OPINION As we are beginning to see the end of a potentially record-breaking (for snowfall) win- ter, its hard to think about global warming, cli- mate change and the environment. However, as you gaze out at the huge pile of snow at the end of the driveway consider those hot smog-filled days of August. The province, which talks the talk when it comes to the environment but rarely walks the walk, last week put its first foot forward in fighting climate change. Premier Dalton McGuinty appointed a cli- mate change watchdog to lead Ontarios fight against global warming. Hugh MacLeods task will be to make sure the governments many environmental plans from banning conventional light bulbs to phas- ing out coal-fired power plants are actually implemented. However, if MacLeod is going to be truly effective, the government will have to give him the tools and the power to enact and enforce change. Without substance, MacLeods position will only look good on paper, recycled paper per- haps, but paper nonetheless. The governments action plan on climate change, released last summer, is about pushing Ontario to do what it can to mitigate the envi- ronmental crisis. Heres hoping that MacLeods appointment will see that climate change agenda implement- ed. But McGunity better buy him a big pair of scissors to cut through the red tape that has shut down many worthy environmental efforts. Climate watchdog should have teeth Steve Nease LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear editor, I am writing in regards to the naming of a new school in north Halton, in which I am proposing it be named Ethel Gardiner Elementary. The naming of a school after an individual is a great honour. It is a testament to their life and achieve- ments. I can think of no individual more deserving of such an honor then the late Ethel Gardiner. Ethel Gardiner served our com- munity of north Halton for many years. Ethel taught in Halton schools such as Pineview Public School, Robert Little Public School and Centennial Public School for 29 years before leaving her career as a teacher to aspire to the position of trustee in 1995. In the capacity of trustee, and as chair of the board for six consecutive years of her 11-year term, Ethel fought for students, teachers, and parents of Halton with great convic- tion and compassion. Amidst the chaos and politics which heavily endued board decisions, Ethel reminded us of the purpose of educa- tion the students. In 2007, we lost the life of this amazing woman, but she didnt go without a fight, and her spirit still lives on. During my term as a student trustee, I recall a board meeting where we to name a school (which is now known as Alexanders Public School). During this meeting trustees contemplated the various names that came forward from the community, determining which one would bring the right spirit and character to set the defining theme of the school. I can think of no better name than Ethel Gardiner Elementary for this new school in Georgetown as Ethels life was not only dedicated to the betterment of Ontarios education, but the lives of each and every indi- vidual student who walked in the halls and played in the fields of her schools. I call upon the trustees of the Halton District School Board and the community of Halton to honour the memory of Ethel Gardiner and name this new school being built in Georgetown after her spirit and pas- sion for education and community. Name suggestions may be submit- ted online (www.hdsb.ca), or dropped-off at any public elementary school in Halton Hills or public library in Acton or Georgetown until Friday, March 28. Ethel Gardiner transformed the character of the Halton District School Board, as a teacher, public school trustee, mentor, advocate and loyal friend. Heather Maxwell, Student Trustee 2004-2006 New school should honour ex-board chair Letters to the editor must include an address and daytime telephone number. Unsigned letters will not be published. Letters should not exceed 200 words and may be edited for content and/or length. E-mail: jmcghie@independentfreepress.com Mail or drop off: Independent & Free Press, 280 Guelph St., Unit 29, Georgetown, ON., L7G 4B1 Publisher Ken Nugent Advertising director Steve Foreman (sforeman@independentfreepress.com) Retail advertising manager Cindi Campbell (ccampbell@independentfreepress.com) Managing editor John McGhie (jmcghie@independentfreepress.com) Distribution manager Nancy Geissler (distribution@independentfreepress.com) ADVERTISING Advertising co-ordinator Jennifer Christie (jchristie@independentfreepress.com) Retail Sales: Jennifer Spencer (jspencer@independentfreepress.com) Katie Borg (kborg@independentfreepress.com) Brendan Louth (blouth@independentfreepress.com) Amy Sykes (features@independentfreepress.com) Andrea Lefebvre (alefebvre@independentfreepress.com) Real estate: Sue Spizziri (realestate@independentfreepress.com) Classifieds: Kristie Pells (classified@independentfreepress.com) ACCOUNTING Rose Marie Gauthier, Michelle McEachern EDITORIAL Cynthia Gamble: News editor (cgamble@independentfreepress.com) Ted Brown: Photography (tbrown@independentfreepress.com) Lisa Tallyn: Staff writer (ltallyn@independentfreepress.com) Eamonn Maher: Staff writer/sports (emaher@independentfreepress.com) PRODUCTION: Mary Lou Foreman, Kevin Powell, Shelli Harrison, Dolores Black, Debbie MacDougall STAFF DIRECTORY Send us a letter! Phone: 905-873-0301 Fax: 905-873-0398www.independentfreepress.com Something bugging you? What do you think? Below are the results of our most recent online poll. For the current poll go to www.independentfreepress.com Halton regional council is considering a review of the number of members on council. Would you like to see more members added to regional coun- cil? Yes (4%) No (96%) Total Votes: 23 The Independent & Free Press is published Wednesday and Friday and is one of several Metroland Media Group Ltd. community newspapers. Editorial and advertising content of The Independent & Free Press is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. THE INDEPENDENT & FREE PRESS 6 Acton/Georgetown, Friday, March 21, 2008 More letters page 8 Dear editor, Notice to Bruce Trail users in Halton Hills. Weve had almost record snowfall this winter and as we enter spring there will also be record snowmelt and run-off. Rivers and streams will be at extremely high levels; normally wet areas will be underwater with major flooding and you will come across run- off and flooding in areas where you will not have seen anything before. Expect to encounter trail washouts and more mud than normal and remember that steeper slopes may be very slippery both up and downhill. It may not be possible to detour around many of these wet areas or flooding please be prepared with an alternate route(s). There are too many low or wet areas to list but a few sections to check beforehand include the Credit Valley Footpath, Terra Cotta Conservation Area both east and west of Winston Churchill, Silver Creek Conservation Area valley and Hilton Falls CA often has sections of road flooded. These are areas that usually have problems in the spring and this will not be a normal spring. Please take note of any trail prob- lems you come across and report them to me at 905-873-9757 mosmith@cogeco.ca Maureen Smith, Georgetown Bruce Trail users warned to use caution