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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1976, p. 4

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The Acton Free Press Wed September 15 Editorial Pag Planning meeting tonight Attendance has been poor so far at the meetings in arranged by the regional planning depart ment In Acton the meeting is to night Wednesday The questionnaire in last week special supplement to the paper is also planned to help these officials know what people want The questionnaire put out this Small is beautiful summer by students studying social services was a flop difficult and poor returns This planning questionnaire isnt as hard to reply to and of course not all questions have to be an swered Planning for is vitally important But obviously to many it just not as interesting as the other things they could do tonight People still having a hard time stomaching regional government found a couple of interesting items in the Toronto papers the past week Writing in The Toronto Star about Trudeau s present un popularity columnist Richard Gwyn says s vision of the future is onedimensional He accepts Big Government as inevitable Maybe it is Yet along with the dynamic of social retrenchment there is a demand for an alternative to gig antism People are looking in their communities in their work places in their institutions for oppor tunities to exercise initiative and responsibility The movement the countervailing force to the Me Generation goes by the name of Small is Beautiful And in the Globe Jeff Simpson writes The City of Toronto might take the first step this fall towards a new program of decentralizing city services in selected neighborhoods We II probably be looking for funding from other levels of government Mr chairman of the work group said The Ward 5 alderman said the decentralization program will not cost the city any more money Instead it will require some civil servants to move out of City Hall into the neighborhoods But it will be up to the neighbor hood to decide which services it wants located there It wont be for the city to tell them At the local government level such services might include plan housing inspections building permits health and recreation There seems to be a trend toward decentralization now SAILING SAILING over the CN tracks from Sudbury to Acton a hull in cement It was shipped here by Don who has been building it at his former home in Sudbury the boat comes too It will be set up beside Heller plant while Don continues work on his Sugar and Spice by bill smiley Of this and that Legion public relations officer John will be writing a column for the Free Press this season Press reporters of other groups are all getting back on the job and letting us know what s happening with their groups How come there are no big Xs painted on the roads in the ches to town crosswalks asks a resident She thinks they would be helpful to drivers Ihateyou This lint was no from a disgruntled student an irate parent or an ungentle reader 11 was mj wife Hiking flic occasion was our parting for our annual holiday and shew us a bit ink ungentle and disgruntled She been up seven ironing my shirts and packing my big I w is up at stroke of 10 well rested and re for lire ikf Quilt hit of pi inning h id into our I was to fly loll for a weekly editors convention She was to into rustv old unci hud west to set htr I for a few days and were to ioibl and stay our plan for i couple of days with mdsons It ill sttmtd perfectly lnic ind simple to Hut nothing is ever simple In my wiff except on frequent occasions When 1 I sonitlhint tint must be fixed ir und the house ind sht milk dins it with in kick triumph ml iriw We keep lot triumph ml trows in the basement fir such nuts any on Ins fin UK hither in hour fori wi split there wis rotten in Shi id been shoppme Ik use inn for two days to in i ni rUhinj in I slocked fir kids hid I tin pi tin nit lis tin ml she wis do hit hem working I somtliodv in I 111 tnsinrs It off j tit in rt OUR READERS WRITE Problems of land use Words deeds contradiction Dear Sir fie the report Morrow says Region have slopped bad planning Acton Fret Press I Sept this report shows the stupidity and the juggling of facts by of our elected rtprescnta lives and our socalled planners When my wife and I decided lo separate the two lots we purchased in 19SS we made every effort to prove that a precedent had been set were aware that separations of less than five acres had been allowed in our immediate vicinity between the years 1969 to 1973 and our investigations established his fact Our application for the severance was quite clear We wanted nothing more and certainly nothing less lhan any other taxpayer in the area