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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1976, p. 20

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B6 The Acton Free Press Wed Poultry winners at Winter Fair EDEN MILLS FINEST This first prize Hamburg rooster owned by Hugh MacPherson is prett proud of his big win at the Royal Winter Local exhibitors Royal winners Many local exhibitors had a successful show week at the Winter Fair in Toronto which ended November 20 The following results are token from sheets made available by the Royal Winter Fair reflecting competition to last Wednesday Hereford Graham and Evelyn Gillies of 1 Milton placed third two bulls bred and owned by ex hi or and fifth in Bull section i Aberdeen Tweedhlll Farm Terra Cotta won a second in Bull born January 1st April 30 1975 Nobles Lucy won a first for Farm in cow born in 1973 or earlier with her calf at foot section 13 Angus Farm i placed tenth in section 13 cow fifth in bull born Jan 1st Dec and sixth in both Heifer Calf born in 1976 and Female with calf or showing evidence of calf section A fourth in Female Jan 1 1375Mar 31 1976 sub sec and eighth for Female born Jan 1st Apr 30 was won by Cattle Terra Tim Copeland 1 Terra Cotta was ninth in sub section I of the preceding class Tom won Reserve Champion in Show Shorthorns Aberfeldy Farms Milton did well during the show Some of their wins included first in Bull section and Junior Champion Bull section 3 second for Female with calf or evidence of calf section and third in e born May Dec Scotsdale Farm 1 Georgetown placed very high at the RoyaL Three of the lop awards won by Scotsdale Farm were Shorthorn Cham Trophy Perpetual and both Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder Awards CharoUl lkola Charolais Farm Hillsburgh placed tenth in Female with calf or showing evidence of calf Farm Terra won seventh in Bull born May 1st Dec 31 1975 Market Livestock Maiden Farms Georgetown placed ninth in the commercial steer class carcass third in steer car live and fifth in car of the same class T J Dunlop R Camp and SG Bennett Georgetown placed sixth and tenth respectively in steer carcass class steers live Guernseys J Y R Georgetown also did well at the Royal Two of his top prizes included the Del Eden Challenge Trophy and first in Group of Four Animals Marilyn McNabb won the CFW Burns Junior Show manship Trophy Perpetual Sheep Holly Hurren R placed second in class sheep Grecian Camp won a fourth in Green Conformation Hun any weight for Sam Son Farm Hornby J D R Acton placed third in Green Mea Driving Competition and fourth in Green Meadows Four In Hand Barcrest Farm R R 3 Milton placed fourth in the Phillips Working Hunter Stake Briar Hill Stables Trafalgar Rd Oakvtllecame sixth in the same event Canadian Hunter Futurity In he threeyear old class Sam Son Farm R 1 Hornby placed first with Greek Shadow winning the J McCallum Trophy Bar crest Farms Milton placed sixth in the same exhibitors put up a good showing at the Royal Winter Fair in the Poultry Pigeon and Waterfowl sec tlon Eleven entrants from Milton Georgetown Acton and area walked home with many major prizes In the poultry classes Milton contestants copped five breed championships Ron won Champion Sussex Don Ham burg Championship A Champion Medlter rancan G Wilson had Champion Old English and Champion Polish also won a second and fourth in Silver Laced three firsts a second and two thirds in Speckled Sussex and a third in Bantam had fourth in Port ridge three seconds and two fourths Ham burgs second in light brown second and third in Polish Waldie won first and second in Mediterranean second and fourth in Buff Lace Polish two seconds and a third in Polish two firsts and two seconds In Moderns and two seconds in Bantam Ham burgs Wilson copped all four firsts in Old English Aov and also won two firsts and two seconds In black Old English He took top honours with Bantam Polish winning four firsts Acton had one poultry com petitor Erica who won second third and fourth in Buff Orpingtons and second in Sikies Eden Mills Hugh MacPher son took first two seconds and third in Buff Leghorns and two fourths in Silver Spangled Family The McPhail family from class Hackney Ponies Joanne Heath of Hornby placed third in the Hackney Pony section colt class JE RR Milton was fourth in Filly foaled in Vegetables J C Cunningham George town placed first in Citron 2 and Pumpkin Field fourth in Pumpkin Pie and Pepper Squash William Speck