Federal Liberals elect new Halton executive Federal Liberal Riding Association took steps to shape its executive so that it mirrors new riding bound aries during a founding meeting Thursday in Acton Robert Little School Sieve Ormsby of Acton was elected new executive vicepresident replacing Alice Walker and Jill of takes the place of Paul DeRues as secretary Both the outgoing executive members are from George town and because that com is split from the Halton riding they are no longer with the association Georgetown Is lumped to gether with Brampton Halton Hills in what used to be the riding of Peel DuffennSim The party members also returned Slim Streek as riding president Ralph Denny 2 Acton replaces Mr Ormsby as one of the vicepresidents Oakville Terry Johnston was returned as the other vicepresident Angelo Seraflni an Oakville lawyer is the association new treasurer There was one nomination for each post Halton MP Dr Frank Phil brook voted in the elections and later addressed the meeting Review Riding president Streek also got a motion to have a small committee set up to review the association con as a matter of routine in preparation for the annual meeting in May or June In the riding realignments Erin village and Hills burgh may be placed In a western riding while George town joins the Brampton area Halton federal riding in eludes Milton Oakville Acton and surrounding areas According to Philbrook there ore between and voters in Halton under redistribution He said that he expected the number to top within five years Ross Milne is the MP for the Brampton area Pep talk Dr gave the gathering a pep talk from the point of view of being half way through his four year term may not have quantity here tonight but we have quality The first term MP used a glossy foreign magazine as a point of view for the country Canada The Growth of a Great Nation was quoted by the doctor as stating that Canada has everything in unrivalled balance That not to say Philbrook con tinued to read that they ve solved all problems but that the nation leaders are trying to solve them The system is breaking down There too much work to do The federal bureaucracy is taking quite a bit of criticism Dr said but added Our government our party I think is on the right track slowing down the momenturr to grow The recent Quebec election which put in the Parti to replace the pro vincial Liberals also got attention from Philbrook It was a rejection of that man premier Robert the MP said There is no reason to believe that Quebec premier elect Rene Levesque is any less a separatist now than before Dr said There are many of us who think there can t be a Canada without Quebec and that s why the Liberal Party is the only party of national unity the MP said The Liberal party still believes in good management and knows how apply it to the nation We got make it work Dr Philbrook said Near the end of his informal talk the doctor slid that out of the nearly 150 nations in the world there are about 30 democracies of which only one has a Liberal govern ment The Acton Free Press Wed November Bring back grade 13 examinations- Goodin Wins contest and a camera HALTONS FEDERAL LIBERALS held a founding meeting at Acton and elected a new riding executive Four members were present at the meeting includmg in the front row on the left executive vicepresident Steve Ormsby from Acton and secretary Jill Planche Other executive members pictured are vice president Denny in the second row with president Slim Streek MP Frank stands behind former riding president Walt Elliot Other riding executive officers who were absent are treasurer Angelo Serafim and vicepresident Terry Johnston both from Oakville Board must help cut crime Board of Education should try and bring back grade 13 and university en trance exams Oakville Trustee Rick Goodin says He presented a motion Thursday night which will be dealt with at this Thursday s board meeting stating this board is in favor of standard lzed uniform for all schools in and also province wide departmental examinations for at least the intermediate divisions grade and university entrance who is retiring from the board went on to for immediate adoption without further delay of departmental exams for grade 13 and university en ranee and that Queen Park be petitioned by the board to this across Ontario There is urgent need for pupils and parents to gain a more realistic perspective on the development of scholastic ability pirticularly as it to development and expectations of the future he said He continued there is a great need for teachers to be able to evaluate their teaching methods and criteria for grading He believes standardized tests would help them in this chore Goodin also thinks dardized province- wide tests would help the more accurately determine the strengths and weaknesses of Halton schools There is a great need for the public at large to have some objective basis for assessing the performance of the public school system and for making decisions about the magnitude