Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1976, p. 11

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The Town of Hills 1976 Municipal Elections Notice to Voters The Regular Polling Day or Municipal Elections Is Monday December 1974 during the hours of to 8 m A notice has been sent to each dwelling unit In the municipality advising of the location of the polling place for the electors In that dwelling unit For the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on December 1974 there will be an Advance Poll held at the Municipal Offices Mill Street Acton and at the Municipal Administration Building on the Seventh Line on Saturday November during the hours of 11 and Every person offering himself as a voter at the Advance Poll shall be required before being allowed to vote to make a declaration before the Deputy Returning Officer declaring that they expect to be unable to- vote on December 1976 Subject to certain conditions an elector may vote by proxy by appointing In writing In the prescribed form a person who Is entitled to vote at this election Such appointment Is not valid unless made after November 15th 1976 and the person who has been appointed makes application to the Clerk not later than pm on November 30th 1976 to receive a certificate to vote by proxy lor the polling subdivision In which the person appointing the proxy Is entitled to vote Forms referred to are obtainable from the Clerk Ad mlnlstrator G D PRITCHARD CLERK ADMINISTRATOR AND RETURNING OFFICER TOWN OF H I LLS Liquor Licence Act Vote NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL Notice is hereby given that a poll for the purpose of receiving the ballots of voters who expect on the day fixed for polling to be absent from and unable to vote In the polling subdivisions for which their names appear on the lists will be open on SATURDAY NOVEMBER27TH 1976 UNTIL8 AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICES ACTON AND THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SEVENTH LINE The ballot box or boxes will be opened at the Municipal Administration Building and the votes counted at II noon on the day of December 1976 Dated at Halton Hills Ontario thisMthdayof October D PRITCHARD RETURNING OFFICER CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF I LLS Contract No Fl Fire Department Gallon Tender Sealed tenders merkedastocontents will be received NOON localtlme Wednesday January FOR the supply of One only Gallon Tank Truck Standard No and C S A B89 Tender documents available from the Purchasing Agent 36 Main Street South Georgetown Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted G Pritchard Clerk Administrator TOWN OF HALTON HILLS Main St Georgetown Ontario MORTGAGE FUNDING MORTGAGE FINANCING IS AVAILABLE FOR Homes Businesses Farms Education Construction eMaor Purchases Renovation Consolidation Call today for an appointment to discuss your requirements 8772679 HOUR PHONE SERVICE WEEKENDS INCLUDED MEMBER OF ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASSOCIATION MRS REED Spiritual reader Adviser on Marriage Bus Iness Health Card and palm readings See this gifted lady all read Ings confidential She can help where others fall Call now Toronto 61mga29 DO SOMETHING now phono Rendezvous I Dating Llm 1661 Brampton to 6tgaml 3924 RELIABLE day care In my homo hoi lunches toys galore Call MOTHER of year old boy subdivision area call 1011 DAY care available In my home Acton Call anytime PAIR lady s bifocal prescrlp glasses left at counter of Mackenzie Bulldall Call PUT TO WORK FOR TOU AUCTION SALES ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE 2ND SESSION SALE commencing Tuesday NOV AT TO BE HELD IN MILTON at the fairgrounds In t he AG I CULTURAL HALL on Robert St FOR YESTERYEARS ANTIQUES SALE CONSISTING OF Clocks Incl gingerbread grand father and mantel clocks oak dropfront secretary china cabinets hall racks pine drawers pine blanket boxes pine drop front secretary bookcase comb dressers buffets assortment of occasional small tables assortment of various types chairs Windsor and balloon back cast Iron brass framed oval wall mirrors wardrobes piano benches and stools sterling sliver handled cane china Staffordshire Doulton Wedge wood Crown