Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1977, p. 9

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CLASSIFIED RATES CALL BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE IS PM TUESDAY FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC mm mum charge or worda7C word thereafter Subsequent insertions no copy changes SI minimum charge or 12 words word BOX NUMBERS to additional DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY 3pm The Acton Free Press Wednesday 1977 9 I BIRTHS II CARD OF THANKS pher Robert Gordon lb born March a Master Medical Centre Tern second grandchild or Mrs Gordon Leslie also Mr end Mrs Archie Burlington Second great grandchild Mrs George London Ont LAMBERT Irene At Hamil ton on March 16 Irene wire otitic laic Walter Lambert in her BJIh year Dear mother Eveline Mrs Gordon Grandmother Joan Mrs R Scot of Ottawa Sister Ernest Crlpps and the late Emerson and William and Flora Ellis Also survived by tour grandchildren and J greal great grandchildren Funeral service was held the Shoemaker Cemetery Acton At General Hosp tal on day March Jeannie beloved wile Acton Dear mother of Larry Sheila and all and the late Billy McAlcc Florence Delllo Toronto Mary Bealous of Sudbury Ann Kilt Ottawa and the late Alec Rested at the Shoemaker Funeral Home where service was held on Saturday at 7 p m tery Remembrance the Canadian Cancer Socicly expressions sympathy RobcrtAI General Hospital on Sunday March 1977 Robert Wirnc Acton In his year husband the late Hilts and dear Mrs Peter and Dorothy Mrs Kenneth Allen both Acton Roy and Vera Mrs Ron bom of and Marjorle Mrs Bill Bell ol Owen Sound Brother the late Wesley Worne Also vlvedby grandchildren and great grandchildren the Shoemaker Funeral Home on Tuesday Cemetery Fair A VERY special Thank you all my relatives neigh bours and friends lor your kind thoughts and deeds You arc very much appreciated Cindy Ellis THANK YOU to friends and patrons Dominion Hotel lor contribution and donations Your kindness won t Thank you General Hospilal and nee returning home I also wish thank all my and family lor flowers visits cards and phone calls Many lhanks to and all the nurses and staff on the 2nd Captun Porter the Sol to Your God friends and neighbors for sons of sympathy and floral received Ihe tmc pissing of our beloved father Edward A Mann Spec thanks to Hyde Park Nursing Home the Rev A Knox Jean and Elliott Patterson WOULO lo lhank my pil in General Hospital Special lhanks to Drs and Vukovlch the staff the coronary care service and w everyone for all In It mi donations calls S sympathy in the loss beloved husband and Special to Pa McKcn d Ted Mario Harry ana Peter 31041 milyotlh c Inle Bertha lor the acts Special lhai is tn Bent r his consideration the VON Mrs Hepburn Funeral Home the ladies ol for catering to lunch after Itie funeral THANK YOU very thanks and appreciation to those who rushed me to General Hospital on February John Blair and all doctors at the Medical Centre to all my wonderful friends who brought Ruth hospital every all the nurses on the floor the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and all the therapists nurses and student nurses on the 3rd floor hospital To all who called on me In eluding and Dawson Rev and who sent their best Charles Lcathcrland AL In Mr and Mrs Shoemaker lor 1 kindness ham iota WISH to express my sincere minks and appreciation tore lahvcs and neighbors at his time of sorrow In Ihe death of Father Morgan lor many acts kindness beautiful tributes mass cards cards and letters sympathy and donations to charity Special lhank you to Father and Sisters St Joseph Hospital and Guelpb Sister Anacletus Julie Mr and Mrs Bruce Shoe maker St Joseph Parish C L These kindnesses will remembered God THE FAMILIES the late Jessie McDonald wish extend thanks elation to friends relatives and neighbours for their kind palhy in her sudden THE FAMILY of the late Mrs Irene wish to lhank their relatives friends and neighbors for messages sympathy acts of kind mother and special thanks lo Mr and Mrs Bruce Shoe the Shoemaker of the Presbyterian Church Acton Sincerely Mrs Gordon and 31107 and grand who passed Lovingly remembered by Fern and grandchildren Dune loving Of a who passed away March 1967 Memories arc treasures No one can steal Is a Some may you now you ivlng memory of passed away Sincere and kind In hear and What a HOLMES In loving memory of Lovingly remembered by C O Farm