Tennis anyone Yet About people crammed Into a high school classroom Monday night all eager to organize a tennis club A temporary group of people who had been meeting promote the building of courts In Acton called the meeting of n teres ted and were and encouraged by the large turnout As steering committee chairman George pointed out If ill these people came together to play tennis at the three now courts many of us would Just give up and go home again So the group voted to organize a club rather than Just have open tennis in town Mr Elliott outlined the me possible and everyone opted tor A proposed constitution was presented by the group and several changes were proved Since many people attend didn t know each other he original committee will prepare a slate of nominations for a future meeting The date Is not yet set All decisions must be ap proved by Hills coun ell On the temporary tennis roup arc George Ron Betty Doris Graham Comfort and Christine Area recreation tor John Cooper was also pre sent and explained the dure for the constitution now It goes to the recreation com mittcc of council likely with a recommendation from he recreation department and from there to full council Mr Elliott thought It likely wouldn be finally approved till the end of May Mr Coop or said the only way to speed things up would be to contact councillors personally Many questions were rais which will hove to be wered by the executive and members of the new club such as hours of play Ion and disposition of the nets Supervision Most present agreed to higher fees In expectation of some supervision It was gen agreed a paid person could best control club schc dules Tills has apparently proved true in other clubs Although the club will have use of the three courts at tain times there will also be free times for the use of the genoral public committee member explained They felt council would likely insist an this since tax dollars paid for the new courts Our department would press or open time Mr Cooper Mr Cooper said money is in the budget for complete screening and lighting at the courts Fees were set at for sen lor for elementary dents JO for high school dents and for a family It Is hoped a practice wall will be available by paving land alongside the arena wall Mr Elliott reported to he interested group It the Fastest way to learn Will Join Almost all present signed up to Join the future tennis club The last tennis club In Ac ton folded about ten years S UNEXPECTED CROWD of about 70 attended a where Canadian Tire is now meeting Monday at the high fcchool to discuss the is a former possible formation of a tennis club here All president of the old group present agreed that organization would be the best method of play for the three new courts Seen at the front of the room are steering committee president George Elliott and area recreation coordmator John Cooper i I Hire watchman to halt vandals No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 1976 Forty Pages- if Cents Board to survey school needs A study of high school needs In North Halton will be eon ducted The study Is being engaged at the request of Acton area Trustee Tom Wat son Mr Watson told the Board Thursday he felt at tendon should be paid to the need for high schools In the north He said he had been advised that some students from the north would have to He pointed out the board was building a new school in Burlington in an area not yet built up yet students from the north had to be bussed down It rubs me the wrong way when I told that students will have to be bussed It would rub you the wrong way too if you hod to bus students from Burlington to the nor he told Burlington Trustee Fred In reply a question The largest ac com mod at ion problem Is in the north but we re building a school in the south I fear we 11 bus all of our kids down there I responsible to a lot of people Aelon High School it a goad academic school but students hove to travel 12 miles for non academic courses he told the board New parking Down laws unveiled If council goes along with works committee then Hills has a new parking by law uniil will get the by law next week tin Monday night works lomnutteo passed a new parking law which they have been working on for some turn At the same meeting it was decided that II the by lav gets held up council the committee will isk for temporary parking restrictions in areas which are inij dangerous In addition tht law has a clause in it which ill further use of boulevards for parking People parking on and tearing up boulevards was one of the problems the committee wanted straightened out in this new law Some of streets which will now have either restricted parking and no parkin turn never been covered in a pirking by law before Tin follow is a list of streets effected the new by law They ire either whollj or partially controlled by tin law In Georgetown Academy Road street Street Back Street Campbell Street Chapel Street Charles Street Church Street Cross Street Boulevard Duncan Drive George Street Glen Road Street Park Drive James Street King Street Main North Main Street South Market Mill Street Park cess Anne Drive Queen Street Drive Sin and Street In Acton Acton Boulevard Street Bower Street Church Street Street Drive John Street Klngham Road Knox