VEHICLES FOR SALE II VEHICLES FOR SALE CLEMENTS Motors of Milton EXPHS LARGE SELECTION 1968 1976 BIG CARS SMALL CARS STATION WAGON PACER DOOR Economical cylinder standard transmission radio whitowaHs whoel covers in beautiful Ascot and a complimenting medium bucket soat Tho condition Lie 1975 MATADOR DOOR COUPE automatic power steering brakes radio white woKs deluxe vera plus many extras brown with matching deluxe cloth in tor LOOKS DRIVES LIKE TEST DRIVE IT TO DAY Lie LYT443 VOLVO OOQP Model JLl above S A BEAUT DRIVE IT TODAY AUSTIN MARINA DOOR Economical standard 21 miles Lie 1B2 Special Price 1974 LTD DOOR STAT10NWAG0N Excellent lion and it loaded including air condition ng power windows etc etc Fin shod in Chestnut brown with a matching vinyl A REAL TEST DRIVE IT TO DAY Lie 210 IT S A HONEY finished in candy rod contrasting interior speed tachometer plus many extras Take it for a test dine Lie HORNET HATCHBACK cylinder automatic in medium brown with a maichmg cloth vinyl interior EX CONDITION Lie DXH PINTO 3 DOOR RUNABOUT Standard speed a active color combination Lie 131 Special Puce GREMLIN cylinder Lie GREMLIN cylinder automatic radio whrto waits many extras Fmohod sunset copper with matching inter lor Excellent condrtun test drive it today Lie 1973 SATELLITE DOOR HARDTOP automate power steering brakes radio Fmuhed in Honey Blown white vinyl roof and a complimenting vinyl bucket seat kite nor complete with floor console Low mileage REALLY SHARP SEE IT TODAY be HORNET 4 DOOR cylinder automatic radio many extras including air conditioning Fmtahod in a medium brown with a mate ting deluxe me nor only driven SEE IT TO DAY Lie HEH 1973 HORNET DOOR V8 automatic radio many extras Finished in a medium brown a match big deluxe only 27 rmloi SEE IT TODAY Lie 1973 HORNET Economical cylinder automatic Many extras con drttorung GREMLIN standard radio Lie 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1973 LUXUS DOOR VB automatic Lie FER891 MANY MORE AUTOMOBILES ON OUR LOT American Motors Bronte St Just North of 8782328 NICE SELECTION OF CO DEMOS AND LATE MODEL USED CARS TbsI Drive one To day DEMO 2 Door coupe finished in Cameo while custom cloth interior sport mirror steel defroster plui many Equipped with automat power stoci ing brakes rrjdio Lie LYF 201 t vinyl interior Wfiitewall radiate wheel covers rear bumper protection group radio plus automatic power steer ing brakes TEST DRIVE IT TODAY Lie MCD 1975CAMARO SPORT COUPE 10 ma ire power Biter mj brakes radio phis many luxo opt One owner and only driven miles excellent lion SEE IT TODAY RIVIERA Lux sports model is hod r white interior and a complimenting vinyl tool It loaded mclud condition power windows and stereo Equipped wrth mote power steering and brakes One owner and if riven loss then lSUUUn Hi Lie 1974 CHEW NOVA DOOR COUPE automatic poworstoor brakes rado Finished in Autumn Copper with a comph beige interior One owner low mileage and in lion Lie HFR041 DOOR SEDAN 8 automat power steering brakes radio Finished an at use live color combination Lko Brand New only 000 miles Son This Beauty To Day Lie 1974 PONTIAC DOOR automatic power steering brakes radio plus many extras Only dnvon 43 miles Finished in light blue with complimenting match ng ITS REALLY SHARP Lie 19740LDSMOB1LEROYALE DOOR automatic power brakes air conditioning radio tires Fin shod in a Hue turquoise with white Otignal IT S A HONEY Lie 1972 SKYLARK DOOR HARDTOP VB automatic power steering brakes radio white walls in dark green with a contrasting One owner with low rata ago take rt or a test drive Lie 388 Main St Milton 8782355 Toronto Number 29mga38 Automatic P S Excellent lion f n is hod in silver Lie PRICED TO SELL 1973 HATCHBACK Georgetown British Cars iEi3umsiniiif Trafalgar Motors SLIGHTLY US G00DASNEW MAIN MILTON FORD IfASING SYSTEM Sa SHORT TERMLONG OR OUR LEASE TO BUY PLAN DEMOLITION SALE DOOR power steering brakes Finished in a nice color Lie Uncertified but a steal at 1295 GPAN TORINO DOOR HARDTOP V Lie HOY NOT CERTIFIED BUT A GOOD BUY AT TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 MAIN ST MILTON VEHICLES SALE II VEHICLES FOR SALE JOHNSON BROS GARAGE Where The Deal Is Always Right Bank Rate Financing 295 Main St Mil 8789942 Servicing the Motoring Public for over years VEGA Hong car Needs a Georgetown British Cars BUY USED TRUCKS MAIN MILTON SPECTACULAR SAVINGS ON NEW 1977 MODELS COMPANY DEMOS AND OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF