Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1977, p. 9

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Acton Free Press Wednesday May VEHICLES FOR SALE GREMLIN a cylinder radio 3 speed transmission Leu Mien miles Lie call George town Chrysler IS Mountain view Rd FORD FIDO ton truck standard AM radio Excellent condition Asking Call Burke McNeill 4643 p m or day 11440 1971 A cylinder automatic Certified A 1 condition Call FORD E300Econollno Van v ton Van Both good mechanical condition Need body work Sold a Is Best otter Call 1977 MERCURY Monarch door hardtop cylinder cc auto malic Reosonabli Call 1638 31605 1976 COURIER Pickup speed transmission radio luxury camper top very low mile age Immaculate OnlyS3495 Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 15 Mountain view 1975 DODGE Dart Custom door sedan slant six auto malic radial Lie JXZ453 Sale Price Call George town Chryslsr 15 Mountain view N 33555 FORD Van 39 miles tlon 1973 STATION wagon mouth p radio malic 853 3913 MERCURY Bobcat miles standard A condition 1976CAPRI11 auto matlc radio electric rear logger red with black Inter best offer Evenings weekends 878 FIREBIRD Formula fully equipped Including air and power windows Lie JUKOJe original miles one owner Chrysler Dodge 499S Ontario St Milton 31575 197A CORDOBA door hard top miles Lie LRL019 Milton Chrysler Dodge Ontario St Milton 8877 1974 PLYMOUTH coupe sparkling Moss green va automatic power steering and brakes radio air condl tlonlng radial white wall tires Ideal family cor 59 miles Lie JBM73I Applewood Olds Limited 168 Queen St Streetsvllle FORD Limited Brougham door hardtop dark brown with brown cloth Interior V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio white walls very clean one owner car miles Lie DDJ SI Olds Limited 168 Queens 1181 WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phone 853 A OLD hay wanted McNair Mushroom Farm No Acton EMPIRE garden tractor wheel 11569 I TO r rHin run nnnttft REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Security Personnel Full timePart Time Rate S3 per hour tonally mature io I able must have own Iran sportatlon BENEFITS Prof sharing plan life Insurance Scholarship plan for dependants Steady work Highest wages In the In Phone for an between and 12 a and 1 HAIRSTYLIST Apply Box do Canadian Champion 191 Main Si Milton Ontario PLANT ENGINEER Requited by manufacturer of automotive parts Must be capable of supervising installation of machines equip man l assembly In as and other phases of and machine maintenance Should also be able to prepare budgets and bo familial with Salary open Life Insurance Medical and Hospital benefits paid Pension plan Apply PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LTD 346GuefphSt Georgetown MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL PERSON Applicant must be experienced in an phases of maintenance of equipment and grounds Mush a basic knowledge of welding and hydraulics In tool and die repairs an Insurance sick benefits and OHIP company paid APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LIMITED Georgetown Division 346 Street Georgetown CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening position lor aggressive EmoBment I A plus with both and subordinates allow atop right in range to Call or send resume to CRAIG AGENCY Suite Building King Street West Kitchener Ontario 5197454731 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS NEEDED REGULAR AND SPARE Acton Milton and Georgetown areas Training GEORGETOWN PAYROLL OFFICER APPLICANT must have experience in the many aspects of handling An accounting and municipal would be a definite asset to ihrs position bo received by May 1977 Henry Assistant to the Treasurer Town Helton Hills Main Street South Georgetown L7G4X1 CREDIT OFFICER MANAGEMENT TRAINEE by expanding financial institution with It a ma In Milton Ontario This a career oriented position starting in our Loan Depart merit and advancing to Branch Management In a co operative bank In a Applicants should have a good knowledge ol credit granting and collections dealing with the pubic Related banding experience helpful All applications completely confidential Please provide fuP resume including past employment refer p a reef in la rests Postal Box MILTON ONTARIO Class A Mechanic Benefits Weekdays Only Call EIGHTY eight dollars per week pari time more full time Driver delivery with order taking Must have car 8104 FREE RENTln for light housekeeping duties House close to downtown good yard Single person only House partly furnished Bill st Andrew St West Fergus Ontario PART TIME Bookkeeper required familiar with general office routine and some typing Suitable lor retired person Mushroom Farm 853 31643 MATURE woman for babysit ting one child 4 years old two days weekly and light housekeeping Call AREA MANAGERS A Sales Representatives