pw Acton July Canadas nuclear aid to India concerns OConno If any member or the civil service or the Trudeau government was that our nuclear aid to lndln was being used to velop a bomb that would reason enough to throw the I ibcrols out of office according to Terry Connor Progressive Con candidate for Hal ton If anyone knew about this they should be severely eon demned The situation of India use of Canadian reactors Is being investigated He said that we have to realize that there arc more than just two in the world today This is a very serious situation since we nave the two great powers mov towards of the nuclear problem while many smaller countries arc jump- inn into the arms race Connor wild The Indin situation is also unique In the fact that the never signed the Proliferation Pact which some the Middle ions to develop nuclear bombs did agree to The world therefore India he noted Connor slid he also felt Canada should extradite tht I terrorists who are currently residing in France If don bring them back to stand trial we are setting a dangerous which would allow criminal to think that all he had to do was get outside the country and he would be frcL he said less people think thev will be punished our criminal system would be seriously he staled Connor stated their last caucus meeting before elect Ion Opposition Lea der Mil and anger at supported Prime Minister Pierre in the of the War Measures Act during Hit fr I t crisis in the fall of 1070 long felt that we were taken in and Trudeau had his facts wrong The governmint believed there ere y tits In the hands the fr and an armed rebellion was at hand This later turned out to be and In the many Canadians had their rights seriously violated he stated Mr told us he is still ashamed of his support or the government in that lion and that he docsn I be lieve he has much else to be of during his poll life O Connor report Connor called the at lemplcd interference by the to the World fr League out of Canada stupid and idlo tic That bill was a waste of Parliament llmi and waste of I hi government re sources he said Federal Health Minister Marc Lnlonde prepared Itglslntlon which would have barred American based foot ball from being played in Canada as a means of Protecting the Canadian ootball Loiguc On the as sumption that the bill would would not pay million for pass the Toronto Norlhmm into the In plan moved to Memphis and then Join the fr ton thchilldled with Parllamint nor said that a lYogrcsslvt Northmen art now com to slaying In Memphis would make no movi to pre but London Ontario who vent the fr from selling TERRY OCONNOR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE up shop in London It was an unwarranted with private tnterprlsc and it did the fr mure harm than good he said Connor point d out that the fr I had promised not to raid Canadian teams for players If the Northmen were allowed to May In Canada As soon as the Toronto team moved to Memphis the I began to sign top C L player and Canadian league play association used the W fr I as against the learn owners In con traU negotiations Their strike was settled last week would not have hurt 1 and the niolter took up time wlikh Parliament would Ik off using to attack lunation Connor mi id Ho also noted that the fr fur imharrassid the government by not allowing more Canadians on their ros era and by trying to charge an fee formerly in legalization but has since decided It should only be decriminalized Prior to the last everything I read indicated that It had no long term physical or I believed It was harm he said However re reports which he has familiarized himself with show that then art in fact a fiw harmful results of pro longed use and hi thinks should In more study done or tin si iHiels I also thought thai It should In legalized so organ iiil would no profit from its Hah hi said lie thai he tie legalization is the only way to gel the Mafia out of the 111 just as an end to meant an end lo the enmlnal mint In Hit liquor but wants to mi more a I tout it lie fore hi lows virynne to it I do think It should Ik inadi an offence similar to truffle violations in tin tas possession Con nor said Ik feci it puts a blot on a young pi lift it part of the criminal and this should not Ik allow id The Const date still believe silttrs should be tht full letter of the law He voted to extend tin five partial ban on capital punishment another halt because he sees tviry being sum it I think emphasis ihoiild be on rehabilitation lot on punlbhnunt If the not lit then In should locked away ho he won norm anyone hut it Is life Connor He admitted that hi mill of people in Million rid probably favour capital but that he felt In than just deli to and ho In hough hi should voti by his I undertook a aMintiug if the capital win It up and I ilulilul I should vote iiMlnst it he said Hi ex plained that as tin ridings he is there to think situations through and ait on tin 111 not Just Ills eonstltiu viiws 1 Is ag limit tfio it has mil In in est that tlun Is a rind for a new air port Allcvldmu points to fait In dots not mid Ik ixpmd id In said Hi says tint all Intuitions point to a future whin thin will bigger plains not molt plants linn must In a main way of killing baby than clubbing tin bead ami then tin m lluy am sllil minor sild Hebe that they should be nalun would tin by they win allow multiply but tin present killing them inch ye ir in of St must In fuls thai should eiintinui its ptucc roll in Hit troubled pots of tin world an tin mound in and ruses and are work in pi keeping In said Our forets irt highly Irulnid txlrmnily