MARKET PLACE Trust Company IDEAL STARTER This3bodioom2torevalum to sell fast Fob In living room alio dining room and kit Located clow to down town area SUPER SIDESPLIT Just old In immaculate condition features ma I famly room with replace main loot off Ico largek to cedar deck Large master bedroom 17 x Want to know moro Call mo tight away THINK SUMMER And you realty Impressed with thb bedroom storey home decorated nice Finished roc room Tudor stylo replace beaut landscaped lot Located on quiet Cr This homo should ban must on your I st 1 yr old In beautiful condlt on Foaturos large I v room dining room with family break fast nook bedrooms playroom hobby room full basement Substantial arranged on this homo or Berma Clarke or call toll free 8 BOO Ask for pag or no ACTON PROPERTIES IDEAL LOCATION to downtown new roof ng large family let en and n ng room Roomy II bedrooms walk n closets Vendor w I consider all offers and n nanc ng P at Ca I ay Sm at tor sat oughed n A lovely home only Good possess on I ay Ih at or alter JOHNSON CARNEY fe Penney REALTOR REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS Experienced or noiponenced required to work In tho lion area from our off In Mo handle our many cl Aclon end Motion Hills district Full training pro by competent Instructors You have access to the most up to date sales techniques and an ng training pro gram Our Ira rung course will start Apr 1 CALL FRED PENNEY far a confidential interview Little cash needed For this well home large d or CASTLE IN THE COUNTRY Unique Austrian home on over aero of land between Milton and Acton Its one of a kind homo with circular stair case and artists studio ove looking the I vlng room and conversation pit with fireplace Fun price PENNEY REAL ESTATE LTD Trafalgar flit Puslinch repairs section of controversial boundary The Acton Free Press Wednesday March After much prodding by both the town Milton and area residents the township of finally repaired their part of the townlinc be tween former Nassagawoya and Township The road is Jointly owned by both municipalities with maintenance on the road being split in equal proper but residents on the section have com plained that Idea of maintenance is to slick up a road closed sign At a recent Milton council meeting members author I zed works superintends Bruce to send in machinery to alleviate the problems but before hey could gel there Puslinch hod repaired the road Puslinch fixed the roads up after a couple phone calls said Mr If IN ACTON Beautifully decorated and spot clean 3 bedroom home has fully finished room with cut flagstone corner replace Ideally located for store schools and bus service If you wish to cut your fuel to this Is home for you Ask Call GEORGE GRAY REALTOR no 853 Pat Salt they done it we were going to have It though Before the road has been repaired local businessman Gus Goutouskl who lives on that road in an area currently maintained by Township described the road as a pure disaster with many potholes and several sections of the road flooded over At a recent council meeting Councillor said that area residents sometimes need rowboats to get to and from their homes Councillor Jim Watson who suggested the authorize tion for Mr to repair the road said the road now resembles a highway At the lime of this statement Coun Watson thought It was the Milton Works Department which had repaired the road should be com mended for their work then he said I was up Tuesday and it in good shape and all the road signs have been taken down Councillor Watson how ever was disappointed with the Hal ton Region Conservj lion Authority who ho felt might damage the repair work According to Councillor Watson the stockpiles logs beside the road during the winter and was loading ihem onto trucks shortly after the road had been repaired The weight of the logs is going to deteriorate the roads SHOWCASE OF HOMES One the I nest homes a acres rver through It buld ng Largo Country Estate homo bedrooms 3 Bedroom Townhouso sale or roni wth opt on buy and low down payment Several Id ng 914 and up 3 and bedroom I pre fabricated and of material suppled package deal Start J For data led nfo mat on call PRIES MASONRY CONST LTD 51918222066 or FOR SALE acres of land young pine growth bounded In front with township road Proposed roads on east and north sides mile from Burnt River 1 miles from 131 area Excellent for collage hunting and fishing Building permits are available ACTON Call and stove Asking 34 MAKE MONEY He p yoursotl to got started with In from cond small house Both located on one la go lot separate go shade troos Ideal foi young or rot couple 945 Please call Real Estate Broker Burlngtcn 335 The Country Corner JUST REDUCED Located the Mohawk Area on