Revitalized Liberals victorious MAKING QUITE A splash at Prospect Park beach Nancy Shoemnkei creates a beautiful Photo by Peter Tlili column going to be a tough to No here I been a doauVin the family Not quite Hut I too sure I going to bleed to death through the even when I loitered out of bed at seven morning Just two hours after tottering Into bed It whs all that rending My brother In Jack brought Along on a visit bo old high school football pictures and we spent moil of the night barely stopping Tor food and drink deciphering the names under the photos There we were late looking so young and sweet and Innocent It would make jour eyes water One picture was hi J tied Undefeated Champions of Lanark County That was great I reckon Come on now How many of you ever been on team of Undefeated Champions of anything We talked and a lot as wc identified long forgotten faces our wives muttered away contemptuously in he background They thought we were tike a couple of schoolboys We Right in the middle of the front row holding the bill was and He a big guy but hi was solid bone muscle and grit He could always el iw his that extra five inches or touchdown through six hundred pounds of enemy flesh lit was a great hockey player too Made it to professional But he was born twenty too soon There were Just too many great hockey players in those days and he didn quite make the though he lead the American in scoring for several seasons Today he be knocking off about a Flanking him in the photo were Dob Whileandlom Harper Tom could run with the ball like a rabbit with six guys at him Bob Whin was my best friend through high school He huge either but when we needed a few yards there was no question of who would get the ball Bob Bill SMILEY a gnu cither would take a plunge at anything the size of doughnut hole and always come up with the necessary yards We nil hated school except for the sports but Bob While was bright Today hi going to Lollcge and leeomlng an engineer or something equally useless Hut in those days then was no way No students loans no grant dnng few affluent If you got job in a fat lory you were lucky time I saw Bob was London England during the war It was in the lobby f the famous or Infamous Strand Palace He was checking out I wn- checking in Hello goodbye He had completed tour of operations on bombers and lo begin his second On which he killed Beside Bob In the picture was Hogg nice guy who was forced by hi the rest of us poolroom bums He played violin He passed his subjects He was a clean living good looking just the type you d want for yourself though he had a distressing habit of dropping crucial punts As I It later found Johnny lying in a rubber dinghy in the Mediterranean Dead He a been shot down wounded parachuted got into the dinghy and died Then there was Lcs Morris a boy with a terrible home life a birthmark and a personality to go with both But he was also a terrible terrifying tackier who could hit a fancydancy halfback so hard that guy didn know he been am at the knees until he tried to stand up And Norm Davis He had the speed of a THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office A revitalized Liberal organization spearheaded a sue cessful Liberal campaign to oust incumbent Terry O Connor and replace him with Frank in a strong Halton election turnabout almost identical with the one that turned the tables on the Liborals in It was a hard fought campaign on all sides but we feel a large part of it was baaed on national rather than local issues Certainly O Connor has done nothing in his term of office to deserve the cen sure of the riding and he has been an energetic and personable representative offered voters the alternative voters wanted to ensure Mr Stanfield and his fuzzy prices and incomes policies did not sur This was especially true in Ontario where 19 Conservative seats went over to the I iberals spite of the strong support given the PC program by Toronto three daily newspapers Seventy seven per cent of voters thought it was worthwhile to get out and votea drop from the per cent who voted in 1972 but tempered by the knowledge that Ihufc are more eligible voteis The election was interesting in this part of because 0 Connor was well liked and many voters were torn between their desire to support him and protest Mr s policies as well and for instance gave Connor the edge Voters must also have felt Prime influence and record were more desirable than the Conservatives especially Acton and Milton Dr was not well enough known here to make much Impact in six weeks although certainly he lan a highly successful campaign Hie was never really in the iace Brown an en supporter of poltcies and certainly a likable candid itc polled almost 7 votes but won few polls in the riding are In order to and his party for then success at the polls and to the loser we can only offer the hope they will back in or 1979 come from the war There wire quite a few mure hut Old lack my brother in mysUf didn la tragic theme We laughed until we wen purple In the face at all the things we Had got away with not all the things that had got away with so many of It was also nice to sec our coaches Earl Filming handsome young man I tan t believe we him Old Hem J pounds of science teacher who could wipe wo recalcitrant students off their stools with uric hand as easily as I could wipe the dust off the window sill if such a silly thing to me As you can see this has been a hard column to write And a mighty difficult one to read