tlllclenl keeping In nntid this hi still violations so when It tumid out that It was fartt to try and keep peaeo there wi win right In leaving Connor slated lit noted that tin had advised the lo si mm si kind that luwtd la do J0I1 ihtre fun Rinding forte hut that tills w is Ignored said Ir of the futility of going lo Viit Nam proved In he Hit tonMtrvallvi diti pointed out hi was Iht first MP losit up a riding nor lu fullfilled of being sibli iiatlve with his He noted lhat hi wrote what was going on and Hint quarterly news letters to iviry liome In the riding staled tin ton should form the goviinmint government has been In for hi and rially liasn I I but be lo Const rvutlvoshnvi a program far beating lion will Impkmuil a polity of wage and pi lee ton cut on gave rnmtnt spending and provide Inccn to Industry to Increase production he emphasized Connor cites a by hi Minister as being reason enough to the to form the next government once said any lannot in inflation should lie thrown out who was born in Toronto raised in Nla on Lake Is old Hi obtained law training at the of Western Ontario where ho met his wife and both In Toronto and Hi was a speech writer and policy director for then Provincial Cabinet Min Allan as executive assistant to Ijiwrentt at Inst as did Connor were I at J24 spruce Strut In Ilk and has four d Portfolio transfer needed for pro sports says Liberal Dr Frank Philbrook iberal for Hal ton says government concern wilh pro sports should be taken out of the and handled by Industry rridt and Com Pro sports is part free enterprise and as such should not be handled by ihc Health Ministry he said Philbrook thinks the World league question should have been handled by Industry Trade and Com because it Is tlally problem of whether or not it is a desirable form of foreign investment Hi said tht government had decided this eounlrv al ready hail a v lable pro foot ball league which was port ant to Canadians for reasons and so the fr I needed to be protect As a form foreign in vestment the W fr L was deemed by Ihi government as undesirable in the interests of most Canadians The govern ment the of form of foreign inv is in Ihe best Interests of most dians In deciding if it should in Canada Inpassed legislation fright the Toronto Northmen out of Canada The Northmen are now in Memphis were very concerned with whether or not the C F I could compete with the fr L not in terms of quality but in the area of mass financing gallon wt felt that the poorer teams could not compete fin so we decided It was an undesirable form of for stated Tht Liberal candidate the legislation will reintroduced if the Liberals are relumed to power Phil farooV added L would not allow to join the Hi said the government should into discussion with the fr I It Is that we hove not work closer with the C fr L in the areas of Ihc number of on each learn and Ihe need for more teams across Ihe country I think we should urge the leogut to re consider the London Hon and look into the dies of expanding to other Canadian cities he said bilked at joining the C L because they fell the million fee was too steep should keep in mind that the CFI is a form of private enterprise in a free enterprise and thus their internal decisions are their own mat Philbrook He admitted there arc many Canadians in Amernon foot tall but thinks tclcv ision and the opportunity to in United Slatts is for these fans Then is no need for American football In Cimdi when we have our own lea says If we do not receiv strong assurances that India use nuclear power is for peaceful purposes we 111 tut off aid in this area Phil brook sold Hi despite the fait it is possible nuclear aid might be cut off to India then is no prospect of a reduction of aid to Iht country in areas such as food education and Indus trial development We are committed help ing underdeveloped nations but whin our trust is breach will end the I mdiihte stated Mo tint has pioneered in lie of nu clear energy development for peaceful and it is to our benefit lo help other ions in Ihis area others as it helps increase our ex ports favorably affects our balance of payments and is a great aid our industries says the I terrorists should not be extra but will feel the full brunt of Ihe law if they return to Canada think he life of James Cross wis mort than worth tht opportunity to tt rid of them lit said Tht tavern mint a deal with the terrorists and liny will to it he Hit terrorists were fret m exchange for the British Trode Ministers life In the fall of 1370 to Cuba then later to Czcchosla It was recently discov they hive taken up rcsl dence in fr ranee When they were let go were warned Ihnt It they returned Can they Would face the courts lo answer for their crimes We consider it punishment to be Ihe privilege of living in Can the best country In the world said The frrench government had in formed us that in their ion the terrorists arc not Ihe I ibtral added I belicvi the government In Ihcir handling of the crisis ind our only regret was ihc death of Pierre liportc he said says marijuana should not be legalized wt have many people questioning the use of alcohol tobacco He thinks would be irrcspon to add mother problem as I not in favor of Its legalization at thin hove considerably mon re- to do on its effects stated investigation is just one part the governments ongoing polity of Ihe ust and of all elrugs in Canada he noted I would like to learn about he various arguments of the people on both sides of the Pickering airport said lie does not want to sec Iht airport question through without of the opinions