The Acton Free Press Wed November 3 1 CLEMENTS Motors of Milton EXPELS OUR FINE REPUTATION Rides With Every New or Used Car We Sell Est since IMS MATADOR DOOR SEDAN V8 automatic loaded with options like you wouldnt be lieve Finished In a really sharp color combination and still carries balance of year mile new car warranty Lie No KDAM3 1975 JEEP RENEGADE ITS Loaded see it TODAY LIC B DOOR Standard transmission attractive color combination Lie KHT738 1975 AUSTIN MARINA DOOR Economical standard radio bucket seats many extras Beautiful color combination low mileage and just like brand new Lie JNV1B2 Automatic radio finished In ascot blue matching blue Interior many extras Lie GREMLIN cylinder standard radio finished In blue One owner Lie KHD233 MAZDA A DOOR STATION WAGON Automatic console radio white walls REALLY SHARP Lie JWE595 GREMLIN cylinder standard radio nice color combination Lie BPJW7 MATADOR DOOR HARDTOP V8 automatic power steer ing brakes radio plus other extras Finished In ascot blue with a matching Interior and a white top excellent condi tion Lie 1972 CHEVROLET ESTATE NINE PASSENGER STATION WAGON Power equipped Including windows attractive color combination its a beauty Lie KHW194 TOYOTA DOOR COROLLA DELUXE Finished In sunlight brown contrasting bucket scat Inter ior power brakes standard transmission radio plus many extras Lie 1971 CHEVY NOVA DOOR Cylinder automatic power steering radio finished in medium blue with matching Interior very low mileage original miles Lie MATADOR 2 DOOR HARDTOP V8 automatic power steer ing brakes radio Nice color combination Lie MUSTANG V8 automatic power steer ing brakes radio Finished in blue with a custom bucket seat interior Lie Also Big Savings on Brand New Pacers Matadors Jeeps MANY MORE UNADVER TISED AUTOMOBILES ON OUR LOT GAS BAR OPEN TIL American Motors Bronte St Just North of Hospital 8782328 TRAFALGAR MOTORS CLEAR THE DECK EXPANSION SALE Plans Approved Contractor Ready Space Needed TIP OF THE ICEBERG The cars and trucks you see on our front lot are just but a sampling of our stock per cent of our units are presently parked at the rear In preparation for our building contractor to move In and start building so If youre thinking USED CAR OR TRUCK chances are well have one suit more Important were read to talk your kind of deal and thats giving you the lowest possible retail price plus giving you the highest tradein allowance or your car or truck THIS IS NO IDLE TALK COME IN TODAY FOR THE BEST DEAL AROUND TRAFALGAR MOTORS Mam Street Milton 8782369 ECONOMY CARS 0LDSMOBILE CUTLASS VB automatic console PS swivel seats vinyl root radio Arealgemforthe right family Lie ONLY Georgetown British Cars St i payment bank financing Motors St Georgetown 4760 All reconditioned BHA3B0 No down payment 197S A FOX Station A real steal now No down payment bank Motors 199 SI HONDA For now Lit LJX043 No payment bank financing St Georgetown 4764 69 OLDS new paint new engine new AS is Call B53 CHEVROLET NOVA ocyl low mileage immaculate condition Lie JUST 1975CHAHGER mechanics car while with red Interior and rod vinyl root Only miles Lie HOW Only Call Georgetown Chrysler IS 4094 WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phone TOYOTA 1600 Low mileaqe Lie BP20I3 ONLY Georgetown British Cars DODGE door automate excellent condition lull price A ileal Lie financing Call St Georgetown 4259 WANTED by War and anything interest DAT SUN IS Off r LCI 137 1984 CARLO V EXEC I only JPX127 Priced I 15 4267 TIVE CARVolnre door coupe slant vinyl plus mony DODGE Charger V auto KNFB31 No down payment bank financing Call Motors 199 Si Georgetown AUDI I Lie No down pay bonk Call Motors St Georgetown a7 am 4 EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS in your spare time with Fashion mo Choose your own hours CALL HELEN GODWIN tor appointment Licensed Mechanic or Apprentice For School Bus Opera tion dayshift and benefits Bus Lines commencing November experience an asset Apply in person to Apple Products Ltd Main St Glen Moms 420B4 THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED WEST TORONTO Requires For Shift Work QUALIFIED MACHINIST Up to per hour To repair and overhaul heavy equipment Must be able to make machine parts to close tolerances and run a variety of machine tools APPLY IN PERSON TO EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 3 Windermere Ave Toronto Ontario Monday to Friday am to 3 pm ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED BY MEDIUM SIZE MANUFACTURER The person we are looking for should have a minimum of five years accounting experience with exposure to and standard cost systems and be promotable This position would appeal to a 3rd year student is negotiable Liberal fringe benefits Apply to Box 293 coTHEINDEPENDENT GEORGETOWN ONTARIO CORPORATION OF TH E TOWN OF H I LLS JOB OPPORTUNITY