chemical In IS Monday March Hornby Towers Course For further Information call 3391 DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF Adoptions Animals Boarded Antiques Apartments for Rent Auction Sales Camping Equipment Cards of Thinks Cartage Moving Coming Events Coming Marriages Personal Pel Stock ft Kennels Produce CATIONS Real Eslale Rooms Board Available Rooms Board Wanted Sports Eguipmenl Employment Moody Science Him at Acton Baptist Church Saturday March at 30 m Refreshments Code Practice Will it prolect or hamper the- farmer Whal owner Open public meeting Ministry Agricul turc and Food to discuss Issues m Wednesday April Hornby Community Centre of Trafalgar Rd on Ave For inlorm atlon ailer 4pm 31531 Community Hal Is holding a Spring Thaw Variety of local talent on March at 30 m Admission Adults SI 00 children under 4 tree THE ACTON Hill Billies C Club transmitter hunt will be held April 3 Registration Onl Preparation Pro gram Commencing April continuing each Tuesday evening from to 930pm sessions At the Physiotherapy Depart mcnl Joseph Memorial Hospital Burlington Designed for people who wanl lo gel In physil but are unsure whit they are capable doing without hurting themselves Sponsored by the Lung Association No charge an Christmas Seal Service by calling or Burlington EUCHREat Knox Presbyterian church March at m Sponsored by the 31041 MILTON DISTRICT High School presents The W lard Of on April 31 at Christian church would like to invito you Sacred Concert on April TV TOWERS tower overall heigh I including all channel VHF installed lower overall might including channel head stalled 50 overhall height in eluding all channel VHF head installed SIM lohsad Installed i installed Automatic tot or I tailed 00 COLOR COMBINATION lower overall height includ combination color head VHF and UHF automatic rotor installed RICHARDSONS RADIO TV Main Street East Milton Ftapalraol all types Phone B78233B 38 Standard Spruce shooting TG Standard Spruce shooting SPECIAL pot lineal foot Hemlock 1 and Pino and Hemlock lumber WANTED TO BUY Ash and soil maple logs Saw 1 CRITERION Carpel is having Anniversary Sale Lots of specials Come In and save St Georgetown FREE Have us Insiall a CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM your home May and your Froo Prices as low as 129900 For a ion unit installed HORNET ENGINEERING YOUR HEAT PUMP DEALER or THE OLD MARKET Canadj Farmer market A is and Fluamarkut Each and every day Trafalgar and tor da I Si Vendor and tor 844 or 8453723 THREE ROOMS OF FINE FURNITURE room and bonis Call SOD FOR SALE Now cutting Hornby Greenhouses west of Trafalgar Rd I B E Sound TV Sales Service Mam St Milton color between and rs to all makes and models THEW0O0ERY Early Canadian Pino Custom made furniture dried lumber Components and materials to Id your own Monday to Friday Evenings Weekends FISHING Trout fishing Camlslo open pm season golf tickets included Phono Teakwood Furniture direct Importers Warehouse Open tilopm Elnar Clausen Ltd Highway Thornhlll Ml KAYS MOBILE FEEDS 8569B15 MARCH SPECIAL MljI Pig Surtiru buy one flOllbldttLO SAWDUST lor sale bulk- delivery Contact Acton Wood Products 1641 GIRLS bike good condition Call SWING cradle and chair like new Call LEADING swimming pool wholesaler must dispose of fence and warranty Sue cash or terms Call days or evenings I AT RUBY S Tropical Fish large tropical and goldlish Aquariums stands and all accessories Budgies Canaries and acces sorles Hours Monday to Saturdays and to 6 on Sun days ROD and Reel repairs custom ng guides lips Call evening SWIMMING pools 10 site WEDDING Gowns designers samples direct from fashion show Values to All reduced This is an excellent selection In all Shown Fashions Shoppers World Highway and 31211 LUCI Septic Pumping owned by Robert Noble Lid Industrial waste pumping septic tank pumping Three trucks io serve you rad dls patched Call or ANTIQUE asking delivery 30B59 condition I able Call ACTON Is reflected in Ihe pages of Free Press Centennial Edition Copies of I tiled lablc a t the stll Press office Add lor postage ordering by mall A real keepsake edition More than early Acton photos LAYAWAY all aluminum swimming pool IB x 71 Includes decking fence filter liner and safety lockup stairs Sell tor balance owing 77S0O Call Credit Man collect days or even inos 16 tow TING top sol and hi Trail R NlH 10034 SWIMMING Pools models Slightly scratched In trans port lull warranly complete wllh