of the people who already live there Is also con the fact farm land would be taken out of use by the airport We losing a lot or good agncut lural land through develop ment and I wont lo sec any further toss carefully ho said He pointed out Ihc Ontario had gone lo Federal Government asking for another airport and its location was kit up to Provincial Government I believe the Liberal govern ment considers tht topic still open to further discussion he added The Liberal tandidate says Canada made realistic In discontinuing our peace keeping duties in Viet Nam We certainly did what thought was right and I think we the world for it Philbrook Ik also said thought did right thine giving Viet Nam a try be cause wt wire under In mm dous world pressure lo lit in volved We have an ixnl lenl riputntion in this area and dldn t dam igt our it imt whole was and was just no way lo maintain peace there whin participants dldn t really want pcaie pointed out Philbrook thinks that des pile our had in Viit that wt should eon tinue In our pence kicpiiu rolts world This has a very big part of post war polity ind we should continue am than forces do an job and have won world widi respect in our efforts to or at least contain conflicts wherever we have gone he said lit would like to sit some reduction In the number of troops which Canada keeps in Europe if possible thinks Ihe subject it Icasl wirnnts consideration ind study Philbrook says our icthilics in tht North tic Treaty Organization be examined and if possible ridiitllun would be riduition in eouldlikt place it would have hive tht consent of I numbers of NAM baby hunting in tin of SI dont away with hut In fore thai could be done then ire many pro- would have overcame stale lit it should be thtre so many who are strongly against It and hi think the product tie lived is intensity of life says is on tin hunt should In sit up to from iither Incoming over populating I iberal also si 1 a need for re Mentions which would in ike he killing of he seals hum have 1 problem suite the peonli who nut tht hunting would hiv to be ri lined if it is abolished You also art fneid with the problem of natives rights if you Indians and fr s art ginrinlted iht right lo hunt in this country without restrjillon Phil brook savs tht re is sue of Ihe is who can fate up to the problems of or who is Ihi Inst PRANK LIBERAL CANDIDATE to lead this country Me says In present problem Is mil and It will be solved by the I ibtnls just as my countries will soon re ith their devilopment needs and international Infla lion will Ily the end of Iht year wt will set signs of reduction of inflation all over the world Canada In Increased Industrial and food supplier will on stream in the next few lhat will make prices cither drop or at least he said was born In Toronto and grew up In and around the riding He received his medical doctor ate from the University of Toronto practiced in Ontario anil in IDC I took up the supervision of a mission hospital in Kashmir India from 1063 to he was medical officer for a World project in West stan After his return to Canada in he became director of research for a major jnedlcal supply company A year ago hi resumca private practice In An resident since 1967 hi and his wife have 10 Bring FLQ terrorists back if theyre jailed for life I P for their lives Annie Brown says Good riddance to bad the way we should ex rubbish Brown said I terrorists is ihink the frrench and if will be Canadian governments know behind bars for rest of what is needed in Ihis ARCHIE BROWN NDP CANDIDATE situation and lhat Is to leave them Ihiy are right now he added Brow n is worried that if the Progressiv Conscrv form the next government they will bring terrorists back to Canada to stand trial be sentenced and then be back on the streets in seven years The only ihey should be brought back is lo lock them for life and I mean life he slid According lo candidate lilt thing to do with the and such groups is to educate ihem thai Iheir are detrimental to Canada and Ihey can achieve change by peaceful methods Countries all over world are to have lo take a stand which unfortunately might lose some innocent lives but terrorist will nol be given into Ihey will be punished and then Ihev might eventually get the idea their tactics do them no good Brown said He also says must quit publicizing terrorism tactics because it gives every other the idea and method of how to get his way I hope the frederal government and Quebec handled the crisis in 1970 with full awareness of the facts and situation Brown Mid they traded for the life of James Cross they should have mode a similar trade for Pierre La port he added I feel dawn bv giving India aid and then letting make a bomb with our help Brown said Me we must make sure knows we are generally displeased and either receive guarantees that there will be no more misuse of our aid or tut it off altogether We have enough nuclear powers in the world now without us helping there to another the NDP stated Hi said there has been an of technical aid and funds away from the mterded purposi of developing nuclear energy to developing a nuclear bomb This is a ease where we didn t give enough direction to the recipients of our foreign aid and with nuclear aid we should have made bloody re the aid was being used for what it was intended Brown said 1 hope lhat we have learned from this experience In all cases of foreign aid wc must receive guarantees place proper controls on the aid and demand the country report back to us on Iheir use our help he said Brown advocates a complete review of our aid