Morrow fights Acton sewer main repairs paid from lot levies tiller Kit Morrow who town was going of tity in running fin Hills voted to piv Hit of repairing sewer mam on Mill Street from the lew fund In Ins igunsl t ikinj the from funds rithcr Hi in funds Morrow w is supported by i illb Ho Morrow Itrrm it dangerous procedure Id soul responsible fin rules using fund subsidut bud litis Hi likened tin move l prying txtn snowpluughmti eosls I Lev In could see jeel e tin slid to hid Acton and chimed the wishes of representatives in Hi il should followed if Councillor Pal pnmtnl from Hie lot levies had beLii Region Ircis Don I inner ip proved ilit region istrition committee He sud In supported it regional but Morrow eferrtd lo Hilton Hills I fur McKtnitc said there Is 100 in lol forw iter and stwers the witer trouble on timtroii might be when this work Is done levy sud he the funding mtlhod for the reasons is Morrow its the councillor Disk How tit Morrow repln overspend Hit budget take it from another budget that has a surplus or from next ye lit pointed out id voted previously on another sub jtct not to tikt money from funds for opcrilmg llowilt the nature of tht work lu be dont should determine whether or not is m iintm inee item or ipital item his is an one shot ipilal expenditure whether it is in forte Morrow insisted sewer rtpurs irt m In my or eight on to my knowledge we h never funds to fmanee iting whole of prtpirtdntss tin lit wiped out and tint s what in eitits south of tin even ended up One Hundred Second ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER new pool supervise is a graduate Seneca Colleges Utilities management course year old I onto native Ashley who to hci studies Ip 111 d jus his fun n show Imi his ILDUPI 1 lit il pin 1 In up models in i Mi ltd in id in is if Hie hill Mil he i 1 slum Mi JULIE peeps through a section of the Legions during its construction Volunteers are hard at work making the float to commemorate the Legion s 50th anniversary Other are also under construction throughout the town New grants may help Halton Hills Spring start for plaza phi on No jusl wtsl of i bum Cm his hi mud permit or lot NEW HAMMERS away at the Legion fioal lor Saturday hair parade float builders want to be a surprise to everyone Water bills accepted here lit lop I 111 Will lis l pi nunc Mi Mush ill I I In ii will I tilled jusl in iui I II hi est pull is iin mil list Hits willl jusl pari Ml Mush ill s he was in sli w In in ii i I ii i i I Ihi en ii I it ik I Hi In Hit sud list nighl i ill Ihtu will between hi il in mm It mis lilpim to ihe pull i i I pull will I Mi t d I in bond ire wi to lot il level 11 Building Mill hi- I In i I Ihi The 10 per cent increase provincial grants to municipalities announced by Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough Friday certainly will help but it too early to know how much it will affect Halton Hills town treasurer Ray King told this newspaper King said 50 per cent of the increase was ticketted for education and the remaining portion would go to various programs but there was not enough information at this time to say how much or if it would keep taxes in Halton Hills stable There is an increase in the unconditional grant and police per capita grants are being raised from to 15 per capita Road subsidies will also be increased by million but Halton Hills won receive information on how much this will mean until later Undoubtedly we receive benefits from the Region but it is too early to relate to Hills at this time the treasurer said Hit buildinc which housed per tent m spend htilth WM prov till of lueilion is pi mi id of in f ieh hi clink ittr bills it Ihi wilh no ihnu dinilh or in through Ihi wis Hi ol tin I in imi mil personnel Mnndiv ii Mi Ihil ii 111 il will I for w tie in isurer King pn pind Hit re jmrl w is gum to mini inulid Mis I tpt in illoi mi lo i il in in oil Mi M id this is to h li itmosplun tor Hit lotinti Hi poll ted ik It Mil ip till lostsiirilu In qui iown lo permits out ni ium 1iii1duL