Street longficld Road Main Street Mill Street Park Street Queen Street School Lane and Young Street Parking meters will be in operation on Street Mill Street Church Street James Street and Market Si reel BURNING GARBAGE Burning garbage in a shed behind supermarket brought Acton fire fighters out Tucsdij night about p The blaze was soon extinguished to socks Three Georgetown teenagers pi eked Ac I on as the streakers prank rlday night but got caught in the act The three youths stripped down to heir socks and were nipping along the main street when they were seen by one of the policemen who was In a restaurant having a coffee Another officer Joined him and they charged the three with an indecent act and causing a disturbance The incident happened about 12 a m As soon as they were caught the boys hastened back into their clothes They re due in court June Roofing due soon Work on the new roof at the arena is expected begin very soon maybe this week some lime according to arena manager Harold The arena won be to be used until the new roof is on probably about the middle of June In the men eh room tin I sauna at sw mining prompted administration Mi night to hack Acton advisory com recomnu litre a male high school dent llecreitlnn Director Doug llison pointed nut there so here male the to keep the men t lunger female lifeguard do In women r n Dick llowiltask if damage as being done during public swim mi on hours recreation director said he was it was since the high school iff are usually on h during school lime lie said the celling tiles won being ripped out said he is about damage because the people had worked so hard get the pool and put much into it Superlnlen dent siid tin student would be paid minimum wage for supervising tl men s change Deny developer permit extension was filled with treasure hunters seeking a good buy from the auction sale held Saturday April Auctioneer Ward Brownndge the proceedings moving through of trivial items firm which owns land in Acton will have to re for building permits The hid allowed its building permits to expire and started con The firm explained by letter that they I polled ex tension of the permit six months is required by the towns by law However since the year of the permit being issued unite over hey hoped they might be granted extension now The mmlttee decided since they hud turned similar requests In the past would hive to deny this one loo The councillors thought the ties thing for Ihe group to do was re for permits like have in the past In addition they figured the company had been given enough time to apply for an extension ind had simply missed their Inflation hits home Playgrounds free at least this week The cost of will in crease by 18 per for the residential consumer and 4 for commercial electricity on July 1 came after man wecksof discussion and planning on the part of Hydro Com mission There was some concern over their of funds to run the commission and according Ted answer is a rate increase All members were against increase in spile of their empty account However a delegation from the head office in Hamilton headed by Li on Phillips visited the Thursday evening meeting and gave the com mission the increase figures which would help them out of red We have tried our darnd est to keep the rales down now has come the time to raise them Duby a member of the commission sadly remarked Mr Phillips pointed out however You have done very well In keeping rates down You have cheapest rates around of all politics The commission felt guilty about raising the prices but all realized Mr spoke for nil when he said very commission reaches its plateau and we have oh vumsl reached ours Bob MocArthur raised question Is this increase en which was answered by Mr Phillips telling of on other increase due in Decern The of cheap energy ire gone the told reluctant mm si The incrcise nil give hy inextra work with which when all credits ire p will give a little more than profit the end of the year Thi residential and com irtcreoscs average out to 15 per cent overall incrense which ma be up to three per less when in the lire are looked inli Ihe moment Hills summer playgrounds ire free to oil children in the six to 13 group I it was the recommends Hi n of Council lion committee Monday which was repent of in irtier recommendilion shot down by council last week and sent back for fur The could Lain if council fails to en this committee recom mend Tin original staff recom mendation suggested of five dollars a week i lul w is rejected by the time Councillor Hoy Booth he fell the w saying there should be no charge point some families luve more than one child who would want to use play ground which would be cost ly if there is a charge He said it be avail able to all with citizens recognizing ricrettion Is a cost not a self rting en The recommended then be cost for the summer play ground except for the out of trips Hits is the same as was used in pre vious School principals teenage buddies DAVE KATZ goes over some statistics with the new high school principal Dean Fink Mr Fink will be at the high school every Thursday getting to know the school and the people in it He is at present viceprincipal at Lord Elgin high school Burlington Mr Katz is going to Lester Pearson in the same town