Nominated candidates Town of Milton elections 1976 tort Cwtwriiht Hindu Cordon ArtMcUiuon VwRtwdt gntlotMUctd Inn Roumirit Knofliek on lo by School Support Hilton nd Iblton mil John Brmdly Served with county The Acton Free Press Wed November 17 1976 Bl Don McMillan runs Elva Newton for regional council Coun R Powadiuk- Pleased with progress I am quite pleased with what has happened in the area in the last three years says Russell Incumbent councillor and candidate for one of the Ward Three Burlington area seats on Milton Council in the Dec election race We have obtained many things for which haven cost the people of Milton or anything except what was taken from Nassagaweya s capital levies fund he said Mr Powadiuk cites the Lions Hall purchase and the purchase of the former gas station at Campbellville for a district fire hall and recreational centre as two of the major highlights of the past three years No maintenance The Lions Hall appraised for about was purchased for a total of but he town only had to take from the capital levies fund to buy it And it costs us nothing for maintenance the local Lions Club is handling that he said The provincial community centres grant and Wmtario funds handled the balance of the cost The fire hall community room and tennis courts pro ject at the north end of the village was a project he said But it only cost the council all of it from the capital levy fund In addition the project has an annual income or which goes into the general town so he feels the whole town is actually making money off the project An additional bonus for ratepayers is that the fire hall location at CampBellville will reduce area insurance rales by to per house per year he points out Keep It down Councillor Powadiuk notes a pretty high standard of services was maintained in his rural ward Despite lower provincial grants and in creasing costs the general tax levy for the ward went down Educational and regional costs were up but the general mill rate was actually down seven mills in compared to The regional rate was up per cent and the educational levy was up60 per cent In the same time period Townwide that meant the average mill levy was up per cent but the general rate the only one for which council is directly respon was up only per cent he said I attribute a lot of this to Mayor Anne MacArlhur s penny pinching he grinned During the past three years of the 000 In new works department equipment the town has pur chased went for Nassaga weya area he added Councillor Powadiuk feels the town has done a good job of maintaining and plowing the ward roads and also cites the tar and chip program Introduced as a threeyear program to convert close to miles of Nassagaweya gravel roads to hard surfaced roads Super job On snow plowing he feels the works crews have done a super job and three new sanding units and a five ton truck with plow have been added to the fleet stationed at Brookville works depart The councillor sees market value reassessment as one of the major controversies council can expect to deal with during its next term He hopes rural ratepayers will not have to bear the brunt of taxes when the assessing system Is revised He feels Milton has had excellent common sense planning during the past three years and praises planning director Bob Zsadanyi for his efforts Although negotiations art incomplete yet Councillor Powadiuk feels the council has made progress on an other Nassagaweya contro versythe truck route that will lake vehicles from the Sand and Gravel pit to Highway via new development road to be built north and west of the village of Campbellville Tbecouncil developer and Ministry of Transportation and Com munieations have been nego tiating costs of the rood and the final decision has been left the developer hands Mr Powadiuk is a four year veteran of council work He served on Nassagiweya Township Council in 1973 and was elected one of Ward two representatives Millon Council when the regional government system was introduced in 1974 so he has three years experience on that council former teacher he is cur rently m inagerandoneof the pnncip lis of an investment and real estate management company is primarily a fimily firm as his brother jnd father ire partners and they do most of their work in the Toronto and Cam bridge We do not do business in Milton and don t plan to he pointed out The family farms on I me north of Side road some day in the future in sub division project on the firmly farm Mr the firm engaged professional plan to drift rules for this and other estate visions in conjunction with Milton planning director When the igrcement is eventually by Mil on Council it will apply lo all such developments Mr idiuk is married and his wife Carol is a selling toucher Lord High School Formerly with District High she has worked for Ihe board five yeirs They have one five month old daughter Tin A former Deputy Reeve of and member of County Council Don McMillan has announced his intention to run regionally In Milton s Dec election against incumbent Jim Watson Mr Wotson defeated Mr McMillan in a race for the same seat three years ago In announcing his can didacv last week Mr McMillan said he felt it was lime to have a common sense approach to everything in municipal life appears that it the region is not working properly If that is the case I here must be a better way The only w ly lo find out is to be in and spend time coming up with constructive We have get our priori ties in the right order and then stick with them I feel decisions have lo be made as opposed to waffling I know we won please everyone but a council should work for the benefit of the people involved and the area involved Mr McMillan Council for two years in 1971 and 1972 and as clerk from to He also served on the court of revi for I wo years At years of age Mr McMillan lias had a varied business background having as a municipal clerk a real estate agent and a banker He is currently employed by Saxe Real Estate in Georgetown He has been active in sports and com mumty functions Mr McMillan lives in Moffat with his wife and three children last minute entry Into this year municipal election race in Milton is Mrs Newton of Guelph Line in nor them who seeks one of the two seats for Ward Three on Milton Council in 1977 Three men are also In race incumbents Russell Powadiuk and Brad Cle ments plus mother first time candidate Howard Carney Mrs Newton is making her third try for public office She was candidate in the Township Council elections in 1967 and last year was one of the nominees for Race for mayoralty the Progressive Con candidacy against George Gray and Gary Daw kins Dow kins won the nomination for the party but lost the election Represent at Ion A resident of Nassagaweya years Mrs Newton is a housewife and molher Her main campaign plank is stronger representation for the area on the town Wc need someone lo put our concerns and feelings before the council mi re strongly she said She is also dissatisfied with regional government and bays the power has moved too far away from the people is by and The candidate is not favor of using the Milton Siti for a massive landfill site The should be on rcclurmtion plants suggested She is ilso unhappy a road service in Nass We deserve better They call us the Ontario she claimed DON Me Mill said He was critical of planning being done from the rcfcionu level Wc lo have from people who know irea he said Improvement of roads would rate a high priority on his hit Mr McMilhn noted Mr served on Nassagawcv ind Wednesday Nov An allcandidates meeting 8 at Hall in Ward Three sponsored by Nassagaweya Area Ratepayers Assoc This meeting was originally announced as being Tuesday Nov 23 SPECIAL EVENTS AT TheTerraCottalnn r Candles L J DOUBLE RKSTAIJKANT Inn mil Dec 10 and Dec 17 Sunday from 1 1 in runch