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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 11, 1976, p. 19

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RECREATION PROGRAM John Coopers wife Janice treks across Conservation Area on cross country skis on Saturday Goggles kept the cold from her eyes as she grips a map in her mouth She and her hus band joined the high school Outers club in an Orienteering program Outers experience subzero temps Jennifer Itrme The cold of v inter ma slop some groups however for the Outers it is just he beginning of a brand new experience inter On Jnnuar Outers along with Kick Paul and Bruce iwitt for Algonquin Park The weather en countered ilxiut ft took them about two hours to in to their campsite of about one mile ana However with heaw packs they would sink down about two feet with Toocoldlosleep After setting up their lean to or their everjone imped into their sleeping for a night rest The next morning thc woke up early due to the fact that it was too cold to steep The spent that racking through the bush using a map and compass While hiking found that the stayed extremely warm They were In food groups of two or three people and cooked dinners where they gained experience in outdoor fires in the winter To give an idea of how cold it was Ihcy had cheese which had to be chipped like ice Tamblyn found that when he went to turn the film in his camera it shattered because of the told Puck up The next morning got up at am and started to pack up Tamblyn would take people and drop along the trail leaving hem for about a half an hour before thev were picked up by Hick and Swift During this time would be able to imagine what a trapper in Northern Canada like as he spent his winters in the north alone This was Tamhlvn fourth trip winter camping and he said that he learned lot of new things ilwut in the cold so can imagine how much the students learned They had only one case of frost bite and that was the toes of Field When I asked about this she sail thai she rcall enjoyed herself and that she would go again this year if she could is planning to go again One thing seemed to be noticeable was the way peo ple shared what they had whether it he food or just a pair of warm dry socks or mitts Good Citizenship deserves a medal Do you know here in Ontario who kindness without expect ing anything in return his nude this i province in which to the kind of person for whom the Ontario Medal or Citizenship wib established Recipients are selected by an independent Advisory Count il of Ontario citizens honorary chairman is the of the Province Anyone may nominate a person far the Ontario Medal and nomination forms are available by writing Secretary Advisory Council Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship Queens Park Toronto Ontario A Making a nomination is itself an act of appreci ation for citizenship All nominations should be received by April 15 ONTARIO MEDAL FOR GOOD CITIZENSHIP Acton high notes by Jennifer Howe Students of Acton high ore settled back Into the routine of second semester After a brief three day break students started back to all different subjects and teachers During the break teachers attended meetings and completed report cards Included with the report cards this term was the Acton high newsletter This is a community newsletter pub lished by teachers and students wllhin the school If youhaveany comments good or bad please send them to he school We would love o hear from you Acton highs newest sports team is the Acton Aces Girls volleyball team It consists of about 12 girls ranging in age from IB Coaches arc- teachers Wanda Hall and Harriet Knor When I asked coach about her team she said were a very strong team and despite the temporary losing streak hey been in continue to have high hopes and give each other moral support litis is the first cam of its kind for years at the high school As of now we have no boys team this is truly he year of liberation for women Thcbojs earn pJnjed strong game against Perdue high school lust week Out in the cold again are the Outers degree weather while winter camping a few weeks ago they once again hit the outdoors On Keith Hansen from Sport Ontario came give a workshop to interested Outers in Or ten leering II included a film and some practical exercise with compass around the school then went out o Conservation area where Orienteering wilh Brass band Bennett school will Ix hosting Little school on April when Canadian Brass visits that school Over 100 students will enjoy the musical group who can everything from music to Dixieland jaz7 to the Beatles was practised Last Tuesday students of Acton high had a short period day The reason for this was a presentation by Paul on the new learning experience soon to be under taken by students of Acton high The program Is called Mountsburg and is designed so thai senior students can go and take subjects that will be worth four credits to them The difference is lhat they are taught in a different en vironment outside the four walls of a school Head Tamblyn article in todays Free Press and find out about this new program Thursday was also a short period day where Tamblyn once again got into the act With the help of Ken Fills they gave a film presentation on the qualifier ions for obtaining the Duke of award Study snow On Friday Paul and Rowley look grade ten environ mental science classes on a snow study Dressed in funny looking warm outfits they wen out to explore Hie snow Here they he depths of the snow and the temperature at different depths Also they studied how the snow I different This is a new addition to the course All the findings are leading up to a study on the effect of mobiles Next week the class is planning a trip lo Actons own Fairy Lake where will complete an ice Yesterday Tuesday our principal Dean Fink went to where he in OUTERS PRESIDENT Carol Buchanan sank to her waist in snow without on Satur days Orienteering program at Con servation Area New club French Knots is formed by Julie Pierce The first meeting of the North French Knots was held on Wednesday February at the home of Mrs M Hunter This club is called a Touch of with leaders Mrs Hunter and Mrs Anne Dodda The meeting opened wilh the pledge then the executive members were chosen president Penny vice president Beverly secretary treasurer Bonnie Melheral press reporter Julie Pierce and phone girl Tonelh The rest of the meeting was spent talking about color schemes and learning three stitches of embroidery back stitch the twisted chain stitch and the couching outline stitch At the end of the meeting the girls enjoyed a snack and decided the next meeting would be the home of Mrs The Acton Free Press Wed February B7 What arc trees just wood Take a closer look Are they like people Gnarled old young Tall short fat thin They might be full of life With new limbs growing all the time Or empty and decayed Ready for disease to take over What are trees just wood Man OUR MIDWINTER Clearance CONTINUES Sav On Naturalizers Kaufman Spring Styles Arriving Daily shoes Downtown Acton 8530360 decide should stri Day for teachers from the Niagara South area Mints happening wild the new school Well the drawings are complete and a construction will be One of the firs problems that has been brought up to the leathers and students of Acton high in he new semester is the budget restrictions The board wants advice on how to cut down expenses without really it feeling education One big expense is bonks and here is a way that you can help Many students somehow manage lo collect a library full of text books over the years Please return these to he school using them so win not let someone else Coming up at Acton high on February 1C is he beginning of en days for World Development Kmh day a guest speaker will talk on the ways of a country different from our own Then at the end wo will have a starve a for one lunch period where people will donate what they usually spend on lunch to Take part and help someone else help himself Die quintet hai in lie Philharmonic wilh the Toronto based New Music Concerts and loured with the Festival Singers Canada They also radio anil television appear Die Outers are planning another trip to the Bruce Peninsula on Fcbrunrv Hopefully this next froup will So on February say I Love You with Azaleas Begonias rij Fresh Cut Flowers Special Arrangements from Caroline Flower Garden Centre Anon 1 idinn Horn Two Miles West South Side of Highway PHONE 2980 v estw WE SERVE RURAL ONTARIO WITH DISTINCTION Why not let us take special care of your upholstery requirements Check With We ReUpholster Your Chesterfield and Chairs JUST LIKE NEW Save over the cost of a new suite Open thru Sat 9 am pm CALL NOW FOR YOUR REUPHOLSTERY NEEDS I Hundreds of fabrics to match any decor Complete re building and re padding All work guaranteed Shop in the convenience of your own home lOdayidelivery Budget Materials for Recovering Family Room Furniture etc Before you sign any deal check I with Tudor House Our prices wil make you glad you did MR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE CALL am 9 pm Mon to Sot 8787655J Toronto Line 6699234 jk5ubor ffiniario Ho Custom 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