthy and lived luxu-| not open you the windows of |bet ever devise for children's w Piste" eae pecial speaker |Rey. Dr. George Minielly. Christ ' jwanted them to renew them-|solve to change their ways. Ap-|riously. | heaven, and pour you out a tongve._ Cpoeeesenne chureh's Board | ; | Rev. Dr. D. H. Woodhouse} | Salvation is a gift of God. By ---------- Education and au Christian Unit will be the speaker at the 11) Guest Mediums outselves we can neither create book. Y a.m. service in St. Andrew's) + pisos and Mrs. Fitton will nor achieve it. It is God's re- Volunteers fron The week of Jan, 18 to 25 United Church. Ibe ie guest mediums at this ward for man's meeting His re- po Mose and su will be observed as.a week of lSunday's service of the United | quirements and He gives it only hing a er on Stapleford, directo Nurseries Branch, of Social and Far for the Province o an introduction to "Whether or not able to carry out grams itself, it c contribution by mi lie opinion in a ci look at what is | young children and HEA prayer for Christian Unity. The Special Services |Spiritualist Church of Ontario. | when we have so arranged our| pe ye poor gl The special speaker at the 11| lives that we are prepared to lnm ; . . # 7 i in! receive it. ice in St. Michael's Cathedral, |#-™- and 7 p.m. services 1 ; ae os "; eiCalvary Baptist Church this In contrast to other Biblical ag ggg sire daar scat | will be Rev. H. Rowe of Special Program | prophets, Malachi ministered to ie arenen. Vat urch}¢ingapore, A Watchnight Serv-|,, Mr. and Mrs. Cordell Dar- . people neither threatened by Cc | [= \ will preside and Bishop Snell, ; ling, who. have been appointed | +, -cion inv smahau hat 3 . apd ": invaders nor gri€ving in the Anglican Bishop of Toronto, ice will commence at 8.15 p.m missionaries to Brazil, will fea- abet captivity Though ae will deliver the address. ture the special program to be ati ost Tat i | gram to Pe \had returned to their homeland, | New Members presented at the New Year's! ac a time of great anxiety | Mark Long Service New members will be re- Eve Service, Sunday evening, (4, they found life there quite inre To mark his 36 years as/ceived at the 11 a.m. service in the Christian and Mis- | Gifferent from what they had organist and choirmaster of this Sunday in Kingsview Unit- sionary Alliance Church. been led to believe. ] Simcoe Street United Church ed Church, r a They had suffered from Reginald G. Geen was honored 2 . Special Music drought and plagues of locusts, G Watchnight Services The Oshawa. Barbershop the priests had become careless | , j following the morning service al and sacrifices were being neg- WHEN WILL THE FIRST BABY OF 1968 | 'ty last Sunday. On behalf of the Watchnight Services will be|Chorus will present spec 5 congregation Harvey Moyer, at held Sunday eveming at the music at the Sunday serv ected." Religion was _ perfunc- the conclusion of the service, Erie Street. Free Methodist in Maple Grove United Church. tory, the outward observance of ARRIVE? The presented Mr. Geen with The Chureh, Emmanuel Baptist ritual without inward repent- Back to the National Film Board book $$ --_ ance and devotion. Skepticism "Canada -- A Year of the a Accepts Call sapped their morality and was Coe Broadce Land:" Ch h G t ev. N. G. Siblock, pastor of teaching them to livé only for ' yt a i . : DAILY The book bore the inscrip- urc ran s A pre Ser Pentecoeta) themselves, rather than for God The winner of the Whitby Merchants Ist Baby Con- te Mon. te | tion: "Presented by the con- . . jChurch for 13 years, has ac-jand their fellows, They mur- test will be the first b j : : ; gregation to Reginald G. Geen Dispensation cepted an invitation to become mured against God, questioning be the first aby born in 1968 in either the 9:30 - 10:0 LTCM, FRCC (Hon Causa) with the pastor of the First Ukrain-|His providence and power. No Oshawa General Hospital or the Ajax-Pickering gratitude in our hearts for his) Roman Catholics in the Arch-/12" Assembly of God in New longer guilty of worshipping : ae ig many years of dedicated serv- diocese of Toronto have been|\°'k City. Mr. Siblock, who idols, they were in danger of be General Hospital, to parents residing in the Town ice as organist and choir-|eycysed from the obligation of) "4S ordained in Toronto in coming slaves of the flesh. ' master." hearing mass on Epiphany,|!