Acton/Georgetown, Friday, March 21, 2008 21 Continued from pg. 19 Tuesday, March 25 Cabin Fever Busters: A drop-in play group for infants and preschoolers and their parents/caregivers at The Salvation Army, 271 Mountainview Rd S. Drop in any Tuesday morn- ings from 10 a.m. till noon for free! Snacks provided. Info: 905-877-1374. Bible Study: St. Georges Anglican Church, 60 Guelph St., Georgetown presents a Bible Study, I&II Thessalonians. The 10-week series, on Tuesdays, March 25-May 27 will be based on Living in the End Times by John Stott. Cost is $9.50 for the work book. Choose an afternoon (1:30-2:30 p.m.) session or evening (7:30-8:30 p.m.) session. For details call Cathy Hunt, 905-877-6264. Palette and Pencil Guild: an art group of Credit Valley Artisans meets every Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. inside Cedarvale Cottage (Main and Maple Streets in Cedarvale Park). All new- comers welcome. Info: Rita, 519-853-9226 or e-mail: rita- TOPS-Georgetown: If you want to lose weight sensibly, join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) at St. Andrew's Church, Tuesdays; weigh-in 6:30 p.m. and get together, 7:30 p.m. Calling New Parents: is a free program for parents and babies (six months and under).The group with a public health nurse, will discuss parenting and infant care. Groups in Acton or Georgetown, Tuesdays. Info: 1-866-442-5866 or Wednesday, March 26 Retired Women Teachers: The Lydia Snow Branch will meet at St. Albans Church, Glen Williams, at 9:30 a.m. This will be a luncheon meeting including a 50/50 draw and book sale. The program will feature a presentation by Sandra Krosse on Finding the Woman Within. All retired women teachers are welcome. Info: Anne, 519-853-1375. Volunteers needed: ASAP for the Halton Aphasia Centres Georgetown program that runs Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Glen Williams Town Hall. Info: 905-702-5312. Income tax clinic: Representatives from the Institute of Chartered Accountants will be at Halton Hills Public Library Georgetown branch, 6-8 p.m., to assist low-income taxpayers earning less than $20,000 without dependents and $25,000 with dependents. Register in person or by phone, 905- 873-2681 ext. 2511. Cancer campaign kickoff: Acton Branch of theCanadian Cancer Society Campaign Kick-off and Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held 6 p.m. All canvassers, volunteers, including drivers, knitters, daffodil salesper- sons, etc. are invited to attend dinner and meet their fellow canvassers at Knox Church, 44 Main St., Acton. Door prizes and entertainment. Anyone wishing to volunteer can call Elaine Thomas, 905-702-8564. Essentials of Entrepreneurship seminar: hosted by Halton Hills Public Library and Halton Region Business Development Centre, starts 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the Georgetown branch library. Tonights topic: Ask the Expert panel discussion. Cost: $20. Register: 1-866-442-5866 with credit card. Learn more at Awana Kids Club: is offered to children from JK to Grade 6 and is hosted by Maple Avenue Baptist Church, 6:25-8 p.m. All are invited to come out for fun and learning. Info: Ed Egberts, 905-838-4644 or Heather Stiff, 905-873-9549. Carp- Halton Chapter: Canadas Association For The Fifty Plus meets 7:30 p.m. at the Burlington Seniors Centre, 2285 New St . Guest speaker Georgina Patterson of Mount Royal Pharmacy will answer your questions about medications, drugs, health vitamins, and other pharmaceutical products. Guests are welcome. Enjoy coffee /tea/ fellowship following the meeting. Info: Hugh Cass, 905-844-2112 or Thursday, March 27 Book Club for Kids: meets for the first time for kids (9-12 years of age) in the Georgetown branch library at 6:30 p.m. Kids must register ahead of time, 905-873-2681 ext. 2520. Parkinsons Support Group: meets 7:30 p.m. at Georgetown Seniors Centre. Newcomers welcome. Info: Marion Faulkner, 905-877-5858. Daffodil Days: watch for members of the Acton branch of the Canadian Cancer Society selling daffodils at various places around town during Daffodil Days March 27-29. This is a kickoff fundraiser for the spring campaign. Members of the Brampton, Caledon, Georgetown and Dufferin County branch of the Canadian Cancer Society will be selling daffodils at Georgetown locations, March 27-30. Support your local Cancer Society by buying a bunch for $6 or two for $10. Acoustic Jam: Do you enjoy listening or playing music? Come to the month- ly Acoustic Jam, 8-10:30 p.m., hosted by Wendi and Hugh Hunter at the Georgetown Legion, 127 Mill St. Hosted by Wendi and Hugh Hunter, this is an informal song circle format where you can play an instrument, sing a song or just come to listen. The music encompasses many genres, including folk, traditional, original and popular. There are very few rules and the atmosphere is very relaxed. Some of the participants use the session to debut new, original songs and to announce events that may be of interest to those in the group. Others use the sessions to gain confidence in playing with other musicians in a comfortable environment. Info: Wendi and Hugh, 519-853-1383 or by e-mail, Limehouse euchre: Limehouse Womens Institute hosts euchre, 7:30 p.m. at the Limehouse Memorial Hall. Admission $3, light lunch provided. Phoenix Warriors: meets 7:30-8:30 p.m. every second and fourth Thursday, 42 Mill St., Acton. This self-help peer group is for individuals with a mood disorder, which includes change in mood, thought, energy and behavior. The facilitator encourages everyone to express themselves, listen, and support each other. Info: 519-853-9793. Cocaine Anonymous: a 12-step based fellowship meets Thursdays, 7 p.m. at Sacre-Coeur Church, 39 Guelph St., Georgetown (use back door basement). This meeting is open to all people who might have difficulties overcoming their addiction to cocaine and any other drugs. Info: Cocaine Anonymous, toll free1-866-622-4636 or Healthiest Babies Possible: Is there a baby in your future? Halton Region Health Department Healthiest Babies Possible prena- tal program is accepting registration for its six-week program Thursdays at Ontario Early Years Centre-Georgetown, 96 Guelph St. To register: 1-866-442-5866. Info: Community Calendar Where Child Abuse Hurts Most Sometimes the worst scars of child abuse cant be seen. Whether physical or emotional, abuse attacks a childs self-esteem and emotional development, leaving long-term emotional trauma and pain. You can help prevent child abuse by being a nurturing parent or caregiver. By letting children know they are special, competent and loved, you can help them develop positive self-images and happier futures. If you feel overwhelmed, angry or frustrated as a parent, help is out there for you. Look in your area for support groups and services, or talk to a trusted friend, family member, pastor or doctor about what you can do to protect and support your child. If we all do our part to prevent child abuse, well get to the heart of the matter.