Devon Flow Blue Bristol vases and bowl sets several pes of cut glass wooden and china cookie barrels Carnival glass several Victorian vases assortment of framed pictures and prints plus numerous other pes of good glass and china Each Sale consists of approx items REMARKS Yesteryear Antiques have had In the post several fine sales BUT THESE TWO SALES ARE OF EX CEPTIONALLY GOOD QUALITY a real opportunity to do some your Christmas shopping Both these sales are great Interest to Collectors and Dealers Plan to be with us on both occasions TERMS ARE CASH OR CHEQUES WITH I D PREVIEW FOR BOTH SALES FROM OCLOCK ON EACH DAY OF SALE Lunch available OWNERS ED AND JANET Owner Hall Board or Auctioneer not responsible for AUCTIONEER Chris Schouten MILTON AUCTION SALE GEORGE GRUNDY S FARM SAT 27 NOV AT 30 AM MONTHLY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE OF TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Includes Ford Tractor good condition also Includes new Tool Sets Wrenches Also Furniture and Antiques which sell first at m Balance of household goods from Mrs Margaret Manning now in Senior Resldencel House sold Appliances Tables etc from Chas Cakes Erin Twp Implements sell at p m Consignments welcome up to Sale Day TERMS cash or cheque with Lunch Available Not responsible for accidents PLEASE NOTE This Is last this MAX STOREY Auctioneer AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOV 12 NOON FOR MR NORM IGO Located southeast corner of No and Lower Base Line miles south of Milton miles north No 5 Watch for signs SALECONSISTINGOF Cattle Tractors Farm Machinery Hay Mlsc Items possibly some Household Items TRACTORS MACHINERY F 135 tractor dlesel with power power steering chains equipped with Allied No 300 front end loader two way action on bucket only hours on tractor No 70 Oliver gas tractor completely over hauled No 12 baler good shape Allied bale stooker with motor like new F ff P mower old May rath ft grain Auger and motor Bannor aerator used once Martin H D wagon and rack Mayrath32tt hay elevator International mower ft cut International bar side rake Old International run seed drill runs good MF 25 tooth cultivator Front end bale loader FEED HAY MISC HOUSEHOLD ITEMSApprox bales of good hay bushels wheat Quantity of alfalfa seed 16 ft hay feeders on skids Brooder stove Barbed wire barn fanwlth thermostat Cattle water troughs Universal salt feeder Set of barn scales Old cook stove Empire style love seat Possibly more household Items CATTLE 4 Hereford cows bred months Slmmental cow bred 2 months Holsteln cow bred 3 months Slmmental Cross Openhelfers Hereford 2nd calf heifers selling open 2 Cross bred steer and heifer BOO lbs 3 Hereford steers lbs 3 and Hereford heifers 500 lbs Many more mlsc Items to choose from TERMS ARE CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I D Lunch booth on grounds OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS AUCTIONEER Jim McCartney Waterdown 78mga30 AUCTION SALE MEADOWVIEW AUCTION Station St Rockwood SUN NOV 1976 AT 1 30 Hog an Auction A partial listing only of Items to be put up or grabs on our first Sunday FURNITURE Two tier table pr step tables vanity stool two marble top tables walnut chest drawers six legged parlor table walnut server smoking stand walnut stand sewing chest Empire fern stand mahogany lamp table three drawer chest drop leaf table four piece dining room no chairs reflnlshedplneplecei sleigh bed room suite 6 chairs cane backs and seats GLASS CHINA ETC Cranberry banquet lamp wash set amber font cast base oil lamp milk glass Aladdin lamp carnival decanter cake stand cast Iron teakettles plunger for washing clothes brass ships Lunch Bar tarts sandwiches coffee tea pop clgs TED LYON Auctioneer 1 519853 058B8a AUCTION SALE ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS MABEL CROFT SAT 4 DEC AT 11 AM SALE OF GOOD FURNITURE ANTIQUES GLASS CHINA AND MISCELLANEOUS A good sale of Antiques PROPERTY Also being offered subject to a very reasonable Reserve Bid Is the property consisting 100 acres more or less on a main road 2 miles from Rockwood 3acresot mostly Tile drained balance Bush never tolling spring creek crosses entire farm House Is large Frame with 6 bedrooms etc but no conveniences