AUCTION SALE FOR ESTATE OF THE LATE GEORGE ANDERSON FRI MARCH 25 at 100 TRACTORS Gas Tractor MF Gas Tractor loader H C 3 furrow plow both 3 one ace Bottom other 327 Now Holland manure 130 bo IHC rake on rubber Double doc Trail 2 elevator Tubular Balance mower cut 3 Harris Feit rubber IHC 2A Hay Conditioner Snow auger IHC 46 Baler M cultivator PH seiof harrows wagons flat rack STABLE EQUIPMENTDaLaval Bulk cooler 3 Surgo milkers Stainless stool pail strainer Surge pump motor Acorn stable cleaner complete Shuttle Type now Woods electric chopper rotor Portable feed rack Grain auger motor tingle Steelwatertrough Feed con Qbagsof BalerTwine FEED- 16 ton Rodney Oats grown from Certified Seed baton Hay PLEASE NOTEAbovo all in good condition NO Furniture El not many small Items come early TERMSarocaihorchequowrthl D necessary to settle Estate Everything to bo removed by 15 MAX STOREY Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FOR MR ROBERT WED EVENING MARCH 23 at Ramovad from Acton home bo SOLD IN MILTON at the fa grounds in THE AGRICULTURAL HALL on St SALE CONSISTING OF Household furniture some Antique Lawn Garden Hand and Carpontry tools Selection of Antique Glas3 China and the regular Glass Chine Mac etc FURNITURE Pink upholstered makes into bod plus matching chair chrome kitchen suite chroma telephone tabic small pine table walnut side table folding table with 3 loaves Ideal for apt oak china cabinet glass side end front platform rocker end table spooiod locking chair oak rocking chair floor lamp table lamp tingle continental bed and headboards 2 lawn chairs good as now 4 wooden folding chairs small fancy nick shelves Irg wall mirror bedroom suite com chicken coop chairs wooden kitchen choirs other odd wooden chars panted pno flower table painted I wooden patio chair chaise lounge Sit shelf wooden flower stand small pine box footstool oak bookcase pine blanket box child s rocker new 2 sets of 4 metal V trays and stands metal double seat lawn swing 15 green rug and under pad excellent chrome drop lea I table ironing board storage cupboard painted bamboo magaiine rack APPLIANCES ETC Acme 4 burner electric stovo Elexuo home humid liar regular small household electric pliances nger wash ng machine ft wooden boa of vanous sues Carter assortment of hand lawn garden spoke shave frame complete assortment books sealer jors Gloneaton vacuum cleaner tioormodelflErWT GLASS Gold Lustre Royal Wmton service perfect appro pc dinner set Flow Blue platter crystal fruit bowl small bluo vase Nippon mustard double la Iters on stand pa scent vases sugar pink and green Depression glass assortment of fancy cups and saucers fancy plotos Austria 1 Coronation fancy Cranberry vase sett ng for stainless steel cutlery other good cutlery Pearled handled Silver butter knives Camphor Glass dresser tray Nontakemlntdrsh phis all other regular household glass and pots and pans etc TERMS are cash or cheque with proper I Lunch ava lable House is sold possession given for March Preview from clock day of Owner Hall board or Auctioneer not rosponsblo for accidents AUCTIONEER CHRIS A AUCTION SALE for MRS ELIZABETH to bo hold at her home Victoria Stroat In ACTON THURS 24 MARCH AT P M FURN1TUREFumod Oak round pedestal table 3 loaves small Walnut n ng Walnut na cabinet Sol of 5 Pressed back chars Folding rockor Kitchen suite w chairs Chesterfield matching chair L R char End tables coffee table tables Bedroom lute Bed dresser chiffonier springs mattress Walnut dresser 2 beds 39 and 30 Clothes Tree TV tables Ladies Desk Table Footstool Hassock Sowing Mnch no 2yrs old electric Elocirohome 19 Portable B Et stand Viking E lee Broom Record player stand Er records S Spin Dry washer Table Lamps other lamps Boudoir Lamps Electric Fans Oil lamp crocks Quantity of dishes Is tools garden lawn chairs Er Patio table Extension ladder Aluminum step laddor