A The Acton Free Press Wednesday March 1977 Save a marriage Divorce is a bad thing even in the healthiest of families It is the admittance of failure When a marriage is in trouble the parties involved should express their feelings and let each other know how much they care about each other and what is happening After a year marriage Canadians should consider doing this with the people of Quebec- fellow Canadians People first reaction when they hear a marriage is splitting up after or so years is What went wrong or Cant you patch things up or Do you really want this These are perhaps questions Canadians of both languages should be asking each other Communication is the key word For this reason English speaking Canadians should let their French speaking coun terparts in Quebec know they do not want the province to separate National unity is essential and communications is the only way this country can function as a whole One letter to the editor reflects the opinion of at least 500 in dividuals Quebec has many newspapers so why not to the editors Let the province know they are wanted A song from the early says United We Stand Divided We Fall Lets avoid that Here are the names of some newspapers in La Belle Province to write to The Buckingham Post Buckingham Quebec LEcho du St Laurent Rimouski Quebec Canada Francias St Jean Quebec La Voix Shawinigan Falls Quebec Lake of Two Mountains Gazette Hudson Quebec La Devoir Montreal Quebec Telegram Observer Sherbrooke Quebec Westmount Examiner Quebec Montreal Monitor Montreal Quebec News and Chronicle Point Claire Quebec St Laurent News St Laurent Quebec Montreal Gazette Montreal Quebec La Presse Montreal Quebec and Montreal Matin Montreal Quebec THOSE ICY FINGERS It the time of year when freezing rain coats everything in its path Photographer William Stuckey took this shivery study on a typical late winter day Sugar and Spice by bill smiley All have something to give Everyone has something to give We re not talking about hidden talents Were talking about essentials such as blood time and money We re speaking of the diet for a healthy Red Cross Henry Kroes who is in charge of the campaign here says that what Red Cross needs are what each of us can give our blood time or money Twice a year in summer and winter a special call goes out in Acton for blood Those are the times when blood banks are short supply Each year in March Red Cross month the call is made for funds those dollars that keep Red Cross strong enough to keep helping Perhaps you already give blood are even a regular don or over one million Canadians are Perhaps you volunteer time like more than Canadians Perhaps you do both perhaps you do neither But there is one thing you can do now in Red Cross month Youeangiveyourdollars March is Red Cross campaign month the time of year when everyone takes extra vitamins and iron to tone up his system But don forget Red Cross It also needs a shot in the arm to keep up its strength Of this and that There are 318 fewer hazardous arenas in Ontario now than there were one year ago because of the government Arena Safety Pro gram To date reports have been re ceived on 434 arenas including the who voluntarily submitted reports Of these only lie were cer tified as complying with the Act while 318 show structural deficiencies Corrective action has been taken in all 318 cases repair demolition or closure Luckily Acton arena passed the test We get newspapers from all over The Assiniboia Times mailed in Saskatchewan February 2 has just arrived There something wrong with Ihe economic setup of our society This conclusion was the one I came lo checking over my T4 form the other I turned white and then red when I saw whit everybody is clipping out of pa cheque The first and worst deduction is for in come tax The feds got mi for more in taxes than my working ever made in the two best of his life put together Then I storied wh il yt from Ottawa for thumping I I exactly impressed when I tolled it up I don t get welfare or ployment insurance or old pension or baby bonus I gel Ihe Trans Canada highway which I use every 12 years if I tan find a spot in the neverending line of hauling trailers or campers I get LUC which is one of Ihe country great losers fin and cultural I get the Mountics Who needs Ihem gel protection from our gallant armed forces who could probahh wrestle Iceland to a draw although wouldn I on it I get the privilege of contributing to those handsome pensions of MPs and civil servants with their cos in I have the privilege of kicking in so lhal Olio Lang can fly like Henry Kissinger I help pick up the tab for those federal provincial meetings it the last of which so many of the provincial premiers were bird into the saute it wound up in a verbal donnybrook I also receive the privilege of helping to pay for bribes in Quebec and bribes in and lord knows else 1 lime the idditionnl pleasure of helping to pay for i wildly proliferating civil tint offers mi such inessentials as ads telling mo nol to smoke or drink too mueh and quantities of pro ind ehurncd out by Die hocks of town on the I mi permitted lo help pay for the an il dells of the Office the CM the ind practically any other business run by the feds In addition II lei me kick in to help pay out native in irfi ins millions of dollars for a of iniose and lundn thai worth plugged nickel until someone decided to run a pipeline through it s somtbod has got things back ward Hit government offers me all sorts of things I don w ml or need and fails to offer any of Hie things I do need And that s only the beginning Insurance inns arc iking me lo lh cleaners ire life term health automobile And the way I can get even is to set fire to tin house smash up the car contract a disabling disease or die It I seem fair I paid i chunk into the Canada Pension I flu only way I can get it back is to old Insurance me ind I never been out of job in my life I he union cost me which is pro- used for a fund for a slnke in which I wilt nit participate In lhc levied me toward i pension It ihe lime I get around to collecting from it one of two things will I be dead and I Get acquainted day a friendly gesture OUR READERS WRITE March 1977 The tree Press Acton Every time wc attend a concert given by the Acton Citizens Band either at Christ mas at the High School or in June at a pic concert at the Music Centre we feci appointed in the attendance and sorry that more citizens of Acton do not know about what is going on for heir entertainment With this in mind I have an idea which I would like to put forward for the cons id of the service clubs in Acton When Ihe nice warm spring weather comes let have a Gel Acquainted with Your Town Day Some nice Sunday ler noon t it be interesting to have a walking tour of Acton with guides who know the town well to describe various activities which lake place In the buildings which would be visited We could visit the Music Centre the Scout Hall Library and many other Facilities which I am sure would be suggested by people as the plan took form Then we could conclude Ihe after noon by having a monster picnic or maybe a barbecue in the park with the band lo supply music to dine by Now for the important part Instead of planning this and then silting back wailing far folks to find out and maybe gel inter on a campaign to- door particularly in the newer parts of town and invite everyone lo Join with their neighbours for recreation fun and self which are available right here Wchearalolofcomplainingabout newcomers to Ihe town not getting involved or taking an interest In what goes on let make a friendly gesture in their direction and give them a chance to be friendly In re turn its my guess lhal we will be plea sanlly surprised Sincerely He nee Watson Stand up for our country I thank Ihe Lord that have teachers like Bruce Andrews who are willing to stand up and be counted So many of us myself included are bo afraid to say what we think What better place is there than the school to leach our young people to learn and sing Ihe words lo Canada lo Bland and be thankful for our beautiful country A concerned parent of two young people Sincerely Mrs Don Jean Early It It did we go wrong Remember your own school d Were you forced to work hard struggle to control yourself rcspecl your teachers mil school property Is that the case today when pupils can choose Mickey Mouse courses argue that correct behavior is only to be judged by circumstances at hat time and that every thing is so there are no rules which can apply every case thai teachers are only humans loo so they re not perfect and ihus need no respect or the school property is theirs too since Iheirown parcnlspay taxes so destroy my own property Where have wc gone wrong When people become selfish grasping and Inconsiderate what Is lacking in their growth Infants arc by need egoists but they must learn to become useful members of society by controlling their whims At home later at school they should lo exercise this restraint voluntarily or by force this is for their own good and also for Ihe whole society Where do wo go to find the Recently on reading a book containing thoughts of famous people on the subject virtue happiness success etc 1 was struck by the recurring Ihemc of Ihe import incc of spiritual learning and Plutarch said A may as well be built in the air kingdom or commonwealth lie either constituted or preserved without Hit support of religion ikespcare said I do love my country with a respect more lender more holy profound than mine own life I contend our children want and need spinluil knowledge and respeel for their country plus appreciation for real work wclldonc No one can blame Lhcm for losing respect for all hold dear If 11 is not stressed taught nor venerated Criticism of our of life seems to breed f iction and for stricter onanist life Along with a return to basics can return to stressing a return to daily Bible study and study of our heroes Fill the hunger for models lo follow wllh real people our youngsters will discover the truth thit only God can make a person worthwhile Yours very iruly Mrs S Greetings from Australia 23 Where have we gone wrong i The Gregory home Is situated on the east Hear Editor and friends coast of New South Wales about miles Ural and foremost In our minds is a bin quarter thank you to our friends and of wa P escarpment which rises the Line Slderoadof Erin 1Uft0 ecl Wc reequarters of a Township who made it possible for us be able to keep up with Ihe Acton news rom lhe lne lrec9 Open teller lo School Board Dear Sir I should like to congratulate the board on having a courageous teacher on staff Mr Andrews has the courage of his convictions and himself can stand up and be counted among those who truly care about our country and its future citizens Will you now parents all whether trustees staff or administrators take note Wc arc in danger of losing the rnott Im part of our heritage by default simply because have let It slip away Great Britain educational system once the pride of the world has slid Into oblivion through such loosely held reins our neighbours south of the border have black board jungles of threatening pupils and fearful staff It Is almost upon us too Where stop a lot of homesickness When the paper arrives dated January arrived James and read from cover to cover before anything else Is done then gossip for hours about all ihe snow and let and are missing and what we are not missing In this beautiful spot of Australia which was made possible by the Ontario Exchange association who now living In our home in Erin Town trees ind the smaller trees seem to flower most of the summer and their colors are brilliant reds purple blue pink and yellow The birds arc mainly of the parakeet family and Ihey arc very noisy at times one sounds like a whip whistling through the air and it is called the whip and one sounds like a child calling out It Is like a crow but Is black and white The parrots ore green and red blue and red and other brilliant combinations Wc have also had record high temper hear inert art no pensions in heaven or my annual pension will lie worth loaves of bread and a can of beans with inflation And lhe whole thing expands downward The provincial nails mc for hard lop roads cottage country when I don I have cottage weed cutters geologists fishing inspectors health care for every in lhe province homes for the aged and homes for the insane and homes for foster children and a hundred other things do not need Then the county takes its cut I help pay for reeves to go and get drunk at Good Convention for County Health County Assessors County empires And finally he municipal mafia puts the gears to me for arenas I don I skate in swimming pools I don swim in salines for firemen and cops and every other bird who can on the pay toll But when I say Don down my trees please they tell I im standing in the way of progress Nor does it end there unfortunate It comes into your own home and sits down beside you at your own The old lady wants a gourmet cookbook the daughter wants for fees for a university course the son would have a little donation in Piraguij to keep him from starving the need new shoes at 12 bucks a rattle 1 don need a single one of these things yet I am one who has constantly under my nose enterprise be hanged nothing free about it and the on enter prise involved in the considerably amount used by various parties to separate me from every nickel I earn hand I m lucky thai I don need a single item from the endless list of for which I being clip ped You have to gel old or sick or stupid or poor to collect most of them this summer which of course you know is January I March but have been comfortable enough because wc live on the coast and we didn t go out in sun so wo are not sunburnt but are very pleasantly brown We have been wined and dined by very friendly people here who leach at Boys school and also by neighbors and friends of the Gregory family so haven had time lo be lonely yet Our youngest son Itowhnd phoned us from Vancouver Island lo hear If we had got settled in alright and our oldest son and daughter in law Slewarl and Susan wrote from England to make sure we were alright and lo that they were settled there jusl fino My husband James is now teaching at Ktira Boys High in place of Bruce Gregory for the year and is finding it quite different from what he has done in Canada for quite some time He Is teaching drafting lo approximately boys who are all dressed in uniform and look very smart All school children wear uniforms here Also there are quite a few boys who are from Europe and can hardly talk English We find that the mail is very expensive here as arc bread milk cheese and fish Lamb Is about per lb bought by the side or in bulk ind some beef Is cheaper depending on lhe cuts you Wool which I thought would be cheaper is the same price as at home and clothes and yard goods and appliances are dear I have tried to give you an overall view of living here and I have missed out a of other Information bul writing space is limited One more note of interest we went for a boat trip in Sydney harbor sponsored by the Teachers Exchange of N S W and had a good day During the trip we passed by a nudist beach and the boat went quite close to the beach but not quite close enough to put us off a beautiful lunch which again was served up lo us by the teachers of S Wc also were with a lot of teachers from Britain who arc finding it tough going be cause of salary differences ore very happy Ihey say because of the experience they are gelling Yours truly Eleanor and James McCulloch Asqulth Street Astlnmer New South Wales Australia The Free Press Back Issues 10 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press Or Thursday March 1907 George Kerr present M L A for Hal ton announced he would be a candidate for the Conservative nomination for the provincial riding of West at the annual meeting of Acton and North Progressive Conservative Association Post office wickets were ordered closed this morning from 11 a m to 12 noon owing to lhe funeral of Governor General Vanler The new executive of Junior Farmers chosen recently at the annual meeting include president Ruth Mason Brian press reporter Lois Hunter secretary Ernie Alexander treasurer Joy provincial director and Don Swockhamer vice president Ad Three bedroom bungalow close lo shopping and schools large living room with dining area full basement rec room storms and screens large well fenced lot Asking Carries for including taxes The photographs of Miss Daisy Folster and Miss Anderson have been removed to the front hail of the Robert Little school and hang now beside the portrait of Miss M Z Bennett All are former teachers 20 years ago Taken from the issue of lhe ree Press Of Thursday March 1957 Mrs Charles Gaugh with a per cent coupon won at the weekly merchants draw at lhe post office Saturday Gnshow won lhe 5 John Johnston formerly of the Oak this week replaced P C John ilodgms who has been transferred to Chatham headquarters For Wold Day of Prayer service to be held March 8 this year women of 142 countries will combine in unified prayer and meditation The theme for is Who Shall Separate Us The service is prepared this year by and Is written on behalf of the Christian women who live behind the Iron Curtain Sunday afternoon the Acton Fire Department responded to a call to a chimney fire at the farm of Thornhill R Acton Miss Donna McMillan Mr and Mrs Russell Arbic Mr and Mrs Lome and Anne and Susan Mr and Mrs Malcolm Mrs Arbic and Mrs Dane Dele were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Arbic on Sunday 100 years ago Taken from lhe Issue of the Free Press t OIThursdav Februarys Storey Moore and Co Kid Leather Tan This establishment was built in by Messrs Storey and Co for lhe manufacture of stock for their glove works It cost During the past year about worth of leather has been lumed out consisting principally of black kid for fine gloves and russets for harvest and threshing mills with a considerable quantity of calf skins and sheep pelt The firm have sold nearly worth of wool to the woolen factories They have put through during the year sheepskins ind paid out 15 for skins tanning and dyes About GOO dozen eggs have been used tor tanning they use hemlock bark and japonica manufactured in United States They employ eight skilled workmen Alex Wright s Sheepskin tannery This concern is somewhat similar to lhe one described above only on a smaller scale It wis established In 1871 lour Mills The history of this mill dales back years when this entire section of Ontario was but little more than reclaimed from the primeval forest and while it was still haunts of the red man and the refuge of wild animals The first mill was built by the Rev Ezra Adams one of our sturdy pioneer missionaries who with two brothers were lhe earliest settlers The rough uncouth mill stones were for a couple of years driven by a clumsy paddle wheel and machinery with wooden gearing About 1842 it was purchased by Mr Robert Swan and a few years later by Mr John father of the present proprietors The building was destroyed by fire in 1866 anything being saved and no insurance on With the assistance of neighbors new limbers were very soon brought in and the structure was ready for the machinery within a few weeks The principal business done here is gristing and retail flouring the average consumption of wheat being about bushels a month The machinery is driven by either steam or water power or sometimes both when water Is scarce The engine is horse power with locomotive boiler THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE Business and Editorial Office 1976 award winner b