The Acton Free Pr Wed August Halton Hills Budget breakdown TOWN OF HILLS 1974 REVENUES TAXi ION FINANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT FIRE AREA No FIRE AREA No PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS STREET LIGHTING AMBULANCE ENGINEERING Ms men unci SuDplemenlarv Trait Com Pool ol Programs 006 198 180 SI BOO CEMETERIES EXPENDITURES RE No FIRE AREA No PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS STREET LIGHTING AMBULANCE ENGINEERING Ma rumance rig 77 RECREATION It Pool llakl Aclon Pool I lyCenlrn our LIDRAF1IES CEMETERIES Includes Eiu nl Telephone Coil for all New arena 159200 150 7 Startup grants centre of council controversy rncd he disposition of 30000 In startup Brants applied to the municipality by the province The town asked for but the province forked over only Two councillors Coxe and Dick argued It should be used to reduce the mill rate increase for Ward shown In the budget nattily dressed up in businesslike folders and passed to council and press Others Including Coun Harry Levy felt the amount should go into the town working fund which had 100 allotted However after much discussion council voted for a compromise solution one mill of the would do lo reduce the mill rate and the remainder about was tabbed for the working fund Councillor Coxe argued that Bill 151 responsible for many of Ward troubles but felt council had two chances to reduce the bills effect using surplus to ry Levy reduce the tax in the the province was former township and aware the second and third allocating the start up grants of rcglonat government for the some purpose He would be hardest for the noted the first opportunity municipalities with had been lost but council decreasing grants from the could partially recompense province and increasing by granting the second Coxe costs especially in reasoned ward faced even recreation He felt the town greater financial burdens more reason to put the entire start up grant into working fund Councillor Morrow chairman of the region finance committee pointed out the complete transitional grant from the province was used to reduce the mill rate and he felt using the start up grants for the same purpose or putting the money In a reserve fund amounted to the same thing However he commented it was an easy political move the taxes and one day the people of Ward would have to face the extra cost To use it for reducing the mill rate would be a false reduction he said Councillor Pat said he favored ubing one mill of the start up grants to reduce the tax burden He also felt increased assess would balance the books in years to come an opinion challenged by Councillor rSniXwnnUo had their work cut out for them blaze started as a motor was being dropped into a North grow and in his when flames the York Auto Body Shop panel truck and completely gutted the sheet metal opinion this doomed on the Fourth Line near last week The building along with valuable tools and equipment Hills to exist on government grants Acton victim remains unconscious creased expenses and he was the lone opponent who voted One of victims of hi against a compromise motion which occurred which favored using the start July is still up grants to reduce the tax conscious according to her imi giiW First Halton Hills budget Continued from page 1 felt in reality Ward 2 taxpayers faced a mill rate controversy over whether the start up costs should increase this year and would have to face it next go to the working fund or the other way year with no transitional grants to reduce the rate by two and half mills The boys at Queens Park aren t going to Council voted for a compromise to reduce the continue forking money over he insisted rate across the board by one mill and send the rest Councillor Hyde contended that next year to the working fund the story of the controversy is the lack of provincial support would affect elsewhere Georgetown as much as and pointed out Councillor said they had the rural areas were not assessed for services proached the towns first budget by figuring out Councillor Morrow also pointed out the what had been spent in all three former complete transitional grant from the Government municipalities last year and added per cent for to reducing the mill rate inflation The only item which did not meet the However Councillor Coxe told this newspaper criteria was roads which will now be financed that the Province only gives transitional grants to completely out of current revenue This postponed the rural areas to make the changeover to several road projects in Georgetown and Acton regional government There would be none he including the reconstruction of Church St until insisted unless Esquesing had been in the union The Province determines the amount needed Most councillors seemed pleased with the Councillor was optimistic about budget view of the dire warnings predicted of future mill rate increases insisting that as con astronomical increases but most were also acutely grants decrease assessment would In aware of greater costs in the second and third crease in Halton Hills to offset the grants He also years of operation where provincial grants would felt setting