Limehouse Cub meetings WI in news Bad fall delays No bounty Erin twp trip for mayor Bv Mrs Benton Cubs recently had an Interesting meeting when one of the fathers Vic showed the boys how to draw a body The results were really quite amazing Think you Vic Nine or the cubs attended the District Craft Workshop held at St John United Church In Georgetown They made eight different rafts during the afternoon with break for Altogether there were boys from the District those were ail Cubs for their first year and Brtgheera Elaine and Dave Hannah showed the boys how to do nature wall hanging Last Wed he pack he Georgetown pack for their it Holy Cross church enjoyed the evening which took plate on Dave birthday of pick Terry Colter presented I ml with birthday ml cupcake with a on it Greg Ins e his swimmers Balltnafad inter the green star and artist badge Carber Goodlet the ski badge Contributed by Mrs Han nnh V I meeting Mrs was hostess for the Feb meeting on Thursday evening The meeting opened with pres Mrs Booth rending This is the beginning of new the singing of the W I anthem repeating the collect The president introduced the guest speaker for the meeting Mrs Rollings of the Credit Villey Conservation in the it told of the represent at ives on the mil the extent of the under their con fane showed quite i umber of splendid coloured slides some loci liken of work done or being done of faun ind scenery including kilns pits ind Mrs Brown herself a Mrs Rollins Business included a dona Hon to tin Hilton Music ilind membership to the Hilton Children s Aid Society Thanks was accepted for quilling wo crib quills for the local school A number wished to the short course about bedroom and acces with Tickets arc being sold lo raffle the prize winning quilt on April 10 at a tea in conjunction with the mothers of our youth groups who holding a craft sale that day Mrs Anderson read an account of highlights of the A conference in New Zealand sent her by a friend in Western Canada who had attended Social convener Mrs and the hostess served a nice lunch to the 13 members and three visitors attending Mesdnmes Patterson Cnchlon and Benton he inuual meeting of the Brampton Presbytenal of the WHS held in Knox Church on Wednesday We extend sympathy to Mrs Nolan in the passing of her father Mr Hilts list Milton Mayor Anne MacArthur is coming along fine in Milton District Hospital following a nasty fall last Wednesday which broke her right arm according to the Director of Nursing Mrs Elizabeth She said however that the break was so high up on the right arm that doctors could not install a cast So the mayor is confined to her bed and affected arm is hung from slings in order lo keep it in place The director of could not say when the mivoi might be released is not permitted to have visitors Icy patch The mayor slipped on in icy patch and fell as walked in front of Hilton Regional irt rs in Burlington where wis attend a meeting Ilhippuud shortly after i An is I ihe mayor wis rushed I Ihe Irani WI meeting shower news Mrs Rev Still ink return from but is convalescing Rev ind Mrs Johnston in the neighbourhood Sunday He wis to help out il the service Sunday Mrs wis hostess on afternoon for a bridal shower The honoured guest was Jamicson whose marriage takes place this month I Meeting The Women Institute held their m it the home of Mrs The w either was bid but Hydro project on film The go eminent James hydro dew lop project will tie on film ontnday it a gene ril meet ing of the Wellington 1cel New riding m public school In the film attention will be the effects on the native population ind their life style The innu elections will also be held it meeting il which everyone is welcome most of the members were to attend Tlit president the meeting The secret Mrs Smith read minutes and gave hi report Hit roll tall w is answered i Resolution I have tried keep Marshall had good list of current evenls energy conserving ind other local issues fallowed clubs start their course this week Two clubs par ticipiting with interested leaders iret Jimieson he district president had i very well illustnted ind in report presented in i very interesting PUBLIC MEETING Fiscal Restraints And Education The Halton Board of Education Is planning a public meeting In February The purpose is to explain the provincial fiscal restraints and to discuss the Implications restraints for education In Halton and for mill rates in You are Invited to attend this meeting and to participate In the discussions The meeting will be held at on Monday February al Georgetown District High School 70 Guelph Street Georgetown Anew Expressway for you CN Express announces the opening of a new modern terminal at Kitchener for improved service throughout the Cambridge Guelph Kitchener Waterloo Stratford areas Starting February 1976 dial these new CN numbers for express services Now CN I feet ovem lo ind Irom a Brinpto Hamlton Lor don NarjaraFil North Bay OlUwi Owen Sound Pf SI nt Toronto Wndsor if el Look what Express can offer you Express Rap do Route and A ExpiOoSn to Toronto Inle idiom express Erin township clerk Elmer has called The Free Press to say a letter to the in last week paper is In error The writer opposed vote in favor of reintroducing the wolf bounty in Erin township Mr explains I- rln lownshlp docs not pay a wolf bounty and never lias as for as he knows In any cast the decision to pay bounty is by a region not a town ship Mr docsn t think Wellington county has offered a wolf bounty either During a phone call lo Hit the letter it was as rtaincd she misread a news story of i discussion on wolf bounty at Hills council No decision his been made The Acton Free Press Wed February B5 Tenders for 25 paving Tenders have been called l miles and on Highway for grading drainage lest 5 miles west lar base paving intl mis of Orangeville work on Highway Tenders will be opened in from Highway norlherly on March ON If Of FINANCING NEW 3159 mm ACTON FIGURE SKATING CLUBS February Frolic SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21st Dincing 9pm am Music by Pete Edge If at the ACTON BAND HALL Buffet 00 per couple FOR TICKETS CALL 8530907 Lunch was served by Winnie Smith and seven helpers Mined Mr and Mrs family have sold their home ind have moved to Belleville A new family have moved in their vacated house The Shortill family at tended the funeral last Sunday of Miss lone Oakes it Mi m ico She was a sister of Mrs Rita Shortill and had been ailing or time She had taught in John Sehool for years hut had retired some years ago We are glad lo report that Mr Ray Swindlehurst is improving and expects lo be home soon He will have to convalesce for some lime opEN to a brroF tIie past COLONIAL INSPIRATION WITH ITS GREAT MAGNIFICENCE i It 34400 42400 fa in 94900 buy a piece or a INTRODUCTORY OFFER WITrl MARTrlA 25 OFF ALL PINE FURNITURE IN STOCK A look and fed in luxurious winter because the finish sots It through stop process including hand rubbing arid care free Kant Mar finish imparting deep to warm distressed wood grains A massively group recalls pioneer spirit with its great magnificence This luxurious suit includes functional inch Martha Washington door with plenty storage plus twin oval framed mirrors 5460 inch rope poster bed and BO inch bonnot top touch of tiffany SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF WINTER PINE CLASSICS FOR BEDROOMS DINING ROOMS FAMILY AND LIVING ROOMS FEBRUARV IS PINE MONTH AT HALTON HILLS EXCLUSIVE PINE DEALER INTERIORS FURNITURE MMKET CNTE Phone 8778777