required in Ihe Milton area If you have a genuine interest In house plants please contact Mr Gerry at 1 SHI collect to arrange an Interview REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF SALE BY TENDER SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Tondar No WO One ID Compacior 1971 One 1 International 1964 One Front End Loader 19651 ID 1500 Steel Tank One 11 Flexible Sower Rodder Sealed lenders clearly marked as to contents will be rocorved by the Regional Clark Mr Garfield Brown until 2 Local time Tuosday May24th 1977or Tender may be obtained from of the Purchasing Department 3027 Harvester Road Burlington Ontario A Higgins Purchasing Agent 76mga19 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN Of MILTON PLEASE TAKE NOTE fiat a Public rfuaring nil bo Held by he Planning and Development Committee of Town Milton The moot ng will bo held on Thursday May 19 commencing at 30 pm at M Library Community Room purpose of the moating will bo to review the Consolidated Official Plan for Area Murvc pal of Milton This document has been undor rov aw ng of 1974 and this moo ting a of five such hearings bo ng I eld at various to canons throughout Among tho nopal proposal tor tho M Hon Urban Aroa am follow Complot on of ban resident developments already committed as il c sung lion Oil Plan Indus on of an Iridustruil urea generally to of Hwy 40UProposos No thereby romov as far areas nduslrul development from residential no while at same mi muro balanced and hotter employment priori nit for area cardan is Inclusion of a base conceptual plan for tho redevelopment and rohab I tat 100 of Downtown Tore 4 Substantial reduction rodovclopment dons ties oust Plan particularly in older residential neighborhoods whore housing slock good and possesses and Eslubl basic nos for mala development of Parks and Recreation lac 1 Clear on of urban development end service in keeping with Town serve prior I ties Copies of id droll Plan w I bo ova la bio at meot II you receives copy of plan Town of M lion ng Department at Ma Street 1 Your wr comments n support or in objection to oleoma address such material to Clerk BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Thompson Clerk BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN OWN BUSINESS Established cleaning business has an affiliated franchise for sale Ideal for operate lo ho husband continues In his prosonl on For rib In forma I ion BOX The free Press Willow St Acton FOR SALE well established furnlturo stripping and refln lining business small Invest mem needed Call EMPLOYMENT WANTED MATURE Red Cross he maker requires steady Call WILL babysit In my home one or more children Please call 31523 BABYSITTING available In my home weekdays Acton area Call SHEET METAL work furnace central air conditioning power humidifier electric air cleaners basement alterations Call 3351 CU5TOM roto tilling lor gar dens Call 854 GARDEN plowing and tilling small fobs Call Bill Morrison 31311 ROTO TILLING lawns and gardens minimum per hour or 4f86 SET DO SOMETHING new phone Rendezvous Dating Limited 453 Brampton CO LOST OR STRAYED ONE pendant of sentimental value downtown area Call collect Wo love to help you MORTGAGE FUNDING SMALL black and while dog Call 853 31440 11hlHMM ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE to hold every Monday Even ng el Junior Fa mors Hall on Ell at Solo consists of Furniture Glass China Lamps Brass Cot lis and Preview 30pn MAX STOREY Rock wood Auctioneer 78amgtf AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE PRIMITIVES AND for MR AND MRS JEFF HALL At farm located on the 9th Line Southeast corner of Steetea Ave 4 miles Wast of or miles EastofTrefelgarRd SUNDAY MAY at NOON FURNITURE Cherry droploaf table set of four Canaduan dining pine harvest labia two board top set four Canadian gunatock type chairs smalt pine box mahogany open wash stand with two drawers largo ice box with brass hardwire large blanket box one board lop and sides Gfl long old generals sea hammock with brass fittings half round waah stand with while marble top and back pressed back child a high chair half round end table rocker walnut nursing rocker sot four primitive kitchen chairs small table with barley twist legs pkiedoughbox pine corner cupboard plna dropfronl 2 drawer desk oak table with ball walnutsecretarydesk wood box with brass run small lift lop desk oak hall chair Victorian swing mirror maple chest of drawers pino blanket box pme chest of drawers bamboo stand small old butler churn and stand pine wash stand old Windsor arm chair pine Jam cupboard oval mirror pine cradle old wall telephone plus many other Items CLOCKS AND WATCHES Grandfather clock n good running order Gingerbread clock marble clock steeple clock and Ogee wall clock In working order Several old watches BRASS COPPER PRIMITIVES AND CROCKS- Pr brass fire dogs set