The Acton Free Piess Wednesday May2 1979 mil win Just two or man young purl In Mug flunk unite n I mid it mure a il sunn groups did Ecomomy unity continued from page 3 prist Mr of fitt was a primt example of cowboy fie pointed out if tilt post office was open to pnvatt enterprise rural delivery would suffer would be willing to take urb an services but not out in the country be lit taxpayers paying for rural We have to look he urged Mr Ritchie asked iw one took a privilege of mill and he other benefits the Mr Black blamed the unemployment Inures for strikes across the lit chimed there wire less man days strikes than in absenteeism and injuries working art dissatisfied with the million and gams this he said Miss said she peoplt joining unions hut Ml tilt im to hire and fire as l even that is ii if starting up a union nl laws an who is starting up a union cannot be go from his The government should lis sUpptrt people who go to work dur inc a sinkt in order to keep the Mr thalltngcd Mr Blacks si itunent lost man hours lit I lamed radicals like leaders fur most of the problems has three solutions to the labor pnbltms has a members bill before the House of Com now industry wide bargaining He explained that instead of dealing with different de pigments the entire com should be at Another suggestion Mr Jehnck was to Inrgam ltfort the were up rather than wait until a strike hold up the His third suggestion is to have billot vol so individuals would not have to fear the union leaders by voting their wishes He also hinted tint until such meas were the right to strike should be taken awiy Mr said he does not be in tht workers He milted have done a lot go but somt leaders said arc low out if line He Is concerned about tin unite combination of right monopolies on suth as the pst office himself has Private Members bills before the House rtcommtndint system one rc- secret ballot t The evening was spot sored by the Chamber of Commerce with ibout people attending Officer who shot self gave no sign of strain by I I region police who committed suicide the grave of his I irl herself sin tide week earlier gave id ignsht was under un due strain thairniaii com told reporters Unstable Harry Mac I maid of Hamilton joined Hal ton police in On 17 be drove his police cruiser to the where his girl friend buried and fired his net revolver twice into his own chest after firing twice into the ground according to eye witness reports MucDonald is on his first shift back it work after five days leave Mayor Barrett said an investigation had been tamed nut ti see if numbers t ponce forte id itttd proptrly find with lie find it vtry diffi cult it not impossible to know what goes through an individual s mind Barrett said was accompanied by an officer on Ins duties as a compassionate thought siidtht polite commission did nut change in polity about fatalities or feel no further as could been offered the mayor said families have our sympathy Mayor Barrett slid all art subjttttd to psyth psychiatric and constable record showed he wis above It Const iblt aid had requested or if i superior officer jested It it would have been granted Mayor said But there was no indication help wis requested Police thief Kenneth said that in i incidents in the past involving family counselling is arranged for Us not unknown SPRING SPECIAL LAWN CLEANUP AND WEED SPRA YINQ COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE ANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PHONE FREE ESTIMATE ORANGEVILLE RACEWAY HARNESS RACING Post Time Thursday Evening 8pm Sunday Afternoon Trloctor Exactor WigMlns Air Condhlonad Croatian Centre squeaks through By ii one vote margin Hal ton Hills planning board voted to ahead with a permitting a social cultural and recreational on 160 acre parcel of lind owned by the Croatian Franciscan Custody The land is loc at inston Churchill Boulevard and close vote could be overturned by Hills council since Coun allure Marilyn Serjeant son and Les were Wednesday night K Webster solicitor for Cordoni Bum A Roberts and Stan said he wanted to deal sptelfi with the develop ment with no emotional involvement He described the proposal as institution development of mas sivesize andsaid2000to people on weekends would be in intrusion on a rural area Tht lawyer claimed the soil was prime farm land development and deter the expansion of surrounding farm opera lions claimed the Region of vehement in stating the centre does not comply with their plan He said parking for 815 ears would cause dust and said Hit application of calcium chloride would take the land out of farm log use for ever He claimed there would be little benefit to the town except perhaps use of the recreational facilities and said there would be no way of enforcing it Webster claimed tht dust noise and traffic did not belong in a rural urea He reminded their function is to encourage the greatest benefits for the greatest number He concluded by asking the report by the town planning depart men which recom approval be Planner Bnun Kropf to a question by the mayor said the type of surface on the driveways ind parking lot tan be established by the town Included an Planner Mario added that maintenance in bt enforced by the lown doing the work and charging costs back through taxes Councillor George said he had been told there Is a fairly high noise level from the land owned by Croatian Custody right now be fore they have even de veloped area He pointed out noise carries further in the country Kropf said most of tht activity would be from mid morning to early evening on the weekends He pointed out he had ad vised the activity areas should be located in a cluster in the centre of the 100 acre parcel so would not be close to any boundary said the Ukrainian Camp on the Fourth I me has these type facilities wtl back and there have been no noise complaints I keep hearing the facilities such as tennis courts volleyball courts soccer field and swim ming pool will be open to the public how do we know this asked Coun Miller Kropf explained the matter has been