USED CARS COMET 4 OR SEDAN 6 cylinder w automate transmission power steering and AM a Easy to drive and easy on book tool Lie 1975 METEOR STATIONWAGON Full sued wagon with car ride 1974 MONTE CARLO LANDAU A deep maroon w in match luxurious cloth interior Full power Lie PC PICKUP transmission power and brakes and AM radio Lrc MOTORS LTD Toronto ECONOMY CARS To choose from at pnees you can a If or Low down payment and Bank Financing MOTORS LTD ATTENTION Farmers and Construction Businesses Ford Ion speed trans mission This hard to find pickup Is priced to move only Lie call Georgetown Chrysler 15 34431 PRICE boaters pickup special 1975 Ford Vi ton pickup Radial fires auto matic A sharp one at a sharp price of only Lie Call Geo roe I own Chrysler 877 NOTICE Be Sure to drop In to Georgetown Chrysler before you buy your next cor new or used Wewlllnolbeundersold and have one of the largest selections of cars trucks anywhere in the province it you don buy from us you will pay too much See you this week for one of our special deals Georgetown Chrysler 877 1973 PINTO STATION WAGON Georgetown British Cars VOLKSWAGEN bus fair condition needs some work uncertified BS3 0706 after m MAVERICK great shape 43 miles AM FM radio standard A real steal at SI 13573 7 GRAN TORINO Squire wagon automatic lots of extras certified 11995 evenings AMC HORNET Motion wagon fully equipped tilt steering wheel AM stereo XL package convertible top hardtop new paint rad la is certified excellent condition call between 9 a or 907B alter 3272B CELICA standard t mission low mileage car IB JO PINTO Squire station wagon private sale certified must sell FORD Galaxy MM 4 door sedan Lime green malic radio power steering power brakes new white wall miles Lie Applewcod Chev Olds 148 Queen VWautomallc guaranteed Priced to Bai Motors St Georgetown Call 1975 CHEV Impala power steering power brakes air conditioning 4 door hardtop certified Very clean after 4 CHRYSLER Cordoba leather buckets console shift air conditioning cruise control AM FM track stereo power windows and door locks electric defrost radial tires on styled road wheels Lie llonaf value at only Call Georgetown Chrysler 15 SCARCE Coronet Crest wood wagon auto malic split centre arm rest electric defrost AM radio speed control roof reck belted white tires Lie Only Call Georgetown Chrysler IS Rd N 5108 HELLO Sport Is this for you Dodge Charger VB malic AM radio electric defrost bucket seats console shift Only 35 miles Lie Sale Priced at We have only one In stock so hurry Call Georgetown Chrysler 15 877 wagon lots of warranty cylinder aulo malic roof rack vinyl bench seals body tide moldings while tires full wheel discs Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 15 34437 1974 TOYOTA lust like new only 9000 miles A real gas Bucket seat speed transmission AM radio etc Lie LEH163 Only Call Georgetown Chrysler IS N 34438 FORD Cuslom door vinyl roof power steering and brakes I Radio Certified 32457 VOLVO 1WQES fuel Hon overdrive speed 24 miles leather bucket seats AM FM track quad stereo metallic blue Mlcholln radlals beau I i ful condition Mill St Georgetown 33436 metallic brown AM FM track stereo fuel Inlectlon radial tires rust proofed 33 miles 853 39V9 TRIUMPH Convertible TR6 yellow In excellent condition Lie JEJ489 call Motors Guelph St Georgetown 49 THUNDERBIRD door full power air shocks Certified 1971 CHEV door sedan brown with matching interior All power Priced to sell Lie Call Bai Motors St Georgetown 34443 CORVETTE convertible 350 4 speed custom paint megs side pipes 8 NOVA door sedan dark green cylinder automatic radio power steering 4 new tires 34 BOO miles Lie Applewood Olds Queen WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phone WANTED To buy anything old furniture china tools jewellery etc Call WANTED Consignments lor upcoming auction sales Call Credit Valley Auctions 877 44B8 Mel Smith REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Security Personnel Fulltime Part Time omottonely mature energetic career minded mult have own Iran BENEFITS Profit harmg plan Froolifeinsuianca Scholarship plan tor dependants Steady work Highest wages in In Phone for an appointment between ID and a m and 1 m 180D263e9B3 CABLE TV SALES Active fuB or port tone sales person required for growing television system Excolont for a starter who has the ability in door to door tele MR FULL TIME waitress wanted Apply In person to Reliable Snack