to India programs Marijuana use should be kept under constant review Brown We certainly can it until we get consistent reports from the e rts in the drugs field he said As long as there is a shadow of doubt about il marijuana leads toother drug use it can not be legal lied he jdded Brown wants an easing of the penalties for possession of marijuana and sliffer punish ment for pushers ana targe scale drug peddalmg by organized crime In all aspects of drug crime we must that Iht people who arc involved are very unfortunate souls and it is society Job to rehabilitate Brown said According to Brown there arc two sides to tho World Football league question On the one side hove the question of government In in private en terpne and then the question of protecting the Canadian fr League he said The candidate said hi thinks the government believes acted in the best interest of all Canadians He does wonder if enough in and thought went into the decision since it appeared to be a rushed piece of legislation He compared franchise to commodity and said if they sell their product economically in one market ithe C they should now have the right lo try another market the UrLl London would not pay million to join the fr and now are planning to join the L scared out of Canada The administration had legislation prepared but pass it because the government was defeated which would have kicked the Toronto Northmen out of Canada The Northmen in anticipation of the legislation passing moved lo Memphis Maybe if London joins the it will load to the L reconsidering their price and then letting them In Brown added Brown said be was not willing to accept word of so tolled it Toronto mods another International airport it is like Ihe pipeline It something we might need in the future but considering the economic situation in Canada I believe it is very right now he stated definitely have greater priorities in this count rv now than the Pickering airport Brown added would be lot better off using the funds for the Pickering airport Inset up land banks he said I really worry about us using very agricultural land to mid in espetnllv considering the high cost of food and we might not iven have that many planes flving a few years since Ihe cost of fuel is steadily rising Brown said Brown says our wilhdriwl the let Nam peace keeping force did not harm our inlernalional image We ere supposed lo tun guarantees when went over there and they untitled The candidate said lhat the government first obligation was to protect tin lives of Canadian troops 11 became obvious that there no peace in Viet Nam and there t much a chance of Ihcre being one Lives of Canadians were lost and there was a possibility would be lost so we did only possibk thing wi Ml In Brown Wt show id guts and a willlngniss sink to our print lolls frorein nations slicking to prin In added Hi supports taking pirt in other keeping roles as long as our hoys ire protected and given a ihante to do their job Our fob so big if thin wen nations involved in pi ice keeping to shirt the job with us and few involved in that was the case it woul I be a lot place lo for everyone Brown stated I don I wi cm reduce our commitment to keeping or NATO this world is no place for in isolationist country Brown said His concern is that our troops art always given the utmost in protection and not incumtured in the of their duty Our millitary forces around tht world shows that art concerned with other countries and thai ire to help he Brown the inhumane killing of baby seas each of St Lawrenei must be stopped immediately This killing be allow ed to continue even if develop another more humane way of killing seals said Brown says seals come under environment and Ihe fliust be stopped In fore the seals extinct Tht Indians and Eskimos who arc involved in the hunt must be retrained to do other work by the Federal government he said The should form the next government because it basically has the interests of all Canadians at heart and in mind the candidate said to Brown ire Ihc only party polities art framed by the and sent up to executive to be ad ministered Ik says the two r parties set policy at the upper echelons and send it down to ihe people who must carry it out or face the con sequence Vie will set up a prices rev icw hoard which wit have some teeth and stall it with Ihi strong person to out the rolling back or prices We will roll back prices when unjustifiable profits are being made and the consumer being taken advantage of hesanf The will mediately stop the oil com panies from engaging in price leadership One firm goofs and has raise Iheir so they ill it They protect each other Brown said Price leadership by the but corporations is in a nutshell the source of Canada economic problems he says Brown is a native of Glasgow Scotland who emigrated to in taking up residence Oak ville frrom mi in I9M was hi imping jntt the post plant to take the position to manager of Oday Boats Brampton for whom he worked until 19C9 From then until 1972 he was self employed as a consultant to different firms for Industrial and marine reinforced plastics Since 1972 he has been the owner of a furniture store in Apple wood Plaza Brown was originally a carpenter by trade and as a union in the Amalgamated Wood Workers while in Scotland his wife whom he married in 1958 live in the Scotch block of former frsquesing township They have three children two girls age II and and one boy age FEDERAL ELECTION JULY 8 HALTON Brown Terry Connor Progressiva Coftservatn Frank Liberal WENTWORTH Enc CLarntnaharn Liberal Bill Coroenattve Water