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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1977, p. 9

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Wins two gold medals in PanAmerican games Rockwood bowling Brownie news by Kerry Chalmers Did you know thai one or our local youths participated in the Pan American Games in El Salvador in December Doug Cox of R H not only part ic pa ted he won two gold medals Doug son of Gordon and Olive Cox began wrestling four years ago when he at tended Centre Wellington High School in Fergus His coach Coming was a big influence reports Doug Coach Corning wis the National Junior Coach tor Canada at the Pan Am Games this past December Difference The general public seems to confuse amateur wrestling with the phon profess lonal stuff on television ex plained Doug Amateur wrestling is a contact sport but is nan violent he added I have been asked if I m allowed to punch the guv and such questions and Hind his frustritmg he said He went on to explain that strength really means nothing in imtcur wrestling but that technique is all important It could be com pared to Judo in that ispcet Last June Doug illendcd Triimng imp li where he trained for one month before competing against eight people from across Canada He qualified in Greco and came in third in free style Doug v resiles in the 180 lbs weight class in both Greco and free style Usually a will use only one DOUG COX was on the 10man team that part lcipated in wrestling at the Pan American games El Salvador method but Doug finds the two complement each other Olympics From there he went to Chicago Illinois to train with the American Olympic Team in preparation for the Olympic Games in Montreal Because of a dislocated shoulder Doug was unable to participate at the Olympics Last full training begin again at the University of The Wresthnj of selected Doug as one of a mm team part icipale in the Pin American Games in LI in America learn worked out in under the direction of coach I There arc Hi different weight classes wrestled in the lbs class in free and win medil wrestled littilbs in reco iLam ild is presently for the World to be held next in lis when will I fall si the in Ihe course Hit found this was nut for him Ik is interested in plumbing presently looking for some me ipprcnlice in this standings Optimists Mustangs es hue Plus One Kays The Happy Gang Nortons I- Corners Men over fioo Paul Peter Bosch Ted Held mm over jO0 Nellie Ivy Ritchie nidi Wilson 571 Eva Bosch Violet 1 Mary lush Val Samuel inn del ind Gcrda jOH Barb Mil llesults of gar lues J in It Hob I miles I pis Inul Hoi if lim Dales it Ivy It jOJ I pts Vil Samuel 456 countrymen pis Peter Bosch Eva Bosch Mustangs Hnrve Held GOO Dave Clcland our Corners 5 pts Nellie Don Popeye pts George Smith 13 Gordon Oalrander 499 4 pis Ted 112 Sam Nyholt The Happy Gang Linda Wilson Glen Gray Kays Feeds John Polo Mary Lush 2 pis Jim Lawler Elect chairman lock wood Trustees elected Ton as their chairman at their inaugural meeting on J The next meeting will be held Tuesday Jan 25 at jo m at the Parish Hill by Diana Wallace With a brand new year ahead we look forward eagerly to fulfilling our plans We are busy getting on with test work and starting our new enrolled brownies on their tests The week before last we had a games night and Mrs Chesworth brought her collection of lovely games Her ideas are We gave out a number of well earned badges last week and golden bars Two Guides Jane and Sylvia Schelkle have joined us for 15 hours they are working on their Canada Cord We find these older girls very helpful as Delia Chesworth one of our regular helpers has gone to England for six months Two brownies wrote their own storey on A Brownie night for the newspaper I- Another new joined us last week They ore full of and so proud to be brownies these new little girls It delightful to sue It Everything you do for them is so appreciated and they love their brownie hat Somehow the ha I seems to be the most Important thing you can possess at seven years old and when you are enrolled and allowed to wear that hat well you feel 10 feet tall On the other end of the line we have four very eager older girls enthusiastic to join Guides who can I wait to throw off their brownie attire for their nice new blue forms ByagclOandll they really ore ready for the bigger world of Guides having com and for new horizons The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 19 Centre managed committee of six Recreation Centre will be managed by a six member community centre board including two members of council il was decided at a recent township council meeting The council Is looking for members from the com at large to fill the other three positions on the board By virtue or a deed the previous owner of the land is a member of such a board Reeve Bill Adsett pointed out At a recent meeting with Bill Kriesel area represent of the Ministry of Cul ture and Recreation council was told that the province considers the project a municipal facility and based the grants amounting to some per cent of the total costs on this premise Fair and orderly use by vatlon is expected Operating and maintenance costs are a municipal responsibility The and District Lions club has already donated one quarter of the total costs In materials and labor and is assuming an additional liability of the sum of the fourth quarter of the total proposed cost of No municipal funds have been involved Arthur Thomas 93rd birthday In hi Arthur A K Thomas his J3rd birthday last weekend This longtime resident of has led a full varied life He wis born in bray near I in and lived there during his early His worked in flour and rolled oats mill and although the mill has since burned down the small used for the oats is still standing In his early twenties Mr Thomas id a furniture barbershop in He was working in the up shop of McLaughlin Works fore runner of General Motors in when the first K car brought in from the t S He had the untnvnble distinction of participating in it was in s first mobile strike 11 was organ lied from Toronto to effect the phnt He did not return at the end of the I rom 1JO to 191J he wis in the furniture business i tin corner of mil M Streets in and from then until retirement at the corner of Alma and Miln Arthur Thomas r rhi mis tin this s roundup i me milk in Hi His was tint egg producer eggs in tin bill mor in I 111 until reliremuil He limed lili St ii 1J09 pa join in his his iiufhlir Mrs li ind mil Ins sin I Hi mis ml Krrv Chalmers 100 Snowmobile is set to go this Sunday This is the fifth year for the event and ill proceeds lo to the Community Centre This Lions club spun sored rally starts at Swans Ion siarm Equipment Cone between Highways and between am and 10 a m lunch is available Don forget to pick up your pledge sheets it one of the following places Winters I sso Roots Hardware Counlr Mart It Petty Royal Hank Regal Wood lawn Road and s harm If weather not suitable rally will beheld J inuary Historic in Township will be presented tonight in Rock wood Town Hall m Gordon will show slides and give a commentary as guest of the Horticulture Club RockaIong Institute by Mrs tt The first meeting of the Rock a Long Institute of 1977 was held at the home of Mrs Shu t is with 14 members present The president Mrs Mitchell read a poem called Resolutions II was decided to cancel the euchres during January and due to the ex tremely inclement weather However there will be a mommoth euchre sometime in the spring and a draw will be made for a quill Tickets will be available at cents each Short course A short course on The festival of dairy foods was attended by Mrs C and Mrs They will give a demonstration on Mon day January at No Community Centre This will be postponed until day Jan if the weather is bad The time in both cases will be p Loan BLADE SHORT RIB ROASTS Tender SHO ROAST to Choice SIRLOIN TIP TOP ROUND ROASTS I lender ROLL BRISKET 1 Choice RUMP ROAST 95 I 169 Lean STE BEEF Tender STEAKS GROUND BEEF I ib Fresh SMALL LINK SAU Maple Leaf SLICED SIDE BACON choc 129 PRIME RIB ROAST FORYOUFI FREEZER LEAN An GROUND BEEF f LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET 77 Mill St 853 2240 GOODLETS DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN SINCE 1937 8772551

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