For advertising information call Ph: 905 873.0301 Fax: 905 873.0398 This message brought to you by your local newspaper. When asked to name our favorite restaurant, cafe, or shop, we almost always cite a unique local business (look at the results in our Readers Choice as proof). We embrace the idea of distinctive businesses with local character, but often forget their survival depends on our patronage. It is easy for us to get so consumed by efficiency that we forget how much of our lives we spend eating out, shopping, and doing other business. We owe it to ourselves to consider the quality of our experience, and ask if we benefit when we choose a community-based business. Local owners with much of their life savings invested in their businesses have a natural interest in the long-term health of the community. Community-based businesses are essential to charitable endeavors, frequently serv- ing on local boards, and supporting a variety of causes. Yes, there are some corporate chains that give back to towns in which they do business, but anyone who raises funds for local non-prof- its will tell you that independents are their base of support. So... support your neigh- bors... support our community, shop smart... shop our local stores! YOUR COMM UNITY NEWSP APER THE INDEP ENDENT & FREE PRE SS 50 cen ts (+GST ) Frida y, June 30, 20 06 4 4 Page s Voted Ontari os bes t new spaper www .indep endent freepr Recipe of the wee k: Canad a Day c upcake s Page 1 9 Lapoin te in t he hun t at Star Amate ur Page 1 7 Chatten name d senior of the y ear Page 9 Christ the Kin g student s tied u p in projec t Page 4 Editoria l 6 Ted Bro wn 7 Chris Bo rak 1 1 Calend ar 12, 13 Sports 17, 18 Classifi eds 22- 24 INSIDE The H alton Jr. B Bulldo gs will begin the Ontari o Lacr osse Asso- ciation playof fs Mon day in Oa kville. See W ed- nesday s editi on for full game d etails. WEDNE SDAY. .. The sto res m ay be c losed to morr ow (Satu rday) bu t there is still going t o be pl enty to do as both A cton and Gl en William s com mun ities ho st Cana da Day parties. The day gets un der way in Glen William s at 8 a .m. w ith a Pancak e Brea kfast, f ollowed by Fu n Run s and t he ann ual basebal l game between the To wnies and Co uncillo rs. Childre ns gam es sta rt at 10 a.m. follow ed by th e popu lar noon parade . Openi ng cer emo nies s tart a bout 1 p.m. w hen the Glen C itizen of the Year and win ner o f the Be st Dec orated House are a nnou nced. Game s, an eclect ic music con cert, pet sho w an d the D uck Race ro und ou t the aft erno on ac tivities . Mean while the da y kick s off i n Acton s Pro spect P ark at 6 p.m. with Conce rt in t he Park . This include s the Second Annu al Acto n Idol Contes t and songs f rom headlin er Alys ha Broo ke per- forming coun ty and weste rn tun es alon g with Jam ie Thor ne. Yuk Yu ks Jeff M cEnery will als o pro- vide s tand-u p com edy as well as be the M aster of Cerem onies fo r the Ac ton Ido l Conte st. The Ac ton Fi re Figh ters As sociati on pro vides th e explo - sive fin ish to t he day with a f irewor ks show , also in Prospe ct Park. T he free even t gets u nder w ay at d usk. Th e firefig ht- ers, w ho are promis ing the ir large st, loud est an d brigh test display ever , will b e passi ng thei r helme ts for d onatio ns to help pa y for th eir ann ual birt hday gi ft to the com mun ity. St. Alba ns Chu rch in t he Glen will als o be ho lding a fire- works d isplay a t dusk. Its also a free w ill offer ing. The In depend ent & Free P ress office will be closed Monda y, July 3 for the holida y and w ill reop en Tu esday, July 4 at 8:30 a .m. REF INAN CING ? PUR CHA SING ? BOB WOO DS Mortgag e Speci alist (905) 877-5211 *Rate subjec