The Acton Free Press Wednesday Sept 21 Painted Box by Wendy Thomson A few months ago 1 started to write on two things people have asked about pioneering and loneliness The first was easy but I having trouble with the loneliness It such an elusive subject and hard Abo It takes many forms There is no loneliness The last aspect of loneliness here in the sense of not seeing Is homesickness something a soul for months at a time that cannot easily be ex We ve neighbours friends and plumed or described to some the as back one v ho has not felt it The east i almost the But word conjures up pictures of although I a niche miserable little kids at summer camp wanting to go out of place in a friendly land homeallcrfourorfivedays pert But it more than that It This feeling of displacement an yearning for becomes quite strong is I look places and faces familiar a over Hie countryside even yearning that can be white I m the viev painful at its worst something inside is yearning for winding rouk rolling hills rail fences rocks and First meeting held by UCW Next week And when 1 see familiar type of roll j hill or lake turn on the that bend at familiar ingle my in moment of misplictti recognition This wilh people and curs loo There ire folks here Willi strong to ances in the Free Press office He eve Don the sister of lhal used to be in so on Us a though re made from same mold one for the east one for the VvCSt speaking of reeves I got quite a joll when I went to open a bank the name on the door is the one of Township reeve I lojd Lane the ears I II spot an old maroon and think There in town then realize that Alma MIGHT be in town il CinnticrRohumr There another aspect of loneliness one thit I look months lo recognize After we arrived here pari of a lune began running through my he id almost constantly I it ind I forget it coincidence in Joyce Brother column she was asked about this and replied in part that it might be a tune associated with a parti event or the words themselves could be im porta And months later when I finally heard the song on the radio everything fell into place Tilt song itself was Hours to Tulsa and Ihe elusive words lo he line that stuck in my head were You can never never never go I sat and because it was true and I had separated and were each gome our own way issue of the Free Press an changes lo the Acton wc hold in our minds babies are born people die buildings burn and arc built businesses change hands people retire move away It would seem so strange lo be back with Frank Ray Thompson and Ben no longer in business no bakery changes in the hardware friends no longer there And me Yes I ve changed I guess that goes without saying Oh I nut wandering around wringing my hands and making life miserable for all who come near Far from it But there are days tl are hard to talk about let alone get through Lasl year know I be writing about loneliness sooner or later I began jotting down feelings every now and then when I went slump than polish them all up as a writer should do 111 copy ihem unadorned exactly as written April find my mind I itching on familiar tiling ind savouring them When our new dressers arrived the bit event was digging out Ihe few dresser scarves that had been brought with us by mistake and carefully smoothing them out thinking This one wis used in our bedroom and this one in Beth Last night 1 went to the door and heard the spring peepers songs Iht 1 close my eves and imagine the countryside around me that very familiar tangible presence so familiar I don I need to see it to feel it surround me I sound homesick August When you grow up in a place from the time i was 20 till I wasT7 you grow up to fit it In building a house Its shaped to fit you and your personality No matter what road you re on there always somewhere to drop in As your children grow you acquire friends that can never be replaced as youfindout too late This is alien world where the house seems to battle with me everyday where it sail men s talk cars oil snowmobiles fences and cattle Very lonely Over a year since I sat down and had a long serious conversation with another woman What a backlog of woman talk is pihngup November Today my memory fed all kinds of pic SATURDAY BREAKFAST AT the Legion was enjoyed by many early risers Above on the far side of the table sits Grace Thorp of Toronto beside May Vaughan of Islington with Shannon Johnston 8 of Acton Boulevard and Patrick Johnston age On this side of the breakfast table lsJenmfer Johnston beside Leslie Johnston Greenock members tell of trip to BC The C held their first meeting of the fall in the Indies parlour Trinity United Church at 2 Tucs day September 13 Mrs Lid kea In the choir opened with poem Inasmuch All stood for two minutes silence for a late beloved Arts crafts sale The September meeting of the Aclon Arts and Crafts group was held on Tuesday September at the home of Jean Weir on the Fourth Line and plans were made for their eighth annual exhibition and sale which will be held on Saturday October at St parish Hall This years officers are Slochr president Del treasurer and secretary Members look forward to meeting their friends at the October show member Myrtle Lambert Mrs Denny had the devo tion period and took as her theme Unity of all races regardless of color or creed She told how the world day of prayer first started Bible reading was from I ukc verses 14 to Mrs Barber rend a poem Breaking Bread A letter wis read from the adopted child A photo was sent along showing a very intelligent child