Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1977, p. 7

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CLASSIFIED RATES CALLBE32O10 BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE IS P TUESDAY FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC minimum charge or 12 per word thereafter Subsequent Insertions no copy changes minimum charge for 12 words per word hereafter discount allowed for cosh payment BOX NUMBERS rial DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY DEADLINETHIS CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY 3pm Free Press Wednesday February 16 1977 7 GORDON Richard end Eliza nee Kent are pleased lo announce the birth of their child a daughter Eileen Dorothy lbs on Sunday January at Guelph General Hospital A sister or Christopher First granddaughter for Mr end Mrs John Kent and Mr and Mrs Gordon lfl33 KINGSBURY Brett Is happy to announce the arrival of his wee brother and playmate Timothy Gordon who arrived safely February weighing lbs Proud parents are and Birdie Ron and announce with pride arrival of a daughter Cheryl Faith lb on February A sister for Michael Also first grand daughter for Mr and Mrs E and 2nd or Mr and Mrs all of Acton la33 SHANNON Bruce and Jean nee Pierce of R I Rock wood are pleased to announce the of their son weight lbs at Milton District Hospltalon February 14 A little brother for Christ SMITH and Eleanor nee are pleased to an the birth of their daughter lbs on Feb at Hospital A sister for VAN VEEN Martin and Deborah are pleased to an the arrival of their first child a son Jason Troy lbs 10 on February 10 at General MRS ANNtE LESLIE R R Acton is happy to announce the engagement of her daughter Norma Anne to Mr Larry Harder son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Harder Harcourt St Winnipeg Manitoba Miiwmff WE WISH to express a sincere thank you to the members of the Acton Curling Club Acton Fire Acton Medical Group Or Moore and Or Pun Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance Guclph General Hospital staff and to friends and neighbors for cards and donations to the heart fund Also to Rev Ewlng and The Shoemaker Funeral Home andfamlly OPEN HOUSE in honor of Mrs Pearl Kennedy on occasion of her birthday to call at Ihe home of Mr Mrs Lemon February 70 Good wishes only Boats Motors Business Opportunities Camping Equipment Cards of Thanks Cartage Moving Com Events Coming Marriages HUBBLE In loving memory a dear father and grand Samuel James Hubble who passed away February go out of I sight lut never out of mind They are cherished In Ihe hearts Of they leave behind Lovingly remembered by son Charles and daughter In law Virginia and family WARD In loving memory of a dear son Joseph who passed away February The depths of sorrow we cannot Of loss of loved s while he sleeps a peaceful is memory we shall always Lovingly remembered by Mom Dadendfamlly TYLER- dear husband father ant passed away February Those we love are with the nd the Lord has promised to be If they are with Him and Ho Is cannot be far away Sadly missed but lovingly by wife Edna children Lorraine and Dick Carol and Ray Bob and Betty and grandchildren 663 BINGO ever Tuesda night at Ity Halt sharp 16 regular 3 specials 9ag34 577 TDCHS All parents Inter in secondary education arc Invited to Acton Chap annual meeting on Wednesday February at pm In the Bethel Christian Church Mr will address meeting on different as pects of T D C This meeting will be of special Interest to parents with child In grades 7 and ST PATRICK Shamrock Tal and Bake Sale March IB Ham at Do we Real Estate sponsored by Knox Alert Evening Group February at Y Bring lunch bever age provided for child for Registration Feb A day OLD TYME Dance Holy Rosary Hall Emma St Guelph Friday February IB 3D p Sponsored by tral Ontario Old Tyme Fid tilers Association 6S4 UNITED COOP Horse Clinic Thursday February p m Hornby Towers Golf Course Ail horse owners welcome 3606 Peel Pork Producers annual dinner meeting day February at noon Presbyterian Church Bolton Guest speaker Garnet Norrlsh Agricultural College Guelph Everyone welcome TRAIL BIKE riders come to ling to form an association for the promotion of the sport and the preser vatlon of riding areas On Monday Feb 1977 Georgetown Public Library Church Street m Call evenings for more In tor ma 1 1 on MANKIND Help your Red Cross to help others Be a volunteer canvasser for their March Campaign for Funds Call 4466 9173 Acton or B77 1337 now TV TOWERS towar overall height including ii channel head installed tower height In cluding at channel head Installed 130 00 M stereo head Installed installed Automatic rotor Installed COLOR COMBINATION tower overall height including combination color head VHF and UHF automatic rotor installed RICHARDSONS RADIO TV Main Street East Repairs of types