16 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec 1977 Hillsburgh United Hawaiian holiday for closing its doors r MrsWm Rupka gar by Doris Fine decorations and generally Mr and Mrs William helping out The program accompanied by their the cousins from Endicott New portrayal of different people York enjoyed a delightful and their idea of Christmas tour to Hawaii They visited done by several of the young the four main islands people and the singing of Kauai Maui and Hawaii and Christmas carols Declining membership in It was dismantled and set Hlllsburgh United Church Is up in Hillsburgh to bouse the ii amalgamated church A recent congregational Parantc Brownie Pack met at Brown meeting decided the few Owl Doris Swack hamers members could no longer home for a day of baking carry the burden of the StUulGQ cookies and making church Christmas decorations and Sunday school classes were area parents of gifts for the Senior Citizens dropped earlier this year school pupils ore for their Pack Good Turn this three youngsters were at Wng Wellington County Christmas The Brownies tending John a church to review recent spent two weeks sightseeing Mr and Mrs Ward Bruce also went on on observation director said about people conges in school bus routes in what they said was a visited for a few days last hike and saw many different support the church from because some children are beautiful country Another week with their son and types of animal tracks in the between 25 to 30 families travelling 17 miles more each week was spent In California daughter In law Carol snow On Dec they are in iini it than before where they rented a car and and Barry Bruce and their having a Bake and Craft sale H In I no HA on Ik United went to Santiago and Los two sons Michael and from to 30 p at the Angeles and drove along the Jeremy at Carp Ontario school to count on coast to Son Francisco where They also called on Dr Mrs Ward Bruce was congregation they saw bales of cotton that Charles and Mrs Sayers at hostess for the lravel to Erin had been picked Stittsville and visited with Ladies Aid The meeting vices The Erin Hillsburgh Mr and Mrs Earl Sayers and opened with a reading on T the church Christian Young Peoples family at Remembrance by Mrs Ralph building is undecided passengers before Bam and heads towards Ospringe group sponsored a spaghetti supper and Christmas program at Ospringe school on Saturday evening The Sunday Mr and Mrs Garnet Bruce visited with Garnet parents Mr and Mrs Ward Bruce on school In the afternoon the morning route is retraced School board officials defend the route because Sinclair The hymn What a The building is older than each passenger spends the Friend we Have in Jesus was the United Church which was same amount of time on the sung The study book was founded 52 years ago bus as anyone else taken by Mrs Gordon The structure used to be the The main reasons for leaders of the group Mrs Everyone is welcome to on What Canada is doing Congregationallst church in recent changes in routes is to HONOR CERTIFICATES were garnered by these four young ladies at the 4H achievement day Saturday at School Lila Dennis of Campbellville and Irene Wilson of Milton received Advanced Honors Yvonne of Milton was presented a County Honors cer tificate and Penny Ktrton of Acton was awarded Provincial Honors Ballinafad Bernard Mann and Mr and come and see the Christmas Mrs Fred say the concert on Dec by the young people deserve a lot of children of the Sunday School credit for all the work they of Knox Presbyterian put into It preparing the Church It begins at 7 p program putting up The First Ospringe Daughter born to Davison family by Ron McLean Diana Diagle and Gilbert lit the second Advent adoration In the bleak mid winter give Him your heart through the churches concerning food and money The roll call was answered by each member giving a reading or story The meeting adjourned with prayer and a friendly visit was held The grade pupils of Erin Brisbane Hillsburgh Ospringe and Rock wood met at school to hear and take part in an excellent program presented by Bra Morrison a folk singer from the Prologue to the Performing Arts in Toronto The pupils very capably took part and Mr Morrison said they had been one of his best and most interested audiences lessen the crowding on buses Family Christmases celebrated candle The junior choir prepared to lay it down before US Him of Mrs Winifred Smith It was the second Sunday in advent and the second candle signifying Hope was lit during the service at church on Sunday The Junior choir sang beaut the anthem I Believe It was announced that next Churchill Sunday would be family Sun da There will be lunch downstairs following the sen ice A Christmas concert will follow when Sunday School children will par ticipate Mr and Mrs Floyd Short ill Nancy and Jean and Mr and Mrs Grant Wnght and daughters were at Clifford on Sunday where they hod the annual Christmas time get to gether at the home of Mr and Mrs Stewart Douglas Mr and Mrs Bud Snow and two of their sons joined with other members of the McCalg families