8 The Acton Press Wednesday Oct 26 THE HALTON HILLS City Council of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority welcomed new pledges at their Preferential Tea in Glen Williams New pledges are Mildred Smith Gayle Russell Ann Preston Bowers Joyce Marlene Bogart Barbara Miller Shelagh Wirth Ber- nadette Mansfield Jill Leiper Nancy Little Diane ODwyer Carol Susan Scott Kay Mary Ann Howsam No twirls Baton classes at the hove other things but say they been suspended The young might start up again some Instructors arc busy time Golden Agers hold successful euchre sale Cancer Society pins presented On October 18 the Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society held their at the home of Marion Patterson and after he business meeting there and members of the mi of the Cancer Societj lapel pin read the history of this to the group of la members who Acre present and this made the presentation a meaningful experience to them and indeed all leers who wtar the pride A letter of appreciation from Princess Margaret Hospital was read b Papillon former Actmu leader hospital expressed enthusiastic ap preciation or ihe beautiful good- the Ac- r Cod Mrs -it- tie irts Crafts Group who have generously donated some beautiful stuffed toys and loely jewellery which was to the Ottawa Child to canter patients She in formed ub that this v ill be in ongoing th Mrs has offered to send special gifts to Ott twice a They will be cherished the children there Christmas baking and jams jellies that are so donated b public of Alton will be packed on to sent to Princess flotpi Christmas so am one wanting to git a head start on projects is welcome to Mrs Hilda at Pol I and w ill be happ to pick up articles as will is knitted goods sou a to contribute to this It certain the patients at Christ as a special eft transport it ion Susan Keuihler reported on a conference she recently at tended on Sept in Toronto entitled Happiness Is ice ant she brought back miny interesting and worth while ideas The goal of seven million for was this and the goal for is to be eight million dollars for Online new due chairman is plan great Theatre Film Itiiim Night for Nov to In held al the high school in Resource Cintre it this will be to Smoking and the sec hour will for Adult it J m refreshments will The purpose vent Local lawyer to speak Christmas party planned nod Struct s rtport was itn Gloria Coals ril a local ir willspiakat it 11 il a on and fninds ind customers will glad to know IGAownirWavni is now coming along will Hi is in Toronto Gintral His illmss struck sudden al a bad time for the in midst if making man changes in tin store includ ing the installation of a baker is an active number of tht Business Association Dave ink is making another movt in thi news paper business Hi has recentl been with thi Peterborough and now hes switching to Saskatoon Star Hi expects to bt polilital features writer thert is will as covering regular niws The Acton native starttd out at the tree Press and Milton Champion groups Christmas am s planned mutiny 1 w hi n then will ilims of win ladits rkid itims for thi bazaar is to hild in church aki tta and wire lo thi 1 people repnsenlative from even sen ice club and church group ind even teacher in town to come and see just what is available to take back to their respective groups Mrs points out that it is fact children smoking it Grade threi level It is a fact smoking causes lung cancer It is a fait lung cancer is fatal in per tint of cases Itisafict lach vear in Canada people of lung cancer interested in at this vir event is asked to call al 80G or Mrs wanted to know how vtry much she the of Leslie Kinn Susan Wilson C irolvn Gibson Meredith and Duff in helping to give out book marks to children and adults along hall routt and the ixtcutive gave a special volt of thanks to for their fine job of helping us in this Ronald McDonald thanks them too Thi intra Counties Meet inf is to hold at Wood Golf Country Club on Wednesday 1J it is dinner meeting for and several members will be attending Members wished to icknowledge the work of i former resident of his moved to intford Bowman worked very bird is i Ciptain in this town his of time is gratefully Members will miss him in his with his