t to ch ange 360 Gu elph St ., Georg etown 5.25% 5 year fi xed (905) 8 73-16 55 354 Gu elph St reet, G eorgeto wn APPLE Auto Gla ss ? Truck Acce ssories ? Uph olstery ? Heavy Equi pment Glass ? Window Ti nting GEORGETOWNCHRYSLER We handle all insurance work. ACTON A l k O g j l ` l `] < j a n ] l g 9 [ l g f TORONTO , 1 = Y k l ] j f 9 n G h ] f = n ] j q \ Y q ) ( % . $ > j a \ Y q ) ( % 1 - * * C a f _ K l & O ] k l - ) 1 0 - + % ) ( + ) o o o & l ` ] g d \ ] ` a \ ] ` g m k ] & [ g e , ) . * ( + % / ( ( ) Visit th e Olde Hide H ouse in Act on this Canad a Day for unbea table s avings in Le ather Fashio ns, Ac cess ories and Fi ne Lea ther F urnitu re. Plus, t his is the FIN AL WE EKEN D to s ave o n sele cted leathe r floo r mo dels, cabine try, di scon tinued style s and w areho use o versto ck ACTO N LOC ATION OPEN SAT. JULY 1st Proud to be Canad ian 70% Up to Off msr Canada Day parties set for Glen , Acton ALYSH A BROOK E Pitchin g again st the team he gre w up c heerin g for, W ashingt on Na tionals hurler Shawn Hill of George town, dueled with T oronto Blue J ays st arter T ed Lilly W ednesd ay for four in nings b efore T oronto broke out fo r four runs and even tually won 6-1. H ill was pulled after the fif th inn ing, bu t mad e the dozens of hom etown suppo rters, who ca me to watch him p itch in perso n in the big leagues , proud . See s tory pa ge 17. P hoto b y Eamo nn Ma her Hill on t he hill YOUR HOM ETOWN N EWSPAPE R ... EXCL USIVE LY SER VING THE R EADE RS OF HALT ON HI LLS The In depen dent & Free Press is you r sour ce for local news, region al new s, upc oming event s & sp orts. Delive red to every home every Wedn esday and F riday. 905.873.030 1 Special pullout section Wedn esday, Augus t 29, 2 007 8 Pages Circul ation 2 1,220 www .indep enden tfreepr m Do y ou kn ow y our local m erchan ts Pages 6 & 7 Can yo u pass the test of a Loca l Shopp er? Page 3 I SHOP L OCAL Halton Hills Comm unity N ewspap er A GOOD REASON TO SHOP LOCALYes, you can do a marathon. You dont have to be fit, young or anathlete. JeansMarines will show you how. Youll have fun, feelgreat and make friends.It all starts with one easy step: joining the new Georgetown chapter. Come to the free information session to hear JeansMarines founder, Dr. Jean Marmoreo and meet the Georgetown coach, Caroline Harris. One more thing: youll change. Your first step can be the start of something unforgettable. Take it now. Monday June 4th, 7:30-8:30, Mold-Masters SportsPlex 221 Guelph St Georgetown, ON 905 877 8488 Refreshments Served Donations accepted for the Hospitals Heart & Soul Campaign The usual: women doing the impossible. Founding sponsor Friday Jan. 25th., 9:30 am, Georgetown South Location Call or email for directions 905-873-0745 or We train towards 10k and 1/2 or full marathon. GEORGETOWN JUNIOR A GAME OF THE WEEK GEORGETOWN TOYOTA GEORGETOWN JR. A RAIDERS vs MISSISSAUGA CHARGERS Saturday, January 26, 2007 7:30 pm Mold-Masters SportsPlex (Alcott Arena) Independent & Free Press, Wednesday, January 23, 2008 17 Thursday, Jan. 24 Ballinafad euchre: Ballinafad Hall Board hosts euchre at the Ballinafad Community Centre, 7:30 p.m. Cost: $3 per player. Light lunch, coffee and tea served. Sustainable Halton public meeting: Public information centre on the Sustainable Halton draft Healthy Community Principles and Evaluation Framework will be held 6-9 p.m. at Mold-Masters SportsPlex hall. Info: Tutors needed: Literacy North Halton needs volun- teer tutors for its Read*Spell*Write Program. No expe- rience necessary, training given. Register: 905-873- 2200. Healthiest Babies Possible: Halton Region Health Department prenatal program is accepting registration for its six- week program