Electric appliances kettle iron toaster Kitchen TERMS cosh or with 1 NoRssarve- HousoSokJ Not responsible tor a cedents Max Storey Rockwood Auctioneer SPECIAL AUCTION SALE of new furniture appliances and small gift items GRUNDY CUSTOM FARMING LIMITED junction highway at Ospnngo north of 1 ft on right Thursday Doors open m Chesterfield suites 4 hide a beds captain bunk mates single double and quean size bods Large selection of lamps swag lamps coffee and end tables Et 7 chrome kitchen suites stereos sewing mach nss bedroom suites map la pine Er colonial Flat round and corner china cabinets Fern standi spinning wheels what not shelves Large appliances trig Stoves washers dryers dishwashers grit Items Cash Chargex Financing Consignment auctions last Saturday of every month of used furniture tools vohicles snowmobiles motorcyles boats trailers household contonta antiques tractors farm Implements Industrial equipment etc TERMS ABsmallrtems15 1 SI 3 PhoneGsorgeA Grundy Erin Sale of new furniture also held on Tuesday evening 7Bamg13 f AUCTION SALE EDWARD NEWMAN No HIGHWAY SATURDAY MARCH 10 AT 11 AM TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS Ford gas tractor Ford manure spreader Ford grader blade Ford snow blower post hole auger electric gram grinder 3 pes chain harrow F lawn trailer garden tractor sot of tractor chains TRUCK Chev ton truck ps automatic AM radio package springs H T I camp top w slide in units Icebox sink etc water pump sleep MISCELLANEOUS farrowing crates pig feeder wire fence 3 sets jumping atandaids cutter cedar reds cedar posts 4 wheelbarrow bench saw doors windows and frames lawn mowers 2 steel troughs blankets saddle rack cow bell others FOWL9geese 4ducks APPLIANCESMoffat electric stove avocado Moffat fug avocado I nglts washer In gits dryer air cond lienor antique several toasters FURNITURE Pine monks table 36 Has side drawers and a beauty 10 at row back chars ref closely matched 2 captains chairs caned scat oak hall bench good kitchen sped back rocker hall mirror several tables chairs 3 metal drawer desks Et chair king sue bod El mattress king sue drawer dresser as above I single bed and mattress with matching dress ng table mirror 2 bedside tables glass top counters conference table 12 wooden drawer desk single beds picnic table MISCELLANEOUS House boll complete yoke shag wool rug 15 rug 109 x Oriental rug x oil lamps silver tea sol silverware teapots sugars etc assort jugs and jars assorted vases some Oriental assorted pewter pes about antique coal hod Apollo plaque wooden butter churn 2 round butter prints 1 has cowl place dinner set clear caned patt pickle assorted fine china glass and kite hen ware complete Works a Shakespeare complete sot Cookery Books herd Notorial Geographic slalom skis poles assorted pictures and framos rowing machine RAF toy planes German toy piano single shot barrel shotgun Household articles sell first at 1 1 a farm ir single MAX STOREY Auctioneer AUCTION SALE ON SATURDAY MARCH 30 for MR JACK KEMPER Consist tractors full I no ol garden forming truck plus some household rtems Sale located on Concession East Flamboro m lo oast of Centre Rd i miles oast of No Hwy north of 1 south at Carl lie Watchfor TRACTORS EQUIPMENT Ford 3000 diosel tractor with adjustable wheels LPTO goodshapo gas with and hydraulics Alia Chamblors A tractor row crop with lovorhaulod Marlowe pump on wheels with motor and quant ty of sprinklers Ford ft hydraulic wheel disc ground drive spreader M F narrow bottom furrow plow Ford p 3 furrow beam plow 14 bottoms 4 modern farm wagons with racks John Deere 2 row potato planter Holland row 2 yrs old Calsa 3 sprayer ft boom and hand gun Grove 5 ft rotary mower Lockwood 1 row potato d new chain and cylinder good shape John Bean gal wheel booms 3p Ford adjustable cultivator potato cutler and motor rotary mower electric potato grader Loly