discus ed with the Recreation Director and the owner have agreed to include this in tht agreement with the town Councillor Hoy Booth maintained Ihe proposal was in the true sense f the word He pointed out there is picnicking gome on there now He said the planner claims it conforms to the Official Phn said he would like to see controls such as an agreement Councillor Harry Levy asked if the proposal docs not conform to the Plan The planner said only some of uses such is the community hall and intensive use athletic field would need amendment The swim ming pool minor parks and the picnic arta would not need an amend Levy slid was going to plan be cause the need for retaining firm land and the must traffic fei lure Count Pat Patter son burst out Levy would not give the tsttil Group a ir when they wanted to retain prime land in their battle with Hydro Mayor Pete Pom troy said if he owned a farm md wanted to put soccer field for his own use no one could stop him nor could thej stop him asking he pleased to use it feel there no can stop ihis group having large scale activities He said the Croat are here and are neighbors who own the land and suggested a high fence for buffering noise as well proper siting of the activity The planners pointed out acoustic studies were Continued on Page twit Watch for Program Listings on Cabin for Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday Frontier Florist Garden Centre 8222361 Floral Designs Weddings Funeral Plants Now Available SHRUBS PEAT MOSS SEEDS FERTILIZERS ETC PERENNIALS SPECIAL OF WEEK Boston Ferns working again A MILLION CANADIANS ARE OUT OF WORK People who are able to work willing work and ready to work cannot find jobs They are losing the dollars and pride which work brings Canada is losing billions of dollars worth of pro labour A DISGRACEFUL PERFORMANCE Our official Unemployment statistics reveal the pitiful performance of the Trudeau government In late 1978 Canadas unemployment rate of percent was higher than Italy at percent the US at 60 percent Britain and France at percent Germany at 3 7 percent and Japan at 5 percent Only the United States compares to Canada in the natural resources avail able to its citizens It is a measure the state to which Trudeau has reduced Canada that one of the strongest tries in the world has one of the weakest employment records TRUDEAU IS SATISFIED Trudeau has demonstrated his satis faction with Canadas unemployment situation Last election Trudeau promised A job for every Canadian who wants one Last winter there were 30 people looking for every available job In 1977 said in Toronto If its just a job you want my heart does no bleed for you Dunng the second week of this campaign Trudeau told an audience in Cape Breton where unemployment is per cent Dollars and jobs are not all that important for human beings Last week he We have some unemployment but its not the disaster that the figures are interpreted as being We will not reduce unemployment until we replace Trudeau with a government which cares GETTING CANADIANS BACK TO WORK IS A PROGESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PRIORITY We believe that this can only be done by taking immediate steps to stimulate the private sector Government make work programs are not the answer A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT WILL BOOST CONSUMER SPENDING Increased consumer spending will create by making it possible for Canadian industry to produce more goods To encourage consumer spending a Progressive Conservative government will Cut personal income taxes for lower and middle income Canadians by at least billion dollars a 300 dollar saving for the average Canadian Allow partial mortgage interest and property tax deductions from income tax over a four year phase in period The new homes that peo pie will buy as a result of this mea sure will create over 100 jobs n the construction industry ENCOURAGE INVESTMENT AND EXPANSION Investment is a crucial factor in job creation and economic expansion In order to encourage Canadians to supply the capital required to start new businesses and expand existing ones a PC government will Offer a tax credit to a maximum of 5000 dollars a year lo individuals investing in a Canadian small bus ness Restore an atmosphere of in which all companies are willing to invest Canada again TAKE MEASURES TO ENCOURAGE SPECIFIC AREAS Encourage foreign car makers to use Canadian parts so as to create more jobs the independent and Canadian owned parts industries Encourage manufacturing generally We import enough manufactured goods to provide jobs for 850000 dians We must produce more at home and we will with a PC government Canada is one of the few countries in the world which has the ability to supply all of its own energy needs A Conservative government will ensure that we do so by 1990 This will give us a competitive advantage in the world which will create jobs YOUNG PEOPLE ARE PARTICULARLY HARD HIT BY UNEMPLOYMENT The unemployment rate for young people is almost double the national unemployment rate Many Progressive Conservative policies will provide job opportunities to meet the needs of our young people Our commitment to expand research and development activities in Canada will open up thousands of opportunities for our highly educated young adults For Canadian youth with and entrepreneurial drive we will assure that they have access to financial backing from federal lending to set up new businesses We will reorganize and redirect job creation activity to give private employers a real incentive to hire beginners UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE MONEY CAN BE BETTER SPENT Oniy per cent of unemployment insurance funds are spent to create employment That doesn t make sense A Progressive Conservative government will redirect unemployment insurance funds to help employers create new and permanent jobs wh would give on site training to unemployed Canadians A Joe Clark government ML will gel Canadians working again IIVll HALTON OTTO s PERRIN BEATTY Lets get Canada working again