wife wis i vir meeting ind the ism of niwir memirs is a experience to set for those on who hive thinned positions after holding Hit ones for time in iht ideas ire welcome only heighten the of this worthwhile of people Hall was the meeting place for Acton Golden Age Club Wednesday evening with very good attendance The meeting opened with a singing of Canada and the theme song The More We Get Together with Mrs Mann on Ihe piano Mr Alger the program convener Introduced the family of Acton who entertained with several musical selections duets etc with their father on guitar They received a very hearty handclap Birthday greetings Thompson ind Mr Graham Grace was sung and a lovely lunch of rolls and jam was served by the committee to end an enjoyable evening evening there was a successful euchre with tables playing Prizes went to Indus first Mrs Ann liirry second Mrs Gents first went lo Hunter Laymens October St s Anglican Church celebrated Laymen Sunday with 10 service of worship conducted by Grant Puncheon I was Ihe preacher Alec Pitt Ihe David Hunter read the first lesson and George read the second lesson The penny sale prizes are follows writing paper Mrs Annie Lambert turn biers Mrs Mabel Van Heel cookies John Watkins shell ornament Mrs Lambert soap and bath salts Mrs Edna Ear rings and writing paper Mrs Ann Norton pipe Etert Davidson glasses Rose Anderson voucher Dave Robertson jewel case 1 von socks and kerchief Mrs tumblers Mark Murchlson Pearl Necklace Dave Robertson cake box Miss Carol dodgers book ind apron Rod glass fruit bowl Mrs lien gravy boat Mrs Shirley Hunter apron and era It work Mrs redd soap 1 Mclntyrt ornament Mrs Culls Case of coke Mrs Stella Brunei I Itn towel ind pot holders Mrs Laura Dennis lady sweatir Mrs tmron Near evening bag Mrs McDonald four tins of plums Mrs Ross Polled mums Mrs Culls tan of ham Mrs Ann Berry planter Miss Mary cane and seal Marjory Hill milts and toque Mrs box of cookies Mrs Thompson stales Mrs Cults lins of vegetables Bert Davidson pie Mrs Ross Door of a set of place mats was won by Mrs Cecil I unch consisted of sand tei and pnkles bringing mother enjoyable evening to an end The Sting starring Robert Redford and Paul Newman at Acton District High School Thursday and Friday October 27 and 1100am Rooms and 106 Evening Only 700 p pm General Students with cards DO Under free Awards Wednesday evening two women were prtstnltd with service from the Cancer Sociity their annual district meeting in Wood bridge Mrs Sue Sale and Mrs Gloria Coats both received this award for their long and dedicated work for the EVERY MONDAY BINGO Now held in GEORGETOWN LODGE Mountamview Georgetown 30pm PRIZES EA Doors Open 7PM Bingo Starts 8PM Reg Games 3 Special Jackpot 55 Numberf GUARANTEED 100 Town Forum WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2nd 8 pm Robert Little School Auditorium THREE COUNCILLORS BOARD OF EDUCATION TOWN PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND OTHER LOCAL INTEREST GROUPS WILL BE REPRESENTED If you have questions or concerns please attend and present them THERE WILL BE PRESENTATIONS ON FUTURE PLANS BY THE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA Are You Concerned About DOWNTOWN PARKING OLD TOWN HALL ROAD CONSTRUCTION TAX INCREASES REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OR ANY SUBJECT OF LOCAL CONCERN Come Along and Participate SPONSORED BVTHE ACTON CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE TWO NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS I III Iv CARPET SHACK ONE LOW P COMPOUND INTEREST BOND 111 i urn III I mi I I I I II illnrtrt nniiilntt 1 nil up i 100b J INSTANT CASH AND A GOOD RETURN mi tin in in lit mill linn inn mm my in t NmCir Tlit Tln r ill in I I nun lit lull milium in rithiituhnlliiil Willi fit it i 1 1 n rnttUMf REGULAR INTEREST BOND If Hint i nit rnt fmm it tnvtstment II tin mil rut rch 1st Yim Inn tin let mttrtst hi int inn r tctiinnt This nm sit lrirrrJJtatmtnitnttfrv I ls 10 in Mis Ii ls 20097 11 i Tint rr i nilitti itliliMiiii llrniilitititii ml mm It it iihhlt in it I 1 1 1 THE CHOICE IS YOURS A i tt irniliSii fit I I I IT ill 111 till I I I 111 I tht in I t I ill mini till nth i hunt Thtv mitt 8 A GREAT CHOICE COMPOUND INTEREST OR REGULAR INTEREST