almost 50 very iconic wooded with large pond and elreom this 100 old storey homo offers Center hall large land open replace large dining room with original wain large country kitchen In knotty pine good slio bedrooms Pine floors now brood loomed Large bank barn with now suitable for horses Vendor hold first mortgage HORSE LOVERS Situated on one of tho most picturesque 38 acres In Milton area ft with a variety of mature trees Maple Spruce and Birches a largo pond and windng crook this So ray Georgian offers truly Eng Ish atmosphere throughout with lis centre hall winding staircase large living room with fireplace formal dining room with welnscottlng and French doors I or den with open fireplace beams and dark pegged floors Largo colonial kltchon with built In stove and dishwasher Small barn and paddocks Truly a rare opportunity COUNTRY STARTERS Always wanted to live In country but payments too high here to your opportunity to tho cos with your In law In thk year old country home situated on appro A acres close to Acton and featuring good alio bedrooms bathe op colonial kitchen and a contain ad opart ment featuring large combined Irving din Ingroom largo largo bedroom and bathroom this and a 3 car garage or only 996 URGENTLY WANTED Properties to sell farms and especially country homo an to 10 acres for waiting buyers For confidential evaluation without obligation plea call me For further information pro call INGEWINTHER FEDERAL TRUST COMPANY OakvDIe again said the councillor I don I see why they wait two or three weeks Later he added I don I see why they I have done it while the road was frozen Now they re going to do more damage on the road than all the vehicles com When Mr was asked why took so long to repair the road he re plied That s a hard question to answer It could be that Ihey had a lot of washouts in other areas and il s a possibility that Ihey re in the Obituary Irene Lambert Funeral service was conducted by the Rev Andrew McKenzic at the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton March 18 for the late Irene Lambert Mrs Lambert died the Wenlworth Nursing Home Hamilton on March IG In her year Born in township she was the daughter of the Win Cripps and When she married Walter lamberl they took up farming in Erin where they remained for many years In later years ihey retired and moved closer to Acton Mrs Lambert is pre deceased by her husband Walter in November 1969 her parents brothers and sister ripps and Horn Mrs Wm She is survived by daughter Mrs Gordon of brother rnesl It It I Guclph granddaughter Joan i Mrs It Ottawa ind four great grandchildren two fire it great grind children Pallbearers included great grandson red Hoggins and nephews Michael Hilly Interment was at Cemetery Car fire Saturday Volunteer irefighlcrs were called to a car fire Saturday afternoon al the home Dire 1H3 Main St tire chief Mick Holmes said the car had been run ning but when it was turned off it started smoking He put the blame on the electrical system and said the battery was destroyed Dope suspect It A Acton man was arrested and charged last week by Hal ton Regional Police when he was found lo be in possession of a clear plastic bag containing a brownish substance which Is suspected by police of being marihuana same boat we were in They clerk Walter said might have lo fix roads when you re going lo write a they can get lo them and have about It then I dont lo fix the heavy traffic areas know anything first When contacted by The Acton Free Press about the situation Town He added that was the responsibility of the works who was on holidays al the time Residents want Milton takeover Although Town ship repaired its part of the lown line road be I ween former and residents on the road are pushing for Milton to lake over maintenance of the road and share the costs with Puslinch Meanwhile Mayor Don Gordon and his staff are set ling up talks with officials to settle the problem Mr who said he has complained about the condition of the road every year for the past 1 years said optimistic that Pus llneh would allow Milton to take over maintenance of the The that council sends over the Mayor to help is encouraging he said Once before in May Milton Council made a pro posal to lake over ince duties on the road and split ihc cost with Puslinch balked at the Milton Council then wrote loiter lo the Ministry of Transportation and Com asking that Ihey intervene but the ministry denied Ihelr request The basic problem said Councillor Jim Watson is that is primarily a rural area and are not accust to the level of services that we arc in and Milton The only way the problem can be solved he councillor added is if Ihe people of start demanding Currently each municipal ity does maintenance