when they held a family Christmas gathering at a hotel in Scarborough on Sunday evening Friends and acquaintances of Mrs Percy White a former resident here will be pleased to know she is recuperating at her home in Maxwell after surgery delighted with a vocal and orchestral selection Sandra played the organ in the absence Audrey Hitching spoke on three roads to Bethlehem It is a journey of the heart Mary and Joseph went the way of necessity Jesus would be called tfct- wonderful councillor the prince of peace The way of the shepherds was the way of attraction The third road to Bethlehem taken by the wise men was the way of Him Congratulations to Jean Iarnle Davison on the birth of a daughter a wee for Mark and Timmic Also sincere sympathy to Join in the sudden dcalh of her father discussion and film on Farm Safety The students were very interested in the program which was presented by Michael Miller arm Safety Consultant representing Western Ontario glenlea drug mart Queen Street East 8532220 Store Hours MON TUES WED am to pm FRIDAY and SATURDAY am to pm SUNDAY Baptize area children by Joanne Turner The sacrament of infant baptism was observed at Churchill Community Church Sunday November Three children were baptized Brian Steveson is the son of Linda and Vern Denny It Acton Ann and Dwayne David are children of Nancy and Stan Acton Melody and Wilfred assisted as godparents Many guests friends and relatives of the Dennys and were in attendance for the occasion The regular morning service of Churchill the second Sunday of Advent was well attended Cheryl Page and Donald Anderson lit the Advent candle Mrs Eleanor was in the pulpit The junior choir s anthem was Ring Bells Ring The music next Sun day will be provided by the Junior Farmers choir directed by Pat Kerr The Sunday school classes are in the midst of Christmas lessons and preparing the annual Christmas concert Wednesday December Change funding Faced by debt charges of close to one million dollars for hospital funding in the regional community and social services committee wants the region to gtt out of its hospital funding role It the province to lake over he total cost of future hospital capital expenditures At present the region has the responsibility of raising debentures to pay onethird the cost of capital dl lures by public hospitals The province takes care of the remaining two- thirds This arrangement dates back to a county by law passed in June 1972 The committee decided to recommend council invesii gate the possibility of the pro vince assuming 100 per cent of future capital costs It deferred action on a recommendation calling for the repeal of he old county by law Committee Chairman Walter termed the Break in tried Would be thieves tried to break Into the Acton Medical Centre on Mill Street East last week Police discovered prying marks on the door frame on the building north side decision moving gentle stick During the discussion Milton Councillor Jim Kerr said with the advent of District Health Councils now was the time lo make changes in Ihe structure of hospital Members of the Churchill choir both juniors and seniors are practising special music for the annual candle- lighting service Sunday even December Please plan to join us for this always lovely and Impressive vice Members of the Acton fall fair ladies board held their Christmas meeting last Thursday evening After a dinner of Chinese food they returned to the home of Mrs Eleanor Thompson for a pro- gram and exchange of gifts Members of the Erin District high school band have been selling tree- ripened oranges and grape fruit to raise money for band uniforms The fruit arrived this week and band members are delivering their orders to l customers HINTONS Your One Stop John Deere Lawn and Garden Between Seasons SPECIAL i finance term no finance charge till April and no duo til May Buy the John Dears equipment you ve wanted garden tractor or a riding mower and the John attachment to go with it on finance plan Buy before 31 March 1078 and no finance bo Impoud until April 1978 On 1 Apr I you may elect to pay the remaining princi pal balance owing or continue the financing agreement with your John Deere dealer A normal down payment ia re quired monthly beg In on 1 May 1979 Saeuttodiyfor COUNTRY MART Lid Ac 3MftMMrMtefActM ATTENTION BUSINESS PEOPLE YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND FREE MOTIVATIONAL BREAKFAST OR LUNCH At this seminar you will be taught how to increase your memory abilities by easy to apply methods that have been successfully taught to over 2 million people Learn how to expand your comfort zone to be more com fortable and professional in business social and family situations Hear how to become even more productive and profitable facing the challenges of SEATING IS LIMITED LUNCH THURSDAY DECEMBER 16 NOON BREAKFAST- MONDAY DECEMBER 19 1977 746 A NORTH HALT0N GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB MAPLE AVENUE GEORGETOWN For Reservations Please Call 8772201 877 9901 Conducted by the Worlds Largest Adutt Training Organization DALE CARNEGIE TRAINING