Ballinafad The Acton Free Press Wednesday March23 1977 B7 Community saddened Are your horses looking like thistledown these days Despite the changeable weather most horses are rapidly shedding their coats and happily rolling in every available mud puddle People tend to visit at this time of year getting out for a drive Naturally it s part of the game to drop in on friends I love to see visitors but am quite ashamed to show off the stock what with the chickens going into moult the cats Just coming out of it the dog is constantly shedding The horses look as if they spent the winter In a lumber camp one that I spare the groceries and the donkeys are mentio liable altogether Etcrjbodj In the Some time in late March or April usually on the first really warm Saturday we have a grand tidy up of beasts Everything within grabbing reach is pinned down and vacuumed or brushed heartily Even though your horses may look as rough as mine it possible lo make an appreciable difference in their appear a nee now Manes can be trimmed clipped or hairstyle your horse wears Tails can be washed and thoroughly brushed out If itswarm enough tails can also be washed bul it s too early to bathe the whole body yet Have a farrier trim the hooves and remove winter shoes replacing w summer ones if necessary A horse should not be ridden on hard roads with winter calks in his shoes too much concussion tor his poor little feet Pink li trouble With or clippers trim the long hair around the head from under the jaw and the extra long hair sticking out of the ears Don t remove hair from Inside eats and don t trim fetlock hair yet The long leg hair acts as mud protection until Ihe weather has dried up for good Clipped logs often gel cracked heels in the wet kind like chilblains In fact any fine skinned while socked horse with fcl lock hair should be well rubbed with vaseline on his heels White hair means pink skin which is not as lough as black please ler giving the horse a thorough grooming polish him off soft cloth or hay wisp Itwontmake him look much belter if he shedding it will be good for make you think you re trying By May your horse will turn inlo a swan and be ready to dress up your front pasture again As you admire his shiny coat think of me I still be pulling lumps of hair out of my donkeys They finish shedding on August and start getting Iheir winter coats on 11th Florida vacations Winifred Smith The Lenten services are continuing Sunday being the fourth Sunday in Lent The sermon dealt with Five Secrets Of Great Living The children choir under the direction or Bob Pinkerlon sang a beautiful anthem This being the beginning of the school holiday week many families were away On that account the minister study group and the Con class will not be held this week on the regular days The Confirmation class will be held on Sunday after noon at the church The lovely basket of flowers placed at front of the church was in memory of Mr Eden Mills Thompson of who recently passed away Mr Thompson was the father of Mrs Delmar French Saddened The community was sad on Sunday to hear of the dealh of Mr Robert The fnmily were residents here for many years Mr Warne was Sun day school superintendent for many years and took an active part in church work We extend sympathy lo his family The Lei ten families Mr Mrs Marshall were saddened also this past week when they heard the news or the of 16 yearold Donna who was in jured In a car accident recently She was the grand daughter of Mr and Mrs Ken The funeral took place from Fergus Funeral home on Saturday Mr Jesse spent some lime In Guelph on Wed where shevisiled her cousin Mrs Young Mr Mrs Jesse MeLnery went lo Gait on Thursday where they visited old lime friends Mrs Peter Sinclair and Mr and Mrs Ken Macdonald were former rm residents who now make their home in Gait Mrs Matdonald ha been a of for a long lime and is now quite crippled with Ihe disc ise Members enjoy California tour Mrs Wright Tht riendly Seniors had a treat in store for them at their meeting Wednesday ler noon when Mr Mrs Ed Jennings showed slides of their trip by bus lour lo Silling comfortably in our club room wo ravelled along with them through different places of interest including San New Mexico on lo San Diego zoo lo Disneyland and Holly wood etc A hearty vote of thanks was extended to them by the president Anna Wilson Minutes of last meeting and treasurer report were given but no business discussed Alt members wore something green il being the day before St Patricks Day or a fine would be imposed win lagged Elva gave a rending Mi and Ihe Autol and Wright read a poem Its SI Patricks Day An hour of cards and refreshments followed The of the Church held another sue luncheon in the community hall Wednesday from 12 clock Women t lub had a craft show at he same time in Ihe dance hall Mrs McLean was the winner of the draw She won a Holly doll Mr and Mrs Bell and family have returned home a wetk at Owls Head trip They had disappointing weather Limehouse for area residents Officers elected Doris rlnes Mr and Mrs Alan Norman accompanied friendson a trip to Honda for two weeks Thc reported the frost had