Parents favor controversial film The Acton Free Press Wed Mar Carrier of the week Little objected to tholr children being the Sexuality and Com munication In high school The film was shown to parents on Thursday evening at the Family Lite meeting at M Dennett school and dealt with such things masturbation reproductive organs what is normal In the way of body functions communications between husband and wife not necessarily sexual It also lightly skims over premarital sex Amidst much controversy in the large Toronto dally newspapers over the film being shown to students at M M School In Burlington the film has raised the question What Is wrong and what is right and who Is to give the correct answer Hole play The film featured continued You are entitled loo learned from the to your Mm A few things the film One parent summed up pointed out life in everyones thoughts by general arc that women saying It Is always more feelings too the belief that difficult to be open with crying isnt accepted In boys people you are emotionally dirty fokes convey sex is dirty involved with He continued the old adage that little to say that the school boys arc admired for whnl represented a third party they arc going to achieve and who in canes could do a little girls arc admired for better Job ho when is in a had mood The film delved in corn- others can be hurl through not sex one lack of communication and If man told the group the reason for the mood were Another pointed out U discussed there would be they replaced the sex with more understanding thus no drugs in this film there would hurt be no objections A few parents were con cerned because the film did One parent expressed her not tell their children not to tears of the film demoralising engage in premarital In- her children while another while others fell it parent dispelled her fears by not telling them to have saying that if the parents were doing a good enough job during all the years child rearing then that thing the We to teach kids decisionmaking process We cannot make up their minds Mr Skcrrctt said The student services chairman went on to nay that JOHNNY JORDAN in his two steering wheel garbage truck with builtin music Whistle while youwork musical garbage truck Music to pack garbage by is the latest wrinkle in a new one man garbage truck that announces Its earning In Halton Hills by blaring rock and roll music Johnny Jordan of Acton operator of new truck found it a bit lonesome driving and collecting gar bage all day by himself so he installed his own tape deck In the cab of the truck probably the only musical garbage truck Tor miles around Music is not the only In novation in this new truck It also has two steering wheels Scout and Guide news The first Acton Cubs held a and hike Friday March Saturday March They slept in St hall Friday night Saturday morning the boys were divid ed into four groups with a group leader They were also accompanied by four Scouts who gave advice and counsel at each of the six station Caribou hunt The boys pretended they were on a caribou hunt They stopped at compass direction bridge building lost in the bush first aid shelter build ing and trail signs were given based on the num ber of points earned at each station had a good time of the Inclement weather The hike was held on Bill would like to thank St bans church Bill the parents the Scouts the Scout and Guide Mothers and M Bennett school for helping to make this event a success Drill The Venturers were given a practice drill Sunday in camping skills They went out the Sixth Line at about two oclock Venturer advisor supervised the boys as they back packed set up tents built Tires set up a campsite and cooked Mr Saitllcfcels that a lot was accomplished In those meeting Mothers few hours reminded of the Scout and The first and second Guide Guide Mothers meeting companies rented ice time tonight at at the Scout Monday afternoon Hall Please come down and Approximately M girls under meet some new friends and loads garbage from the front The steering wheel on the left Is for normal driving and is used only travelling to and from the land fill alto or the works garage The other steering wheel In the right is used to drive along the street slowly so garbage can bo picked up The packer Is operated from the front so theres no waste motion running around the back of the truck The truck was delivered to Hills In January and has been driven by Johnny since then He Joined Hills work department In February What does Frank General Works Superin tendent think of music to work by If it keeps our men happy Its all right with me he commented the leadership of Helen Rowc Allison and Jean Vaughan enjoyed he hour Ten girls passed their skater badge that af ternoon They were Sharon Christine Allen Katie Bell Karen Van dor Eyken Diane Wilson Kelly Payne Jo Anne Van Andrea J en kin son Connie Craig and Mary Craig Many thanks to June Gcrtn who tested the girls All Easter tickets should now be In as the draw will be held tomorrow at the Beaver film Canadian version of Masters film should not even put and Johnson each taking the dent In their thoughts role doctor and female film is not going to nnd male patients The two their about how at the present