pump motor filler fence walk around and a sun deck Suggested retail available at pre season special 388 Call now for early Installation SWIMMING pool sacrifice Leading Canadian and distributor has aluminum pools lell over from 1974 season prlco Guaranteed Installation and Call Colled days or evenings ALUMINUM awnings can doors windows railings soffet siding Rea sonablc Detectors Installing Nutone G McEachcrn Electric USED 4 piece sofa set size box springs and mallrcssI75O0 chest All small op pllances at prices Hills Furniture and Appliances 353 Queen St Acton 0311 JSED FRIG used frig used range 34 Inch used range inch 175 dishwasher Halton Hills Furniture and Appliances 353 Queen St Acton USED fjW television inch used stereo cabinet model used televisions models to choose used stereo component set Halton 353 Queen St 1311 NEW Inch box springs and mattress headboard and legs Hilts Furnltureand Appliances Queen St Acion 0311 3104 ELECTRIC stove 4 bur 155 Call 854 I Call 1303 3105B WHITE RCA range in good working order good clean on broiling pan In eluded also 4 pool table 1h all accessories or offer Call 3993 3105 TRACK deck wllh 7 speakers walnut finish 150 Call QUADRAPHONIC AM stereo Good condlhon Best oiler Call anytime ask for John 10419 or r Jacks 3373 10533 IVINGROOMsel brand new piece or 117 monthly Call COLOR T or Call 10530 RCA color T good ton guaranlccd or 114 monthly Call 105I PIANO reconditioned years ago Asking Make 7177 314BS complete oil fired hot system Piping rads tanks pumps approxl mately 13 old Very reasonable mantle and lake away your self 7177 Vacuum Paris and Home Vacuum 9501 used disconnects trans formers with buffet and 00 set Coll 1 lot greeting rds by singles Easter Pearl Variety Si Rockwood 31097 VERY low prices on carpet Good as new ion Carpel GOOD siie bales of quality conditioned hay Osprlngc area Call 4571 310B4 FARM EOT FOR SALE ONE dlcscl Massey Ferguson Call WANTEDmanure spreader double discs bale looker brown western saddle Call 1639 s HORSES boarded bought a sold I mile west ot Georgetown Maple Farm 1304 31194 BOARD required for gentle retired thoroughbred gelding with small family stable or farm Rockwood 30746 25 PET STOCK KENNELS FOR Sale male months old all needles TWO FEMALE Apso pups weeks old paper trained registered and wormed B77 RECREATION VEHICLES SPRING TUNEUP TIME MARINE SERVICE CENTRE MAIN ST ACTON Open Tuesday thiu Saturday i WE SPECIALIZE IN TOP NOTCH FULLY RECONDI TIQNED USED SO TflY ONE ONE FOR SIZE 1974 MERCURY MARQUIS H A rial beauty with a I the luxury pment found only on the more 1975LINCOLNMARKIV Lei MARK moke its murk on you distinct on elegance is still n this car I you thought thai you couldn afford luxury The cally 1976COUGARXR7 Candy Red with while vinyl roof Full standard plus automatic air conditioning A real gem at an affordable price GALLINGER MOTORS LIU Sf it 836 t AMC HORNET HATCHBACK Automatic transmission low in color Immaculate FORD TORINO GT CONVERTIBLE ONLY Georgetown British Cars SI -7- 71 Deluxe SO lies Good condition PLYMOUTH Roadrunner magnum many high performance extras BOO negotiable Phone Trafalgar Motors SLIGHTLY USED G000AS NEW ED I MAIN MILTON FORD LEASING SYSTEM SHORT TERMLONG TERMDAILY OR OUR LEASE TO BUY PLAN LEASE EXAMPLE 1977 THUNDERBIR0 Monlhly Over 36 Months Immediate del very from our stock Equipped automatic power no brakes steel belled radial tiros with tape deck body moulding electric rear dofogger and finished in a sharp brown metallic WE ALSO INVITE YOUR IN QUIRES ON OUR LEASE TO BUY PLAN SPRING BONANZA SALE PINTO 3 DOOR Runabout 62S 1976 Cargo Van 1976 MAVERICK 2 Door 1976 MAVERICK Door MAVERICK Door ECONOLINE Cargo Van FORD Ton Pickup 1975 FORD LANDAU 4 Door JKH 1975 LTD re Slat on 1975 GREMLIN Door 1974 MX Hd 1974 Van FOHD Si Ton P GRAN TORINO Squi Wagon LTD Brougham Door PONTIAC TEMPEST ALL PRICED TO SELL FAST NOTHING HELD BACK SEE US TODAY FOR A GREAT DEAL Above Ground Just about everyone know build foundation completed Wo poful of a la spring com in a hock of a mess so f see what you looking fo it ask Chuck or one boys II probably have somewhere lot SAVINGS ON BRAND NEW and CO DEMOS TRAFALGAR MOTORS MAIN ST MILTON STATION WAGON 3EO automatic s Air A toal nice vehicle Lie ONLY Georgetown British Cars CORDOBA finished Ir formal black equipment and air condition Ing A luxury car for Lie LEN093 Georgetown Chrysler Mountain view Rd

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