Elora falls 92 to peewees Fergus takes 40 decision Acton major walked over Saturday but were unable to keep their winning ways going Monday as they dropped a decision to Fergus Acton was never behind In the game as scored first and took a 3 I lead out of frame Brian Canary got the first score for the home team taking the pass from Joe for Ihe score replied but Acton took the lead back within twenty seconds when Wayne McMillan got through from Canary Mike MeNabb scored the third for Ihe with just seconds left on the clock In the period Three points Acton scored all four goals in the second frame to open an Insurmountable lead Canary scored again from Paul Vermculen then McMillan took over with three goals In a row The first two were unassisted while Ken and Andy Cunningham assisted on the third McMillan netted his fifth of the evening from Vermeulen and Canary In the third earned their second point but Canary came right back with his third the assists going to Chris Lob- singer coach Bruce was turfed during the third period after a bench penalty and a misconduct Peewees shut out 60 Acton minor suffered their second shutout at the hands of Elnura last Wednesday dropping the game We just can seem to click sold coach Barry The were more successful against Fergus Thursday lying Ihem at on a third period comeback Trailing with just over a minute lo play Acton scored twice in seven seconds to cam the tie Paul Carglll was the first marksman sailing In unassisted while Lorenzo Civlero got the game knolter from Brad Tonight the peewees meet New Hamburg in the arena Saturday they play In Hes- pelcr The Acton Free Press Wednesday Nov B5 Town needs two advisory boards KAREN CHAPMAN PLAYED an aggressive defensive game to help Acton High to their win over the favored Trafalgar squad Monday in Halton quarterfinal action Georgetown recreation ad board wants a meeting with council finance and ad ministration committee In the near future lo discuss among Hunters bag deer Acton hunters had a busy weekend up north The Lucky II a local group went to where they bagged three deer and Bert Fowler and son Bruce were in Hunts with a group from that I own where they brought down six Members of the Lucky are Wilt Duval Herb Grant Wilhers Archie I on Km Don Anderson Tom Elliott Dave Mancj May Nellls and two hunlers from up north other things reorganizing a recreation advisory board in Acton The Acton board dls banded upset that council was not heeding their advice Mary said at last week board meeting that she really concerned about getting a committee for Acton Councillor Peter Moms told the board that Acton Councillor Peter Marks is interested In reviving the committee In Acton You people have done a lot of work I m sure a lot of prove merits have taken place and Georgetown is a lot belter off for you people meeting Acton is lacking from not having a committee Chairman Clare said he kind of a reception Georgetown people pushing for some thing In Acton would get Smith said she sometimes gels the impres that some members of council like the division in the two towns It works to their advantage and lends to foster these petty rivalries she said said the reason council didn see the need for a Joint meeting with the board last month is that Councillor Morris is now attending monthly board meetings Mrs Smith said she wants a reaffirmation from council on Ihe value of recreation Peter can t be a moulh piece for Us just because he comes to our meetings he got other things he wants to tag them about said Mrs Smith The terms of recreation advisory board members arc lo end In December but Councillor Morris suggested the board write council asking thai their terms be extended to March Curling Continued from page Ferguson Nan Hurst skip with Ann Cook Mary Smith and Lynn Franklin Scores