232 Guelph Street, Georgetown, Ontario www.atlantisathletics.com 905 877-0771 *Free weekly nutrition meetings every Wednesday night at 7:30 pm * If you would like to start your transformation journey call Blake or Elaina today or stop by the club to fi nd out more about their weight loss success! Atlantis Athletics Missing Person Missing son AlertAle This group of Challengers have lost 232 lbs. - equivalent of 1 average person.This g oup of Challen s h ve lost 232 lbs - equi alent of 1 pe son Martin: I started at 208 lbs. and at 30% body fat. I stuck with the program and got the results. I believe in the program and what it can do. I will help others to achieve the same. I now weigh 175 lbs. and a body fat of 14.2% Blake: In January 2008 I started at 384lbs and in 12 weeks I have lost 80lbs and gained 20 lbs. of muscle. I have now lost 12inches off my waist and over 40 inches in total. Atlantis Athletics has completely changed my life. Through their meal plan and the caring, supportive owners, trainers and staff they have helped me to overcome so many obstacles in my life. Losing weight is not just about going to the gym and eating right it is about having a great support group to encourage, motivate you on your journey and to pick you up when you fall. I am truly thankful to each and every person at Atlantis who has helped me on my journey. I now want to help you in your journey and give you the support you need to reach your goals. I am now a part of the Atlantis Athletic family. If you would like to hear more about my journey, please feel free to give me a call at the club. I would love to tell you more about my journey and we at Atlantis are all here to help you start yours. Your new healthy, empowered life is only a phone call or visit away. Dont let this missing person be you! Take the 12 week Challenge!Dont let this missing pe son be ake the 12 week Challen ALE RT ARE YOU THIS MISSING PERSON? in onlyin on 12 Weeks!12 eeks Sports & Leisure, Friday, June 27, 2008 5