of brass cutter be Ha brass hand rail from Off a brass cow bell set of brass rump bells milk cans cream can duck decoy brass belli brass blow torch brass hanging fixture Toleworo measures copper coal scut copper bo ilor copper kettle 2 pars of old scales brass saucepan copper fool warmer several ink crocks jam crocks tool warmers butter punt largo sugar kettle Blacksmith a forged foot stand h a tool box set of harness makers tools of brass tipped cant hook bucksaw horse brasses brass studded back pad for cast iron glue pot iron fry pan beautiful brass studded and lipped horse collar mirror cast iron pots a very good select an of old taob in pianos augers g under plus many moro GLASS AND CHINA Crown Devon wash bowl set chamber pots Gorman cook barrel waihjug flow blue jug Flow Blue and four matching plates Cranberry glasses cranberry f nger bowl lasso cups and piece wash bowl sot flow Blue wash bowl Flow Blue covered largo amber jug with Royal setter Cobalt Blue bowl in frame largo cranberry jug small boat crack several old jugs shaving mug shaving stand w 1h mirror and brush glass sugar shaker glass cake stand several gob lots plus many more good items not mom 10 nod PICTURES AND LAMPS Good selection of pictures including Maple Ira mod prints good print of soldier and ch Id framed oval pr nt of lady plus others Glass finger lamp barn lanterns black lamp with cast base Owner or auctioneer nol rospons bio tor accidents Cosh or cheques ih proper I CHRIS A SCHOUTEN AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MAY at 12 NOON FOR RALPH ANDERSON AT HIS HOME located on 5 also known Rd No los North west of Millon and approx 3 CempboTlvllol From Hwy go miles West first form on right pasl Town Lino CATTLE- IB Head met purebred cow not register 1 by ng Farm Master Maplo pasturobrod duo In Juno Hereford cow sell open n Hereford cow call at loot Holstoin cow lord Air cow just fresh Horoford cow in call Hotels n Hereford cow just fresh calf foot Hosie n Hereford cow rabred with coif at foot cow duo end of May Hols loin Hereford cow open calf fool IMPLEMENTS S H P Br and Stratton engine walking garden I roc tor with bottom single furrow plow dump metal trailer x 26 on rubber 42 blade and ft lall soiling one unit Spray mot or high pressure barn sprayer with elect motor up to 1000 lb pressure 14 blade gram chopper V H PTO snowblowor tiler John double discs 32 plate Cockshult run grain and fartiluor II furrow drag plow International hay baler a and section set of drag cultivators International ft fanning mill root pulper cedar to post Cunningham hay con bar F side rake gross seeder old orchard sprayer P gas motor Surge milking Is Woods FEED bushels of good mixed grain LARGEQUANTITYOFSCRAPIRON INCL FOWL Goose ANTIQUES ITEMS- Old grain chopper egg incubator very old ox yoke hay knives nock yokes Ik cans string of sleigh old horse harness assortment of barrels grain cradle treadle Singer sowing machines Blue lowered gallon crock perfect blue flowered fiber hard Toronto gallon crock Welding Brown jug brass jard niero sot of sad irons and trivet 3 steamer trunks sealer jara quantity of books National Geographies Sanora gramophone plus quantity records and other mrsc items not mentioned TEHMSsrecoshorchoojuawilhl Lunch wagon on grounds Owner or not for Occidents ORDER Of SALE Antique and household at noon followed by wagon tot implements and cattle sold lost CHRIS A SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER 8782576 AUCTION SALE MEADDWVIEW AUCTIONS Station St Rock wood THURSDAY NIGHT MAY 12TH AT PM walnut dining room suite Duncan chesterfield odd china cabinet bow front china cabinet pc tattoo set round oak table with loaf what not shelf mahogany bedroom with king tin bad and double poster beds drum tables coffee and end tables round tamp tablet sowing cabinets Victorlanmarbletoptable round wicker fern stand GLASS AND CHINA ETC Royal Nippon Roro Child Depression luncheon sel In Done Pansy pattern I by J no tie hand painted Nippon crocks etc Very partial List NOTE Sale every Thursday Auctioneer AL WARREN For consignment appointment phone Rockwood 8664272 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY at 1U0 FOR BILL JO DAVIS Jo Davis EQUESTRIAN CLUB on Mountsbarg mile East of Hwy mites North of Comer 3mosSouthof WATCH FOH SIGNS SALE TO BE HELD RAIN OR SHINE Indoor florae arena rf necessary Caterers on premise Can view ahead of time If phono SALE CONSISTING OF- Farm machinery equipment vehicles antiques office equip men I etc Everything must sal owner moved to smaller Equestrian property and lack adequate storage FARM MACHINERY EQUIPMENT Ford Farm tractor and loader with back hoe frame heated cab auto power new wiih a I available only 1978 Now Holland 10 3 Hsybrnd conditioner as good as new with an extras No baler like now bale auto I like new New Holland 3 P 9 mower with 3 knives