Large Bank barn other buildings This Is an Ideal Handyman farm Must be sold to settle Estate Sale necessary to setfle Estate TERMS on Chatties cash or cheque with I TERMS on Property per cent day sale balance In days when possession will be granted Open for viewing Sat Nov and Sun Nov from Property auctioned at m Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE OF ALL NEW CARPET FURNITURE ANDG1FT WARE SUNDAY NOVEMBER t 240 York Rd Across from Flbreglass Parllal Listing Large selection new carpet all sizes colors and material Chesterfield suites stereos bedroom suites bunk beds continental coffee and end table sets lamps kitchen suites rockers C radios Christmas gifts and many nore Items too numerous to mention A BALL Auctioneer TERMS OF SALE Cash cheque Chargex Master Charge end plan Acton Figure Skating Club by Mrs Mitchell Congratulations the following skaters who earned Badges Beginners Kaye Duess Elementary Julie Charle- Anne Gardener Basic Mike Tracy McFarland Laura Allison Thomas Thorn ton Turner Dance I Kim Lawrence Novice II Karen Dance Kim Weir Figures Colleen Petty Free Style I Paul Hudson One of theswnns at the lake has a ishhook caught in its mouth and has difficulty eat ELK HALL lor rent contact Rick a or Larry at after 3 BED Acton area per month December 151h Only rental rcterences Phone ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE be held every Monday Evening at the Junior Farm ers Hall on Elllol Street In Brampton Sale consists Furniture Glass China Lamps Brass Clocks Primitives and Preview Terms cash or cheque with I MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer 78amgtl AUCTION SALE Every Tuesday evening at at Stanley Park Pavilion Erin Ontario Featuring furniture glass china lamps crockery primitives clocks Canadians Imports etc etc Lunch booth available Preview hour before sale Terms cash or identified cheque AUCTIONEER DAN BAILEY 1107 BEDROOM Home room fireplace Lokevlew Heights Call after ROOMS WANTtD seeking room and board lor Phone APARTMENTS FOR RENT I BEDROOM duplex n Georgetown ground Hoar month plus utilities Fergus Avail 44W BEDROOM country apart north of Acton S235 monthly heat hydro water ncluded Phone 1318 BEDROOM apartment older adults only no pels or dren Apply Church St PRESBYTERIAN CHJRCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON On or Sunday Nov 28 am Minister Confirmation Class tor Teen m Church School for Beginners Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 1100 am Divine Worship Sermon Theme Locking People In Cages Nursery for babies and tod dlers during service In Stewart Hall Everyone Most UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Cha Beaton B A B Or George Elliott M A Director Music Sunday Nov am The United Church on Developing Africa Mr Comfort First Sunday In Advent THECHURCHOF ST MARTYR Anglican 1976 W Mow St and St Or Rector reclor of Mrs Frank Oakes Sunday Nov 1976 am Holy Eucharist 10 a m Christmas carol service welcome everyone to our oyous Christmas carol service on our 1st Sunday In Advent GO CLASSIFIED MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Ave Georgetown A Sunday Nov 28 45 a Sunday School for all ages 11 00 Morning Worship Evening Fellow ship Thought Peace rules the day when Christ rules the mind BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Nov 1976 Sunday Worship Services at 8 and 2 Pre school Sunday School during the morning service Sunday School during the afternoon service Please note time change for November to pm You are welcome Church the Back to God Hour heard over these stations Hamilton C a dial 1150 St Catharines am dial 1220 Toronto CHIN 800am dial MHZ Toronto C K 11 dial CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Rd N Minister The Rev J L McFadden A B D and Mrs Eleanor McFadden A Sunday Nov 28 The church on the hill Is an Interdenominational gallon ministering to the needs of the community Everyone Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH BOM II Street East Founded Pastor Rev Sydney Sc M Pastor Phone Thursday 6 p Young People at the church p Choir Practice followed by Deacons and Pro Committees Saturday m Science Film Window of the Soul for all Sunday Nov 1976 a m Sunday School and Adult Class am