fertilizer spreader on wheels etc TRUCK MISC Ion w wooden built nick appro original miles 6 standard Quantity of posts barn beams 500 plastic flats small plastic si a ton appro wooden lata hampers quan of now cucumber end cardboard boxes 2 boxes staples Brand now Planet Jr seeder Planet wheel cultivator quantity of spray and insecticides 2000 brand new 11 qt baskets barn scales 2000 baskets tools 12 chain saw B skill taw Ike now quant ty of forks shovels wheelbarrow odd tools etc Possibly some household This is a good select on of gardening pmont in good cond tion Owner moving Terms Cash or properly identified Please register with clerk for number on arrival Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents Lunch booth on grounds auctioneer jim McCartney Waterdowri AUCTION SALE for ERNIE MAY Lot 13 Cone 10th line of old Trafalgar Twsp 1 mile north of Road miles northwest of Stieetsville ON Saturday March 19 1977 at 12 noon OF Farm machinery hay mixed grain mixed beef cattle some pigs rabbits geese and soma house hold off acts Auctioneer Donald W Relnhart Snelgrove Ont ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE to bo hold every Monday Evonmg at the Junlorformers Hall on Ell Stroot in tampion Salo consists of Furniture Glass China Lamps Brass Clocks Primitives and Unusual Preview 30p Tomrscash or cheque with I MAX STOREY Auctioneer STORE FOR rent on Mill St ft Also on Main St ft BIB 1 BEDROOM townhouse Ished roc roorr dlning room a month maintenance Ices Included available April IS Family transferred Call ass for Saturday appoint ELK HALL for rent or Larry after THREE bedroom detached home References required Call 1977 Tax break PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Rov Andrew H A Minister Mr E A Hansen A Organist and Choir Master Sunday Mar MmstorsCon on Class for Toonogors am Church School for and Grades 1 to 8 11 am Sorvico of Divine Sormon Thome Darkness Where God Was Nursery for and toddlers during Everyone Most Welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 33 CHURCHILL ROAD NORTH PASTORS Chrstion Education 11 00A M Even Sorv TUESDAY bio Study THURSDAY Young People UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Chas Beaton A A Director of Muse Sunday Mar 2D 1977 BabyFoklaidToddlorCAro Sunday School Evoryono Welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH Mill Street East Founded 1B42 Pastor Rev Das Sydney BSc Pastor Phone- B53- 1835 WEDNESDAY 30 pmAcion Baptist Club for 11 year olds THURSDAY ChOrrPractico Young People SATURDAY 6 m Progressrvo Supper or adults start pastors opt Sunday Mar 1977 30 am Sunday School end Adult Class 1 am Morning Worship President Day F Watts general m Workshops at High land si Church 7 Evening rally at Kite ho nor President Francis CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Church Rd N Mnator J L A D and Mrs Sunday Mar School Tho church on hill Is an ml donom national on storing to the needs of Everyone Wolcomo BETHEL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday Mar 1977 Sunday Worship Services at 10 am end 5 pm Preschool Sun day School the morning service Sunday School dunng the morning service You a ro welcome Church of the Back to God Hour heard over these stations Ham dull 150 St Catharines C S 30 a m dial Toronto H IN FM am dial 101 MHZ Toronto 11 30 a dial 1430 Treasurer Ray King made I it clear Hills finance administration committee Ihc lax break of to the I elderly which the own can establish in no way Inter I feres with the provincial reduction of property lax Committee Chairman Miller said he had been under the impression only one of the lax rcduclions could be ap plied for There is no question can be received said the treasurer He explained Ihe reduction in properly lax which can be set by the town only available to people THE CHURCH OF ST MARTYR 1B72 Willow St and St Alban s Dr Rov