Arena Worker with the Recreation Parks Department The successful applicant will be responsible the general maintenance of an Arena building and machinery and should possess a minimum years experience In the arena or related field a clear understanding of the operation of an Ice making plant Salary Range 69000511739 plus fringe benefits Applications and resumes should be forwarded to DIRECTOR OF RECREATIONS PARKS 36 Main Streets Hills Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 Deadline November 197a WANTEDMushroom pickers Apply Tangmero Mushroom Co 878 between and PART TIME teller experience preferred Apply Bank Commerce WANTED People Interested In making extra money part time with Products through sales party plan etc required country home APPLICATIONS are Invited for organist lor Rock wood United Church each Sunday HIS am to m Salary to be discussed Call Mr David Cunningham alter posit WANTED Man to help Branch ware house of farm equipment manufacturer Farm back ground an advantage To be trained for work In office shipping and receiving We are looking tor a man who wishes to make a career will an established company Please apply Box co The Independent 1 1B Mill Street Georgetown FULL TIME pay lor part time work free training Pick your own hours No Investment necessary For further In formation call Joan Harrison or Carolyn Bullough TWO persons wanted with some experience but willing to train Call John or Charles J Rooting 9BBB EMPLOYMENT WANTED central air power humidifier dehumldl tiers electric air cleaners basement alterations Call DO SOMETHING new phone Dating Urn itcd 1661 Brampton 00 p to 9 p REGENCY electrolysis permanently by women by appointment Reasonable rates or 4233 DAYCARE available district Call ill BOX STALLS and paddocks for arranged Call AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOV 6th 1976 AT 12 NOON FOR MR HAROLD SCHOLEY Located In the village Free I ton mile west of No a Hwy corner of Brock Road watch for signs miles north of Clapptsons Corners SALE CONSISTING OF Riding Lawn Mower Household Antique Items Cars plus Misc Items HOUSEHOLD 8 ANTIQUES double brass beds nice ones pine harvest labia oak cupboard Victorian hall table needs reflnlshlng small fern table hanging wall cupboard with leaded glass doors antique wicker wheel chair small pine dry sink Annex Wood stove Acme Wood stove pine box odd trunks shoe lace set wooden high chair odd crocks T Eaton Co sealer modern refrigerator Moffat electric stove Simplicity dryer 3 piece sectional chesterfield with matching chair 3 upholstered oak chairs Including rocker portable sewing machine bed chesterfield leather like new leather rocker pine dresser with hand carved wooden pulls oak wash stands Queen Anne dining table with leaves piece kitchen suite antique Aladdin hanging lamp Gone With The Wind type lamp no top globe Aladdin lamp old hanging fixtures flat Irons old pictures and frames antique folding bed old violin and case very old PS railroad pocket watch V size spool bed Westlnghouse radio floor polisher carpet sweeper piece kitchen suite maple bunk beds wringer washer console Bl TV selection of old books tea caddies curved back chairs milk cans selection of glass and china pieces CARS RIDING original miles cycle speed transmission good shape selling with safety check Mercury door VB runs good selling as Is HPMTD riding tractor with rotary mower snow blower electric start this machine Is only 1 yr old wheel garden tractor with cultivators and 1 furrow plow power lawn mower MISC ITEMS Boys bicycle small wooden barrels bathtub and toilet set sink taps etc deep well pump pine window frames copper lightning rods electric motors oil stove fddlng chairs furnace blower I tap die sets shallow well pump odd garden tools etc household misc items to choose TERMS ARE CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER ID Lunch booth on grounds Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for any accidents AUCTIONEER jim McCartney Waterdown AUCTION SALE i WEDNESDAY EVENING NOV 10 LOST Dodge truck 3rd Line Acton area AT 630 PM HELP WANTED People with paper handling experience for paper converter located In Georgetown Please reply In person to 120 ARMSTRONG AVE Georgetown Ont SECRETARY SENIOR POSITION TO THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT Must have a minimum of 10 years general business and office experience Excellent starting salary Complete OH IP Blue Cross Dental and Pharmaceutical plan paid for by Company Write complete resume to arrange tor Interview Box The Independent 118 Mill Street Georgetown MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Large manufacturing plant In the Milton area requires Maintenance Supervisor shift work necessary Excellent salary and benefits Reply to Box co The Canadian 191 Main St Milton Ontario REQUIRED