Morning Worship p m Evening Fellowship at the Church Everyone Welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE I Rev RonStruthers Sunday Nov 281976 10 Sunday School for all ages Morning Worship pm Sunday Evening Evangelistic Service Tuesday 00 p Prayer Service and Bible Study Thursday 15 p m C A a Service ALL ARE WELCOME Excellent town Bus Service for children and adults to and from Sunday School on the All Red Bus Also Rural pick up For In formation phone or B53 get- with a low cost WANT AD The Acton Free Press Wed November Splash flashes There are part time Stall members at Acton Lions Pool AH of the staff are qualified as one or more of the following lifeguards instructors assistant ins true tors and or coaches Nearly all of them have taken and passed their life- guarding and ass is in true tors courses in Kills and have therefore proven their capabilities or the positions There are several ways in which the staff are urged maintain their and develop new ones They must renew their qualifications every two years They are encouraged to take more courses and clinics They ore encouraged to participate in staff raining All of this training ib a vital part in their positions at the pool Staff training in particular attempts to develop team effort amongst the staff Which is vital in cases of emergencies Instaff train ing takes place once a week for one hour During this time the staff emergency procedures new skills and techniques and discuss prob lem situations in the areas of instruction and lifcguarding During the fall session the staff arc also having a contest lo see who can swim the most number of miles lated At this point Lesley ham Assistant Supervisor is in the lead followed by Barb do Wolfe and John Thompson There is a surprise prize for the winner at the of the session Keep swimming staff Several Acton swimmers contributed firsts seconds and thirds lo Hilton Hills second place finish in duo meet in the Pool Sunday In the age and under events Tammy took 3rd place in butterfly in breast stroke and spots in back stroke freestyle In the age events John Vadeika won firsts in alt his events butterfly backstroke breast stroke and free style 42 1 The boys relay team John also participating placed first Tina took 4th place in breast stroke i and Gth spots in buttcrfl I a stroke and fret style girls relay with Tammy and Tina nabbed 2nd spot Ureas t stroke In the age it and 12 events took 1st In breast stroke 3rd in 39 and in backstroke The and girls relav team with Julia Karen Coals placed 2nd The relay leim with McGrath took 1st spot In the age 1 i and events took 1st in Chris nabbed lsl in stroke I in and spot in backstroke and freestyle The relay with And Fllerbj and Chris participating took 2nd Girls 13 and I isa Thomas nabbed 1st spot In the age 15 and over age group I tier nabbed in backstroke The team with David Penny an I I took 2nd place David Hannah took 2nd in backstroke and in breast stroke it Jeff Tina also parti the meet Some winners will be at a later date Cakdon won the meet with points to Hills points Local swimmers will next compote in Georgetown DRYSDALE OF Bennett propels a reply to Centennial schools attack in exhibition play here Friday This week sees the boys and girls North Tournament at Milton Slumping Gems ice two teams The slumping George town Gemini will ice two very different hockey teams when they invade Acton and Milton for Ccn OHA Junior hockey games this week Gemini who were whipped by the Burling ton Cougars Friday night and trounced 101 by the Oak lie Blades in George town Saturday wilt be missing nine regulars when they play the Sabres in wins All three boys basket ball teams beat Fergus ex hlblllon action Monday Midgets clobbered while the juniors won each fired 1H points in the Junior a victory Buchanan reappeared in the seniors milch when hi got another 14 points Webster tired eight while Mike lop Acton tonight Wed ties tour Gems goalie Hick Tern Turner Mike and Bill Kirby are serving the second games of two game suspensions the picked up in the game OH A Inter mrJI GeornlowD top marksmen John Mason 22 7 IB V 10 Ft 1R lie Morrison 7 Sieve lennelt 15 Iknrj Cecil Ir Mi 14 12 It-

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