8 The A Free Press Wednesday Aug 101977 Limehouse kennel debate goes on DOORWAY TO NOTHING The old Milne mill is being restored by Mr and Mrs for use as a private dwelling The couple hopes to be moving in around Christmas time Toronto man turning old mill into new home A Toronto the mill use as a residence He plans to move in around Christmas It s a private thing for our own use he He and his wife had been looking for a mill for a long time and in love with s The couple is rebuilding the dam and hope they will be able lo generate electricity there for their home The outside of the mill will be restored lo its original stall while he in terior is lurried into a residence The mill itself was built around 1B24 to liHO and is depicted in the book Mills of Canada A kennel on the Road between the Fifth and Sixth Line was debated for at lost week council meeting then Ihe whole issue was sent back to committee for further discus David spokesman for nine neighbors termed the Siberian Husky dogs a noise nuisance and claimed he had been wakened many times during the night with their barking He claimed the dogs were left from 8 a until or at least on one occasion despite state ments by Mrs that the dogs are scarcely ever left alone Mr Mulllns said seemed to be a suggestion the ore being harassed by neighbors and contended it is the neighbors who are being harassed by noise lack or steep The dogs can be moved but our homis can t he added He slid the neighbors hid agreed to give the dogs to settle in after stray had been a dis turbance in the kennel but pointed out after Ihc slray was disposed of the problem continued He said he had Invested all his savings in his home when he bought it two years ago ind knew was land behind him But to dogs 120 feet from my window is far from 1 sis grazing lit it is a commercial enterprise since dogs ire bred and puppies sold the iw not restrict of dogs tin kept urge you to change the bylaw to protect Ihc interests of existing residents Mr emphasized he was not suggesting the Mclxwds were not good kennel man agers but claimed Ihe kennel next to him devalued his pro perty William ipringle said he was a neighbor but did not live close enough to hear the dogs Hi explained on a visit lo Mr Mullins last week he icnfirmcd Ihe noise dfoexlBt and stated no intended pur chaser would buy Ihe house Ik council not to Issue Ihi kennel llccnci until there are more controls on kennels Mr Mel cod said he was sorry to be such a problem and said he had never run Into this in eight years of kmncls lie said he felt a ken net is no more a commercial vmtun thin someone miking windows across the strett or fixing lawn mowirs cm sell puppies Me pointed out he us given i permit for the ken nils and siid at least four licmies Invi bun Is in Hilton Hills I paid for m permit and was given tmtativc Hi said Ha noisi would whin building wis on his iwo arts Hi sud the building would hue siding and would ill hut aim logs im and must tutsidi Itov pointed mil the is in tin control in ind Mid he ill out if are nipt Ebenezer Mrs Simpson is buried Mrs Ron Mi I Simpson widow of the John Simp son was buried it binder family In on farm now occupied slid of 1 J lit ir Him in IK Mrs and John o IDrmdihild Mrs Simpson s brother r i lis 1 Gravel dogs hydro lines on agenda at Erin Twp council Council business in Township was taking a day as there too much on the agenda for the meeting A permit was sought for taking yards of gravel Ballinafad from wujside pit on the property Jot 16 eon 10 It is to be used for roads and a parking lot The pit has been opened used from time to lime for smalt but the need a Lightning strikes W Linhams cows by Mr Winifred Smith Sorry to hear of the loss which one of our farmers fered last week during an electric storm Seven of his cows were killed They be longed to Waller The cows were out on pasture and were all lying down under tree when struck We extend sympathy to the Cam Sinclair family in the loss of his mother Mrs William Sinclair Mrs Sin was well known in this community She was a charter member of the W I when it was Morgan Madill is still con fined to hospital but is pro gressing favourably after recent surgery Mr and Mrs famir and and Mrs Larson and family have returned home after spending some holidays at Bancroft This wit weather is dis for the farmers who have of their grain crops not harvested yet Dog linked to turkey deaths A German shepherd dog is suspected as being the killer of nearly turkeys a West township farm Hillsburgharena Hi 11a burgh s new arena and community centre are stated for opening Saturday The more than structure opens a year and a half after provincial govern regulations closed the older building along with several others across New tec making machinery will produce a skating face In October the earliest Kink area Increased from 60 160 to 175 reports sud a coyote and pups wire res risible A conservation officer said the attacks on the turkey farm stopped after the dog was captured A trapper hired by Ihc mln istry of natural resources races of coyotes hut Ihe animals may have been Involved in some of he killings The birds valued at each were killed off within a couple of weeks license and ition from Township council Council has no objection to extraction of gravel from the wavsidi pit I to In molested dogs ih following will recent ment Keith Iambs killed Mack 1 lamb Angus I and 1 lamb killed and l and one lamb injured Clarence Hull killed The building inspectors report stated per have been issued this year to the of Jul are still arising about dogs Council maintained hey can do nothing about their harking as that is i natural thing for dog to do but they will look into the matter of controlling number of dogs in a kennel distance in which should be kept from a neighboring A complaint regarding Iht Grundy properly Mated lh it he has luin advertising w salts on a drive in theatre screen is in he process of an ex tension on both sides of the barn presumably to a on hi premises selling new furniture