Thursdays at Ontario Early Years Centre- Georgetown. To register: 1-866-442-5866. Info: Phoenix Warriors: meets 7:30-8:30 p.m. at 42 Mill St., Acton. This self-help peer group is for individuals with a mood disorder which includes change in mood, thought, energy and behavior. Info: 519-853-9793. Cocaine Anonymous: a 12-step based fellowship meets Thursdays, 7 p.m. at Sacre-Coeur Church, 39 Guelph St., (use back door basement). Info: Cocaine Anonymous, toll free: 1-866- 622-4636 or Friday, Jan. 25 Terra Cotta hall fundraiser: Reserve your seats by Jan. 25 for a day at Casino Rama on Sunday, Feb 3; 10 a.m. pickup in Terra Cotta. Cost is $10, includes bus and buffet dinner. All proceeds to rebuilding the historic community hall built 1862. Call Ted Webb, 905-877-7737. Limited seats. Burns Supper and entertainment: at Knox Presbyterian Church, Main St. Georgetown. Doors open 6 p.m. Tickets $15 available from church office, 905-877-7585. Spaghetti Dinner: 5:30-7:30 p.m. at St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church, 537 Main St., Glen Williams. Cost: $9.50/per- son or $20/family with children under 12. Transportation avail- able; call the church office for tickets at 905-877-8323. Friday night euchre: 7:30 p.m. at Georgetown Legion. Admission: $2. Friday night volleyball: Fun, mixed, volleyball on Friday nights in Acton. Non-competitive, 8-10 p.m. All adults welcome for fun and a social evening. Contact Bonnie Walker, 905-873- 7125 or John Beaudette, 905-854-0755. Family Storytime: Kids and their grownups can enjoy 30 minutes of fun Fridays, 10:30 a.m. at the Gellert Centre. Mock Interview Day: Practise your interview skills with a career information specialist between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 184 Guelph St., Georgetown. A free service. To register, call 905-702- 7311, ext. 109 or visit Saturday, Jan. 26 Calling Scrapbookers: Georgetown District Christian School is hosting its annual Scrapbooking Fundraiser Day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for only $40 and it includes lunch, snacks, drinks, gift for coming, door prize tickets, demonstrations, and make n takes. All welcome! To register: call the school, 905-877-4221. Free meditation session: with a donation of a dry or canned food item for the Georgetown Bread Basket, try a one-hour begin- ner guided meditation session, 10 a.m. at a Georgetown location. Limited space. Info: 905-875-7895. Family Storytime: Kids and their grownups can enjoy 30 minutes of stories, music and fun Saturdays, 11 a.m. at the Georgetown branch. UCHS auction: Upper Credit Humane Society Thrift Shops January Auction ends 4:30 p.m. Jan. 26. Photos and descriptions can be found on or 905-702-8661. Antique Appraisal Afternoon: 1-3 p.m, at the Upper Credit Humane Society Thrift Shop, Moore Park Plaza, Georgetown. For a donation to UCHS, Mike Jameson from Hamptons Antiques. will assess and value up to two items per person. Light refreshments will be provided. Thrift Shop: 905-702-8661. Kitten adoption: UCHS kitten foster program has three kit- tens ready for adoption to approved homes. Meet them 12-4 p.m. at Pet Valu, Georgetown (besides Georgetown Cinemas). Info: or Barb Johnson, 905-873-8547. Mediterranean guitarist Pavlo: will perform at the John Elliott Theatre. Pavlo is a gui- tarist, a singer and a recording artist who composes in a style that combines influences of Flamenco, Latin, classical and Mediterranean guitar mixed together with the Greek Bouzouki. Show time is 8 p.m. Tickets, $35, can be purchased at the Box Office, 905-877-3700 or Euchre: 7:30 p.m. at the Hornby Co-operative Nursery School on Steeles Ave. All are welcome. More CALENDAR, pg. 18 Community Calendar