Secretary and treasurer reports were read which showed a very healthy bank balance for the year so far Mrs Shoemaker report of sick and shut in s was given She reported the moving of Mr and Mrs George Bow man to their new home in will be greatly missed Next roll call was a shower of tea towels and wash cloths Through the summer home calls and 10 hospital calls were made Different projects were discussed for the coming year and decided on A social time was spent over lunch served by Mrs Lidkea group Lists of prize winners in competition at Ihe fall fair will in next weeks I ree I ress There will also be more stones and pictures for readers to enjoy The first fall meeting of was held at the home of Mrs Eleanor Sept President Mrs Mildred Sinclair opened the meeting in the con manner Meditation was given The Legend of the Dogwood by Mrs Ann The roll call Tell something of interest vou did this past summer w is well answered 11 members Minutes and financial report of the June meeting were to me involving friends left behind impromptu shopping trips nil rides long phone conversations running back and forth with good news hid news puzzling news Dorothy I whcnourhusbanuswtrt hunting I person who thought she was so independent To leave llie place where I filled in so well w is so well and in becoming the odd one out have to stand on my own sharpen wits Oil I every now and then 1 get swamped with a my family tan l fill TocU Today is September 1977 In 13 days Gord and I will be loading up the Iruck and head ing back east for a couple of weeks Half of me is all ex cited at the prospect of seeing firmly and friends at The half is gome nil to pieces So if you should see a blue half ton with a white and Alberta licence pi ites iround town between and Oct and wave For 1 11 be carrying the picture of those familiar f ices back lo here to Buck Creek lo smile over and onto the next time I start sliding into one of blue funks or is they around here When read reminding all it is time to put and back in action Correspondence included i from Mrs Jns and a letter from penpil Mrs Arm St Kills West Indies Mrs w is elected to Art convention held Nov I at hi Kitchener One item portinl to subdivision I is decline i new board member to replace Mrs Senior short from the of ind hood is Juills 1a ship training is scheduled from id Oct m to held it Hit pi ins were m ide for the exhibits in Ihe is m of Mrs t ill ice Mrs J Johnston and Mrs I Ml in A donation wis towards sponsoring Iht show Mrs Mrs were to the of Women Institutes movement in ino slartcd by tee attended Mrs I Bucket am is the guest speaker honor treasurer Mrs D ffli old is now the only person who was present it the first meeting with her who became the first Mrs llicketl am s mess ilo is I us k in open mind looking out rather thin in Hit re con was in charge of Miss She re id import ml from Mrs dusk Resolutions wc should keep for each day of tin week Home and Winter 1 Ihe of the mi time was Mrs It Sinclair and Miss I- I i inn shared ind told of on their trip British visit with our sister province on arrival they were presented with ill bigs com lot Hi stencil of I colours ercin eold wire given them to see it i glance they belonged lo the group hey visited Fort home of the famous bathtub rices Tele Globe earth slat ion ihe Centre for telephone world wide ilhcdral Grove with lrees3j feel in diameter meters was a paradise They enjoyed a sea food dinner i it Duncan and They were a chart including seeds and pictures of trees that would grow from these seeds a lea lowtl with the motto verythinc went well and they renewing thev had made when South Vancouver Island district came to Wellington Centre in The ladies presented a scroll lo the district in C After a most evening the meeting closed lunch was served by Mrs I- Winter Mrs J Jackson Mrs A Leslie was courtesy convener Inviting the ladies to her home for a meetint in 1977 Austin Marinas FACTORY CARS FACTORY WARRANTY 2 4 Door from 2 and Doors 3195 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OPEN SATURDAYS 00 GEORGETOWN BRITISH CARS ST GEORGETOWN ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Presbyterian Church Sunday Sept and7 30pm Rev Chab C Cockrane Minister Guest Speaker TURKEY SUPPER Wednesday Sept 28 to Adults 3 Children 6 75 Pre Schoolers FREE EDEN MILLS Annual Craft Show and Sale AT THE VILLAGE HALL SAT SUN SEPT 24 10 Adutu 75c Children Under Free GEORGETOWN FARM ft HOME CENTRE LIGHTING SHOWROOM I and Wholesale GERRIE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO LTD Arms 1 10 rig Ave MealsOnWheels COULD START SOON IN ACTON We Need You Do You Have Time- To Spare As Little As Half An Hour Once A Week To Drive or Deliver Meals PHASE COKTACT AT THE S8MCES IN 8533310 Many Volunteers Are Needed To Make The Project A Success The meals will be brought hot to Acton ready to deliver between 12 and 1 30 m live days a week Your Headquarters for Lumber and Building Supplies FARM HOME COMMERCIAL Georgetown Farm Home Centre St OPEN Mon Tum Sim to Thun Sun Guard Your Familys Health and Budget Gillettes Car Contest entry Farms and Details at Yo Guard Drug Storel Gillette TRACE Cartridge 5s ACTON PHARMACY CORNER MILL and MAIN ACTON Dairii Queen brazier FAMILY NIGHT STARTS TUESDAY September 27 5 m till closing Our Family Night Special back again and will be Tuesday Night of each weak and SOFT DRINK Dairij LIVE A LITTLE A T DAIRY QUEEN Guelph St at Rexway Dr Georgetown 8772586 Reg trademark Canadian Trademark Office- American DAIRY QUEEN Corporation