B12 The Acton Free Press Wednesday May Roundupl The CirCUS S COmin M K J grounds on circus morning by Kerry Chalmers Clean up day for will be held this Saturday May 14 Articles too large for regular pickup like stoves couches etc will be picked up Regular garbage should be put out as usual Attention dog owners- pound fees to get that lovable pooch out are now for the first offense for the second and for further offenses as was mentioned in last weeks paper Dog con trol officer Bob James has had numerous complaints about dogs running loose and council supported him agreeing that something must be done SUNSHINE FAIRY HEATHER MICHIE touches several flowers with her wand to bring them to blossom time during the operetta The Happy Scarecrow Happy Scarecrow springs to life in play Academy will be held this Sunday May 15 from to p m There will be a nominal charge for the public but members of the Horticulture Club will be admitted free Community bake and garage sale will be held at the Parish Hall and bowling green on Saturday May 21 from a m to by the Lionettes Anyone can donate baking and this must be at the hall before a m Anyone who wishes may rent a table for to- sell their own wares The will also have tables for the flea market Proceeds from the baked goods and fee from tables will go towards the Sports Centre Community residents may call Judy Dunne at or Jean Gray 8569565 for further information Eden Mills Brownie news By Chalmers Fire fighters Association Is bring ing the Martin and Downs Circus to at the Meadow view Barn grounds on Tuesday May 17 show times at and The firefighters hold a Ladies Night once a year at the Town Hall with a dinner and a dance to say thank you to their wives for their sup port and understanding Many important evenings ore cancelled when the fire alarm goes other guests include retired firemen and wives widows of former fire fighters township tillers and trustees The circus will hopefully help pay or this event To support the firefighters residents can buy advance tickets where the most profit is mode Advance are SI whereas tickets at the door are 50 for adults and 25 for children Everybody benefits from purchasing ad vance tickets including the firefighters Magic grounds on circus morning Magic of the big top will de- and watch them put up the big light adults and children who top and feed the animals will sec prancing liberty There Is over feet of horses trained llama canvas over two miles of mules clever canines to circus funny men and an elephant There will be no but on the grounds before and after each main show are the circus animals and children petting zoo giant killer python snake exhibit and children pony ride for a nominal fee Advance discount tickets will not be on sale the day or the circus but are available now at Food Town the hydro office Hardware M Shopclle Saunders Cord Taylor Music on Cord en St in Guelph and Ambrose fruit Market In on Carden Street A point of interest is that each season the concession depot at the circus pops enough popcorn to fill a semi type trailer five times Introduce your children to excitement of the big top come the showgrounds at Auction Barn set up but only one and one half hours to tear down There is seating for looO people per per formance Martin and Downs Circus invite area residents to come and enjoy a traditional circus perform by Mrs Benton The Happy Scirecrow on operetta was presented by pupils of Limehouse Public School prepared their teachers on evenings of May 4 and 5 Those who did not attend missed an enjoyable program There were ale casts each evening There v ere Scarecrows Sid Ktooster and Rene Farmer Grumps Greg Hi cock and Darryl Johnston Fairies Heather and Sharon Klooster Dolls Book and Corilee Denn Mollys Catherine Mackenzie and Farmers Mike Smith Eddie David Carroll Ian Ferguson Peter Volmar and Mark Wives Jackie Jen Lore i Limehouse Wendy Carroll Diane Crewread Donna Hamilton and Clow Flowers Tif fin Kim Jones Jud Carroll Shtnne Love Feilhersione Majucry Come Ernie Mollis Billy Shocbndgc and Lesley Cose Lisa Winnie Beck Judv Thomson Lynn Herrmann Karen Herrmann Lon Little Cricket Loughnan Sherry a Rose Margaret a Forget Penny and a Daffodil Claudia Knegcr Choir students were in the performance as a choir in eluding Brian Walton Rhonda Case Heather Dea le Joanne Carroll Kathryn Cutler Kim Bailey