We intended lo sell the lot lo our daughter and her husband for tht minimum ltgal requirement of dollar The Conservation Authority ind the Health Department had no objections and this severance received full support of the Milton Planning Board and Town of Milton Countil Al the Regional Planning Hoard meeting Mr Regional Planner cited Nassagaweya s official plan and five acre Mr Cronn is obviously ignorant of the fact that separatioas of less than five acres have taken place out of the socalled hamlet areas A further point also should be con The Region wiped out Nassagaweya we ire now the Town of Milton where two acre lots are per On the surface it would appear some of our Regional appointees talk Region when it suits their purpose on one issue Ihcn switch to pre Regionalism it suits their purpose on issue uneillor Archie dleged lhat allowing separations such is this one created demands for strticcs supply our own dispose our own garbage pay hand for hydro and services whereas a house man urban requires that some of these bo paid for by the community whith includes the rural taxpayer Councillor Morrow suggests lhat had we Ind Regional government twenty wt would have been spared ibis ungodly mess of planning If we hive in ungodly mess in it is due directly to implementation of Regionalism Before Regionalism the Township of w is debt Regionalism costs have escalated out of all proportion Under Regionalism we m North hive or no lo the Escarpment Commission tht Conservation Authority and the Credit Constrvation carry more weight than our representatives So muth for Region To get back to ihe separation the land in question is of no agricultural When I a good to dig me out a pond on it he lined saying it would be too hard on his equip ment My immediate neighbor had to blast out every fool for his basement So far this voir trying to control the weeds has resulted in damage to a tractor and riding mower due rocky In our estimation il would far better to allow on this type of than it is to clear prime land take it for housing William A Johnson Mary Johnson Wed love to see you Dear Free Press Staff I wanted you to know just how much appreciated the article on Okimot Lodge that appeared in Aug edition Wayne as an ex Free Press Ragweed tea Out where our Nassagaweya groans We re bless d with all the precious stones And our TAXES are no sympathizer So we lake em with the Breothahzer Old wise McGee a note to me Please come and lake some RAGWEED TEA So I wenl down and sure enough From the tea pot he poured out the stuff It tingled as it passed my throat It seemed to play a familiar note But when it hit my stomach base The colour flushed up In my face employee was especially pleased We hope that this will enable some of our old but not forgotten Acton friends look us up love to see or hear from them I turned red then I turned green Such pink elephants I never seen 11 loosened up my funny bones 1 rocked and rolled around the stones This was McGcc grand garden party With the neighbours there all hale and hearty And his swimming poo was full by gee Of McGee own brand of RAGWEED TEA Rural Route September 12 In last week s suppitmtnt to your paper Towards Region Goals and Objectives the inning Committee of pilily of Hills wenl on the public record with some high sounding prose about regulation of the He indus try Here is what the Planning Committee ivows It wishes to preserve from ill production II determines to regu late the method of mineral to ensure the least environmental and com muiiity disruption And pledges to ensure that land uses are not in tonflitl with mintral resource production High rhetoric no doubt However or is little like a bikini what it rtveals is what it conceals is vital Take the ease of J Duff Gravel Pit located of I between the and I ines Mr Duff would like to dramatically expand his operation In an public relations campaign Mr Ruff has sought to allay ihe concerns of those of us who live already too lo his business He has I about the salvaging of gravel as though it wire somehow in need of rescue He has rtftrrtd to various public bodies designed to serve public good such as the Escarpment Commission the Ministry of the etc I as breathing down our netks He has spoken of Ihe aggrcvation sit he has had lo put up with remain in business Mr Duffs public rtl it ions campaign in many or our views the plaintive self righltousntss of a man more sinned against than sinning Unfortunately it has also allayed of too many taxpayers in and around I imehouse Because of both pieces of publicity per hips we may ask a few perl men I tions of Mr Duff of the Planning Com mittcc and of Council itself i Mr Duff holds a contract with Town of Hills to operate a gravel pil