14 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jan 26 1977 Kevin Parker Progress amazes young skater 500 club Club Winners for Jan 22 are Dave Rill Doug Lockerbie 318 Dilc Gillies J erred Next week Feb 1 Kevin Parker will be one of the competitors in he junior men division of the National Figure Skating Championships in Calgary and the 15year old skater still can 1 get over the fact It shocks me he said during a practice last week in thing seems lo have so fast One I nowhere and Keiu spot in he nation competitions after he won the Ctnlril Division championship in J in 12 1j he the tin in novice figure skat in order lo become eligible for the junior men competition had to pass his sixth seventh skating tests He is to pass his goal test and he will have completed alt the figure skating tests ear Although it is Kevins first year in Ihe junior men most of he other skaters in the nationals will be in their second and third year of compel ion I don I know how well II do in the competition but I II try my hardest Parker said It all depends on how well I skate but there are lot of good here and it be lough The nationals are expected to be televised on Wide World of Sports on Kevin claims he been influenced another skater style and I lo copy movements which Toller Cranston or Ron Shaver use in their programs I have my own style because it no good lo someone else Kevin I like to make up ni own things It more fun thai way Stronger free style Kevin admits he stronger in Ihe free style competitions thin ihe figures mainly because he has only been working on them for short lime lbs coach John agrees lint Kevin is weaker in the figures but that Kevin has pro pressed rapidly with Ins figures considering the amount of lime he has spent on them I think you II find most sk iters find free skilint lasier thin figures Kevin added think fre enjoy ible to ileli inures can be bonne to itch Kevin first begin figure he id itched a competition on television when he was tight years old I ike most boys Kevins first introduction li skating had been wilh hockey one day f scored on m own net and decided that is it for hockey Kevin In 1971 he passed his first preliminary lest but it wasn I until couple of years Ih it he reilizcd he do something with it Eli When he wis first to figure skate Kevin w is teased frequently by Then one iy our went public sk nine the teacher me to on show for m I said Some of tin wen shocked when I did the In ordir Hi compete i level school I ike i sc it to Ins Ir lining but he sis his le in Alton Inn I in imdirst trigger for first ifler he took i ibb iss the scorers wen in the period and Steve Hepburn the second rid i id tie Springfield clipped J off Bruin three and Inns three lorn Shinnon fired live I second il from Nick Dines set up Hod in the period foi It dim nd Rochester ended i scorine spree eight ihrough the three Him fired Ihe most go lis of inv player six for Richmond Males Malcolm and Kevin contributed one each lo Richmond tola ilso twice wink Kroll Richard helped once Tom replied twice on two go lis for Rochester while lorn in inolher couple helped on one more goal ilso scored picked up a couple of assists while Robert Rogers I ins and Scot also eon for l ilhcs Dean Kerr one of issists this the came from Hie w iter giine Rob little gavi Tidewater le id in the first period wilh help from and Mien In the second frame Tony through with I illimore first from Chris Mis Ihtn found ihe m irk from ird and Paul McGinn I ims scored once in final period fired for T iter from itl gol one McGinn Mom third id proved to be Ihe winner is SI Kitts ded i 1 In Ihe first two periods Brad struck IhneiforSt assist from thns ind two from Ted Hilly Morrison fired two in the second period for Stuckley opened the sionng from Gord in the first fnnu London edged Ihmilton i Randy hit for the first London goal from Kent in Ihe firsl frame Gary CI fired home Hit second the Joe free and Mitchell through two perform met- sw imped in Ihrcc ity scoring plus lor Minim lis i put lordlier coil in perform inci while Vfornsun find Hon product d ilso for tending school for about a month but when he was he had Iflllc time for himself A typical school day saw Kevin wake up at a m for breakfast before catching the bus to school After school he would home for a fast supper before ivinglo take sk lessons At about 10 pin he would home his lessons and do about in hour s homework before lo bed Sometimes I wish I I ollen into then other turns I m id I did said I can I hive fun like the rest of Hie kids it keeps off Hit and me something do I do enjoy it he i Ids In fieuri Hint much of success depends on the md poise exhibited the during Ins proLmn Kevin says hi tin fed Hut iy St nous ami I nervous about two hours before I skating I why 1 juttine myself this iiim ind he said Hut when I on in hear Hit hum I calm down It ikes you feel wanted out then and money While preparing lor the itiomls Kevin underwent an intensive train progr with his skating club the Kilehencr Waterloo Skating Club in getting ice lime whenever and wherever they night they skated from 1 1 in lo a in two days iter wire forced drive to Scarborough lo find the nly during the day I guess ill depends on how devoted you are Kevin says in reflection on the lion Money is something Kevin presently I as no over must depend on his innts for for a Kevins parents have pud for ill Ins in dudine ice time pros fees clothes skitingbag ml expenses hotel bills equipment else needed II all up Kevin said I in for what my ire ills hive done forme bee realize I I hi dome lam wilhout help Kiviu poiiitid his Is for Ins sk e SI j0 com ptlition lie requires two one for one for fne slk I need al one score every time when you are a RED CROSS Blood Donor DANCING Every Saturday 9 pm to 1 am at the Acton Legion JAN 29 BJ WRIGHT FEB Persian Market 19 Country 26 Guardsmen Admission 4 per couple ENTERTAINMENT IN LOUNGE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 9PM No for the OHA JUNIOR HOCKEY Acton SABRES BURLINGTON Wednesday February 2nd at the Acton Arena 830 pm Kent Moffat ADMISSION r Acton Adults SI Students SI i7vbo old children 12 and under Senior Citizens FREE OF THE BROUGHT TO YOU BY JT SPORTS Hind unleashed three goals including winner as score over in counted for rem lining m irker while Philip Wedge and Chris earned assists on firsl and bit tor Sham replnd in the second penol on i Steve pass Ihe second goal in third period and settled for a two all tie took I lead into Ihe third frame but unassisted eoal the score for Cougars Mien pulled the LAKEVIEW CENTRE flmltit natation On Staff from CELANESE BIGEIOW VENTURE OZITE CALLAWAY Hard Surface and Vnvlsfrnm ARMSTRONG AND GAP I Rl Lakeview Centre AB Fresh BOILING FOWL Canada No Fresh SIDE SPARE RIBS SWEET SOUR RIBS 29 Freih Lean STEWING BEEF 89 Lean MEDIUM G BEEF 79 Burns WIENERS I b Burns TRt PAK COOKED M 99 Shopsy Pouch CORNED B 1 Schneider BOLOGNA 89 FRUIT DRINKS 2 Save 23c 279 Mitchells 1 APPLE SAUCE LynnVillev Tins Sine 74c CUT GREEN or 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