CLASSIFIED RATES CALL BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAY ETC SI mm mum charge lot 12 pot moid Subsequent Insertions no copy changes SI minimum charge lot words word Ihuroaltur 25C discount allowed lor cash payment additional NMEMORIAMSI DEADLINE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY3pm The Acton Free Press Wednesday Now 9 HOWARD and Janice ore of their son Allen Malcolm Howard jr Born November at Guelph General Hospital A wee brother for Everyone line wishes to an the birth of his baby brother David November at Guclph General I Proud Mom Marl 1 KIDD Dan Suddenly at his home on Thursday Nov ember James Daniel Arthur loved infant son of Irene and James of Younger brother of Funeral on at 3 tntermenl Nassagawoya Presbyterian a KALEY William Bill At on Monday October William Bill Dear of Gloria Mrs Graham and grand father Mrs Bedford Funeral Service was held at the Funeral Home Barric on Wednesday November J 331SB THE LADIES of SI A W would like to this say Thank You to everyone who helped make our Tea and Bake Sate a success A special thank you Peter for use of his window to Also ly Thank you and for the lovely received while in the hospital and since returning home Your will long Ruth Marshall TO THE merchants of Acton The Golden Age Club of Acton wishes to say Thanks to all willingly donated prizes for our Penny Sale II was cor talnly much appreciated by the committee Acton Golden Age Club THE ACTON Women Institute would like thank all who purchased quill tickets Winner Miss Dorothy Simmons HENRY Janscnln lovfnt memory of my dear friend One thing II always cherish No mailer what life sends Is the memory Happiness had Just being friends a dear husband father and grandfather William Donald who passed away September Beyond the Always dearly loved by his wile Flo son Donald daughters and Sandra son in law Char grandsons Ross Todd JANSEN In loving memory a dear brother and undo Henry who passed away suddenly November 1 had all the world give I give It yes and more And greet him al the door Bui all I can do dear brother is go and tend your grave And leave behind tokens of love To the best brother God ever I like to think when life Is done Where ever heaven may be He be standing at the door Up there to welcome me God gave us our And He tried be fair And when He gave us ours We goi more than our share Although He took him home We arc so grateful for The Years He let him stay They say memories are golden Well maybe that is true But we never wanted memories We only wanted you Lovingly remembered by Dirk June Laura and David JANSEN- brother brother In law and uncle Henry who lell us one year ago on November To spot where he Is laid Ever remembered by Hilda Rick Sandra Patricia Peter ft Chrlsllne 305 CHRISTMAS Bazaar tea bake sale and silent auction Salur day November at 10 am a Trlnlly United Church Sponsored by the MURRAY Memorial YMCA Sal and Tea room Saturday November a m 33115 H ALTON Hills Public Libraries present Paul Company performing Once Upon a Mime Free enter for the whole family Saturday Nov Ham at Acton Library and at Knox Church Hall Georgetown GARAGE and Bake Sale sored by Acton Scout and Guide Association at Scout Hall Salurday November a Tea table and crafts Donations are welcome alter ST JOSEPHS regular monihly Friday the Church hall Admission and ENCOURAGING Responsll Behaviour A conference ranged by the Mar rlagc and Family Education Association on Saturday November a m A p the University Guelph Registration at 9351 I 1703 3330 AT Acton High School film presentation Wednesday November 9th 8 The Apprenticeship Dully Doors open at clock Refreshments avail 3PEN HOUSE at Arc Indus tries at Ave Hornby 35 pm pm 9 pm Thursday Nov 3 1977 Come and see our at work Do yoOr Christmas shopping here Beautiful Christmas gifts Refresh AUSTRALIAN ITE Emily Australian Wine Board will present a program on the wines of In trie Isabel Watson Room of the Nov from 7 33169 Gary pools band at