Karen Howes Carol Schatti Jackie Pries and Nancy Selber Eleven cawing crows were John Ben ton Anthony Jenny Munro Lynne Roberto Ruggerio Bruce Ferguson Tina Clow Phillips Tiffany Goodie t Karen Gregory and Linda Beeney The Rhythm Band included Linda Thomson Michael Case Michael Morrison Elizabeth Danielle Milcham Ron Rock Susan Brown Bruce Irvine Peter Jones Pierre Agnes Me lame Graham and Paul Volmer There can be mysterious happenings when scarecrows and fairies are about and the lights go out Tor a half minute Principal Mr Beckett intro duced the show Organize Guides here trees bottles projects by Mrs Kenton Many thanks to those who supported our Brownies and helped make cookie day a success is extended by the leaders They are having a meeting in June to organize a Guide company in Leaders are needed to gel started The local association has done the rest Girl Guide age is 1014 Anyone in terested who can spare three hours per week would be wel corned If leaders can be found the company would be effective in September Contact Mamie at or Marj Thomson at Congratulations to he group committee on the huge success of their auction The Brownies report one new member Scbnna Pins have been awarded 3rd year pin Kathryn Cutler year pin Linda Thomson 2nd year pin Lon Little Sherry and Monique Camp bell and new sixer of the Pixie Six is Kendal Badges were earned by Cora lee Denny writers and space Penny Siebcr book loner and cook Wamta Phil lips collectors Lorl Lillle housekeeper Kathryn Cul thrift Susan Brown on Wed afternoon with presi dent Mrs Booth in the chair the meeting opened by sing How Do You Do Every body and repealing the Col lect Mr Hannah chairman of the District Scouting Association attended and spoke about their plans District Director Mrs Brown spoke about environ mental and on behalf of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists asked each write letters lo Premier Davis and the Council of Hal ton Hills concerning land fill problems The uses of Pennies for Friendship was read and a donation voted for same A cook Heather Brown tor Rev Barrow baptized Michael Cairns Infant son of Mr and Mrs Kieth Read By Over People Weekly Shouldnt your meiiage be here Cairns and Jeffrey infant son of Mr and Mrs William Karn on Sun day The choir sang special anthems for mothers day Mrs A C Paul of Sudbury sent a plant for the sanctuary in memory of parents Ihe late Mr and Mrs A J the congregation I meeting The Women Institute met in Limehouse Memorial Hall number showed interest in joining Bannock burn I for a bus trip to Plans were discussed about a ban quel catering the end of May and appointments were made for those attending District Annual Conveners of standing com mittees read short reports Roll call was A standard of Citizenship to pass to our descendants Mrs Benton enlarged the motto new horizons bring new op portunities Mrs Hannah was first for tea biscuits and Mrs Anderson Tor plain butter tarts as judged by Mrs Earl Perry Norval After O Canada Mrs Kirk wood convened a plentiful tasty lunch Scouts Cubs Mrs Hannah reports Six Scouts and 16 Cubs took part in Trees for Canada programs this year They each planted 50 or more trees on top of a hill in Waterfalls Park Dick and Vic supervised the Scouts while Elaine Hannah was assisted by parents George Book and Donna and Lyle Armstrong super vising the Cubs When all pledges were turned in they will have earned approximately MOO Refreshments were served to all people taking part when planting was done By Wallace Last week we painted a mural and we gathered Inter leaves bark moss and twigs to glue our mural This not only covers our Na ture and Make A Picture tests but also goes towards our Native Lore badge in two weeks time We arc planning making a totem pole and tepee at camp to really get into the spirit or our Indian ancestors Our mural is not exactly a work of art but one young shopper thought it was good enough lo buy and wanted to purchase it at the garage sale where it hung behind our bake table on Saturday tit rather goes to show one can sell anything if one finds he right customer Bake Hale Our bake sate was a sue cess and gave us a good pro portion of our bus money for our trip on June The Women Auxiliary raffled a The Scouts completed their bottle drive nelting five tons of They would like to thank everyone who in any way helped