Bar Main st 5 Acton TOOL AND DIE MAKER and hlolnsuiancflpfemumacMTipnv paid Coil of Apply Personnel Depertment STANDARD CANADA LTD 346 Guelph Si Georgetown MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Applicant must be experienced In aft phases mantenanca equipment and grounds Must have a basic know ledge of and hydraulics Exponenca in tool and die asset LifoinEurance Apply Personnel Department STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LTD 346 Si Georgetown Avon PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEOPLE If you to people make it an Avon Chratmosl Wove got great gifts lor every family in a Territory of your own Being an Avon Representative tho nicest way there is to earn extra Chnsimos dollars I Established territories In George own and rural Hills areas g Hornby FOR INFORMATION CALL Mrs Lilian Brown District Manager LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS 42a37 FULL TIME taxi driver for night shift also two part time drivers Must have good driving record and be of good character Apply in person to Reliable Taxi Main St BOOKKEEPER Customs experience preferable part lime Acton Terminal Ware house 853 FRIDAY cleaning person In country home between Acton Milton references required EARN extra money Show our line of Christmas cards and gills to friends neighbors relatives No experience needed Our big colorfully illustrated cats makes It easy and protllable Start now Write today for free Christmas catalogue and information Monarch Greeting Cards Cannon ton LBN or phone 416 EXPERIENCED bartenders cocktail waitresses required for a new lounge opening at Mohawk Inn Campbell Please contact the food beverage manager at 2277 BOYS and girls wanted to deliver morning paper routes In Georgetown and Acton area Bonuses Excellent pay Incentives A Milne APPLE pickers Must be able to handle a ladder call Peter McCarthy R Georgetown 34189 GEORGETOWN SECRETARIAL SERVICE MERIT Travel Is pleased to an noun Mr and Mrs S Mac Klw have won the Ing round pool The 1978 contest has begun You too could be a lucky winner ust by booking your travel with us Sincere thanks to every one who participated DO SOMETHING new phone Wednesday Sept 211977 9 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE WED EVENING SAT 28 PM FOR G0R00N and RANK IN MILTON at fairgrounds tho Agricultural Hall on Robert SALECONSISTINGOFAmiquc furniture glass china and primitives flat bock pes I mahogany desk with leather lop pinechustoldrawoni dresser mar or with towel bar pine washstand with towel rail smalt ice box harvest table several small tobies sol chairs 1 arm chair set of press back chairs Captain pan of chairs blanket boxes high chair chair pressed back rocker small gateleg able swing mirrors drop cupboard with pigeon holes sap buckets gun rack mahogany hall with small round mirror ornate iron and brass bod primitive 3 drawer blanket box in the rough good Chans pressed back etc pxiebonchandpxiostool GLASS AND Royal tureen several goblets N S Shield Flint etc original Carnival basket and frame piece Mt of china c 19201 Cranberry enameled tumbler txscuii barrels china and 1 sitver Cranberry carafe sugar shakers Minerva snowier several pieces Coalport enamelled water pitcher and 2 tumblers Flow Blue Oriental far with and stand several nice plates Royal Doulton Flow Blue etc CS Prussia cup and saucer satin vase enameled PRIMITIVES AND ETC Largo Dovetailed copper 1830 grandmother clock mantle clocks 4pcwoshsol 3 pc set several planes inel unusual ones horse collar mirror large silver c I860 several once Horn pictures large oil good copper boiler and lid largo copper kettle from Hampton Candy Factory brass companion sol brass jardiniere 1B7B Bell and others blue I lowered crock gallon Welding several named crocks and jugs sot of scales with brass pun French Mil bayonet dated augers primitives etc Brass pan set of Graduated iron pots large copper urn with brass spigot World War 1 gun box photography equipment 1900 plates original Ives Mill Covo Lake brass blow torches unusual nice carved coal box brass fittings and shovel several old books ind children Big Littlo Books quilt old leather and brass powder flask Sterling watch coins LAMPS Iron and brass miner a lamp Iway tamps barn lanterns red and clear triangle shaped stained glass lamp Galaxy pattern plus a green etc Plus many TERMS ere cash or cheque with proper I Lunch a variable Preview from clock day of LADIES and GENTLEMEN