Community Hall Saturday November 9 Tickets at door by ANNUAL and Lakeside Chapter I Saturday November p Legion Hall All welcome plan to attend 3316 HOHSE STALL PLANKS hemlock 9230 per feet special per 1000 lest 2n614 Hemlock regular cents por lineal foot special 19 cents per lineal foot plus Other on mqury Sam 1 5198243619 BE Sound TV Sales VS Main Si PIONEER CHAIN SAWS SERVICE SHARPENING ACS MARINE SERVICE CENTRE MAIN STREET NORTH ACTON 1682 DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF Adoptions Boarded Apartments for Auction Sales Camping Equipment Cards Trunks Carfage Moving Coming Events Coming Farm Equipment For Commercial Proper Legal Livestock Losor Strayed Personal Pet Stock a Kennels Produce CATIONS Reel Eitale Sports Equipment Employment Tuition Vacation Properties for Sale or Vacation Resorts vehicle lor Sale volunteers GARAGE BAKE SALE ACTON SCOUT HALL Saturday November 12 3pm Crafts TeatBbto endgames ALL DONATIONS WELCOME Call after PROCEEDS TO ACTON SCOUT HALL GARAGE AND YARD SALE RAIN OR SHINE Saturday November 12 at m at residence of Edgar Gtioso miles east of Acton on No Hwy Signa articles including an cello Duncan drop loaf table small furnishings kitchen suite wringer washer dishes linens kitchen utensils garden swing and tools RADIAL TIRE SALE FACTORY SECONDS NON ADJUSTABLE LIMITED SIZES Supply lasts Or til Nov CASH CARRY ONLY Tcakwood Open 1 in Ltd Highwiy lea Dune II 0000 18 Payments of 28 and a brand now T Is yours or pay cast Full warranty Call PAUL FORRES HAULAGE Top so I gravel fill and son APARTMENT TOTAL LINE Cosmetics now aval Acton Pharmacy cor and Main twin tub washer spin dryer 13S piece dinette set green and white HOMEMADE spreads SI RECLINING Chair with foot rest IW TV stand S mens Black Panther Bauer skates Moped COMPRESSORS and lc hoist alter 75173 BUDGIES lor at HOOVER spin dry washer Good condition alio swag lamps 33317 BOYS certified helmet boys and girls skates assorted sizes 33212 IKING washer and dryer excellent condition 5730 CHESTERPIELD Suites clearance prices piece sets as tow as call 3373 ELVIS Collector page Last Will and Tesla 11 page Memphis Press Scimitar Newspaper 37 page Tupelo Press Tupelo Courtly News drivers licence August concert ticket calendars and post cards For more Information cell Guelph SNOW site new 33190 NEW Billiard table Brunswick Wellington all ac Family trans fcrrcd Reasonable price BABY carriage bed and stroller 853 alter apm HOOVER spin washer Hoover dryer apartment Asking One year old 300A DRY bagoed shavings lor sale is per bag custom Lumber and Ltd Bolton Ontario 1683 PONY SADDLE Ma and 1 150 00 Me ski boots site child size Septic Pumping owned by Robert Noble Ltd Industrial waste pumping septic lank pumping Three trucks to serve you radio 656 or Gowns A specie simple gowns fror the fashion show Values I All reduced to and This Is an HISTORIC ACTON Is reflected m pages Free Press Edition Copies the I t a Press Ada for postogi If ordering by mall A real keepsake edition More early Acton photos REE I large drawers double box spring mattress large dlnnettc table chairs plus a black a while AC DC All this for only 1995 E Z terms Call EW bed Only Ca 8 box spring St doors shutters op es railings able 31581 goofed Mattress box springs Top quality mismatched patterns colors Coll 14639 ELECTROL Cleaner APPLES Macintosh Wealthy Duchess Also Windfalls a bushel Notre Dame de Beauregard Main SI of Maple AVe Georgetown CALF for lbs approximately 11 between id p daily HORSES BOARDED Box stalls dally turnouts Triple J 853 WESTERN Riding Lessons Horses Glnette Franks 6698 WESTERN Riding club days Public riding with reservations new trails at Wild wood Acres Norh of Wlldwood Manor 6852 34970 TWO YEAR old mare year old stud months old male 1478 YORK York boars lor sale Dennis McClure 147 RECREATION VEHICLES 1973 HONDA troll street bike lOOce original miles brand new battery helmets excellent condition NORDIC 1970 Snow cruiser lv69 Westeel double