Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1977, p. 24

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853- 2010 CLASSIFIED RATES CALL BIRTHS DEATHS MARRIAGES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES ENGAGEMENTS No Charge DEADLINE IS5PM TUESDAY FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC minimum fjo fo wo per wo Subsequent Insertions no copy changes minmum go lor 12 words per wo I here Iter discount allowed or cash payment BOX NUMBERS to this office 50 add tlonal DEAPUNE CLASSIFIED DISPLAY NOON TUESDAY REAL ESTATE MARKET PLACE AND WHO DOES IT DIRECTORY DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION FRIDAY 3pm The Acton Free Press Wednesday Dec Richard are happy thai God entrusted to their care a son Ryan William on December A Born at General Hospital A brother to Richard Kevin Karen Mar and Proud grandparents arc Mr and I T Van Mrs Pot Samuel J Suddenly on Saturday December at Georgetown Hospital Sam In Ms year beloved husband Yvonne and dear lather or Lois Mrs Keller New market John Ingle wood Elizabeth Mrs Betty Mae Stokes Georgetown and Fred Morgan of ion Also sadly missed by grandchildren Dear brother Jack Toronto Rested the Jones Funeral Home Edith Georgetown whore service was held Tuesday afternoon Interment Green wood cemetery In memory contributions to the Heart fund would be appreciated CARD OF THANKS help when window was broken at Holland Shop We dale It very much In loving of our dear Harry who passed away December Fondly remembered by The family FRYER In loving memory a dear grandfairtcr who passed away December 1971 Your memory is kept Loving Ingty remembered by his grandchildren HARRIS in loving memory grandmother and great grandmother who passed away December What would I given I could say Hello Grandma In the same old To hear your voice see your To you and chat awhile So you who have a grandmother Cherish her with care For you II never know I WISH to lends and relatives for their many kindnesses shown during my stay In hospital and since coming home and Acton Medical Group A special thanks to Van derBent lor his house calls Dorothy I WOULD like to thank relatives and friends for flowers gifts cards and good wishes on my Birthday I count my age by my friends not by years A very Merry Christmas to all Haiol Murray TOUT loving memory of a dear husband and lather Earl who passed away December 1772 Gone dear father gone forever How we miss your smiling face But you us to remember Nona on can take your place A happy home we once How sweet the memory still But death has letl a loneliness The world can never INI Lovingly remembered by Gall and Gary FRYER In loving memory a dear husband and father who poised December Silent memories keep you near As me unfolds another year No longer In our lives to share But In our hearts you always there Lovingly remembered and missed by wile Doris and family 3341a ACTON Citizens Band and Georgetown Choral Society joint Concert Sun day December IB IS p at Smith School Admission Free ST JOSEPHS regular monthly euchre day December 9 at m In the church hall Admission SI Special hoi day Lew of Rockwood Is the new representative for ch eiie Lynn of Canada for Rock wood Acton George town and Kllchener For further Information on selling Jewellery at home parties call 4773 THE SECOND Annual Meet ng of the Halton Alcoholism Drug Addiction Program Adapt to be held on day December In the classroom Milton strict Hospital p m The public is welcome 3310 rHINK PLANTS for Christmas Saturday December am 4 pm plant and gift sale lor Figure Skating club at Public School Main Street Hlllsburgh Bake table door prlie 35c ad miss on Free refreshments Plants supplied by Dance Holy Rosary Hall Emma St Friday December at