INTERMEDIATE COST ACCOUNTANT Excellent advancement opportunity for second year student with at least one year related experience In a manufacturing environment Full Benefits Apply by sending resume Indicating salary expected to Person BEARDMORE Division of Canada Packers Ltd Acton L7J2M5 MORTGAGE FUNDING MORTGAGE FINANCING IS AVAILABLE FOR Homes Businesses Farms Education Construction Purchases Renovation Debt Consolidation Call today for an appointment to discuss your requirements 8772679 HOUR PHONE SERVICE WEEKENDS INCLUDED MEMBER OF ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION TENDER REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON Police Cruisers Dry Cleaning Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Regional Clerk Mr Garfield Brown until Local Time Tuesday November 16th for the above tenders for the Regional Municipality Ha I ton Tender forms may be obtained the office of the Purchasing Department Harvester Road Burlington Ontario Tenders will be opened 15 pm Local Time Tuesday November In the Council Chamber Harvester Road Burlington Those submitting tenders are Invited to attend Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted K SKERRETT Regional Chief of Police R A CPPO Agent jijiiiii3 ANTIQUE AUCTION MEAD0WVIEW AUCTION BARN Station St FRI NOV 5 1976 AT 730 This sale consists furniture early In Pine Chest of drawers wash stands tables wardrobe etc There are several clocks mantel and wall Come and see an outstanding collection of glass and china carnival glass cranberry glass finger lamp Aladdin lamp etc Primitives sad Irons cast Iron tea kettles skillet etc Lunch bar TED LYON Auctioneer To be sold IN MILTON at the fairgrounds In the AGRICULTURAL HALL on Robert Street Removed to the hall from a Georgetown Estate plus added additions SALE CONSISTING OF Antiques and other Household Furniture Glass and China Collectables Misc Etc FURNITURE Solid oak round light colour ret pedestal table Set a pressed back chairs Solid walnut candle stand with Duncan base ref Pine board blanket box East Traditional commode Mahogany ref table top desk Solid oak ref ardlnlere stand very old oak Kitchen cupboard Desk early vie- ref rocker Oak ref rocking chair Oak painted flower table Dropleaf table painted Odd chairs very nice all wicker matching chairs one rocker I one straight Irg matching chairs upholstered partly caned on sides one rocker one straight arm chair upholstered arm chairs Lazyboy chair Kitchen cabinet Old buffet painted magazine racks walnut bedside tables with drawers Metal nicknack shelf utility table plantform rocker Step tables Steamer trunk Wall mirror Side table chrome kitchen suite good one Pole lamp Other table lamps Copper boiler bedroom suite double bed dresser chest of drawers spring and mattress Brown steel bed with spring and mattress Some Irg and smalt pictures and frames Incl A matching frames old with coloured prints Scatter mats Assortment of lawn chairs Shopping cart Smoke stand Clothes hamper Singer electric sewing machine In cabinet Duncan dropleal table Desk and chair Continental single bed and headboard stand drawer chest painted blue GLASS CHINA COLLECTABLES MISC Glass china cutlery chest of silver Other regular small household Items Zenith and wh good as new and wh TB Westlnghouse floor model radio record player comb good one Sunbeam elect broom Blssell carpet sweeper both good as new Mix master Phillips shelf radio good Heater fan Dehumlditler elect wall clocks Westminster chime mantle clock nice one Assortment of hand lawn carpentry tools Assortment of bedding books down comforters plus other Items too numerous for listing MOdel gauge Chamber shotgun Lrg cast Iron sugar kettle TERMS ARE CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER ID Lunch available Preview from 430 day of sale Sale to settle estate Auctioneer Hall Board not responsible tor accidents AUCTIONEER CHRIS A SCHOUTEN 8782576 7Bmga27 AUCTION SALE Every Tuesday evening at 730 pm at Stanley Park Pavilion Erin Ontario Featuring furniture glass china lamps copper crockery primitives clocks Canadlana Imports etc etc Lunch booth available Preview 1 hour before sale Terms cash or Identified cheque AUCTIONEER DAN BAILEY GUELPH ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE to be held every Monday Evening at the Junior Farm ers Hall on Elliot Street in Brampton Sale consists of Furniture Glass China Lamps Brass Clocks Primitives and Preview from 430 pm Terms cash or cheque with ID MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer AUCTION SALE lor WALTER SAT NOV AT 11 AM Cattle Poultry Tractor Implements Trucks Feed Miscellaneous lots Furniture Antiques TERMS cash or cheque with ID Not responsible for accidents Farm sold Household Items sell first MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer OfmetTBrBtrnME