practically mined the fruit rozen oranges were hanging oh Ihe trees shrivelling up They wouldn I be picked They were on a thousand mile tour and said the frost had nipped the palm trees and vigelation as far south as Miami Mr and Mrs William motored to Virginia where they visited with their son William at Virginia Beach William is an officer in the navy at Norfolk Navy Base They then went on to where Mr brothers and were holidaying near Orlando They enjoyed iheir trip very much and said it was cool in calls for priorities A call for a provincial study on setting priorities for the use of lands came last week from New Democratic Party NDP candidate Marlon Chambers Mrs Chambers is in Wellington Peel riding Considering Ihe obvious importance of food lion one might suppose that the green paper with guide lines lo preserve agricultural land would have preceded the policy for mineral aggregate resource management Mrs Chambers told an meeting at The candidate said lhat she felt a study establish priorities In the use of land should come first Virginia Ihcn warmed up v hen they arrived in Florida and then got hot I ike bee and Mrs arrived home Saturday from a twoweek holiday in iorlda They flew down and basked in Ihe sun at Fort Lauderdale St Petersburg and Clearwalcr They say they had wonderful weather not cold at all and saw many people they knew As they left they said the school students were swarming in like bees Susan Milne was hostess for the meeting of the Home making Club Ten girls were busy catching up on their sewing with the help or the leaders Mrs Glen Jackson and Judy Johnston Lome Brown attended the School Area I principals meeting which was held at the new Priory Park School in Guelph Dave Allen from the Ministry was guest speaker Mrs Vera Denny school librarian a I tended the library meeting at Priory Park School on March Ebenezer Birthday greetings Mrs Iton Melcan Birthday greetings Mrs Sheldon Trousdale of Rock wood Mrs Belle Taylor is a patient in Guelph General Gone south Many families are taking advantage of winter break to lake holidays In the south By Mrs Sherry Willsie has become a sixer and Judy Thomson a seconder in the Fairy Six of I Brownie pack is new Tweenie Pack leader is Mrs Ron Thomson The ladies arc seeking girl guide leaders Anyone Inter call Mrs Thomson ai The local association report they ire alive well and have resourceful ladles anxious lo tall you We are sorry to hear thai Mrs fell and brake her wrist a couple of weeks ago The I imehouse church women association met at home of Mrs Ted Brown on March IS 1977al7pm Following a delicious pot luck supper the election of officers was held President Ruth Linham vice president Jean secretary Marion Lindsay Treasurer Anne Karn Several new members Joined and it was decided to hold the meetings the last Tuesday of each month The next meeling will be held on April at Ihe church Inez presented Mnrg Apptcyard past presi dent with a gilt as a token of appreciation for her leader ship over the past ten years Following several contests Marg Appleyard a warm thank you lo the hostess for a lovely evening The meeting closed with the Benediction A pleasant afternoon was spent on Thursday when Mrs Ralph was hostess for a baby shower for Mrs Keith Cairns and her liltlc son Michael Keith Summer for sports arc In the making Baseball registration will be from one lo pm on Mar at the Scout Hut caches ire desperately needed Please contact Ted PAUL BRAID A Electronic Repair Depot Armstrong Ave Unit is pleased to announce the appoint ment of Paul Braida of Acton to its technical staff Paul comes to us after completing five years apprenticeship in the electronic field For fast efficient service on electronic Or small home appliances call Paul home number 853 Electronic Repair Armstrong Gnrgstown Tinker tailor soldier sailor richman poor man lawyer merchant chief- See for tax relief J J I 11x5 pipe a up dale loin in to efficiently ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS STEELES AVE MILTON 8784178 8783272 8783208 Wad Ttiuri 24 Frl 25 Sal Sat 26 Sun LAUGHTER UNLEASHED 27 29 Sal A Sun 3 Mon 4 Tuoi 5 THE PiNK PANTHER Sun and Sat 7 9pm FACTORY DISPOSAL OUTLET 6 hour Spring Bustout 0NEl LOW 44 SQ YD IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY MORE ALL OUR CARPET IS ONE LOW PRICE INSTALLATION EXTRA COMPARABLE VALUE FRIDAY MAR 6 9 PM SATURDAY MAR 9 NOON NO EXTENSION OF SALE HOURS FIRST QUALITY UNDERPAD127 yd CARPET SHACK HAS ARRANGED WITH SEVERAL LEADING CARPET MANUFACTURERS TO VOU QUALITV CARPET AT LOW PRICES LOW LEVlL LOOP IDS 20 AND AVAILABLE IN 5 COLORS SHAGS JUTE b RUMEN SUPER SELECTION OF COLORS KITCHEN AND ROOM CARPET IN PRINTS PLAINS JUST GREAT FOR THE DOITYOURSELFER OUR SELECTION OF CARPET FOR THIS SALE IS JUST STAGGERING HUNDREDS OF ROLLS TO CHOOSE FROM CHOOSE FROM 10000 SQ FT CASH CARRY FACTORY CLEAROUTS MIU ENDS REMNANTS FIRST QUALITY FULL ROLLS SHORT ROLLS LONG ROLLS SLIGHT IMPERFECTIONS WE HAVE IT ALL INCLUDING EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO DO THE JOS YOURSELF AND REALLY SAVEI 320 STEELES AVE MILTON RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO SYERS CARPET