m Sponsored by Central Ontario Old Fiddlers Association CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Flea Market Baked goods clothes crafts toys recipe books Acton Arena Satur day December 10 10 am 4 Acton Synchronized A Prolect ACTON BRANCH the Ian Cancer Society are sen ding their annual Christmas parcel lo the Princess Margaret Hospital and Lodge Knitting cakei cookies am preserves or any small gilt Items are welcome They may be left at Acton Home Furnishings or call 3873 or by Thursday December HALTON HILLS Public Libraries a Christ mas Swag Workshop lor adults Saturday December at mo Acton Library Participants are required to bring some supplies the workshop Is free charge Pre regis tratlon required SB HILLS Public Libraries presents an evening of magic starring Captain BUI For schoolers school aged chll dren and adults a mysllfying even for the whole family and a Christmas treat Friday December IS 4 30 pm at the Acton Library 7 at the Knox Church Hall This program Is free of charge sponsored by the South Central Regional Library System 35359 CHRISTMAS Dance at Ballln Centre Saturday December to Dance Country D per couple at Please provide lor pot luck buffet 33357 PINE PANELLING 12 18 pad flagutui per I boa d leal Special 225 per boa foot ONTARIO CEDAR 6 IB long Regular per boa d feet Special per 1 boa feet Plus taaes where applicable Saw 1 A BE Sound be via IS Mi Si Mil PIONEER CHAIN SAWS SALES SERVICE RENTALS SHARPENING MARINE ft SERVICE CENTRE MAIN STREET NORTH ACTON FISHER STOVE Our efficient and Wood Burning Hove ol high quality end available In models Discount or poisons pickup Call Else Matlh Tel Evening weekends days DIRECTORY OF CLASSIF CATIONS Adopt An mats Boarded nance For Rent Ant Apartments lor Auction Sales Births Boats Motors Bui Camping Equipment e Cards Thanks Cartage Moving Com Events Coming Marriages Livestock Lost or Strayed Deaths i Marriages Employment Wanted Engagements Pet Stocks Kennels Produce Real Estate on Rooms Board lable 83 Rooms pment Student Employment 44 Swaps 3 Tulon vacat on Proper lor Sale or Vacation Is lor Sale Volunteers LARGE rtjl SELECTION GREAT SAVINGS LOWER PRICES on Armstrong Cushion Floor and Solarian BR0ADL00M Bale ends short pieces discontinued lines some large enough for well to wall Installation included it required Ask for Mr Baker SNOWPLOWING REMOVAL Topsol sand and fill for la ways plus lowing ALWILL SERVICES Teakwood torn porta Open id Enar Clausen Lid ghway 7 flea mi lea SNOWBLOWING DONE IAINGS AND REMOVAL Can or FIREWOOD Faco Cord Cord Qua cherry apple and PORTABLE washer dryer relrlgcralar stove bullet hutch imitation fireplace In wh te lleldstonc complete gallon tropical fish aquarium gold velvet basket chairs malchlng bench 878 154S3 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood split and delivered Call 1168 or and removal by A Get to gather with your neighbours and get your driveways done cheaper ACTON is reflected In pages of the Free Press Centennial Edition Copies of limited edlllon are still available at at the Free Press office Add lor postage ordering by mall A real kecpsako edition More than 130 early Acton photos ROBERT Septic Pum ping Industrial waste pumping septic tank pum ping Three trucks to serve you Radio dispatched Call or 836 NEW WINCHESTER Model calibre air rifle match grade with extra slghls Price complete One used bolt Action Magnum case Rod and Reel Repairs Wo sell and rod blanks and components Real savings on quality sporting goods rods reels fishing tackle at so percent discounts Life lackets canoe paddles rain wear pack frames sleeping bags lightweight Lotus butane camp stoves roe waders All low overhead prices Open evenings Call Fletcher Sports on Line mile north of No ALUMINUM