this is a fine Owner Haltboard or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents A SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER WILL CARE lor child days only Inlanf or years old preferred 3333 32713 DAYCARE In my home area 3197 any time BABYSITTING available Ingham Dr area B53 3579 OPEN MORTGAGE FINANCING Homes Farms Construction Commercial Bridge Loans Debt Consokdolion MORTGAGES PURCHASED Wedlovuioholpyoul MORTGAGE FUNDING Member O B A 2679 WWIiHIffll BOY navy hockey jacket All star crest left In school yard Z Bennett 1115 3273B girl Friday Available Ac counts Receivable and Pay able Payroll Ledgers to trial balance posting machine and typing Position wanted in Acton offers or Saturdays NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DOR BURNS late 2 In Town of ton in the Regional palny of Spinster AH persons claims against above estate are required Id send fuB particulars of such clams to under signed Soicrtors lor the lor on or before October which date the tato s will bo distributed having regard only to claims that then been NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY King Street East Toronto EXECUTOR By Iheu solicitors and Chapman Barrators etc Main Street North Aclon Ontario 77a40 71 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Every Tuesday evening at 30 m at Stanley Park Pavilion Erin Ontario Featuring furniture glass china lamps copper crockery primitives clocks Canadians ports etc LunchboothavaSable 1 hour before sale Terms cash or Identified cheque AUCTIONEER DAN GUELPH ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE MON EVENING SEPT Located in the village of Approximately mlcs Hwy PARTIAL LIST ONLY pwco mahogany room suite including breakfast combination china cabinet and bullet this suite has Just been profess buffet round maple dm table and chairs set four Jacobean dining chairs modern console stereo 1 year old small walnut server cherry buffet Duncan Phyfo leather in bid drum labia antique walnut high bock buffet with burl walnut inlay nice Victorian chairs mahogany drop loaf goto log table quantity small of in shod tables rot nished pine dough box table high back rocking chair ptno shaving shelf and m old a die bucksaw 23 color V antique 4 ft guild wall mirror walnut drop leal table Carnival glass pie cos depression glass maple leal sugar very old ps excellent condition vase signed Walsh good quantity signed glass pieces Cranberry water ptchor la Iters fulbkieplates Art Nouveaulotc CROCK Flowered welding crock N Ebcrhart Toronto CW with blue decoration footwarmors salt glared crocks American art pottery We I lor Hull Van op proximately 30 pieces in all PRIMITIVES lea caddies old bottles blacksmith tools unifier jetly moulds prim landscape oil pointing very rare portrait oil of Hamilton druggist plus pinch bee broach 3 stained glass windows selection old and Bartletl punts Curlier ft Ives prints Lincoln series Black electric lawn mower and cord I 1 year Annex wood burning stove many mrsc items Owner or Auctioneer it this lor any accidents McCartney AUCTIONEER 78ma3e Large Auction Sale Saturday Sept at 10 am George Grundys Farm Junction of and TRACTORS I H reset tractor with cab a r only his John Deere 2130 Ley land with loader 2100 Ley land lira IH David Brown Nuffield 10 loader Oliver 77 die sal Cockshuti gas reconditioned with mid mount mower Case Model S Case VA Ferguson tuned Ferguson with loader Ford with loader plow W4lgoodl blade HARVEST EQUIPMENT John no 10 fi S combine with cab Ouotonnono ft SP with conditioner GT gram auger TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Ford semi mount plow John Doore furrow semi mount John Doero furrow 14 P plows no H plow John Deem A H plows 2 I lurrow 3 bottom plows It wheel doc Pittsburgh H doc new 8 It H dec Several 12ft 3PH HAYING FORAGE MISCELLANEOUS New Idea row picker shelor New Idea 1 tow picker Dion row forage harvester I H row forage harvester Badger beater forage box on ton wagon Fox Badger ft A C blowers New Holland 276 baler New Holland haybuiolliko now MF I balers some with throwers ton wagons wiih IB ft rucks trader typo weed sprayers New Idea no 217 bus manure one la I spreader Jacobsen 8 P garden tractor with Plymouth Scamp only 60 Good selection of furniture antiques selling and NOTE To consign your surplus equipment phone FURNITURE Antiques selling a m Farm Equipment selling all TERMS Cash or cheque with I D ALEX PARR AUCTIONEER Erin