Phone PARKINSONS SAW MILL LTD R Guelph WANTED TO BUY Ash soft maple FOR SALE D0NTBUYA1977 SWIMMING POOL THEY HAVE TO GO Sacrifice for as low as Call Duncan collect Days or evenings 3511 BE Sound Televtston Sales Service Main Si E Milton Used color counsels betwi SI and Repairs to makes and models USED TWIN tub used washer used wringers used dryers used stereo component sets used range used fridge oldie used panel bed used vacuum cleaners used lack and white TVs All priced sell first come first served at Hills Furniture and Appliance 353 Queen St Acton Call 31amg33 693 DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF CATIONS Farm Equipment For Rent InMemorlam Industrial and Commercial Legal Livestock Lost or Strayed Personal Pel Slock a Kennels Produce Real Estale Recreation vehicles Rooms Board Available Roams Board Wanted Equipment Employment ton Vacation for Sale or Rent Vacation Resorts Vehicles for Sate Volunteers RUG RIOT AND HOME FURNISHINGS 240 York Rd Guolph Across from Fiberglass Sunday February 5pm SOME SPECIALS for7500 10x10 or for for For more In form a lion call SCOTT FURNITURE B21 Teakwood Furniture direct from Importers Warehouse Open til 9pm Clausen Ltd Highway 7 Bra ma lea Duncaster Thornhlll 881 21gamtf AUDIO LOGIC AL way speakers woofers 6 months old Bias Ply summer tires C7B 13 Bias Ply winter tires 13 All In good condition Best offer Call after ROOM suite french provincial pieces best offer Call YEAR OLD range extra features In good working condition CO Call 688 3 SPEED mixer stand a and sleigh Call iALF PRICE sale Swetman s Shoes Third annual pre Inventory sale February all winter footwear plus some lines of naluralizers Dack s Hush Puppies s Cougar leother 15 wheels flight track 14 with Rambler wheels Call Rock wood 697 gowns wedding gowns reduced to and This Is a prime selection from our current stock in all sites voiues Feoturlng famous makes Brldalanc Alfred Angelo and Party Time Shawn Fashions Shoppers World Highway 10 and Stecles Ave Brampton FIVE Piece bedroom brand new 100 PER CENT solid State color TV new one guaranteed 2tmga FIVE PIECE dinette set brand new 363 CONTEMPORARY grouping piece set piece dinette set piece living room set carpet and new Panasonic black and white TV Only or pay Call B78 A 25 Color T V guaranteed One only 1749 small payments k 231 361 MAKE monlhly payments of no Interest and a giant color TV is yours One only used and guaranteed Call Howard 21mgo42 SMOKE detectors Regular Sale price Call OUTLET ting weaving crochet embroidery quilting rug hooking chenille felt string art supplies unbeatable low prices Jute ball Vlman Mill St E Acton 5191 LEADING swimming poo wholesaler must dispose of all aluminum pools in stock sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new swimming pools Include liter walk around deck fence and warranty x 37 cash or terms Call collect days or evenings 1 416 3B55 SWIMMING pool sacrifice Leading Canadian manu and distributor has aluminum pools left over from season pri Guaranteed Installation terms call collect days evenings 1 4840 2856 USED SET of colonial bunk beds Jeans Home Furnish Todd Road 9219 SWIMMING Pools models slightly scratched In trans port full warranty complete with pump molor filter fence walk around and a sun deck Suggested retail 00 available at pre season special 28B Cell now for early Installation Call anytime collect 950B SWIMMING pools to rent Will lease and install for home owners Family aluml num pool patio choice of styles meeting alt fencing regulations on a one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call collect anytime 663 9508 FILTER QUEEN vacuum clean 1375 Parts and At Home Vacuum Service 21gaml9 580 1910 EDITION Encyclopedia office able illd desk fluorescent light r c room lmga42 ACTON is reflected in the pages of the Free Press Centennial Edition Copies the I nlled still ailable at at Ihe Free Press office Add lor postage il mall A real keepsake edition More thsr 130 early Acton photos Half couch and chair newly upholstered in velveteen 1250 Also pink and white change table with lub Excellent condition Call UCKY S SEPTIC Pumping owned by Robert Noble Ltd industrial waste pumping septic tank pumping Three patched Call or and birch firewood cdar fence posts available Coll STEREO AM Radio track tape player re cord player stand also in eluded EXCAVATING lop soil and haulage Byron G Trail 3 Rockwood NOB 3K0 Phone FENDER Tolccaslor wllh rhythm pickup and Fender twin amp 1595 8661 8077 HAY lor sale 1 665 HAY Good siied bales of quality conditioned hay In area Call 855 664 GOOD QUALITY hay Can deliver in small or largo lots Contact C rele D Ranch HAY AND straw for sole call GOOD QUALITY hay 75 cents per bale Ivercd Call 855 ARABIAN STUD SERVICE CDN 52 AM Ft Stocking Kollogo Brood rig Extended Pod 10 Hood Straight Logs