free Press Wednesday February News and views Cave exploration topic speaker at scout dinner It is called trouble prone and if you haven been then will simply never understand I suspect however tint time in their lives lias Found themselves in odd unwittingly and often it is how one handles oik self such turn Hi it determines whether or lie will Ik i circumstances or outgrow il If you arc such a person these situations Ik In handle with poise and sometimes is even wort to them down especially friends or relatives ire her veil is she wis stepping reminding us of our chinch ldiosyncracies port iK on Trouble prone says your inserting i Inge rip in grandmother knowing train you immediately proceed lo slip Now psychologists into the mud puddle tan l word these iccidciil prone remember a thing creatines to tlum as your mitts in the school bus products ol then own Hed lose his head it wcren Well i In nun point attached his shoulders says view I think the harassed mother so you mittLt expecting worst once again forget everything thai or liking one sill loo is normal to remember Hell seriously is fall flat on his lace murmurs at oik turn bill ihe critical father and Ins sou its souk us slides onto the school stage after situ ion nunc tlnn tripping on ihe mike eord someone else oi that How much vvlial happens to individuals 1 1 e more us is what has been ingrained wllconsums ilun oihus psy etiological I some unwise or Its ratlin like silting on an ecj it wait long enough it s bound break In our house we have one lad who repeatedly drops dish cracks a window play inc ball and seemingly plays havoc with just about everything lie touches The truth is h that he tries please people dome time things and the bw averages is that he will get into note No one learns anvihinc well until he has a tew times and a known thai the method it trial and error produces the greatest result whether it is the Most of us en erect help i to luve Like living s jie snail children a and has inc both of at up so J running the little old Seidell from a fall en the sine and slide her backbone Pie absen minded bit is not if potion either been so walking along the ill- and something to which you a hurried ex me look up and I confronting a tree lamp post I had occasion li attempt foster friendships a tea While assisting iwo mosng unwittingly parcels juicy which over the floor Helpful A dubious suggestion I had had the be intentions ihe end result it calamitous situation w that one dear lit lie lud to without her cherry pic a the others had been picviuusly purchased I used up extra energy plus a box Kleenex in cleaning up remains and although the church auxiluiy made a little more money on some oilier culinary that afternoon I in forfeit the 75 cents cost the pie plus a certain aplomb All tins because I had merely attempted lo be a frieiidh joe a tea table have a friend who is always finding in disastrous situations without She can stone continually in suJi as being the only one at the Confirmation whose head gear became crooked under the Bishop hand as he blessed her during the service falling down a series of steps in front of a packed audience the high school auditorium and this same young was ihe very one whose bridesmaid stomped on DISCOUNT PRICES ALL ITEMS THIS ONir NOW AT DOLLAR DADDY ACTON PHARMACY Main Street N ACTON Phone i