Storm windows doors mutters awnings can alllngi eaves troughs siding Reasonable MAPLE and birch firewood Call 1859 TOTAL LINE Cosmetics now available at Acton Pharmacy corner Mill end Main TWO 30 tractors 853 0388 STEREO 8 rack AM FM Multiplex Included Asking 33419 fish 1977 CHEV ton or ton box for truck Asking 00 APARTMENT spin dryer chesterfield and chair T stove china cablncl etc Willow St N upstairs Acton 853 Moving so everything goes Saturday and Sunday December and 33413 WORLD Book The gill never slop open Easy to use and read Ares Manager Betty 4737 x SOLAR Panels aluminum and copper while last Belfauntaln CRIB and mattress never used 33474 LADY Cross Country Ski Boots site suit siie 14 Ladys brown vetour coat slie IB 33447 FRENCH Provincial dining room suite Like new Asking SPACE heater gallon tank 8S3 ELECTRIC blender Toaster and coffee pot each ROCKWOOD Slocking fers Christmas ley away Drop In and browse Pearl s Variety WESTERN style saddle complete wllh bridle and blanket Asking Call alter p 33449 FOR Sale or rent wood spilt 877 80 CHESTERFIELD suites at clearance prices piece sets a low as Call MAKE paymonls of and a Panasonic color T Is yours Pre owned and guaranteed NEW pc bedroo set with double mattress box spring Only Call THREE luxury rooms of new furniture includes large sola chair swivel rocker Ottoman walnut veneer end tables coffee fable large living room lamps large dresser mirror chest of drawers double box spring mattress large dlnnette table chain plus a black while AC DC TV Ail this for only terms Call 8781373 DOLL clothes Barbie Cher and Baby Doll from cents 9443 NEW Van picture windows 00 tun roofs Tom port holes from 111 Georgetown Upholstering 877 BED chesterfields assorted Herculons and color only 878 J FILTER queen vacuum cleaner tils Parts and service At Home Vacuum Service 877 fireplace Haatalaton custom made BEAUTIFUL 4 piece chesterfield suite sofa bed chairs and ottoman only Warehouse Furniture Baker SI Guelph Phone 7110 per week easy credit plans Open nightly til SMALL pool table 1 cues sets of balls Excellent condition tils 853 3 BIG rooms of furniture pc bedroom suite and sofa and chair kitchen table and four chairs end tables coffee table lamps Warehouse discount fur nlture 38 Baker St Guelph Phone 7110 14 per week easy open nightly til 9 MARBLE chess game crib seat wardrobe high chair V Blade pr snow fires and 8 track car tape deck after pm EVERYTHING MUST All appliances and furniture Come check our basement sale for super bargains Records book crockery toys macromes planters and bicycles Road Acton USED Snowblower Toro a P cut Like new stage and chains Country Mart Ltd miles west of Acton 33445 FARM FRESH APPLES Macintosh Courtland Delicious Spy Ida Rod fresh pressed honey and potatoes Tuo Sat 9e m Sunday to Closed Monday Mil ton Hospital on Top quality hey up to 500 bales Musi be delivered GEESE large white and Ducks Muscovy and farm raised dressing every week end and dally before Christ mas Suggest the geese be ordered early for holidays mile north of highway on see sign 1139 or 1038 WANTED to buy top I clover hoy and wheat si APPLES Lobo Spy Cortland Wealthy Orange and pick Duchess at a bushel Cistercian Monastery of Notre Dame formerly Notre Beauregard Main SI south of Maple Ave Georgetown closed Sundays FOUR horse slock trailer 7 high completely enclosed also new livestock box for a holf ton pickup Warm dry ideal for pigs 878 oiler 15191 FORD In excellent condl Must sell B77 SINGLE pony harness and exercise cart good tlon complete 15731 WESTERN Riding Lessons from beginners to advanced Horses trained and or sale At Roy lonson Farm Call Glnelte Franks 877 SERVICE CLOTHING MARINE SERVICE CENTRE 262 Main Street North Acton TNT 400 A like new