irollar As Is woo or best oiler alter a 21 RECREATION VEHICLES RECREATION VEHICLES THE RACERS EDGE LTD IS Halton Hills Recreation Vehicle Centre 1978 POLARIS Twin cylinder hydraulic disc brakes slide suspension ignition NEW POLARIS SIN STOCK Cobta Colt SS340 197BCobra340 Colt Coll IMS TXL WE ARE NO 1 in service in parts in sales is tune up time get it done before the rush THE RACERS EDGE LTD Bronte St Milton RECONDITIONED SNOWMOBILES 1976SOL9WIC 1971SrOwcm 1974F 1974Pr 1972 1972 1972 Nordic 1977 Polaris TX440 There is a Difference When you buy from THE RACERS EDGE LTD 32 Bronte St Milton WERE DEALING ON JOHN DEERE SLEDS Buy now on our finance plan pay no finance charges till March Between now and November 1977 you can buy now John snowmobile the easy way with John Deere Plan and no finance charges II bo imposed until March On March 1978 you may elect pay the remaining pal owing or the financing agreement with your John doalor A normal down payment is roquircd monthly inatollmonts begin- on 1 January 1978 See us for a good deal on a John Deere snowmobile Country Mart SALES SERVICE PARTS MARINE SERVICE CENTRE Mam Street North Acton FREE STORAGE For your Evlnrudo or Johnson outboard with spring up Afs Marine and Service Centre Acton 300 Good condition 1315 REBUILT Winter Waymoulh Cabin Cruiser needs rebuild 105 tip Chrysler out board never used It was rebuilt 877 after GO CLASSIFIED PET STOCK KENNELS CATHY CANINE oil grooming and pp Evening weekend ntmonta avail KENNELS ACTON HOUNDHAVEN KENNELS Boarding for dogs and cats For Dachshund puppies mlnlaturs smooth and wire halted Siamese teg tale rod color point kittens ANIMALS Ireelo good home 1 cat I kittens 1 flue month old pup For Information puppies purebred registered used children used to being out weeks old VEHICLES FOR SALE I VEHICLES FOR SALE LAST CHANCE THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE ON THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF BRAND NEW 1977 MODELS I FORD CUSTOM door silver metallic half vinyl tool engine power steering and brakes walls bumper guards do roster mitor whool discs duty suspension body aide mouldings Serial No MERCURY COUGAR 4 door dark brown automatic power steering brakes while walla defroster wheel discs COUGAR door hardtop dork jado w whito vinyl tool 302 automate power Moot brakes opera windows white wolls delrosior dual wheel discs Serial No FORD GRANADA 4 door dark brown match cylinder auto mane dofrostor Sena No MERCURY BOBCAT 3 door light blue match interior nder automatic white walls SonoINo FORD F10D PICK UP duty on power swing FORD F250 PICK UP Dork ado heavy duty suspension V gauges auto malic power swing mirrors front roar shocks ply tiros No DEMONSTRATOR COUGAR BROUGHAM door cinnamon gold blown inlanor loaded with including air stereo rad driven only SAVES1O00 CAR and TRUCK RENTALS LEASING MAIN ST IM ACTON TEL BRAMPTON 1761 PARK TOYOTA CAR OF THE WEEK North American sports car Sporty responsive and nlmblo make it an oaso to handle Powered by a 350 and equipped with power steering power and automatic plus a It wheel to you real sports cor feeling Come on In and ttoat yourself to driving lonco you boon Largest solociion of quality used cars in Halton Hills Toyota Toyolo Corolla 1976 Toyota Corolla dt Sedan Toyoia Corolla 1600 dr Sedan 1975 Toyota GT Hardtop Toyota Corolla 1600 outoamticBLU050 1973 Toyota Corolla Coupe 1972 Corona Sod 1972 Toyoia Corolla Coupe 1976 Comoro Coupe KKP077 1978 Ford FIDO Pickup Mercury Monarch 4 Sod 1975 Hornet Wagon JWX493 Mercury Monarch di Sod 197B Mercury Montego 2 Hardtop KDA825 1975 Ford Customized Van LSW347 1974Torno Wgn 1974 Ford Counor Pickup Grabber LKW426 Olds CutlossHYS129 1974 Austin Morma dr Coupe 1973 Plymouth Duster Sod DTY784 1973 Mercury Comot dr Sedan 1973 Bulck Century Wagon Cougar HTJ453 1969 Ford VanBMA438 1973 Toyota Corolla Coupe PARK TOYOTA HWY WEST GEORGETOWN ALL TOYOTAS ARE CREATED EQUAL PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE