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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1977, p. 7

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classified rates CALLB63201D BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAY FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC minimum charge or words 7C word I her no Subsequent insertions no copy changes minimum for words 7C per word discount Mowed for cosh BOX NUMBERS to this office additional or first fivs or plus DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY THIS CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY 3pm TheActonFreePress Wednesday March 7 Ted and Lynn nee Stephens are pleased to announce the I of thi Kvlc General Hospital First grandchild for Mr and Mrs C Stephens of Georgetown and second lor Mr and Mrs Edward MILNE and Tom are proud to announce the sale Thomas lbs 15 March 1977 at Guelph General Hospital First grandchild for Mr and Mrs R King and second grand child lor Mrs Ella Mae Milne thei Firs Amanda Leigh March at Gen Hospital grand child for both Frances and Jack of Toronto and Dorothy and Bill Jones of Engl VLIETSTRA John and Beverly are pleased to an nounce the birth of their daughlcr Lisa Ann lb at General 1977 fi I CI Bertha At the homo of her daughter Mrs Vivian Barker R Georgetown on Tuesday March Bertha Christiansen wife of the late August In her 91st year Dear mother of Albert Morgan of Lake Violet Rhudoof Milton Miilleent Toronto Vivian Barker of George town R Arihur Morgan of Montlcth Mane Botlln of Toronto and Edith Stewart of Brampton Resting at Shoemaker Funeral Homo Acton Funeral arrangements incomplete ELLIS Suddenly at his home In Acton on Sunday March 1W7 Duncan Ellis years beloved husband Cynthia Thatcher and Hear fafher of Gay Galloway of Acton Madona Horn payne Jim of Brampton and BUI at home Brother of and Kenneth both of Guelph Mrs Freda Service of and Mrs Evelyn Smith of Also sur vlvcd by grandchildren Tuesday at a from the Shoemaker Funeral Home Interment MANN Edward Alexander At Park Nursing Home Guciph on Monday March 14 1977 Edward Alexander Mann R In his 95th year Beloved husband of he late Jennie Allan and dear lather of Jean Mrs Elliott Resting at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service will be held on Thursday al Interment Falrvlew Cemetery MORGAN Rev Vincent Joseph Parish St Joseph Church Macton St Joseph Church Acton 1941 1971 and Holy Cross Church Georgetown at St Josephs Hospital Guelph on Thurs day March Rev cent Joseph Morgan Acton belovedsonof the late William and Bridge Morgan and dear brother of the late John Francis and Joseph Morgan Rosary and oil Ice ol the dead were said at St Joseph Church Acton on Sunday at p m Mass of the was cele bra ted on Monday at DO a Interment Priests Plot Cemetery FABER Harry Suddenly at his home R R Acton on Wednesday March Harry beloved band of Rose Brooks and dear father Lisa beloved son ol and the Wylskc Fabcr Brother Sophie Mrs Henry Monsma Jackie Mrs Hank Duiker Mrs Core Ann Mrs Bill ingles Lucy Mrs Dick and Nose worthy Funeral service was held Shoemaker at Spring Conlngsby Cemetery MCKNIGHT Edgar Passed away at the Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllslon on Friday March Edgar McKnfght In his year beloved husband of the Mrs J Crosby Irene of Toronlo Mrs Galloway Georglna Toronlo and Mrs J Kathleen of Mansfield Dear of Miss Lily of Toronto Also survived by and great grandchildren Rested at Ihe J Thomas Funeral Home In I Tuesday March IS Pleasant Cemciery Toronto WOULD like to take I portunliv lo thank re friends and neighbors many ways during the lime my accident both while In the hospital and returning horn These acts of kindness all helped for my recovery and will not be forgotten Thanks again May God Bless Sincerely 30987 WOULD like to thank all my friends and neighbors for I heir cards visits and flowers while I was a patient In Guelph General Hospital Special thanks to the nurses and Or Hutchln thank relatives friends and neigh for Ihclr many gifts and cards during my recent stay In hospital and since coming home Special thanks to the Aclon Medical Centre Coron ary Care Unit Guciph Gen era Hospital and Levy their to thank the Moore A very special thank Jerry and Linda Mrs Schubert Mrs and Mrs Elliott and all and friends for llowers Mrs Anita Ockcnden 31003 THE FAMILY of the late Mcrvin with to extend sincere thanks and neighbors lor Ihclr thought kindness and sympathy in Ihc passing ol a dearly beloved thanks to Doctors Wilson Blair and Singh also the Intensive Care Unit of General Hospital for the care and consideration in this dll lime Also very special thanks Bruce and Rhoda Shoemaker and the The Nesset Family Mother in law COURTNEY daughter and Ruth who March INNONln a grandfather who p mother Chirtotle who passed Mlrch 13 One who was God never Tenderly Molher you Just in your judgment Honest and Liberal ever up right Loved by all our BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday evening March Joanne show slides of Holy Land trip Christmas music By Don Community Hall Is holding an auction sale and Bake sale on April Any donation of goods or goods you want sold on cons gnment may be left the Hall on Fn diy night or Saturday Any large item we will pick up Please call Del Lyn stead 077 or John Laugh 3458 OLD Tyme Dance Holy Rosary Emma Friday March IB at p m sponsored by Central Ontario Old Fiddlers Association Featuring Fiddle Champion Ed Flight London July II your travel says he cannot get or 4 week seals call Ted Tyler Travel Service or Toronlo MILTON DISTRICT High School presents The Wliard Of on April at Tickets adulls S3 students and children under DIRECTORY OF CLASSIFICATIONS Antiques Apartments Auction Sales Camping Equipment Cardiol Cartage Moving Coming Events Coming Marriages For Sale Livestock Lostor Strayed Personal Pet Stock Produce Real Estate Recreation Vein Rooms Board A Vacation lor Sale or Rent Vacation Resorts Vehicles for Sale Volunteers ANNUAL Nassagawaya P Association meeting to be held at Hall March 10 sharp TRINITY group rum mage sale at Trinity United Church Friday April m rURKEY HAM and Steak shoot Rod and Gun Club Eden Mills Sunday March I Trophy for high score Free powder puff relay for ladles THE LEGION Ladles Auxiliary will hold their bazaar on Oct IS Everyone wei TV TOWERS tower overall height including all channel head Installed CO lower over ha 1 1 In eluding all channel head Installed SI FM stereo head installed Automatic COLOR COMBINATION tower overall height including combination color head and automatic installed RICHARDSONS RADIO TV Mam Street East Milton Repairs oil type Phone 2336 WANTED TO BUY Ash and soft logs gout fl 5198243619 SOD Hornby Greenhouses ItJorryRd wost Trofnlgar I 8773329 BE Sound TV Sales Service Main Si E Millon THEW00DERY Early Canadian Pino Custom Kilno dried lumber Components materials build your own f Monday to Friday 8787300 Evenings Wookonds FISHING Trout fishing at Cam Is la open p Pro season golf tickets Included Plione33523B7 Burlington SWIMMING pool sacrifice Leading Canadian manul and distributor has aluminum pools tell over Irom 197a season Vj price Guaranteed Installation and terms Call Collect days or evenings 4340 FREE Install a CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Prices as lew as For a ton unit installed HORNET ENGINEERING YOUR HEAT PUMP DEALER or 853 Bob Kerr 21a1B Teakwood Furniture from Importers Warehouse Open til9pm Clausen Ltd Highway LADING swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of all aluminum pools in slock sacrifice price lor desperately needed factory warehouse space Brand new mm ng pools include WET Dry Shop Cleaner Paris Service 9501 fruilwood 1150 air humidifier Ho 31 color TV 3yrs old steel file cabinet 077 Wed Thurs evenings 3143 CLASSICAL ovation guitar very good condition 678 alter RUBY S Tropical Fish a large assortment tropical and goldfish Aquariums Canaries and acces Hours 9 Monday to 6 on Sun days 678 LliORESCENTflxturcs used tested disconnects trans formers etc 197 Mill St Milton or 1 375 1133 10644 2151 ROD and Reel repairs custom rod building Agate guides tips etc Bulk tine refilling at per cent savings at cher Sports 41h Line Esq 1 mile north no Call 1607 evenings SOLID Oak pieced suite Excellent Coll 653 1071 ling re SWIMMING pools to rent Will lease and Install tor home owners Family sire pool with pallo choice of styles mealing all lenclng three year rental basis Try before you buy Call collect anytime 416 WEDDING Gowns designers samples direct from annual ash ion show Values to All reduced to and 195 This Is an excellent selection In all sizes Oca Shawn Fashions Shoppers World Highway 10 Brampton LUCKYS septic Pumping owned by Robert Noble Ltd Industrial waste pumping septic tank pumping Three trucks lo serve you radio patched Call or PER CENT so brand new guaranteed 870 MAPLE and birch firewood alio cedar posts delivery available Call HISTORIC ACTON Is reflected In the pages the Free Press Centennial Edition Copies ol available at at the Free Press office Add for postage ordering by mall A real 10014 WRINGER washer good working 130 Call 653 oe UNCLAIMED all aluminum swimming pool 18 Includes decking Sell safety ic EXCAVATING lop soil and Byron Trail R R NOB Phone 854 9811 Pools models port full warranty complete fence wall deck Suggested retail 39S 0a available at pre season special Coll early installation any tin 1 41 set piece din i Hills Electric J0965 3 room bedroom and new Panasonic block and white Only or payments S3 Call OVERSEAS Order lor Mother Day March Great Florists MAKE monthly payments of Interest and TV only Call Howard 878 3373 INLY THREE snooker tables Main St Milton phone 070 9034 shutters railings siding 3895 stove Call 9572 idltlon EARLS Variety Rock wood specializing in every thing but what you want Drop In and find out 31033 NUTONE Detectors Installing Nutone Dealer W Electric 053 3330 HAY FOR sale heavy bales Rd and Trafalgar area 078 HAYtorsale Call 053 HAY and Slraw for CONDITIONED Hay per bale Delivered extra Osprlnge Call 4617 HORSES boarded bought and sold I mile west Georgetown Maple Croft Farm 877 31194 STUD service Triple A barr Registered Arabian Sire In both Canada and 5 A Bay Travis Hall Arabians Call 056 GRADE Heifers 037 PET STOCK KENNELS FREE to good home year old dog part spaniel and collie Good with children Call 853 to a good farm home year old black great dan Call alter 28 RECREATION VEHICLES SPUING TUNE UPTIME MARINE ft SERVICE CENTRE MAIN ST N ACTON 85316B2 Open Tuesday thru Saturday 28amgl2 JOHN Deere brand new snowmobiles to below dealer cost Calr Georgetown Chrysler IS Mounlalnvlew N Starmaster hard top camper equip best oiler Call 3974 GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED Main St Corner of Main St and Wilson Ave Milton WE HAVE OVER Completely reconditioned E ready to go used cars trucks Here are just a few examples MARQUIS BROUGHAM only doors with oil power accessories power soots stereo radio KMX METEOR WAGON Very clean mechanically fit 1974CHEVBELAIR 2 DOOR HARDTOP With automatic mission A good runner will lots of I fc loft lOOwnh cop Courier V8D32972 GALLINGER MOTORS LTD 113 COUGAR CONVERTIBLE Finished in red and white Lie JUST ECONOMY CARS To choose from pricos you of lord Low down and Bank Financing BAZ MOTORS LTD GRAN TORINO door hardtop light wilh green vinyl root full power AM radio new tires One owner Safety chocked Lie HOU2B1 GRAN TORINO 75 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON 74F0RD LTD BROUGHAM 73 VILLAGER WAGON 73 MERCURY DEMONSTRATORS FORD F1DD PICK UP MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM don dark th molcti and nvl twin comfort nit steering air conditioning AM radio speakers ntod Ighlgroco suspension Lie CAR and TRUCK RENTALS LEASING ST ACTON TEL 8632370 or BRAMPTON 14161 PARK TOYOTA CAR OF THE WEEK FORD CUSTOM LIC Hero flroot value for your car buying This 1973 Ford Custom door sedan tens bly priced sued solidly built easy to drive to park car With power steer ing and brakes with 31 000 miles it fl a car that just for the limes when it makes so much sense to bo sensible Largest selection of quality used cars in HaHon Hills Chevy Nova sedan LEV931 75 Classic Coupe Ford Super cab pickup Classic Coupe JDH420 Olds Delia HT 73 di FAY621 SS 2 dr HTN801 sedan 73 Olds Cutlass Supreme ENM914 BPD044 Ford LTD air con Lemons 2 FKZ030 Dodge Dart sedan BEYIlfl 73 Toyota Corolla out Toyota DNN5B9 Corona 2 dr Toyota Crown dr 70 Toyoia BHW1 19 PARK TOYOTA 7 WEST GEORGETOWN ALL TOYOTAS ARE CREATED EQUAL PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE CHRYSLER Newport Cus 1 lorn Asking 50 certillcd VOLKSWAGEN as Is Call Call BS3 1414 oiler after 7315

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