F 3 furrow trip beam plow Hike now 32 on wheels Hike new 3 H cultivator on wheels tike now M Hay wheal rake Like new F 3 H 0 discs Ford 2 furrow plough harrows complete snow grade blade 3PH newftusedBatstractorchain 24 ton ton tractor weight boxes bars 3 P bar plough and pole bars water pump with tank 110 or 220 2 month old assorted gates etc 12rollsnewH0 of baler twine bales Of good hay straw large manure pile excellent forliliier many other farm Items 3P 12 post hole workagood I VEH1CLES1976 ton Dodge Adventurer Sports pickup redwhite power sleeting brake radio HO roar hitch only mites not a scratch Ford K ton 360 2 ton springs 6 ply D new tires new ton clutch new standard amission radio as new with no rust 1974 Dodge Karri Van 3 ton 360 P 12 closed in box custom made shop on wheels for Locksmith air conditioned power steering brakes radio broodfeom professionally fitted 12 bench cupboard drawer Er shelves special unit for running electric equipment on service I ke now 1 steel flat bad trailer fold down temp will haul 3 ton ft M rims with now tires sot of Si ton racks 3 fiont rear windows new Dodge radio speaker aerial custom push button fits all models Many smaller items ANTIQUES American clock Victorian parlour table with marble Dp MasonEr Rrschlargaupnghtwalnulplano very rare and in perfacl condition piano bench small Duncan Phyffo table China cabinet legal stylo mahogany tile cabinet wood rain barrel largo set seed planter horse plows binder seat horse oak high chair army r if la and sword largo fireplace sot very rare custom made for banquet fireplace OFFICE EQUIPMENTNew electric adding machine portable electric typewriter in case new metal Ma cabinet hand calculator MISCELLANEOUS 60 TV tower with color head AMFM above ground 33 x 18 new swimming pool filter skimmer fats etc air conditioner 8000 new window style 2 way exhaust tan heaters etc hand vacuum map la crib and mattress paw beautiful table lamp girls bikes garden furmturo H D alum boat with bucket seats steering and Evinrudo motor horso jumps child hds pony mere perfect manners completewithWeStemshowtrack Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents TERMS are cash or cheque with proper I JIM AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 14 at 11 AM FOR ALFRED NEUMANN AT HIS MINI FARM localed on 7th Lino of only 1000 North of half way between Acton and Rockwood at Parkway Trailer place go North for 1000 fl place on the right SALE CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMSButcher block 24 30 glass display cases metal display racks cabinet track and hardware for Irg sliding door chesterfield filing cabinet table assortment of chairs coffee tables steel shelving office dividers extension dining table will seat Beatty automatic washer table lamp sets of cutlery sat of knives now new glass waro assortment Qf pine and cedar woodstrap trim assortment of hand tools assortment of bolt and screws dies for ornamental fabrication steel for or fabrication steal tubing electric switches and fuse boxes assort rubber wheels propane heater 220 volt electric heater rifle quantity of hanging flower baskets patio lanterns corner table polo lamp mirror bookstand chess table and chess assortment of toys scrap Iron pile plus many mora other nam of Interest TERMS cash or D Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents CHRIS A SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER ANTIQUE AUCTION BRIAN to be held at ho residence at V mile of Trafalgar Road Steoles Hornbyl on WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 13 AT 200 items boou i I rot in Furniuro Glass and China Lamps miscellaneous An ox celiont antique offering Terms cash Nol responsible for accidents MAX STOREY Rockwood Auctioneer AVAILABLE June bedroom house In country close to Acton and plus hydro Refer Reply to Box co Acton Free Press Acton Ont ELK HALL for rent contact Rick at or Larry at after p NEW HORSE barn for rent or lease 8H234S INDUSTRIAL space feet suit work shop warehouse wholesale outlet On near Lob laws monthly Utilities not Included Available May 1st ROOMS BOARD WANTED ROOM and board for single young man required days per week only Call tales Organ Co 1510 APARTMENTS FOR RENT TWO bedroom apartment adult building BACHELOR apartment suit able for middle aged or elderly woman call B53u7ee 1 BEDROOM apartment Call ONE bedroom apartment Apply to Church St Acton BACHELOR one bad room bedroom apartments for rent all utilities Included Callus FURNISHED bed Bitting room kitchen and bath female only centre of town Avail able June Call 1507 APARTMENT5 In Acton and bedroom appliances and utilities adults no pets Call or BEDROOM apartment down stairs heal Included able July Adults no pais Call 8531514 BEDROOM apartment se parate entrance adults only no pat a5301Je

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