8 Acton Free Pros Pec Ihe boat of hopes are to you a warm happy holiday with you hold near and dear L A EMBRACK AND STAFF Letters to Santa still pouring in Dear Santa We have been good girls I would like operation and my Bister would like a baby Comeback and I would like- Lego and my would like a set of I wbuld like a and I would like a Slinky too I will leave some cookies milk for you for Santa Mouse carrots for your reindeers too From Kim Tracy Dear Santa We t sec you in Acton Santa Parade as we were on St Float Could you please come to our house Eve Angela would to have Snow tc Talking Mirror Beverly wonts Baby Come Back Cathy likes Wonder Woman and Ed ward would like trucks We will leave a treat for you and your reindeers Thank you Santa Love Angela beverly Darrel and Edward How Is Rudolph My name Is Ian and I am 3 years old I have been a good boy On Christmas morning I would like to get 2 trains with trees and a tunnel that goes behind the trees Mr Mouth and a Merry GoRound School Bus please Thank you I will leave some milk and cookies for you and a carrot for Rudolph Love from Ian Thursday December IB Mr Santa Claus North Pole Dear Santa How is at he North Pole How is Mrs Santa Claus and Snowball and the Renders and the elves Dear Santa I have been very good I have put my big Christmas tree up and I have my Christmas tree up too Dear Santa I would like some Christmas book s and I would like a slide that Is all I want for Christmas Good luck Santa Claus I love you From Lisa What are names Thankyou very much for taking time to read this letter Yours Very PS I drew a picture of you it In the envelope Dear Santa Tanks for last years present 111 like this years presents also Love Robbie Dear Santa May I please have for Christmas work bench Six Million Dollar Man Big foot Race Snoopy Scooter Shooter and anything else you want to give mc Love Robbie Dear SantaClaus I am yrs old so my grandma Is writing this for me I got some very nice things last year and now I would like you to bring me a new bike My sister Tina and my brother Shawn would each like one too Please could I have another Mrs Beasley my other one is getting old I would like Sun Tan Tuesday and if you like you can bring me some more sister Debbie Is and would J like to have a doll and some toys Have a nice Christmas and a happy New Year Love Dennis and Debbie Dear Santa This is my picture of you and your reindeer I am good most of the time I would like you to bring an AFX Racing Set Man and a toy dog and work set My sister has been good too She would like a Thumbellna doll dishes My Baby Brother wants a Jack in thebox and a truck We will leave you and your Reindeer cookies carrots and coffee Merry Christmas Santa Love Christopher Jennifer Adam Dear Santa Thankyou for last year presents I m sure I enjoy this years presents also LoveJaney Dear Santa This is my Christmas List May please have Baby Come Back Alligator Shar some pairs of lea tarda Barbies Home Rescuers Game Subrlna and Jill dolls Easy Bake Oven Hair Styling Salon Nurses Kit Brush Comb Set Machine Snoopy Scooter Shooter Shopping Basket LoveJaney titoMgg-