SHEILA COOK is one of the charming steward esses who arrived on the ice via airplane during the annual carnival FIGURE SKATING CLUB members recreated the presentation of Olympic medals at the finale of the carnival Saturday There were two per formances both to packed houses Families and were delighted with the quality of the show and called it the best ever FIRST TIME appearance by an adult group at a carnival features Laurie Cook Charlie tonal Carol Campbell Rob Cook Sheila Wilson Brian Skeggs Shirley Skeggs and Dave KARATE COSTUME is adjusted for Heather by Kelly Payne as they head out into the spotlight LITTLE MOTHERS in the carnival three youngsters strike an appropriate pose by shak big their fingers in admonition Julia Ball Stacy Perry and Jennifer Coates know what moms do The Year No 42 ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 SECOND SECTION Olympics and dreamers carnival is called best ever The best ever say the members of the Figure Skating club after their larniva Saturday which ended an excellent season 1 he arena was almost filled for the afternoon performance and it was jam packed in the evening as 150 young people put on i sparkling show hi first time members of the dub lis had a turn on the ice in a nostalgic called In the Good old Summer time The pros Sally Sharon I newcomer Pit Cranker of Miss issjuea feci that having a timely theme like the Olympics helped them prepare for super show The eolorful second half of the program featured the opening ceremonies with the torch bearer flags of different outlines track and field entries figure skaters karate boxers skiers gymnasts equestrians and finally the Impressive mock medal presentations Itit half The first half of the show also had an appealing theme When grow up I wish to he The sounders glided out on the ice as teachers graduates dancers doctors nurses mothers with baby carriages secretaries with typewriters firemen with the old town fire truck ballerinas police men miners stewardesses models photographers Solo numbers duels and the guest tannic of sprightly Kevin Parker and a duo Heather Melt rigor and Richard added variety The young guests were ap plauded and cheered Surprise awards Siturdoj night were to juvenile skater Laura best novice Lisa junior Sharon and senior Dave Trophies were presented b club president Mike Kiml flowers were presented to the pros I indT Hudson and Can Unci I There was a special presentation lo Smith long time club who is for university Helpers As usual dozens of people helped with the production Carol Campbell and Pi were in charge of the costumes generally considered the best yet Wilson was in charge of music Ed was commentator Charlie Perry was backstage coordinalor Garry arranged the inventive props No one fell dramatically ill at the last moment there were few falls on the ice everybody was and in the right place at the right time The excellent organization showed resulting in a group of happy children and teenagers excited about putting on a good show Their air of pro fessionalism spilled over into the audience and everyone thoroughly enjoyed that big event of the club year the closing carnival CLUB PRO Sally watches carnival backstage as Charlie Perry coordinates NURSE TRACY Mason fell down and hurt her self just before her entrance but Carol comforted her ADORABLE BALLERINAS are not in order Paula Mitchell Cathy OLeary Cheryl Genoe Kim Petty Vanessa Lisa Cannon Jennifer Swan Charlotte Hillier Janet Steckley Dawkms and Lesley Mathieson DOCTOR Sean Coleman gets a helping hand from Sheila Wilson They joined up for the junior finale CHARLIE KINAL and Kevin Parker talk back stage with pro Pat Cranker STEWARDESSES came out on the ice from a huge cardboard airplane Front row left to right Sharon Turkos Barb Wilson Carol Lovell Laurie Bruyn back row Kim Jackson Sheila Cook Joann Hearns Carol McKenzie POPULAR PAIRCindy and Dave McGilloway They are entered in competitions together now THIS IS Anne Smiths last year with the club she was given a gift DIANE skated a solo as a gym nast YOU TAKE MY picture and Ill take yours photographers were Griggs Michelle Himeshazi Elizabeth Hudson Tina Krzyzik Laura Ann Leslie Janet McGraw Laura Leah Marks Lesley Sawden and Darci Thornton DOCTORS AND nurses ready to minister to the wishes of the audience are Craig Robbing Kevin Usher Jane Ball and Kim Usher