timil lllr iimm in uiiilioil show his ilw i In his lined up loi i MiKi I of fit with i hi hid hi in the Won paid bis bill Hurt I jusl w m ike sort dont lit Implied in I In Mil 1 piunds imi lite 11 puiill isid fit i mil I ii Sutidi lit is this will is tin thud To try again for fair parking Region Allan and regionjl Don wtrt among of provintial municipal liaison tommiltot Friday whtre ihe intrt the import inl pu of Hit 1 A of 4 billion School name McKenzieSmith MeKeiiit sthool it s whit of supporters will be sehool is hi njme for be new middle pi lJ77 Hit le out ill the f ly lo up retjuesl liny will Ihen send a Ittler lo dirtttor of livendtr mil St people will he neir sheaves of fur Hit lilt tlmtr Smith was pnneipul of the Bennett sthiHil mil i count was I illlt principal Both I cat lien and here for many when itir hills eould lit pud hollow nit rtttipl of irds lulls eould no pud it lit Aeton off lit i petition is pre list Mr Kme two ilives with ion tin provision or Hit si run il no tost Mr Kind suit Mrs l 1 would in he i llf i tost of w iter bills would Ik virv it is a I runiirusoi irihn will hive to din bills would lid to Hit Payments rolling in limit busj shs Mrs I i of business in Hit town this week Slit been iUite few bill ind Mondij nielli Hit fill met Hit the town isurtr w is to Iht of In I in the will m ike on tin took Hit I llu tin in Mhuij ii in Mikt in Mini llu Moidiv iiilIi pi in lie Hi iNphnud llu d Mr M xhibilwdl iKoli il Ibis vt fur Ihinus ftom will old Hire shine in itliini i ilirishinR ilion will put on Hit fur MiKtnii ilk tin v 1 In Iht ii minds w p km on tin pi puK tin l I ill I in it I u I in ho in in mini with in is 1 iht hud lu lot Hit on in i in foi tin I in i low ii nil witds mil billed hi it fused lo illow mi then md diiiine tin 1 111 I ml i lie in iskid pn mission p limine in Hit Id tutu rv md lit his pi opus il w is impossible smii both would iitt d md fin is this Attractive sidewalks for MiI of Com 1 asked Mills works Monday lo sidewalks in stalled in the of Mill are under rt He said he realised his rt quest was coming I lib hour hud from town that if re quest for was made to works Ihen there be still In formal brief Ihe Mr I said Hit of torn mtrtt during Mill retonslruttion and tvtnlually it construction of Main textured sidewalks suth is or interlotking stones installed In irtas dt as Business Improvement Area Mr explained that mtrthmts thought sidewalks would he of nominal extra as torn pirtd normal sidewalks md would m tin down lown irt i more Armstrong hi h id also iL mijdit not too I itt to the speenl sidewalks in st Ik noted the interlotking slonts art madt by of and would as us lliost in Slrcttsvillc h ivt kiektd tins idtas before lol now and this kind of ilk would tn deputy engineer led It illinger sud lit his of no problems wilh tin liny look ive ire to install and only more expensive to install than regular side 1 lit inlerloeking stones are easy lo in tasy lo take out maintain and arc becoming iulle popular declared J Joe noted lit special sidewalk lit installed on Mill Street suite not ill of llu ml is bull reconstructed hi He expl lined no pari Street of Wilbur Street or west of Mum would he worked on this year Mr bind the merchants would be dt lighted if only areas under reconstruction right now re Ihe textured added other areas of downtown Acton get the textured sidewalks an the streets wort ilhngtr noted Hurt wouldn be any coming from IJuetn s Park for side w they thought it still included in tht retonslruttion suggested the icquested to report to Hit tommillte or as soon as possible about the coil textured side walks Ihe feasibility of hiving them Included Armstrong said might even be possible to bring the subject touneil ACTON HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC Society president Cook I left Presents Andrew Kroezen with a brochure during the athletic assembly nday Andrew broke Ins lelt arm in a fall from a garage The injury will keep him athletic pursuits until September hen the cast comes off