time health doctors switch roles as felt before seeing It classes taught about and patient in order to allow Another Irate mother pregnancies abortions and fumed My opinion of It is venereal disease that it is only for married Mr the group couples with sexual We dont accomplish great problems ileal by moralising alone He One father who explained sees the teachers role as a when the film was over he can talk to some his and that lack of was This Is the film that children and others information can lend to blew the lop off M M very enthusiastic about the problems You never Robertson school one film being shown to know loo much he sold parent exclaimed un- teenagers I think It is a Contusing believing beautiful film he told the One parent felt ages nine This was the statement group of parents would years and up should see the which started a barrage have no objections to my kids film while others agreed it statements mostly In favor of seeing the film He went on was alright for high school the film being shown to the say There are some of but no teenagers l DEBBIE THORNHILL is a grade six student at Little school and younger sister of last weeks featured carrier Janice Debbie Free Press newspapers on a south part of Her interests include bowling and crafts both sides to be presented During course of the film several facets of sexual relationships came up The first statement to II was shown to them in Milton However the showing In Georgetown was received with general enthusiasm The film Is planned for senior students In the high school and will require parental permission before seeing the show Some parents were con cerned about their own communications with their teenagers Mr told the group he would like to start up a course designed specially for this reason in September He mentioned the Parent Effectiveness Training course to be un derway In April and recommended it Sexuality and Com munication was filmed for medical students However or calmly slated opinion It Is more for family counselling It should not be In high ay kids I need help in The film spoke In language reaching If I can get it I of today and not in a lot of would appreciate It no matter psychological terms which where it came from confuse teenagers were reactions decision The film has been received Brian chairman that kids are going to learn with mixed reactions of student services and about way or another throughout as parents of family life whether we teach them or have turned out to see the pro- meetings told the parents not If they arc going to screening Nobody Is trying to convince would rather them learn the Committee were you of anything here He facts Some admitted they totally against the film when Spring Wear Arriving Daily Just right lor ACTON to TEENS 35 Mill St E Acton News Merle Well schools over for a week and a Mont schools were out on Thursday and will go buck next Tuesday I hope you all have a safe holiday I in sorry I didnt put in the column last week I reJliyed on Tuesday that I forgot My apologies A week women played the girli team We let them mi II sure was fun to Wltll the Easier Contest was judged Mrs liiirdmcri room won for the Jr rooms for decorating the Mrs class and Mrs Gibsons class won tor the Sr s in decorating the classes Spring Hikers taking to the parks on were delighted to and see signs of spring everywhere Crows were cawing rivers were running fast and rabbits were to be seen hopping about CHECK OUR SPECIAL AIRPORT RATE Station Wagon com 8771878 8777722 GLEN TAXI get the feeling good things are happening in Ontario CABLE COUNTDOWN TIME IS RUNNING SHORT FOR YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SAVING OF SHOULD NOT BE PASSED BY CABLE TURN ON DAY IS FAST APPROACHING SO HURRY HURRY HURRY CILL T0D1T CABLE SYSTEMS MAIN STREET SOUTH HALTON HILLS GEORGETOWN 8533870 8533870 wait til you see what the new lottery does for us Its like a kind of awakening More and more of us arc getting into things Kids baseball tourna ments The Hamilton Philharmonic Jogging clubs folk dancing art clas ses Bonspiels Its happen ing all over the Province and its only the beginning Now weve got a new Ministry to help The Ministry of Culture and Recreation Its job is simply to help each of us get more out of life At first it will co ordinate things already under way Like the Ontario Summer Games the Science Centre the Ontario Her itage Foundation But then it will start helping new programs And ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION Harvey Marshall Pollock tAwiginq Direi there are literally hundreds of opportunities Travelling theatre groups New hockey rinks Support for women in the arts New libraries in places where they dont even exist Because part of the idea is to give all of us an equal chance to participate wherever we live How can we do it all Well theres the funds from the new Ontario Lottery starting a few weeks from now The Lottery is expected to provide many millions of dollars And every dollar we then put into the various programs will be for just one reason To help each of us get more out of life So this is going to be one lottery where all of us win MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND RECREATION Deputy Mi Si Ontario