Application has been made for a develop ment permit lo expand ihe existing opera Hon under Section of the Niagara scarp men Planning and Development Act Although a permit has not yet been issued and although Mr Duff knows that in the words of the Notice of Decision development cannot begin prior is of Ihis permit work has in fact already commenced Indeed the original license for Mr Duff to operate a pit expired as far back as June Yet the pit is still functioning Why How legal is Moreover and Ihis is where the going becomes a liltle stony the tion for the development permit for a municipal pit was made not by J C Duff Limited but surprise by the Town of Hills Nevertheless the pit is a vate enterprise run by an entrepreneur who will subsequent Ik red nut objective si rvt but by host win in in his pirtnirs Hit Itrms of the Hilton Hills r in J Duff w ill respon sibb lotht if muss if thi worst cum to worst it will be the Homers of Hilton who will have to foot any bills not the pru which of course st to reap tht profits Hilton Hills wuitd Ik responsible for the lot il of It would be in Iht business I nder I is im powered eiif in pm di this ly allowing it he will inspect Mr Duffs lor if will its own operation in how cm it enforce the numerous conditions outline by the irpment Commission Iht tret lion of fences protetlion trees rthnhil it of land tic Mr Duff dots not own ihe I ind upon which he is stlvigmg Ik it Whal arrangements does iht town we wilh the owner ttillrov Mines I so thai Ihe terms of iht m be carried out And whal would occur should Mr Duff my be sold lose its become or otherwise defunct At that point who will cast the first stone Mr Duff lor the town way you care to construe the matter has applied for a to operate pit Under Pits Quarries an operation may serve for Ihe pur pose of mumcipil roads Yel by his own admission Mr Duff prothims per cent of the up lo MX per d leiving his gates art private Now where are all those private vchitles gome they ill serving municipal roads I Hills or J C Duff I imitcd is calling for of tons of aggregate over 12 month jcriiid is a very deal of gravtl ind i many However how much gravel docs this mumcipilih require in 197677 In short on the hand we hive i fuzz of rhetoric On the is least a most cozy between J C Duff Limited the Municipality There is here a idietion between words and deeds It invites some straight answers to the questions I raise Not Ihe most minor of them is this How does Municipality equate Ihe expansion of the Duff lis environmental objective as proclaimed in list week s paper to identify prottct and preserve lands of sensitive environmental involving wetlands wildlife habitats strategic woodlots and of cultural interest And ecology aside why is it that Hills is Involved in a commercial operation with no possibility of profit and every likeli hood of liability Why are our tax dollars being hazarded for somebody else com self Interest Perhaps your readers and your paper will await the answers with curiosity Jim Henderson Shi bit grim the lips on that I morning but up until I down fresh from my bath and ind inquired inely Is my bag picked The limousine will here any to ikt me lo the il s wht she emitted Ihe opening line of this column I knew whil it was im I palled her hack and said Hit then tie You don have to scrubbing it Grind ids fit minute win irnve Tike hour after dnvt nice cup of tea out c worked fine me few on chest sht wi both fell better She l tin it the very rn on on the in II irbor she had cooked a good r id ihe dishes w ished at her r just bout thi time I was slurping nit m third lobster listening i Andillook lit ills hours the skirled I i In jusl about the time I hulled to be coddled by sit return trip I think lid ins that ire jood for il stems even better for woman in tin pirtiirslup She rested rtfn hid lookmj wonderful I got hum looking like a lit withwhitt hur It must have been red out rthuiL Splitting like lhat is ibout tin w wi m to set our old Slit hid a ind md somt j Iks ind tNtn wenl for couple of with some of her long time friends up on ill the si dirt on 1 went for a s on the Him mist in it Hill and the Id freshmen ith some other old rumps is wi rtministed about the whin silhiie 10 id was the of ir out I w is Ihe of tit nunc tin in old frunds m business are in lwkI shape considering that most of us in Quite few ire turning over the papers lo s us diiihttrs themselves working i i or Iwo week 1 it the I d like to t into the Hut I don I hive i paptr more son is in and my d bits I wonder if iht sill me piece of high school when 1 ith si I have i good racket to piss to my hen wire some inl moments and some funiiN ones it the convention There is le ir in most ind i lump in most thro lis when