%4. !s looking forward to his At the root of all this, as Ma- of Whitby. . Jan. 6. : ital er ibe, gtd Dh ork jachi saw it, was the weak reli- Special Mass The dispensations, whieh gurmet ocated in a hippie gious life and dim spiritual vi- The parents of the winner may collect their prizes 1350 RA A special New Year's Eve|Were @ decision of the bishops) ae _ sion of the people. He reproved : : : ; t the delinquencies of both priests by calling the merchants which are participating in Mass will be held at St. Mary of Canada, were announced to , 'athnti and people and called them to the People R n Catholic|2rea Roman Catholics in a of | asic oar ae ka letter this week. ervice ar S repentance and warned them the advertisement, day. The mass will be preced- Epiphany, or little Christ- not to offer gifts to God without : ? first offering themselves. God, @d by dance i h arish| mas. as it used to be 'known, f hall eo Ue tie the celebration of the mani-| entenary ose the perfect and unchangeable, Supper will be served fol-', : Me had measured His children = ST. GEOR ANGLICAN ¢ Bagot and Cer The Rev. Canon F. G. lowing the mass. estation to the Gentiles of : : : 8 ' Christ's incarnation. Prior to, COLUMBUS -- Fast Whitby against His own perfection and Rector : . the decision, Roman Catholics|Township will bring its cele-|found them wanting. A messen ' The Rev. R. G. Bre Communion Service iave been required to hear a|bration of Canada's centennial/ger would come, bringing swift 8 soe lies Aeiatant The congregation of First mass on Epiphany. to a close Sunday night with alwitness against all transgres est snes ; We extend SUNDAY, DECEM Baptist Church will hold a\ Msgr. Paul Dwyer of st,| Watchnight Service in the Unit- sors of His law. . : Services Watchnight Service at 9.30 p.m. Gregory's Church _ explained ed Church, Malachi contended that the . ' . : our heartiest 9:00 A.M.--11 tomorrow. Following the serv- t the decision was made! The service will be preceded| people had robbed the Lord; to Whith § First : raslrae {ee a communion seryice will Primarily because at this sea-|by a social in the renovated|they had broken the covenant; Congratulations SE Lol be held and a buffet supper will|S0n especially, the holy days township hall at 8.30 p.m. Re- aE SRT RE b, aah hes 7) to the First HOLY COMMUNION ~ be served. are grouped so closely togeth-'freshments will be served /Mungham, of St. Gertrude's er, Previously, Roman Catho-| Taking part in the service.|Roman Catholic Church, Osh- Baby of Baby of 1968, eH = li vould have been required ¢ i lle Bas t Christian nES NYE q commencing at 11.15 p.m., will|awa and Rev. Kenneth Deer, "Christian n Science se to --_ wear ur ey a be Rey. E. A. Barnes, pastor,pastor of Kedron United HARMONY ; oe _ beiseven days -- sunday, Dec. 4 sjof Columbus United Church; | Church. Be, schiani...at _ Sunday S\Jan. 1, Jan. 6 and Jan x § the Venerable Archdeacon, The combined choirs of the and the proud Phacch ae "a a the First) Many other Canadian diocese|H. D. Cleverdon, rector of;Columbus, Raglan and Kedron arents BAPTIST Cl cain The a ist es i hide Osh |have already 'taken a similar;\Christ Memorial Anglican|United Churches will provide P n ideal. 5 Harmony Roed $. et olden Text, fromistep. |Church, Oshawa; Rev. Gerald' special music We are proud to present a Gift Certificate to the parents Beptist Cenvention ef : = = wane Rev. E. K. Smith, | ee -- : of a pair of Bonnie Stuart Toddlers--Baby's first. walk- ing shoes. (Available in 5 widths, "B' to EE'). They We will present to the winner's parents an 9:45 A.M.--Chur will be fitted when the baby is ready to walk. APPROPRIATE GIFT from our store. Clavees. for ry OUR PREDICTION -- BOY --6 Ibs., 8 ozs. yoo Nps 7:00 P.M.-- DOING | N : : ! iuosey 75h COLLINS SHOES OONE'S CORNER HOUSE were Te THICKSON'S RD HWY, 2 728-0545 119 BROCK ST. S. $68-3476 WHITBY 1160 KING ST. W. UNITED SPIRI ae CHURCH OF ( Orange Ter j Bruce St., O: ongrafulations FLOWERS 'Unto } ' . SUNDAY, DEC fo Whitby's 1st to Delight Her apie HEALING and We will give a _ beautiful SERVICE Baby of 1968 arrangement of flowers to the 7:00 P.A : SER A suitable gift compliment will mother of the First Whitby pment be given to the parents of Baby Born in 1968. Mr. J. Brigg Mrs. Fitt Whitby's first baby of 1968. OUR GUESS -- GIRL 6 Ibs., 814 ozs. ALL WELC( JURY & LOVELL LIMITED aia amid Zin Ch Reformed Our Prediction: GIRL, 7 Ibs. 3 ozs. "Your Rexall' Drug Store 668-3334 409 Adelaide BEST WISHES FOR 1968 Brock St. S, Whitby Minister 317 Brock St. S. 668-3394 A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL apenas 10:00 A. MORNING W' Nurtery Care P Best Wishes wine ie Radio Ministry Chr. TO WHITBY'S (CKLR) Back UP as Sundoy ot Churches (every othe FIRST BABY 11:00 @.m,). OF 1968 . Evan Best Wishes fo Whitby"s 1st Baby of 1968 We will be proud to present to the Farewell to all the joys and disappointments of this iE and bases Bono ee re parents or yrmitny © Mire Baby ep "f We will present ONE FREE Pentecostal Our Prediction -- BOY -- 7 Ibs. 10 ozs. " predict to be siesiee Rey. Ale PEL CLEANING & A GIRL 7 Ibs, 11 ozs, SUNDAY. SER of M.--Sunday S$ Beauty Clin r oF saatt Bible Classe : eee tan DIAPER SERVICE Hi 11;00 A.M.--Moerning i ; ry | message ent hs S l Y A specio' 108 Ant isl uiduaad Nee ae ney. Don't miss this | | he Ost awn rah iN c Hy mee ee ee 301 BYRON ST. $ corm, | it ical anahenel : Solos, Duet: | inatrumen | Te OF = | var End Messages by : : : spring, Allen Kenney oe : ! Pentecost! Chureh_is i this speciol event The fidned posters and ct you to this service. er The Management and Staff

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