Reasonable Foe CAPAROBA STABLE Aclon Meadows Goll Course Con 1 Acton 351 Hills 24amg39 HORSES bought and sold Call Georgetown 877 6698 717 STOCK KENNELS KENNELS Boarding 8530477 R ACTON mjiiyijiKiii PUPPIES free to good home Part Lab part retreiver Call 3558 SPAYED female away to good LEOPARD stud Service years H Excellent American and quarter breeding Call 853 655 HORSES boarded box stalls excellent Held dally turnout per month Call 656 HORSES and ponies boarded box stalls grain fed miles east of Acton Call 853 or 24am33 562 STUD Service Triple a Surbarr Registered Arabian sire In both Canada and USA Bay 151 H Travis Hall Arabians Call 455 SAILBOAT Petrel Class Boat Aluminum con slruction Including aluminum mast centreboard and rudder Standard tiller hiking extension lib Excellent condition firm 5503 675 EIIMOTJi TRAVEL TRAILERS We sell we rent Now 1976 Used 1974 13 Bolor1976 Also now models and Rentals at a week at HALTON TRAILERS 2Bamg32 AVE Ifs AMCs ANNIVERSARY 250 Can Be Used As Down Payment on Hornet Sportabaut Station Wagon Now Only From down payment payment nil APRIL to qualified buyers th AMC Plan Jack Wilton AMC Jeep Elizabeth Street Tel The Buyer Protector LATE FLASH All models subject pneo from March 1st BUY ECONOMY CARS MOTORS LTD 1974 MONTE Carlo hard top Loaded including air conditioning 300 or besl offer Phono Paul at or 336 DODGE Sport In speed transmission original miles Call 2748 after 4 CHEVELLE Mallbu Classic well maintained Ike now Priced to sell Call 1967 GMC window van ton good condition as Is or can be certified 3529 PARK TOYOTA CAR OF THE WEEK 1973 GM CONE TON PICKUP If you have ox ho heavy duty haul ng obs around farm construct on then wo have truck for you Make the tough gong easy with this ton power automatic transmission and res It priced to sell Come in soo it Largest selection of quality used cars in Halton Hills Ford dr auto matcJ ustor sedan J 75 Convert bio 74 Chevy Nova hatchback 74V 41 SOLD 432 Crando Prix onnckupA59344 SOLD SOLD FLX734 72 Cougar 72 ford LTD 4 H T or Ponliac Lei Olds la Toyota Corolla dr HON 302 Toyota Corolla Toyota Corolla Automatic Toyota ST SOLD Toyota Corolla Coups Toyota Corona FCD Toyota Corolla Auto AS IS SPECIALS Mustang SOLD 72 Ford Torino Dodge PARK TOYOTA HWY 7 WEST GEORGETOWN ALL TOYOTAS ARE CHEATED EQUAL PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS CHECK THESE VALUES MERCURY MARQUIS Silver grey in color rod v roof rod automatic full power AMFMrndio lilt steering condition owner wlh low Lie JKH755 GRAN TORINO door hardtop copper 1 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE STATION WAGON white n or wood n full radio GRAN TORINO Light in color MAVERICK vinyl roof full power 72 MUSTANG choose rami poworitooring brakes A NUMBER OF LATE MODEL USED TRUCKS READILY AVAILABLE FOR SALE Soo for all your motor ng CAR and TRUCK RENTALS LEASING MAIN ST ACTON TEL 519 8532370 or BRAMPTON W16 1974 MONTE CARLO air con dltlonlng good shape or best 29mga42 1966 ACADIAN cylinder auto matic good 308 3542 1974 MONTE CARLO hardtop power steering air conditioning steel belted radlals Silver blue with bench scat plush interior For further particulars call Paul Belenger al before or five 1976 VALIANT door sedan cylinder automatic p whitewall tires low mileage Lie LDS612 Call Georgetown Chrysler Rd 69 DODGE CHARGER Will sell as is or for parts AM PM radio and tape deck Call 1974 MUSTANG II low miles automatic white with red vinyl roof Call after CLEMENTS Motors of Milton test drive it MATADOR SEDAN BOSS DEMO automatic loaded with opt ions now car warranty Lie No HORNET SPQRTABOUT 210 2 DOOR 1975 AUSTIN MARINA DOOR Economical standard radio bucket seats many extras Lie JNV192 GREMLIN cylinder standard radio fin In blue owner Lie KHD233 1974 MAZDA DOOR STATION WAGON Automatic radio white walls low mileage Lie GREMLIN cylnder standard Lie MAVERICK DOOR cylinder a tome lie radio pretty color comb nat on Lie 1973 MATADOR DOOR HARDTOP automatic power steering brakes radio plus other extras Excellent condition Lie 1973 MAVERICK Vfl low excellent condition Lie 1971 TRIUMPH TR6 CONVERTIBLE speed its a Ik TOYOTA PICKUP TRUCK L CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 DOOR PINTO 2 DOOR condition AMBASSADOR 8 Automatic LOADED power steering brakes radio vinyl top radial white wails a conditioning L 374 1971 PONTIAC HARDTOP V8 automatic steeling brakes Nice color combine lion FORD MUSTANG MANY MORE UNADVERTISED AUTOMOBILES ON OUR LOT GAS BAR OPEN TIL 9pm American Motors Bronte St Just North of Hospital 878 1976 PLYMOUTH Arrow 4 cylinder radio electric frost A great economy car Less than miles Lie LDD191 Call Georgetown Chrysler 15 877 29gaml9 ACADIAN 2 door coupe good con as Is Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler Rd

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