RealEstateShowPlaceNov151978 Small business schemes look before you leap Close liaison Earn big money In your spare time Just a Tew hours a week can net you a fortune with our revolutionary franchising concept in solar energy No experience neces sary Minimum invest merit required Wilt train People always want or need more money Rising prices unemployment inflation these conditions certainly add to that need but no matter what the economic situation Ihecveryday consumer never seems to have enough And thats why In most daily newspapers you can find columns of advertise ments like one above imploring readers to take Advantage now of some ant is tic new guaranteed business opportunity Most are spare or part time opportunities with the promise of huge rewards for very little actual work The investor needs no special talent or ability just money The ads always sound good too good Business opportunity schemes Not all business tunllies of course are schemes Many ore well thought out enterprises with every chance of success For many however the only real opportunity offered is the chance to lose your money The schemes can involve virtually any type of financial dealing vending machines product dispensing distributorships part time commission sales or multi level pyramlnd sales organ I Almost anything can be ranch ised All it takes Is a fast talking promoter Look out Remember make money In your spare time you have to have two elements your time and talent and a product or service which people will buy There are no short cuts ho matter what the ads say the only way to earn money is to work for it Watch out for advertisements telephone pitches or face con Sac Is which promise large rewards for little work require a sizeable up front investment SI or more for training or mer the remarkable and unique virturcs of sonic product or that is already through other nutlets it promise unlimited future training prospective investor to IxJuve he or has been selccted that the opportunity is open for a limited time only Questions ask Before you invest your money in a business ask the right questions and demand satisfactory answers Heres what to look for How long has the com pany been in business If it is just starting up or doesnt have a proven track record youre taking a big chance with your money Is It a new franchise using old ideas already exhausted by others or is it a brand new product or service Is it based province or in another country If Its in a different Jurisdiction It will be difficult If not 1m possible to recover any of your investment If the operation claims affiliation sponsorship or association with a larger or well known company check it out Dont take the promoters word on anything Look for solid references and check these out Again if there are claims of affiliation with such organizations as the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce well known individuals or banks check it out Ask to sec the company financial records A negative response may be an cation that they got some thing to hide If they do open the books check their validity with an accountant your own not theirs Ask how the company makes its money If it a franchise you re about to invest In make sure the company is making money because its franchisees arc doing not because they are constantly selling new franchises See pamphlet Franchising Facts avail able by writing to Consumer Information Centre Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations St Toronto What is the demand for the product or service being promoted Would you buy or use it yourself If not probably no one else will cither Verify any claimed market surveys Are others making a success of the business Investigate on your own and get your own names of others involved If the promoter offers an exclusive territory deter mine just how exclusive It is Is It marketable Is there competition from others selling a similar product or service Is the area defined by geography or by kind of marketing support is promised Are advertising plans adequate Who pays for advertising about distribution Can you rely on a steady supply of goods sell Does the company manufacture he product or just distribute it If it is a distributorship here is the danger of being cut off or undersold Is there a buy back agreement for goods How certain are that the company will still be when you wan to return the goods Can you sell out If the business proves able Is there a minimum of stock thai must be purchased mlcrvila Is servicing or repair of the product provided At what kind of training promised and provided Ask or Mailed description in A operation will have to of these questions lit wary of hesitation evasion or fast talk Work at home schemes The ad reads Earn a week stuffing eve lopes Just will set you up with your own work home business How can you lose Its a great way to earn extra money and if you really work hard why you could probably earn as much a week You can lose all right because what you get for your Investment is usually nothing more than a leaflet telling you how post a notice in your local super market or laundromat Or might describe how to write to companies Informing them youre willing stuff their envelopes for a fee Youre paying for useless Inform and the advertiser is getting rich Any large firm already has an adequate envelope stuffing system or uses the services of another company which specializes in stuffing and distribution You cant compete and you ve thrown away Other schemes Include purchasing raw materials or certain basic manufacturing equipment to enable you to work at home on a piecework basis The company promises lo buy back all acceptable finished products And that s the catch No matter how good your product Is it won be acceptable The company never in tended to buy back anything In the first place They made their money by selling the initial material or equipment Match out That s the real message Check and doublecheck every facet of any business you re considering putting money Into Be on the lookout for a business that requires an investment usually payable in advance exaggerated promises of assistance in the way of marketing aid training and advertising the fact that youve been selected or hat the offer Is good for a limited time only and probably the most obvious clue the promise of large profits for very little work Anything can be promoted all it needs is a fast talking salesman to sell it And its the promoter whos making the easy money not the investor The person putting up the money still has to make the business work And before you invest hire a lawyer and an accountant and make sure any contract signed will stand up In court- chances of getting back your investment arc low especially If the company you invested is based In another jurisdiction Before you invest remem old adage believe no tin UK hear and about half of what you see Itrgional Offices on this and other lie obtained from ministry of con sumer and commercial lions Contact the Continued from page of conduct and ethics First board The first board was formed in IB03 in Winnipeg followed IS years later by the first in Ontario Windsor By mi boards had been established In major centres across Canada and by 1B22 the was founded he said The early role of the boards was to provide formalized education and gradually the law of the jungle was forced out of business he said established stand and lobbied for a licence law the first of which passed In 1330 He said the Ontario board was recognized as one the ten best in North America where there arc CO licencing agencies Control After his address Johnson lold reporters hat the governments announced intention of extending rent controls 1980 is a mis take Under the proposed legis lation a six percent ceiling would be set on rent In creases Tenants do need to be protected and there are pro grams for them Johnson said but not In a free market He rent controls are needed when the vacancy rate is in excess of three percent He noted that In Brampton the vacancy rale is one and a half percent In Georgetown the vacancy rate Is estimated to be below one percent It has been clearly that a three percent vacancy rate would allow the market to function he said Rent controls causes distortion In the market and encourages people In sub sidized buildings to stay in them longer Such people dont become house buyers and help create a glut on the housing market Johnson said a letter had been delivered that day to Premier William Davis asking that the recently intro duced legislation not be rushed through the leg is but be studied in depth in committee The Ontario association has started to prepare a rent control study paper and may present a full brier later to government he said Only Hamilton Ottawa and Toronto and possibly an isolated area would require rent control he said Condominium Commenting on proposed legislation for condominiums Johnson told reporters there Is nothing about the legis that he doesnt like Im very pleased with the proposed act In its present form The proposed legislation protects condominium owners In that it allows speedier processing of their complaints he said bureau tl you The law and you Continued from page compile statisties tilled mortality tables to figure precise el of mm give a lifelime of life insurance protection Thus out life while the sou will sail mono long run There is only one thing worse than being in a car accident md Ihal is being in an accident where the other driver is at fault but has no insurance What docs Ontario law say is required of a driver In of insurance Ontario has compulsory insurance law which requires all drivers to be Insured under a motor vehicle liability policy If you do not have this standard form of Insurance you must at least have paid fee Into the Motor Vehicles Accident Claims fund But note This Is not an insurance policy It will only cover any damage you arc responsible for up to Anything above Ihal must be paid by you As well you must pay back the fund any monies they put out on your behalf Your licence can be suspended until you make o pay back all judgements and costs So while a person may think they can not afford Ihe insurance to drive they may find thai hey are saddled with a court judgement which Ihcy may spend real or their life paying back 8775211 REAL ESTATE LTD PERSONALIZED SERVICE OUR SPECIALITY BORDERED BY GREEN DOWN I if 900 well ma mo omul and Jim 8777551 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES We have a number of vacant available Renting from 175 to 350 monthly Call For Mora Datalls 8775211 MAIN STREETS GEORGETOWN Toronto Line 4533911 John Clark 8776854