after two weeks art Phyllis Patrick Susan Pitrick Helen Otterbein Gwen Tyler Shirley Hunter Kac Hansen Nan Hurst Mae Karon Short hill 0 Out of town spieling has begun and Wednesday November ninth Kae Hansen Phllih Patrick Pat Near and Ina Mellon enjoyed a ladies day In Guelph The Christmas party is planned for December does COOPER DAWS COST ACCOUNTANTS 103 Si or SALES and SERVICE W lit jii I I AC Hots OLYMPIC SERVICE 175 MR CONDITIONING HEATING For and rely on for new Gas or Oil Furnaces We are special sis in home comfort Heating and air con WE PROMISE THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN HOME COMFORT HEATING AIR CONDITIONING GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN Collis on Corners Rorroval Roc Rooms Custom ROY GALLOWAY CARPENTRY WORK Roc Rooms Decks DAVES and Roof ng to n I Workmanship CUSTOM CARPENTRY JIM HAH repair plywood cm to Located on 1 Acton CAR AND TRUCK RENTAL See us first when you need a car or truck rental for Bus Trips Hoi days ng Low Daily Rates and good mileage Main Si Acton 853 ACTON DELICATESSEN PANTRY BOUTIQUE M I St LEAVE THE CATERING TO US tor ovary ng Rocopt Slags But ngs Weaso makeup Meat Choaao Salads Sandwiches Pastry T ays Call M ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE SUPPLIES c Tanks WotlTlos Concrota Products Sowar P pa Pump rig HILLS IMPORTS 15MJ1St W Acton Spocia land C Wooden Cloth Itoms Com 12lo4 30109 Sai 5 Richard Telford I St Acton Monday rough All Day Family Cleaners AND SPORTSWEAR 13MHSI E FREE Pick vary JACK BEER GRADUATE LICENCE DUAL CONTROLS INSURED COMPLETE TRAINING Call OR LEONARD Dentil Su Queen Si Acton Ont niments phone 1300 STEEN OR A Mil St E 1900 icoss Ho so add G KEITH THOMAS 2636 S FARM SERVICE on mals PI a Guuph and FERGUS or PACONI Dead Slock Removal EAVESTROUGH SERVICE Cornploio sum HILLS Eioct Contract Hour Indusiral Commercial Resident ACTON GARY ELECTRIC Res denial Commercial Hour Sorvica TopsoO Sand and Gravel Also and GradorWork PETERS CUSTOM FARMING Spraying and haying Phone va labia lor week ends and On cud a I syslcn Reasonable THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT LLOYD DEPENDABLE SERVICE SINCE PH YOUNG ST ACTON SUPPLYING Petroleum Products For farm and home Heating Sales Servce Furnace Insurance Aval able Emergency Serv Fuel Oil Budget Plan HOME HEAT SERVICE I to Day Do vary Syslom Ions naroOl FflEEIIYouRunOui CottodFunacoOl E Mil Si E IE mm FLOOR Wo n and Wo w your loo or you tho equipment to do job vou soil J Frank phone Frodorck St Aclon GENERAL CONTRACTORS TAPING JOINT FILLING pa Es miles JOE SEELEN MILTON II terry Mcmullen general contractor SPECIALIZING IN Pdtos and stoops BUILT REPAIRED Stucco INTER OR OR TT BARR CONSTRUCTION WOODWORKING IRtpi Add turns ins Ivan Belbeck MITCHELL SONS Ft R 1 ACTON HILLS GLASS MIRROR Glass cut to Commercial Industrial Stockm Ropars windows Baseman picture win Open Monday to Saturday 900a 6 illlJIlJMJlJlTl WHITE WASHING Complete Reasonable Rates Cal Zenas Buehler Mud io and alto tons rooms addtw docks andpatiodoos CONSTRUCTION LTD Pool Decks HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ploato Co I ngs Stucco ITapna WRIGHT Phone Mode Blow Mail oil PATTERSON INSULATION til LANDSCAPING NURSERY STOCK LAWN ft GARDEN EQUIPMENT LAWN MOWER REPAIRS Dealer Elf Station Lowson lor Canadwna Si at dull H S 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Dealer PHONE PENOABILITY AiM PEOPLE MAYTAG APPLIANCES TRANSMISSION REPAIRS MILTON TRANSMISSION WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Man St Hon GUELPH UPHOLSTERY ma ly Aclon Uphol EjUoitso ng and no Sat arilocd FIRST LINE TV Phone 1057 lot stole and hours I WATER SOFTENERS Rent from When want he best phone Goo SPEYSIDE Welding Flo Est His Comma cia Ind si Fast oil ecu d ling modorn RoasonabloratDS WELL DRILLING