ceil Diy of grand publishers of the M was given si on ind choked up com with emotion when he tried to ri I here as she delight in listening in as tried to to pretty and chinning lady in pure i I w is jreil fun ind a little confusion is Don Per of Port Perry and Hill Smiley of Midland planned well into the wee hours the rand Post Convention lour to starling on Nov 12 from Pickering Airport in a Camel ihcre w is Nery wirm and peeled experience for yours truly No it I silting next lo Joe Clarke and and Robert Stanfield in the coffee shop It wisn listening to a speech by Howie Meeker though both these Ihmgs happened Itw is the a new award for community newspapers It was a well kept secret until humble was called podium and presented with a handsome plaque and an even handsomer cheque I was so flustered I know whether 1 was receiving a Standing Ovation or jusl a Warm Clap Whichever think you th ips and girls There are some excellent writing for your p and I m glad you said It before you had to say it with flowers The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago From the issue of the Free Press or September Because of the fair the Merchants Appreciation Day draw was made at 11 a last Saturday The change was lucky for Mrs R A Turkosz who won with per coupon Mrs Howard Masai look the regular prize A year old inmate of the Ontario Reformatory at who escaped from a work gang last Thursday caused a flurry of excitement around Acton west end Saturday al noon Before he was taken Into custody by Mason of the Aclon the fugitive was tracked and wat by a bevy of citizens as he fled from tracks through a culvert across the highway and into where he tried to hide in the swampy area on the north shore of Fairy Lake Mrs received deep and head lacerations when she was thrown into the windshield of her husband scar man auto accident two miles west of Atton on No highway Friday The congregation of the Christian Reformed church which holds services in the Y M C A after considering locating their church in Georgetown have decided to remain in Acton The members are mostly New Canadians of Dutch descent and they look forward to having even more members in this area 50 years ago issue of the ree Press of Thursday September Turnip shipping commenced here last Wednesday Tht first turnips were delivered from the farms of It L John first lint Fsqucsing and Arthur Swackhamer lownlmt postage is evidently misun derstood by many people II still costs two cents to post a card and two cents to post a Ittttr addressed lo a party in town A large number of our citizens have at tended the big Exhibition in Toronto The fair is huge success and a credit to our country There were there Monday Repairs arc being made to the bridge on tht setond line After the Saturday and Sunday rains detour was almost impassable many drivers preferred to go to Milton by way of Camp- and tenders for tht new ticket offices secretary office and band stand at Prospect Park were opened on Tuesday evening The contract was let to J Mackenzie at It will be quite a decided improvement and with the new granite posts and ornamental fencing will make quite an imposing entrance The schools here are crowded and a number of beginners who are eligible by for admission have been turned back home to the disappointment of the parents Sixteen Old Country boys have been placed with farmers in under the new immigration policy is shortage of harvest help in the west though wages are as high as i day 100 years ago Taken from the issue of Free Press of Thursday September 1K76 Pour full columns of small type in the four page paper arc devoted to descriptions of Turkish atrocities in Headlines The Whiteside Murder The Inquest Resumed and Again Adjourned Mrs Whiteside Arrested Startling Revelations Tonight One full column of type follows i All the other headlines on the same page Mr Gladstone on the Affairs in the I ast Arrest of Tweed The Abyssinian War Hundred Catholics Murdered in Chim Midnight Orgies lrtsh oysters by the plate or cm at I evens Oyster and fruit bazaar Also peaches pears ind other luxuries I he youths who make night hideous with their unearthly yells had belter not do so my more or they may gel into trouble Tomorrow will be observed in as a general holiday Nearly everybody talks of going on the excursion to Toronto and Biy The Excursion Committee are requested lo meet in Masonic Hall fare lo Toronto and return will be only 75 Mr Geo Tolton will next week com mence to buy barley at the station presume the price w ill be tht same as paid in from time to lime THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office Mow Acton nd Ids I Inlht a en may not tola I ha

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