of financial resources to be committed to public education observed THISTLE CUSTODIAL SERVICE Complete INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Owned and operated by Charlie Cheyne phone 8531846 First Free Press earner to get 12 new subscriptions in the carriers contest last week was Robert IS of 130 He added a dozen new names to his list to receive a camera from circu lation manager Don McDonald Robert is in grade 10 at the high school and likes ail sports especially hockey All earners who in the contest are 200 damage Regional Police estimate a total of in damages after a pick up truck struck a parked car on Wilbur St a The truck driven by Bruce Guthne sustained Board of must do its bit to help reduce juvenile shoplifting van Rick Tlitrc ire reports courts are over hoplift inn violence and lack of and responsibility been on the inert since lick of pro duct work habits permissive attitudes hut allowed lo infiltrate into Tht trustee of t f m told rut nth 111 it in in all per tent of tilt pupils from norms his for li vender to tht trustees Willi stilistics It Willi lilt of students in fnm rtl itmnship the increasing of by and the latk of discipline in tilled for to be in our to minimize and in overcoming and conditions in our that are closely rel to lulling and training of allowed In develop influence and detcnoratt through our educational system Your support is appreciated on Monday Dec VOTE TO RETURN WARD TWO AREA COUNCILLOR GEORGE MALTBY Dont hire until fail Trustee Jim Cklland think Hoard of Education should hire teachers for the next school yt until next fall PRESENTING CAMERA to Robert are Don McDonald and McArthur of the damages while a car owned Press circulation department Robert was by James Henley Eden Mills foe first carrier to add new names to his Free had in damages police rou a contest last week Pupils should be in class on Remembrance Day tnrolmenl and hid surplus It with all the it on job tht should hold hiring until Students might have got a lot more out of Remembrance Day had they been In classes where special programs could be held several trustees told Board of Education Thursday Trustee Rick Goodin said he received quite a reaction from parents and students concerning Remembrance Day and most felt the day off from classes for students on November 11 was a waste He said many people believe the day would have been more meaningful for the pupils had they been in classes ana special services been held in the schools to teach students the significance of Remem brance Day Goodin said there Is a trend to belittle things these days which happened in the past because people like students didn l live through them and don t remember Director of Education Em Lavender said he shares concern and thinks students should be taught The alarm at the Bank of Nova Scotia rang for about two hours Friday evening be fore a technician was able to turn it off It had been set off in error Police were called but it was simply a matter of waiting till someone arrived who could disconnect the bell more about the meaning of Remembrance Day He noted many schools hold special ceremonies on November 10 to teach children about Day He said pupils can remember World Wars I and 11 but they can be taught about them Lavender added many of the teachers don remember the wars either Trustee Tony Goodyear said the board teaches students about China in history and geography classes but he is sure few teachers have ever been there He said he agreed with Goodin pupils should be in school on Remembrance Day The trustees teachers federations home and school associations and the public are all being asked for input dealing with holidays next year and scheduling of pro fessional development days Trustee Ernie Bodnar said the week of professional days at the start of the school year which delayed the opening of elementary schools should have been used to straighten out problems like those which resulted in low enrolment and teachers being removed from classes He said that week should also have been used for getting schools organized Trustee Goobie also called for an investigation by the board to see if there is any way to reduce the nine pro fessional development allotted teachers each year Attention Homeowners Horn blown attic insulation cellulose fibre or rock wool Call Collect for Information and free estimatesno obligation daytime evening 6691705 2841431 KamSue Insulation 8481KeeeSt Unit 13 Concord Christmas Gifts we have them all at KOBfrSNOOK Downtown Goo root own Milton Mall TO THE ELECTORS OF WARDS ONE AND TWO HILLS On December 6th REELECT TE Tom WATSON FOR TRUSTEE HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SUPER WEEKLY SPECIALS 2 I Prod Devon Rindless Sliced 1 lb SIDE BACON 15 Fresh Chicken Legs or Breasts 89 Valley Farms Choice Frozen rench Fries Bag Pure from Florida Old South Concentrated Orange Juic 12 tin of USA Florida Marsh Seedless RED or WHITE RAPEFRUIT Size 1 0 88 Case 24 10 Tins 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