the tax rate earlier would benefit the be reduced in some instances and completely municipality which would be able to invest tax eradicated in others returns rather than have to borrow and pay in Councillor Coxe maintained regional cost next year would be much higher and it could reflect on Hills was the first municipality in this year budget where the responsibilities are to strike a budget prodded mandatory He said this year s tax rate is a false council into finishing it Thursday vhen feelers indication of the mill rate because it is covered up were being thrown out for an additional meeting by the transitional grants from the province He before a decision was made Council called a recess while treasurer Usher and Hutzal and auditor changed the original figures to agree with the one mill reduction to reduce explains Acton deficit tax now Councillor of Ward t77 HyQ6 IS fTiayOr of explained lo council it was good business lor Acton to vind up with dSlU deficit in the last ycarof operation lit pointed out Georgetown and both had surpluses but noted the difficulties a town of just over two to wrestle with costs and paying for police reserves virtually impossible The Acton deficit v is paid off by port of Georgetown surplus remaining surplus went to the proposed new Georgetown InhisMcv the union of Acton and Georgetown a merger of three different types of municipalities a Ijirly large urban of Georgetown wllh a substantial assessment a rural are with further substantial assessment a smaller urban area which struggled to maintain its identic on a modest assessment He also paid tribute to the work of finance chair for the hours he spent both at the region and town level in the budget It proves ihe job of a regional councillor is a full time undo tiring one too said Councillor McKenzie v is Visibly from the many meetings of finance and council council appointed Councillor IKdt as acting mayor while Mayor Tom Hill enjoys a The resolution was passed at the budget meeting of council Thursday night One house one lot few pigeons rabbits and pigs is not enough to constitute a farm according to committee of Hills They turned down Ihe application of ranchino 1 tone for a second residential permit on Ins proper pointing out only a farmer housing is allowed two residences on one property What about money from sports groups Ward Coxe and Dick both ex pressed their opposition to the first Hills budget because 1 of the surplus went to funds proposed for the new arena In Georgetown and the reminder was allocated to reduce the general ley They re tht buggers that got Ihe arena complained Louneillor and now what about all the money the sports service groups were going to raise for lhat new arena here is it gang to go he asked both I and felt the surplus should hac been used to cushion the effects of the tax hike faced councillor Hyde said however the town was trying to start out on stale bv giving money to those areas when the new was He foresaw more working together of all representatives of all wards towards one municipality and pointed out Georgetown operating reserves had been used wipe out a Acton deficit the remainder went to the arena said Wards A Georgetown had sacrificed more than Ward 2 and had been completely unselfish maintained that if the five mills taken out of funds for the arena had the former township mora than Hills which would only need one mill to raw the same amount A mill represents approximate W000 the new town BINGO Lie No Every Monday Night at 8 pjn AT THE CREDIT VALLEY CLUB FORMERLY RIVIERA GAMES 1000 JACKPOT 52 Nos NO ADMISSION CHAttOi Cards 3 for BUS SERVICE Sponsored By Georgetown Elks Lodge No 540 PROCEEDS FOR DEAF DETECTION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES Toyota Community Calendar Whats doing In North Halton CLOTHING AID Free clothing will be available through a volunteer group known as Aid on August from 10 am to noon at Mill Street Acton be gratefully received Junior C Lacrosse Sunday August 11 at the Acton Communtly Centre The Acton Rami II be hosting Huntsvllle Th game is part trie playoff schedule so don I See how much car your money will buy at HAILT0N TOiYOiTA Division Truck Lid 8784385 8262931 Hwy Just North of 401 Hi trine 1H was Innsferrul from the fracture mil rcg con District Hospital on Saturdiy The undent occurred to tin renin ininl with ind has since been the c in which thej liters in a car leased his rt were driving hit in driven ltd of gained consciousness on he louith inc at I of in with south legs llruor ifthccirwas of Acton condition Ire or tuts I rulses were ill his not changed despite signs of movement on tic taken to mil il i 4H member selected for meet rtgson ft It I wis selected Hi Provincial It idcrslnp to tin it li Ii bruise I from Nov to Ik i r for mituriH ittitudc an to rehte chosen from OB lit legates and rt present the 4 members from lint ir it tht week long venl l lubbt 1 Ik ARTHUR A JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Milton 3673 or Sun Thru Thuri I pro Sit r nd 10 One Show each Night a is what the new freedom of the screen is all about No Saturday Matinee During Sum Acton Homt Hardware GET READY FOR HOME MAIL DELIVERY