them wilh this project First aid The Cubs attended a first aid course put on by the Fifth Georgetown Rover Crew on Saturday It was available to all Cubs in the District but only six from took advantage of it Itwasheldon the Hannah property on the Sixth Line and Cubs were there The morning was spent receiving instruction the afternoon was for testing Lunch was provided and games and songs in terspersed with the day activities First aid badges went to Brian Walton Bruce Irvine Greg Hlscock Eddie Galli ford Mike Hannah and Give Mulllns and candy castle made by Mrs Beryl for us and Mrs Jean Turowski us lovely white poncho for them lo raffle too We really our two mothers We painted serviette rings for the 8 banquet at Centennial School in June and they look really pretty Mr McLaren of the St John Ambulance is coming to do first aid us this week We have nine girls lying up lo guides when we re open in September and some new ones ha been lo visit us who will start Ihcn loo Our staggered out of the door this week heavily laden with arms full of boxes of Girl Guide Cookies So w out if you ordered them here they come Students Credit Valley Conservation Authority will be hiring Mi students for tiKir summer The program is funded through of the Minis try of for the 77 ON MAY and Dstrcl Lion holding a garage lable for S3 Contact Judy Dunne 8S6 or Helen Hill lor Making plans for WI district annual The president Mrs George Mitchell opened the meeting of the Women s Institute held May at the home of Mrs Ken lb members and two visitors present Miss Helen reported on Pioneer Day and definite plans were for the June meeting he president Mrs George Mitchell and secretary Mrs luck plan to attend the 1 anniversary celebration of F W at Park on July The 11 Achievement Day for Clolhes for Leisure will be held Mny 14 Trinity The resolution for district wis reid and discussed The delegates to the District Annual on Ma at Hill Mrs Mitchell Mrs William mil Mrs M Sprig Mrs Watson to mike the two dozen old cookies for the The conveners were Mrs Ken and Mrs John Ramsay for Agriculture and Canadian Industries liter tea Mrs indMrs M Sprig are in of the roll call news ilem of jcors ago There will be a program pi inning meeting on J No flCommunit Centre 8 I us Inp for he memlnr s planned lo on June THE OLD MILL IEAUM0NT MILLS Mlin Straat Glen Williams SPECIAL Bath Soap 8 Bars oni Bath TOWelS Knitting Yarn per ounce 20 CRAFT DISPLA Y Anyone wishing to display their work please contact us 50 SAVINGS K STORE HOURS MonSat 105 pm OPEN SUNDAYS to 430 pm HONDA CIVIC Canadas No Sailing Import UP MILES TO PER GALLON FEATURING AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE IN Sedan Back St Wagon Accord and speed colours Automatic Transm Optional SHOW ROOM HOURS Mon Sat ftl T Vie AUTO SALES 8360640 Your Affwdbl Clvlt HO This year cut your lawn care chores down to size and nave fun doing II a Case Compact Troc tor There are ten hard n modols to choose and they are available a variety of power attachments tor all seasons And II you buy now during our special Spring Snlo you will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE Mower with the purchase of any Nw Case Compact Tractor And remember Case Compacts fealuro Case exclusive hydraulic drive lor single lovor control speed and dlroction Come on In Take a teat drive And you batter hurry When it comes to performance Case sets the pace Limited time ED STEWART GARAGE EQUIPMENT LTD Main St Erin 833 am esclad a little piece ol Acton in every corner of Canada Across the country more and more home owners are making ESCLAD their choice as the Ideal siding material The reasons are obvious ESCLAD vinyl siding outpaces competition because of Its unique combination of durability good looks ease of application and absence of maintenance problems Its better than metal and betterthan wood- needs no painting because the colour goes right through It resists shocks wont dent rattle rot or peel and helps Insulate against cold and outside noise Its cost Is competitive with other siding materials The addition of the new Double makes vinyl siding the most complete siding line In the country vinyl siding a piece of Acton on homes across Canada ESCLAD vinyl siding Is available atthe following dealers ACTON HOME HARDWARE 8531730 CONTINENTAL 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