property is located in in culture A building permit is hem issued for a barn extension but there has been no in dicalion of other except for farm implemi nth or Also a man be sued for A letter will be sent Informing he complainant of facts Ontario Hydro requested permission to trim along Ihe proposed route of the Bruce to Milton line Members of he r request for out iTtntt on the fuse In council because ire five litmsed pits I T and don nctd in his lo the to hi case for one will speak to Mr ind see what is to do in I whit the request came from r ire Disaster for Their loss was 117 of which ill IWO wis count by msurinct will for thc raise is laced with i tough decision assist should they use the some of not have is much the ire gimg it lo w s felt it should be an in sihoin than council decision Hie litter is idled Subject lo d of I I the roul super mlentlent the Under w is iceipted of I for ntw class for 169 with a mil in of a followed the bylaw in every detail if people ran ate a dog kennel In a rural area we are in trouble Councillor Pat called for a review of the by law and said the kennel licence should not be Issued until the bylaw Is reviewed We can t change legis and hold things up until it changed when people have conformed to existing legislation There an influx of people wanting to live in the country and some people are object to farmers putting pig manure on their farms Clerk Administrator Doug Intchord pointed out council has control by not renewing a licence which ore Issued yearly and arc not transfer able Councillor Mike Armstrong contended any delay will only make the situation worse as the building is held up A motion by Armstrong to approve the licence subject to the approval of the if necessary was defeated Booth warned there had to be good reason to refuse a licence since the bylaw was being followed and the could Issue a writ of mandamus Radio beams for blind About 20 blind people within range or CING i will soon be able to The radio station and Oak public library received permission from the Canadian RadioTelevision and Telecommunications Commission to begin broad easting District Page Ospringe Lightning hits house starts basement fire Mr and Mrs Itubsell Grundy received quite a scare last rldiy night when lightning struck their house starting fire in the base mint I uckily the firemen win the Peter Howes of Grind Villcy spent a few diss visiting their grand parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Howes Dan flew out to ilgirv lo visit for a week Churchill brother I it is quid thrilled with his first plane trip his in the west Mr mil Mrs Rod Venus ih Mini visited last with Mr and Mrs John Thy ret baby Jennifer Mr and Mrs Gtorgc Mr Mrs Jim and Jimmle and Mrs lick Wheeler visited for a couple of with Mr Visitors vacations keep area busy I ing s brother and sister in law Mr and Mrs William it Belleville and with Mrs Jjitk Wheeler sister ind brother in Mr and Mrs Howie or bet I at Kingston Mrs Wood has relumed to Toronto lie w her daughter and son in law Mr Mrs Arthur Tramih Mr and Mrs Jack took her down a week ago the on to and up M Island for a week holidays grand son Jackson of Point is now slaying with The Foreign were the greatest fighting force of all time and they obeyed but one command- MARCH OR DOE for a ttk Johnston of Hock wood who is recuperating from an illness is visiting at the home of his daughter and son in I Mr Mrs Stewart and family In I mini rurnfr long weekend ilw mits up thi of tin tnlire wuk for me Tin follow im items wen ported to tin thi how unnoticed wlnli I w is finishing up m Mondiv w ited longritulJtintLs in ixlmdcd to It I David son who Ins Both i part held in his honor home of Mr Mrs John number of from thi on hind to ind of ilsi attended the loth wedding immcrsirj of Mr Mrs Morgin Midill Mr Mrs I Griffin of ik mi visited with Mr and Mrs W ilium Thompson other relatives in ire will be interested loliirn that Mrs I red is bee moved froin Gininl Guilph to St Joseph s oiilinulng in Wing home of Mr and Mrs Hob James Sidtroul wis the scent of a neighbor hood Muscular Dystrophy irnival S afternoon r enthusiastic clown who ir led all comers turned out ind ilecn James assisted by Sh iron lluntir from nexl door directed out prizes served and gem r illy ihi bill rolling is bid by dimly their neighbors ill V was rilsui lo Muscular Dystrophy Dinny I timer McKeown tin Dipt of put on by Summer School of Music It ilph McKeown memoir of Ihe choir held in on voc itionHallw is i delightful mixture of si nous music Mr ind Mrs Ink im recentl returned from trip British by trim then motored through Ihe mountains to son who is doing si work for i mining company it Kimberle iKginL through Hit mount villejs to Mission It to In welcomed shirks mother Mrs ind of McKeown maxwnsydow march or cut cajtSjne PLUS BABY MARINE PLAYS AUG 12 TO AUG SAT Si SUN OPENS 8 OPENS 8 30 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DRIVEIK MeKe pioneer f r is one of the units in his com llert both 1 Willnm travelled to I the west in hot settle raise a of five Iht of Slnrlev is the only member of f to conn I the others were all from points in hollowing Ihi family million Shirley drove the riser V to the coast crossed the to Vancouver Island one driving through the towering redwoods of tin flew from Vancouver THE ED BROWNE GEORGETOWN Carpet Upholstery Care ON LOCATION PICK UP SMALL RUGS STEAMEX RENTAL MACHINES ANNOUNCES Continuing As Agents for CHANCE DRY CLEANERS and SHIRT formerly Cleaners ACTON BECKERS PLAZA QUEEN ST E ACTON 8530100 Open 7 am to 7 pm LIGHTING SHOWROOM Retail and Wholesale GERRIE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO LTD Geo St 11mm RABBIT M DIESEL VW RABBITS SERVICE AND PRICES IMroTT REASONS WHY PEOPLE COME TO MOTORS YOUR CHOICE FILM DEVELOPING LOW PRICE OR REPLACEMENT FILM ALL 12 EXP 1 DEVELOPED PRINTED DEVELOPED i PRINTED DEVELOPEDi PRINTED 99 REP FILM wvcolornegfilms DEVELOPED PRINTED ACTON PHARMACY ltd DOWNTOWN ACTON 853 1620 glenlea drug mart 294 QUEEN STREET EAST ACTON 2220