Rool Estate Show Place Nov The law and you These questions and on based on Ontario law are intended to inform and nut lo advise No one try apply or Interpret lav without la and vice of a trained expert who knows I he facts of an in dividual case and the law My wife and I are think rig of buying a new home If the house is put in my name only will my wife automatically be given a hair interest in he house as a result of the new Law Reform Act A The new Act restricts dealing with a house even if it Ism he name one spouse only if it is to be a matrimonial home The matrimonial home is a house used as a family residence During the marriage neither spouse can sell or mortgage the home without the other consent regardless of which spouse owns the house Upon marriage breakdown either spouse may apply for a court order for possession of the matrimonial home Finally there will be equal division of family assets including the matrimonial home where the marriage is legally ended or the spouses are separated and there is no reasonable prospect that the spouses will be living together again This equal division of family assets will be made regardless of the the assets by the spouses Your wife therefore will only be given a legal interest in one half of the house upon marriage break down but has other rights in the houie that arc protected during the marriage Q After ten ycors of marriage my husband has leftme twochildren age six and eight Can I get support for myself and the children A Under the new Act every spouse has at ion to provide far himself or herself and for the other spouse in accordance with need to the extent that he she im capable of doing Upon application court may order a person to pro vide support for his or her dependants and set the amount they will be required to pay The major changes In the law of support arc 1 Wives and husbands have an obligation to support themselves 2 Wives have an obligation to support husbands The obligation for support is mutual Support orders are made on the basis of need and ability to pay The court will consider all of the circumstances when determining the amount of support including assets and means of the person dependent upon support and the person who will be required to pay the ability of he person seeking support provide for his her own support 3 age and physical and mental health of the persons involved the accustomed standard of living when the spouses lived together Is it true that under this new law children can be required to support their parents A Yes the new law states that every child who Is over the age of eighteen has an obligation to provide support to their parents if their parents have cared for and provided support to that child and if their parents have need for support The child is obliged to provide support only Jo the extent that he she Continued on page Saxe 8772219 or Suptwi Sua Limitrt fltilm TORONTO LINE Side Split 900 bedrooms ocioslion loom laundry 1 and washroom An TALL PINE ESTATES TOP OF COURT LOCATION 111800 Lots of color selection left plus floor to ceiling fireplace deck from family room walkout rom basement to beautiful lot maples lumper a gardener largo cat in with vision of rear yard and firmly room Call Robin Fischer for your tour Custom Built Back Split Only 3 Years Old Thero is a lot of living space in this three bedroom back split oil features you need for family house eat in kitchen Irving room dining room and Urge family room off kit Give Coring DePaoli a call at 877 2219 to view HIGH ON A HILL COUNTRY COMFORT 3 acres northwest of Georgetown with a degree of rolling pasture land The house has everything to make it comfortablo in winter spring summer or fall so all you have to do is call John Caton and I bo there to show you your future homo Price Stephen P Saxe Limited Realtor Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario Tom Cooper R l Robin Fischer 877 John Caton 8776564 Eleanor Langdon 2493 Norm Sinclair Howard Caton 838 Transferred Top of Court Location pool fnished room in cupboards and book Ives homo angle car paved a Coring DaPaolf Stolp 2180 Don McMillan Wendy