Hornby won third in Golden Hubbard Squash and fourth in Pump kin Field In Rutabagas he placed third in table swede section 1 eighth in section 2 and seventh In section four and five Winter rinks OK The present program of outdoor ice rinks will be con tinued this winter The town will maintain the rinks and pay the cost The rinks are located on or near school grounds whin ever possible SCRAP Copper Brass All Types of Metal Cars Trucks For Wrecking Lees Auto Wreckers Georgetown had a lot of good entries wining two firsts second third and fourth in first and second in white Old English two seconds and a third in black red Old English a second and two thirds in duckwing Old English three firsts in span gled Old English two firsts and a third in Old English AOV McPhail Brothers also won first and second in Se- rights second in and two firsts in Brah ma Bantams Ron McLean of Acton won several duck awards includ ing first and seconds In Buffs third in two firsts and second in Roue rib two firsts and two thirds in Blue Swedish He took Champion Rouen and Champion Blue Swedish Four pigeon competitors from Milton and Acton brought home ribbons A Woodley of Milton took first and third in Helmets while K Bailey won third in Ice Pigeons second and third in black Magpies two seconds in Magpie AOC two thirds and second in Red or Yellow Magpies third in Pouters second and third in Croppers and first in Other Variety of Pigeon Wayne Mason of Acton won first and second in self white Tumblers and two firsts three seconds and a third in Herb Fisher and Son of Acton won third in English Trumpeters There were no local win tiers In rabbits or Georgetown Denture Clinic Guelph Street Next to Office on No H GEORGETOWN ONTARIO my of Onto J NOVAK 8778974 7912314 Member oritur si J SHOWING OFF her secondjprize Silkie hen at the Royal Winter Fair is Erica Fay Barr of 2 Acton Miss Ban also won a third for her Silkie rooster and a second third and fourth for Buff Orpingtons all in the poultry Accept bid for plowing The ng bid of Earl It Milton for plowing Hornby Com munity Georgetown Memorial Anna and Gordon rid Arena was by the general committee of council Monday The town works depart will look after the plow ingof Alton arena Jot Cedar vak community centre in Georgetown Norval com munity centre and the Esqucsini community centre The arena will decide when the snow should be plowed under guidelines laid down by the works department ties superintendent Pat Shcthan told the com mittcc that in general a three- inch fall is considered enough to plow but it all depends on the kind of snow or icing conditions To the Electors of ERIN TOWNSHIP Having served you as Councillor for f the past four years J I again ask your support at the polls on December 6th If elected I will continue to serve you in the best interests of all Yours respectfully JOHN REID VOTE TO ELECT HARRY ASH COUNCILLOR ERIN TOWNSHIP A record of continuous community service WAYNE MASON OF R 2 Acton shows off Blackie his champion Turbit pigeon who won first in class and breed champion at the Royal Winter Fair We Have Some Great Christmas Ideas and Gifts and we are saving them just for you at STACK SHOP North of Georgetown on Halton Road 3 OPEN DAYS A WEEK Wed Sat 96 Tubs Thurs Fn 99 Sun Drop in and Browse 8776639 On Monday December REELECT LES DUBY To Area Council for ward I Acton Halton Hills 17 Years of Continuous Concern and Service to Acton Electorate I Let me continue to for you on matt en NOT yet finalized that will affect nil in the future THE NEW OFFICIAL PLAN THE NEW ZONING REGULATIONS THE CONTROLLED GROWTH OF OUR COMMUNITY IN BEST INTERESTS OF EVERYONE WHO WILL LIVE IN ACTON NOW AND IN THE FUTURE IMPROVED RELATIONS BETWEEN COUNCIL STAFF AND TAXPAYER TO RETAIN COMMUNITY IDENTITY A PROVEN NEED AND WHICH CAN BE COMPATIBLE WITH A CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION May I respectfully solicit your continued support VOTE DUBY LA HOMESTEAD niimij IS NOW OPEH For business as usual at their new large and modern location GUELPHVIEW SQUARE 232 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 0NT COVlf AND VIEW THE LARGEST SELECTION Of TOP BRAND HOME FURNISHI IN THE AREA rWrfAPOLOGiZE for any inconvenience caused during the construction MANAGEMENT PS Watch for our grand opening real soon Guelph Street it Guelph ni Mtuntainview omestea INTERIORS FURNITURE 8778777 NOW OPENNOWPENNOW OPENNOW NOW OPEN- NOW OPENNOW OPEN-

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