Leonard Music Mrs Frank Sunday Mar 1977 m Holy Eucharist 10 30 a m Sacraments of Holy and Eucharist FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 and bedroom labia I I and April Utilities balcony Adults only no pots Call or MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown A p Baptist Church Sunday Mar 1977 ONE BEDROOM April I per month plus hydro First and last months required Cell apartment adult 10906 30773 ONE am Su day School for all 1 a Mc 6 30pm Even Fellowship Thought Pone rules ho day when Christ rule the mind 4rrL SAVE TOR SOLES IN THE WANT m I AND bedroom apartments All utilities Included Call I BEDROOM apartment In Acton All included Available April Coll IN ACTONadult building bedroom apartment All utilities Call submitting proof of receipt of Ihc income supplement to the old age pension He explained the Municipal and School Tax Credit Assist Act In effect all over Ontario constitutes a Hen on Ihe property and would be paid when Ihe properly Is sold or passed on to heirs In Ihis case the recipients do not necessarily have lo be receiv ing the income supplement Councillor Roy Booth said there had been misunder standing among residents and he had received calls Councillor Walter said he was wary of fooling with the tax base which covers school costs whether or not people have children in shcool He said he thinks the provincial reduction is a good idea and could see nothing wrong with lien on properly but was not in favor of lowering Ihe normal axes to anyone whether or not Ihey are elderly Councillor Marks pointed out only people with less a year income from all sources are eligible for Ihe income sup They are having enough trouble holding on to their accommodation Any thing we can do to keep senior citizens in their own rather than shipping them off lo homes so much Ihe bet ler Why don apply for provincial reduction then asked Biehn I don I know but they don perhaps don like a Hen on their properly replied Marks Chairman Miller said there are senior citizens in Hills and only two have applied for the provin reduction The committee mended the selling up of the on taxes for Ihose receiving income supple men to the old age pension Real Estate MARKET PLACE REALTY SERVICES LIMITED REALTOR If youre satisfied with our service Tell others If not tell us COURT CO with bathrooms plus on court across MINIATURE HORSE FARM Custom homo alter ng 3 ft of living includes colored cor garage Thu now block stable hns hoi stills hydro and water Located GEORGETOWN S MOORE PARK Four bod room side th an attached IP BROOKVILLEAREA horso arm with a bam work shop a largo four storey red farm liouau Reduced to 989 property must bo sold GUELPHLINE Custom bull year old brick a car attached central conditio una bathrooms fro kitchen separate dining loom mam flour lam Iy and dimly laundry rooms roughed in plus a completely f replace finished roc room and separate games room with a ground wakout to of matuiu TOWN HOUSE SPECIAL W This bedroom homo with bathrooms and a room can bo yours with a down payment as low as 00 STEELESAVE 900 Throo bod bungalow constructed with ma fico alum num siding Includes a roc room billiard room plus table bam Comes complete with tho washer dryer lawn tractor and a 15 above ground pool WOODWARD II you want a 4 bodr they used bungalow litem then this is It Fantastic appliances plus mo n floor CABOT TRAIL 958 Spacious thioo an attached This home i decorated throughout and priced to soil PRESTIGIOUS ESCARPMENT Start your day with a view Tho four bedroom has a ago two largo living room and d both enhanced by a floor to SHERWOOD FOREST Fivo acres of king fore includ rockery stone and mplatety landscaped by BRETHOUR REALTY SERVICES 1976 LTD REALTOR MILTON 8784121 Martin Street Milton TORONTO 270 9991 Open from 9 a m 8 30 m Les Bunker 7059 Ken Newell Audrey Newell 8785339 6716 Botty Ingle