By Cory Soal R.H.A.D. . . . Lend Me Your Ears We care about your hearing! Professional Arts Building 99 Sinclair Ave., Suite 210 Georgetown (905) 873-6642 SECOND HAND SMOKE INCREASES EAR INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN Ear infections are the Number One reason young children visit their doctors and take antibiotics. A new study finds many of those infect ions could be avoided if parents who smoke would make one important change. A recent study in the archives of pediatric and adolescent medicine is giving parents another reason to quit. It finds exposure to cigarette smoke in the home increases childrens r isk of middle ear infections. The smoke inflames the tissues of the middle ear so that viruses and bacteria can invade more easily and cause infection. The GeorgetownCONCEPT FORD G E O R G E T O W N 361 Guelph St. (Hwy. 7) 905.873.1626 10 Independent & Free Press, Wednesday, January 23, 2008 Regional council wants to see more promotion when it comes to the quali- ty and benefits of Haltons water. Council passed a motion at its meet- ing Wednesday that directs staff to investigate and report back with a com- munication plan to promote the Regions water. The resolution calls for the plan to address consumer choice, fluoride content, bottling of Haltons water (which the Region already does to promote its water) and the decision process that led to implementing ozona- tion technology for water disinfection. The motion was made by Burlington Councillor Peter Thoem, who brought the item forward after hearing from a resident who suggested the Region should advise the public on the quality of water they can get from their tap. Staff will bring a report back on the issue to future committee and council meetings for consideration. Based on information contained in a motion passed by regional coun- cil, an incorrect time for a public meeting involving Gord Miller, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, was reported in the Jan. 18 edition of The Independent & Free Press. Miller will take part in the public meeting at Halton Regional Centre Monday, Feb. 11 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. More promotion needed for local water Region Meeting time incorrect