Real Estate Show Place Nov Angus carried on a mixed farming operation he kept a Utile of everything but make much money on anything When I first knew him I hadnt he sense to keep my mouth shut and often put my spoke Into his farming business when It was not wanted I was to learn by bitter experience that Angus never talked much to people he did not respect At that time he had little or no respect for met You stick to the outouse news he told me sarcastically an when youve made first million yer can tell mo ow tar farm It would be wrong to give the Impression that I was entirely Ignorant as regards animal husbandry especially sheep My of course was derived from books I was long on academics and short on experience Naturally I looked forward to lambing time at the Hungrey Hundred When the little started to arrive I made a cautious survey from the barn door and tested the mood of Angus before entering Gradually I edged my way in until I stood beside the makeshift lambing pens What I saw had never been described In any the books I had read The sheep were not properly prepared for this most important event and hygiene was absent from the operations Fools step In where angels fear to tread In spite of the consequences this know Itall Limey Just had to open his big mouth Do you think we should clean them up a bit Angus Perhaps clip them a little around the rear end Angus grasped one of the rickety boards of the pen and painfully raised himself off his knees There wore bits of chaff sticking to the stubble on his face and sheep noodles clinging to his altered overalls I sensed he was about to explode I He limped a pace towards me and shook a filthy fist within an Inch my nose Another word out an I clip your rear end ml boot Git tor hell out hero The next night when I saw lights still burning In the barn I had the stupidity to try again Would I over learn that I was Just not wanted Unable to shake off my curlouslty I advanced stealthily towards tho lambing pens To my surprise Angus watched mo approach without one word of protest There was a ewe in difficulty and we stood and looked at the suffering animal In silence I was determined to keep my trap shut this time It was Angus who spoko Tried git the Vet he said Sonnavawltch away wont bo back till gotta do For first time It almost appeared as it he was asking ME for advice I looked his hands They were large and crooked with arthritis hands like that were not Instruments for delivering lambs What could f say Reading about lamb delivery and actually doing it wore two different things Do you want me to try I asked doubting my capability Angus thought for a moment and deep down inside him I knew he hated to admit defeat especially to mo His face twisted Into a combination of scorn and gratitude He shrugged his shoulders in helpless abandon Guess can wa3 all he could murmur I ran back to the house and raided my wifes first aid box Tnoro was Iodine an antiseptic called and a Jar of vasollno After scrubbing my hands I returned to barn Where eyes cannot see a delicate touch Is essential How does an amateur determine what Is a nose a knee Joint or a tiny hoof Thoro la no substitute for experience and although I have delivered countless lambs since that time I am still learning Thankfully Angus did not embarrass mo In my ignorance but loft me alone with my task After a while I diagnosed the trouble- tho front legs were doubled back One at a time I carefully straightened them Holding both together gently pullod little body forward with every natural birth movement of the ewe Soon I Ho lamb was expelled and I removed mucus from around Its nostrils and placed the new arrival by head the A3 she cleaned offspring the lamb s twitching and kicking became more frequent It was not long before it uttered its first plaintive cry and after several unsuccessful attempts was to on its wobbly logs Instinctively It began looking or the placo to foed I have never ceasod to joy at the birth of any living and I that moment was Indescribable Later that night as I tried to relax after a long day I was pondering on the strange character of Angus when I heard his voice calling me from the cellar of the house Don ho shouted In his high pitched voice Gimme a hand down here I was gelling tired his hard ungrateful manner Tired of being troated like an Ignorant lackey This time I was determined to give him a piece of my mind Descending Into dank I found Angus standing by a pile of old potato sacks and grinning llko a Cheshire cat There had to bo something seriously wrong with film smiling like that It was contrary to his normal attitude maybe his mainspring had broken and he had flipped his Id Reaching Into the pile of sacks he withdrew a bottle of whisky from its hiding place ere he said all nice and buddy like ve a drink More from surprise than pleasure look a small swig and handed him back the bottle He didnt drink himself but Just starod at me for a few moments wanting to speak but unable to find the words I clipped the sheep like said la that right I answered In a matter tone and was about to blast him when he spoke again I My anger melted away This was as close as Angus would ever got to a sincere apology on JohnsoH 2 MILL ST E finae 8532086 FAIRY LAKE AREA This split level homo Is located In a prime residential area and features bedrooms large bright kitchen living dning roc room with bar and It let on an ottiactlvefy landscaped lot with Asking 900 COUNTRY EXECUTIVE Nestled In picturesque countryside near Georgetown and tot on iconic acres this custom brick home Is surrounded by attractively landscaped grounds and features kitchen leading screened in family room with polio doors Irving room with Mono 2 baths rocroom and more ONLY perfect suite homo on attractive lot on a street This spotless bungalow features four bedrooms bathroom ergs kitchen den full high dry basement garage and a Try an offer INCOMEINVESTMENT Property rented and showing a good return located In Acton this duplex features one two bedroom or one three bedroom apartment Large lot good available on opportunity to lot your monoy work or Asking CUTE AND COZY lick bungalow is centrally located close to all bedrooms largo kitchen sun porch basement and would be very economics to maintain HOW ABOUT THIS overlooking quiet wooded ores and featuring three finished levels Including bedrooms master with ensure I baths I dining room family room with doors and laundry Priced TRY AN OFFER MUST BE SOLD Set on approximately acres of attractively londjcapod grounds this quolily split level features 3 large bedrooms baths ground floor family room with noplace walkout to large patio custom In kitchen separate Omng room roc room games room ground laundry double car garage and separate Must bo seen to ho Appreciated Asking FOR RENT 3 bedroom own house win walkout from room four appliances Included month available November