LADIES ACTIVITY WORKSHOP WHATS AVAILABLE IN YOUR TOWN Here is a chance for women in the area to find out what is happening In I Acton through exposure to different physical activities This one day workshop will be filled on a first come first served basis Register at ihe Municipal Offices Mill Street E Acton WHERE Acton YMCA WHEN Thursday February 2 900am3 30pm WHAT Four one hour sessions Including exercises Those you should and should not do Modern Jazz Yoga Synchro Aquabics optional Rhythmic Gymnastics FEE 00 for the entire day 2 00 per half day Bring your own lunch Babysitting and a program will be provided for all youngsters J at a small additional charge For those women who work and cannot attend the entire day a fitness testing session will be held during the noon hour 1 3012 p m This clinic Is being held cooperatively by the Hallon Hills Recreation Department and Murray Memorial Call 8531540 for further Information NATURAL ICE RINKS This season the town will be setting up and maintaining natural ice rinks at the following locations These rinks will be weather dependent and will hopefully be ready for use In the new year McKenzieSmlth Middle School Acton Joseph Gibbons School Joseph Gibbons Park Harrison School The town will consider application from community groups for the setting up of rinks In other locations than those mentioned above Please direct all inquiries to the Recreation Department WINTER FUN DAY Saturday February 1 8th 1 977 Cedarvale ParkGeorgetown Here s a day to get you and your family out of the house to participate in Halton Hlls 1 st Winter Fun Day Activities will start at 1 1 a m Bring your own snow picnic Firewood will be provided if you wish to cook your lunch What could happen Snow Shoe Races Nature Walks Winter Photography Tobogganing Snow Sculpturing Watch for further Information In your local newspaper 2nd ANNUAL REGIONAL WINTER CARNIVAL ITS A FAMILY AFFAIR The date Is set as Sunday February 19lh 00 pm at KELSO CONSERVATION AREA ACTIVITIES WILL INCLUDE Donut Ealing Contest Museum Tours AND MORE Exhibits Skating Races Snow Sculpturing Snow Shoeing Cross Country Skiing Toboggan Races SET THIS DATE ASIDE AND WATCH FOR FURTHER INFORMATION IN YOUR LOCAL PAPER SUMMER EMPLOYMENT WITH HALTON HILLS RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT Anyone interested in working for Recreation Department this summer is asked to submit an application to area office by Friday January 13 1 This year we restructuring ou summer activities to include the following areas pre program A adventure sites G A A A day camp A summer activity centres A G weekend camping trips G A aquaticslG A In order to operate the above programs we are looking for people to fill the following positions 2 Summer ActivilyCoordlnators Leadership Development Supervisors 1 Camping Coordlnator Training Specialist Summer Activity Centre Leaders Day Camp Leaders Preschool Cenlre Leaders Lifeguards Cashiers for the pools A background In outdoor education Is a must for people applying to work at the Day Camp or Adventure Sites Application forms are available at any of the Recreation offices or pools All Ihose submitting applications to work for summer other than aquatics or park attendants will be asked to attend a program This program has been designed to allow a fairer evaluation of ap plicants Sessions will be held for three consecutive Mondays February 6 13 and 20th Those who successfully complete these sessions and whoshowgood leadership potential with children will be Interviewed Further details will be mailed upon receipt of an application Leadership Development Program The leadership development program Is open to teenagers 13 years of age ami over who would like to gain practical experience In summer recreation programs and training in developing their leadership skills This year provision will be made for any returning L I T s to incorporate them into a Senior Leadership Program Information and applications are available at the Recreation Department offices Deadline for these will be Friday January 1 3 1977 COMMUNITY RECREATION CONFERENCE Community involvement is a vital component in the provision of recreation services Not only does it allow the development of groups and organizations which provide recreation but it also keeps the Recreation Department Inlormed of the community s changing attitudes and lifestyles and how these reliect recreation needs of the com The Recreation and Parks Department is constantly attempting to realize and for this purpose a Community Recreation Con fprence has been planned This cm of course be of tremendous to the Recreation Department but what can this do for you it can help you belter organize and plan your group meetings it can provide you with an opportunity to information with other community and with the Department it can give you specific information on what local provincial and federal grants are available it can provide you with up information on the developing Master Plan for Recreation in the Town of Hallon Hills WHEN Saturday April 1978 TIME900am 500pm WHERE Gordon Alcott Memorial Recreation Complex Hall For further Information please call Karen King ext 61 or Anne 2ND ANNUAL RECOGNITION HONOUR EVENING In wishing to recognize the honour brought to the Town of Halton Hills by residents who have achieved provincial fame during 1977 Council is again requesting that any pertinent information relating to the ac complishments of such Individuals be sent to the Town of Halton Hills 36 Main Street South Halton Hills GEORGETOWN L7G to the at tention of the Recreation Director by March 31 st 1 978 Criteria used for recognition are as follows a that the person be a resident of Halton Hills at the time that the championship occurred b that the person achieve 1st place in a provincial championship or better c that the championship be won in an amateur activity unrelated to hisher profession Forms for such details can be picked up at the Recreation and Parks Department or any of the Town offices