2 The Acton Free Press Wed December 1976 Awards banquet for Rockwood Trail Riders MAJOR AWARD WINNERS at the Rockwood Trail Riders Awards night held recently at the Acton Meadows Golf Club are Cathy Turner winner of the Lynn Wilson Challenge Trophy for Equitation Linda Rowley Western winner John Carter winner of the Junior trophy Donna Ledger English Hipoint trophy and Anne Dales recipient of the President Cup Tables full of Irophb a beef banquet and hours of dancing the Trail Riders on Christmas banquet and awards night a complete success The Acton Meadows Golf Club caterers organized the meal served at the club while RTR president Paul Thompson hosted the awards assisted by Koz Over number and friends gathered to applaud the efforts of high point equestrians winning awards during the clubs four sea horse shows I- the situations disc jockey turned up the volume coaxed the junior members into swing ing demonstration of the latest dances Juniors sen lore and senior seniors jived schottished bunny hopped into the wee small hours kicking off shoes and their brows Most guests the event the best we yet Ospnnge Graduation celebration and then presentation Doris Norman McKenzie after taking Community College courses and University courses at lias grad uated to become a member of the Fellow Real Estate In of Canada We con him on this great achievement which was ob tained after months of hard study Norman is now Vice- president and part owner of Williams Hamilton Real Estate Presentation A presentation was held at school Saturday evening for Mr and Mrs El Fisher prior to their leaving the community Mrs Henry Mrs George Lang Mr and Mrs Ralph Sinclair Mrs Ton Van manen and Mrs Barry Clarke were responsible for setting up the occasion Byron Bruce voiced the feel of the friends and neigh gathered there on losing such longtime and good neighbors from the lty and Henry pre sented them with two large floor vases Mr and Mrs Is her expressed their ap preciation of the gifts Before the evening gather ing Mr and Mrs Pankratz held a dinnner party in honor of Pete and Abbie Other guests were Mrs George Jackson of Acton and Mr and Mrs George I Winter fair Grade and pupils of school visited the Royal Winter on Thurs day They went down by Denny Coach Lines and everyone enjoyed the outing The pupils ill soon be pre paring for the Christmas con cert which will be held on Dec ladlis Among the items planned discussed at the Ospnnge Ladies Aid meeting was the Church School Celebration to be held Dec 17 and the Candlelight Service which will be Sun Dec at 30 Ten ladies were present at the home of Mrs Barry Clarke to answer the roll call Ones Own Choice The Devotional was pre pared by the president Mrs Henry and read by Mrs Elmer Fisher on Loving the Tightwads It pointed out that if people put more thought into the goodness of giving it should help to in flatc our giving An article on Valiant Hearts was read by Mrs Ward Bruce Mrs Sin in charge of the study read the scripture followed by a question and answer per faithful member of the Ladies Aid for many and is now leaving the Mrs George Lang pro- Ebenezer By Mrs lion McLean The Christmas meeting of C W will be held at the home of Mrs Horace next Tuesday after noon The ladies arc reminded that donations of Christmas baking for the boxes for the shut ins would be appreciated also white gifts to be given to those less fort urate Advent candles were lit by Cindy Anderson and Valerie Taylor Remember Sat is the first Sat in the month when everyone has the opportunity to take their old bottles newsprint and washed tin cans to Hall to prevent pollution A card of thanks was read from Rev and Mrs George Lewis for flowers received A cup and saucer was presented to Mrs Fisher who has been Dont Wait Til CHRISTMAS COME OUt AND SEE US NOW Browse amid 1500 ft of canadian english furniture handcraftswickercandles collectibles and one of a kind gifts Open Friday til 9 pm and Sunday 25 pm Pine South Your support is appreciated on Monday Dec VOTE TO RETURN WARD TWO ESQUESING AREA COUNCILLOR GEORGE REELECT RUSSELL POWADIUK Ward Three Milton Council Kept together Kept 1 or lowered Nassagaweya LOCAL taxes since Improved recreational facilities Got the first fire hall operational April 1977 Started the first major upgrading to tar and chip standard of our rural roads POWADIUK GIVING SERVICE- PRESENTING FACTS Cindy trophy John Erin Reserve Brim Cuter Erin trophy John Carter Tie for two different firUn Cirter Jr Birrcli trophy John Murray Bock Tie Cindy Cliy Hock wood- Hunter trophy Led ger Acton Cindy John- trophy VLvUnne Arthur Tie Vlvlaime Macdould Penny and Ledger Eng Trophy Reserve Donna Led ger Game Trophy Joanne Reserve Donna Ledger Open Division Novice trophy Tie Penny Tulk and Tic Reserve rend a and Sydney Perry Showmnnihlp trophy Linda Rowley Tie Nelson Cole and Pamela Wood Cox Rock wood Pole Bending trophy Linda Rewire Ken Carter Linda Rowley iri Erin Game trophy Junior trophy John Doug Wood Tie Ken Carter Cathy Turner Ltd Carter and Linda Rowley Senior trophy Donna Junior equitation Cathy Barreli trophy Ktn Carter Ledger Cindy Johmon Cup Ann Dales DEC 6 REELECT WATSON REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARDS 1 and 3 and tomtner run i poem on Colonel John it Jmi conducted on the word which won Mrs Buy now Save now ZBRICK EASY TO INSTALL Z BRICK BUY 3 CARTONS AT get CD EC THE REGULAR PRICE carton SAVE 25 Carton Coven Regular Prices From 550 to per Carton e ft ALL PATTERNS IN STOCK ARE ON SALE WHILE STOCK LASTS HEAT CIRCULATING BUILTINS 42 42R SERIES Tha Fireplace That Efficient Functional Beautiful Now any home or cottage new Or old can have heit producing built in fireplace at less than half the cost of a masonry fireplace The Regal Built n may be put practically anywhere Its easily framed on wood floors without special supports and next to combustible materials Flog a I Built ins are ii ee opening srcs 36 and Open end mo in sizl are available in cither right end or left end open styles Regal Built come complete in one carton with and firebrick back porcelain zed side walls high temperature insulation tint mesh pre pleated firescreen ind posit seal damper all ready to Set in place and frame in Facing materials can be whatever you choose to compliment the fashion theme for your home EASILY INSTALLED AND LIMITED ONLY TO YOUR IMAQIIMATION B128 and IN STOCK NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Model 00 B136 Mode 00 CAST IRON POT BELLY STOVE PB31 By Canadian Stove Works 31 High 6 Flue 99 NORGLO F6A ELECTRIC FIREPLACES Rod Reg 199 SPECIAL 169 Bronze- Reg 95 SPECIAL 1 79 Brick Baio- Reg SPECIAL 95 Ideal for Recreation Rooms Apartments or Cottages Thermostatically controlled Fan operated watt heater Comes with attractive motorized oak log Red or bronze can be wall hung or mounted on a rustic brick base As shown FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES COMPLETE ENSEMBLE INCLUDING SCREEN IN SWEDISH FINISH PRICED FROM U0OO ALSO AVAILABLE IN BLACK HAMMERED COPPER HAMMERED BRASS ALL ITEMS SOLD INDIVIDUALLY OR BY ENSEMBLE IN THE CAST RON STOVE LINE WE ALSO CARRY THE BOX STOVE THE COMFORT HEATER THE PARLOUR STOVE DROP NOW AND OUR DISPLAY warn PELAND MAIN ST MILTON ONT JUST EAST OF MILTON MALL ACCIPT la For A On Ml Of four Building free DELIVERY