Editorial Page The Acton Free Press Wed July 1974 We need more houses It doesn need a lot of grey mat to discern houses Acton and have gone beyond the reach of those with average incomes Town houses which last year selling for under a government sponsored income plan have now reached the 900 price tag a huge burden for fami lies with oily one income and a drain on those with two in comes It takes a real struggle to pay for them and continue the standard of living which people now feel is their right Detached houses which sold in the of 30 to last year ate now going from to WjO depending on the size and condition The market seems to have levelled off Real Estate people suggest prices may go down five to 10 percent the next few months Puces of course fluctuate with demand There was some concern among the He fcslate people that Hie ket would price itself out of business The demand for houses in Acton and area has been expanded by influence of the GO Ham which stops at the east end Hills Hopefully we are seeing the end of the endless price spiral Mean wink we suggest Ontario nig Action Progiam would find an excellent base here The homes proposed for the east end of Acton percent the homes would be set aside for the Home Ownership Made 1 program and percent sold 10 cent below the current mar ket pi ice of homes in the area Young people m this town and it i should have the opportunity to establish themselves much as their cuts and others did before them is room for expansion in the Acton and Hills nig there are proper safeguards against the municipality being by developers and sufficient Government assistance prevent exploitation for services is one prime requisite must be orderly and within limits There is no fashion a bedroom for Metro Toronto with lis iltcndent social disruptions press back issues years ago Taken from of he Free Press of July IBM of It It Acton received facial cuts when he fell from a load of hay on Tuesday Stitches were required to close the gashes Mr and Mrs J Graham Mr and Mrs Ken Blow and Sheldon were at Beach over the holiday weekend Sandy Beach on Lake Muskoka is a popular spot for Acton families on holiday Mr and Mrs C and family have a cottage there Mr and Mrs Charles Heard family with Mrs of will be holidaying this year Mr and Mrs Heller aid family will enjoy the summer months at the same beach Later in the season Mr and Mrs Mr Bill and Mr Jack Mainprize of Montreal Mr ana Mrs led Hansen and Billy will vacation at Sandy Beach Thieves took advantage of the Sunday afternoon absence of John Harris and his family from thler home It Acton to break Into the house by cellar window and steal two wrist watches a lady a and man and two cases of beverages police reported The farm home is off No High way near the Check Line firemen were called about this morning to Watson Dairy Bar by Mrs Isabel Watson who lives in an apartment above the restaurant when she discovered smoke from the blazing fryer years ago Taken from issur of ret Press of Jut The band by Alton Citizens Hand in hi park last Sunday afternoon was fairly will attended by the citizens The band under Bandmaster M gave very fine im of sjcred numbers The playing of the old familiar hymns seemed I pleise the audience The and the park proved very suitable for his eoncerl but dad sun been shining both and would have rather a warm tlmi Acton Ircc Press his week begins the fiftieth year of Its publication still hale and hearty with no signs of increasing agi on its face It is a big standing ad vertisement for Acton a credit to its publishers Jnd a for good in in it circulates Mr Harry removed his barber shop from the Lelshman Block to the new Fairbanks Block this week He is now comfortably settled in the new premises new cement sidewalk is being laid by Contractor Forbes on he cast side of Street from John to Willow Streets The one berry crop They sold Acton be a past week as as three boxes for years ago Taken front he lilur of the Free or July 1H99 Beware of him who the tough of a child Mr W A Storey of the Canada Glove Works has given the corporation electrician the lonlract of Illuminating the big sign on the roof of the factory on Bower Alice Streets with colored electric lamp The intention is 0 flash the name of the inn with electricity as ihe evening pass It will be one of the very largest illuminated signs on the continent If there is any day in the year when should be generous In the flying of Hags and displaying of patriotic colors It I Dominion Day The absence of the flag of he country from the head of the staff town hall tower last Saturday was regarded with wonder and regret by numbers of and visitors are being made for new buildings for Co both at the tannery ana station Mr Henry machinist has been engineer of the fire brigade Ground has been broken for the new lurch Excavations are now in progress week Mr W Andersons driver got out of pasture and strayed low Milton It was recovered on ACTON T ALWAYS have a high school For many years stone school part of the Robert Utile school complex It was formerly that all of them be included in one picture as this shot of of Acton Public School continued their education at the Acton the home of Sidney Smith before it was turned into a school a showplace the classes of illustrates Recognize anyone among these teachers Continuation School which was situated in what is now known as the old of early Acton There t so many students at the Continuation and students Many of them are well known in Acton