with bed trailer original miles Asking 3047 after TWO Skis plus trailer Good condition 877 SNOW Cruiser 1970 Nordic and Westeet double trailer or best selling complete 9691 between am and m or after USED Snowmobiles J DX 8 rebuilt 1974 J rapo Counlry Mart Ltd 1 miles west of Acton 853 3901 33444 1971 MOTO SKI WOO 8533814 Capri in 33442 GO CLASSIFIED RECREATION VEHICLES RECREATION VEHICLES THE RACERS EDGE LTD is Halton Hills Recreational Vehicle Centre This weeks special POLARIS COLT SS340 Twin cylinder hydraulic dbc brakes lost track NEW POLAHIS SIN STOCK SS340 TXS COLTS and LIQUID COOLED WE ARE NO serwee In parts In sales Today is tuneup Get it done before the rush RECONDITIONED SNOWMOBILES 1970aoUlcEkC 197SlsOA40TT Sk 1972 Arctic Cat 399 There is a fference When you buy from THE RACERS EDGE LTD Bronte St Milton PET STOCK VEHICLES FOB SALE It KENNELS MAIN E MILTON SAFE BUY USED CABS TRUCKS CHECKTHESE NEW ARRIVALS COUGAR BROUGHAM 4 Door hardtop deluxe interior fun luxury equipment A pleasure to only 1976 MONTE CARLO red Landau root matching interior Swing out bucket seal with tilt wheel Er air lion Only 1976 CADILLAC SEDAN Da VILLE only 33 miles Rod with white Interior vinyl oof JKH Sacrifice price 6175 THIS WEEKS SPECIAL MARINA 2 Door speed Econo mical Inexpensive Only 1245 Sorry no trade Ins on this special 1974 CHEVftTON PICKUP Economic insulated cap too We ro ready to make you best GALUNGER MOTORS LTD CATHY S CANINE all cod and Vote expo KENNELS ACTON ONT BOARDING Small Dogs puppies male block and tan re glstered champion stock Must sell price Alio Pea cock birds one year old 878 15037 POODLE female Clack pure bred ready lor Christmas awl alter TWO black Labrador pups for sale male female weeks old each PUPPIES lor Christmas Pure bred standard smooth black and Ian Dachshunds Registered All shots BM4501 FREE to good home week old puppies Part black 3144 PART Husky pups absolutely gorgeous for nominal charge weeks now but will keep until Christmas VEHICLES FOB SALE ECONOMY CARS To from at price you can afford Low down payment and Bank Financing MOTORS LTD PARK TOYOTA CAR OF THE WEEK TOYOTA COROLLA Saving is the name game It start by owning a Toyota end you win by saving on gas and repairs Take Vila low mileage 1975 Corolla 1600 two door sedan with lour speed transmission power assisted brakes AM radio end window defroster It a reel wnnor Priced to sell now Come In and drive away a winner Largest selection of quality used cars in Hills 1978 Toyota CoroBa door Toyota Corolla 1200 door 1976 Toyota Corolla 1600 door 1974 Toyota Corono 4 door Toyoto Corona door wgn LWR343 1974 Toyota Corola wgn HOW42S 1973 Toyota Corona Coupe 1973 Toyota ST 1973 Toyota Corolla 1200 Coupe Toyota Corolla 4 door FC0115 1977 Plymouth Vola re 1978CamBroKKP077 1975 Ford F3S0 Stake Truck Pickup with cap Mercury Monarch white FAX960 Hornet Wagon JWX493 1975 Mercury Monarch g LUP807 1975 Maverick door JOR679 Wagon HOU086 1974 Bulck A polo 1973 Pontine 1972 door 1971 Cougar As Is Toyota Corola Toyota 969 Chavetta 4 door 1FJ72MuatangDVW40a 19G6PontiocLEW04a Ford Van BMA438 GMC ton pickup a cy Under standard trans minion rear bumper body In good shape With safety certificate Ml 15445 1947 MERCURY bus convened Into camper needs some work Must sail moving 14 or best oiler PARK TOYOTA 7 WEST GEORGETOWN ALL TOYOTAS ARE CREATED EQUAL PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE FORD E350 passenger automatic power steering power brakes Interior AM stereo privacy glass New In April 87350 or best offer weekends 1947 VOLKSWAGEN Station wagon rebuilt motor haust heating system gas heater body good runs per feet Can be certified Also spare cor for parts All for John

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