Coincidence FatC Or just plain luck There is something to the fact that two high school bud dies separated after the pre liminaries of university later are sitting in same office as one replaces the other in his job Dave and Dean fink the outgoing and incoming high school principals went through high school together worked at the P store for five and both on to Three weeks ago Dave Katz was transferred to be the principal of lister B Pearson high school in Bur At the same time Mr Fink was transferred to Acton high school from Lord also in Burlington He is at present vice principal of that high school Sees Mr Katz is looking forward to the challenge of a new school However he is going to mess Acton and lis people very much He feels the stu dents have been very good 1 feel good about this town When notified about this transfer on March he had mixed emotions Lester Pearson high school is brand new students will not be five years hero in Acton will be hard ln has no drastic From September 1U7S to changes for the Acton high September 19fi Mr Katz will school I have a hard act to be bus with the construction follow he commented as he of the new school the buying looked over at his food bag of furniture and equipment buddy and the hiring of staff Setting Mr Fink is living with his up programs and curriculum wife and two children in will take up a mijor part of Hamilton and is planning on time also moving to sometime Mr Kntzand this summer He feels sad his wife bought a farm house about leaving Lord Elgin high south of Milton It has school as you develop many been rented out with the friendships and I feel strongly couple never really thinking about the concepts and in they would be living in it Now with the transfer south moving day into farm house will be Julj Pearson Mr would tike the his new school to be other majoi aware of the significance of the school name He realiz es the time the school is completed the students who will be going there would have been too young during Mr Pearson time office to fully comprehend who he was It is for this reason the new hopes to instill fident of his job here in Acton The school has already un the changeover to the semester and changes other chools are jusi now doing of this advantage Mr rink feels he can on the field he is best in program planning and curriculum design Mr rink plans to know all the students by the end of next year He refuses to wear suit coat as he feels it re presents from tents hey feel more relax with someone they can relate to he explained The people of have a lot more social pres sures than when he was In high school according Mr rink He thinks television plays in important part in his The students see things on television and even though they mav not fully You must slow down before reaching Acton understand something are aware of it He pointed that per cent of students finish grade today as compared to only per cent a few years ago Mr Fink explained that the students realize need education more today and everything requires a high school education Community school In the event of a new high school being Mr rink explained that he would like to see the school become a community centre He would like to sec noted people from the province come for spee ches and have parents and older people back at school taking part in ordinary The new principal would also like to see the school be ing open for recreational facilities during the school breaks over Nelson school it was the first lime An easier school had won a sports of kind Both principals are looking forward to years ahead with anticipation and looking behind with fond memories and a sadness at leaving Mr Katz feels there have been numerous changes in the school in his five years as principal and is looking for ward to see what other ges will occur in the next five years Girl hit at corner Six year old Crooks was struck by a car while crossing the Mill Mill inter pointed out the speed limit froni 45 miles per to miles per hour when reach Kingham Road He Motorists will have to slow the minds of the pupils that down a little sooner than Lester B Pearson was a formerly when entering great man Acton from Highway He plans on having pictures Hills works com of the former prime minister mittee decided Monday night in the halls and a they will replace a miles ten letter from Mrs Pearson about to for another year and he likes giving permission to name yards from Road the idea of teaching in a the school after her late hits- with a miles per hour sign brand new school However band with the pictures Engineer Peter Morris light will cost the hill instead of at he top In addition an amber light The Board of section Tuesday morning Education has according to The Robert Little student was Mr Kalz approved the new crossing with the green light school but they are waiting and the car driven by Richard on the okay from the Ministry Boyehuk was a left of Education turn Mr Fink Is an avid sports She was taken to her home enthusiast He coached while teaching at frightened and bruised Mr in his early career Boyehuk lives at Erin days He knew nothing about the sport and used basketball strategy His team never lost game Tee Is out now at Acton When teaching in arena and the staff Is pain in 1961 his football team won ting