work on equal portions of the road without exchanging any In voices On April Goulouskf a local businessman who lives on the section of the road to council requesting they relinquish rights to the road said there were 12 households on road IODE chapter six decades THE FONZ TOOK a day off from school to enjoy public skating at the arena on Monday Billy 7 was glad to mug for the cameras during the Recreation department activity There is public skating every day for the winter break Through the year there were six meetings held the homes of members attendance was len mcmbersshlp sixteen Die table standard was on display at all Ihe meetings Summaries of Ihe lanes reports are as follows lhi members received Iheir chocs magazines during the b reported that Iwo tight dollar Olympic coins were presented to the showing the most pro gress the year one to elementary school Money donated to the music festival committee Services home and abroad secretary reported a bale sent to headquarters of oods new clothing project and ditty bags valued at Tree planted Gel well sympathy cards flowers and donations to heart and cancer funds were sent ill and bereaved members A Iree was planted for Decoration day at the cemetery in honor of de ceased members The Regent attended the Provincial lODfc linn in Hamilton and she and a no I her member a founders Alchin bid for split following is the day luncheon the Cutten annual report of the Duke of Club Guelph Devonshire chapter of the lODfc Newsletters were Acton read al the regular meetings The graduation banquet of grade eight of Robert and the I Ben nell schools denied by land comm mas to the local nursing and Lynctte application for Anniversary severance of one aero was In June the 60th anni denied by the regional land versary of the chapter was division committee Tuesday celebrated by a luncheon at The committee in Hanops of Milton A cake i Township was decorated for the decided against a member and each allowing Ihe split because it were given a gold rose A found thai the land use would member read the highlights change of the chapter six decades The land which committee A luncheon was held In member Morrow des March and one m December as very rough stuff for the Christmas meeting at 1S classified as rural One of Ihe homes of members the reports on Ihe ipphcation Donations from members stated that the area is classed inly money making rural lo prevent urbanization The wanted to build a home on the land which is in part of the easterly half of lot concession 1 The land use would be residential I don think there any question that It is increasing urbanization committee member Tom Marshall said Another comm 1 tee member Bill Coats suggested that if the Alchins appealed the decision to the Ontario Municipal Board such a course might be worth their while and the cost Donations Local donations were sent to the Decoration day com Canadian Legion and to music festival Dona lo provincial head quarters were to the Lucy Peace garden Northern Lights Atawaplskat Nation service and lo the Scene Seniors eligible for tax break Only Councillor Walter Blehn opposed the tax reduction by the town to of service to the community elderly residents receiving Jean Johnston 1 lne income supplement the Josephine Force Regent old pension THESE BOYS werent going to lose an oppor tunity to doff their winter coats and get in some early kite flying in a field near Churchill Rd Photo by BUI Stuckey The motion to provide the lax reduction was passed Monday night pointed out it was direct grant and was est mated by the treasurer to cost the lown between 000 and a year He said council representatives are supposed keep the tax rate as stable as possible and felt this was in direct conflict with thai aim He pointed out only five Hills residents have taken advantage of the pro vincial scheme which reduces taxes the elderly by a year so fell It was not needed He emphasized the provincial scheme is a lien on the property and is eventually repaid but the one instituted by the town Is an outright grant and is not repaid Councillor Peter Marks stated anyone receiving the income supplement to the old age pension cannot be receiving more than a year from all sources This means they have to be filing He claimed council should do everything possible lo keep the elderly in Iheir own homes and out of ions The other conditions for re cipients Is their ownership of a home In the municipality for Ihe past five years before application for the lax break The s will be sponsoring fashion al Z Bennett school on March Fashions fea lured at Ihe show will be sup plied by Marilyns Village- and Toddlers and Teens A picture in last week paper mistakenly identified store owners as the show sponsors